How To Reheat Brownies (2024)

One of the best parts about making brownie recipes is that there are going to be some of those fudgy brownies leftover to enjoy later. This means that you'll get to enjoy that fudgy treat over and over again.

But what happens after the homemade brownies are stored? If you want to enjoy your delicious brownie warmed up, you need to learn how to reheat brownies the right way. Why settle for anything but the best brownie leftovers the next day?

How To Reheat Brownies (1)

What is the best way to store leftover brownies?

First and foremost, let's all understand that no matter if you like hot brownies or cold brownies, all brownies are delicious.

The key to storing all types of brownies is that you need to let the hot brownies turn into cool brownies first. This means that they need to cool down all the way before being added to an airtight container.

Keep them stored at room temperature for 1-2 days.

Are brownies better the next day?

Different varieties may taste better the next day. This is all in your own personal preference. Some people find that room temperature brownies taste better after sitting for a little bit of time.

As long as they're not dry brownies, I think that they're delicious the next day as well. You can't go wrong with a brownie slab that is cooked to perfection and just waiting to enjoy.

How do you keep leftover brownies moist?

No one wants dried-out chocolate brownies. No one. To avoid hard brownies, the best option is to add a couple slices of bread at the top of the container or jar that the brownies are stored in.

The bread actually helps to add some extra moisture into the container in an effective way, keeping the brownies nice and moist.

Who knew bread slices would be the key?!

How to Reheat Brownies

Now that you know a few tips about leftover brownies, let's talk about the best way to reheat a cooked brownie or a big batch of brownies.

You actually have a few options when it comes to reheating regular brownies. All will give good results, but they will vary.

How to reheat brownies in the microwave

A great way to get a warm brownie fast is to reheat it in the microwave. Make sure that you use a microwave-safe plate and reheat for 30 seconds. They should be nice and hot after that amount of time!

The good news is that the microwave is fast and you'll get a warm or hot brownie fast!

This is a great option to reheat individual pieces.

How to reheat brownies in the oven

You can also place brownies in the oven to reheat as well. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and then heat the leftover brownies for up to 15 minutes of time.

The high heat may warm them sooner than that, so keep an eye on the slab of brownies so that you don't overheat them and suddenly be left with stale brownies.

Reheating in the oven is great for big batches of brownies or even store cut brownie squares that you're wanting to soften up a bit.

How to reheat brownies in the convection oven

If you don't want to reheat brownies by prepping the oven, you can use the warm setting on your convection oven as well.

This won't get them super hot, but it will keep a pan of brownies warm right after they've been baked or help to heat up those leftover gooey brownie pieces slowly so that they don't overcook.

How To Reheat Brownies (2)

How do you reheat frozen brownies?

Believe it or not, but you can actually reheat frozen brownies! Without having to thaw them!

Just add the frozen brownies to the microwave and heat them in 15-second increments. This is an effective method and a fast one to get those sweets in your belly fast!

Should brownies be served hot or cold?

That is ultimately up to you. It's no secret that an amazing brownie that is warmed up just literally melts in your mouth - and that is one flavor and taste that you'll crave over and over again.

However, if you like room temperature or cold brownies, eat your brownies in whatever way makes your tastebuds happy!

Delicious Brownie Desserts

  • Extra Fudgy Cosmic Brownies
  • Peanut Butter Cup Brownies
  • Thin Mint Brownies
How To Reheat Brownies (2024)


How To Reheat Brownies? ›

What's the best way to reheat? The best way would be to put it inside of a toaster oven at 350° for 5 or 10 minutes or until it reaches your desired temperature. That will allow the brownie to keep its crunchy exterior. A microwave works by exciting the water molecules within the food.

How do you reheat brownies without drying it out? ›

Cover with Foil: Wrapping brownies in aluminum foil can help retain moisture. For individual slices, lightly tent the foil over the brownies. If reheating a larger portion, cover tightly to trap the steam. Damp Paper Towel Method: For microwave reheating, place a damp paper towel over the brownie.

Is it okay to reheat brownie? ›

You can also place brownies in the oven to reheat as well. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and then heat the leftover brownies for up to 15 minutes of time. The high heat may warm them sooner than that, so keep an eye on the slab of brownies so that you don't overheat them and suddenly be left with stale brownies.

How do you freshen brownies? ›

Place a couple of pieces of white bread over the top of the cut-up brownies in a sealed container, such as plastic Tupperware. Leave it to sit overnight.

Should leftover brownies be refrigerated? ›

Do Brownies Need to Be Refrigerated? Brownies don't need to be refrigerated, but they'll hold up a few more days if they are. Unless your brownies include more perishable ingredients like fresh fruit or cream cheese frosting, they'll be fine at room temperature as long as they're stored in an airtight container.

How do you keep brownies moist for the next day? ›

Airtight Containers

Use parchment paper to layer brownies into an airtight container for best results. Tip: When storing brownies in an airtight container, add a slice of bread in with them. The moisture from the bread will help keep your brownies fresh and soft for a couple more days.

Should brownies be served hot or cold? ›

You can't have a brownie at the wrong temperature, any way you got em they're good. That's the joy of brownies. Making brownies means you get your brownies raw, and warm, and cool, it's a win win, win. You can't have a brownie at the wrong temperature, any way you got em they're good.

Do brownies get better the next day? ›

If your self-control will allow it, we highly recommend eating your homemade brownies the day after you've baked them. Unlike most baked goods, chocolate brownies actually taste better the next day. It's thought the cooling time allows the flavours to meld together and lock in.

How long to microwave a brownie to heat up? ›

We would suggest reheating for 20 seconds at full power, then checking the brownie and heating in 10 to 20 second bursts until they are warm all of the way through.

Should you cut brownies when they're warm? ›

Wait until your brownies have completely cooled to room temperature. As brownies cool, they will solidify and set up, so slicing into them too early can result in brownie squares that fall apart or become a mess very quickly. Note: I don't recommend slicing baked brownies until just before you plan to serve them!

How to recook brownies? ›

Place the cut brownies on a baking sheet, leaving some space between each piece. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 5-7 minutes. Check the brownies to see if they have regained some moisture and their texture has improved. If not, continue baking for an additional 2-3 minutes.

Do brownies taste better in the fridge? ›

If you want to store your brownies for up to a week (or if you like your brownies a bit fudgier), then storing them in the refrigerator is the way to go. If you will be storing brownies for longer than a week, you'll want to freeze them to retain their freshness.

How do you keep brownies gooey? ›

Use the right amount of fat: Brownies need a good amount of fat to keep them moist. Ensure that you're using the recommended amount of butter or oil in the recipe. You can also try using melted chocolate or adding a little sour cream to increase the moisture content. How do I make box brownies moist and chewy?

Can I eat week old brownies? ›

You can keep brownies in the fridge for up to one week on average. You might want to do this if you add sour cream, cream cheese, or any other perishable ingredients. Store brownies in the freezer for up to 3 months, wrapped in aluminum foil, and stored in an airtight container.

Can you put warm brownies in the fridge? ›

Yes, it certainly is OK. Just make sure you wrap them in plastic, or put them in a sealed container first. Otherwise, that frost-free refrigerator will suck all the moisture out of them, and impart odors into them.

What to do if brownies are too soft? ›

Solution: if you still think they're too soft once cooled, cook them for a few minutes longer next time. But first, pop them in the fridge overnight and have a bit of faith.

Can I put cooled undercooked brownies back in the oven? ›

Put the brownies back in the 300 degree oven and bake until a cooking thermometer reads 195 degrees, or about 30 more minutes. Finally, you'll cool the brownies for 30 minutes in the pan, then for 10 minutes on a cooling rack before slicing with a pizza cutter (my favorite tip) and serving.

Why are my homemade brownies dry? ›

If your brownies are turning out dry, it's for one of two reasons - either you've overcooked the brownies or there is too much flour in your recipe. Overcooked brownies? You can tell the difference using the edges; if they are a little burnt-looking and very dry, it's likely that the brownies are overcooked.

Do you cut brownies after they cool? ›

Wait until your brownies have completely cooled to room temperature. As brownies cool, they will solidify and set up, so slicing into them too early can result in brownie squares that fall apart or become a mess very quickly. Note: I don't recommend slicing baked brownies until just before you plan to serve them!

How do you cool brownies after the oven? ›

If the recipe you're using gives instructions for a specific cooling method, follow it and wait for your brownies to cool completely. If there aren't specific instructions, leave the brownies in the pan, put the pan on a rack and let them cool completely (which means a 2 to 3 hour wait).

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.