How to Protect Your 401(k) From a Stock Market Crash (2024)

Despite what the 2010s may have felt like, the stock market cannot go up forever.Correctionstypically happenevery few years when stocks decline 10% or more from their most recent peak. These can even last several months at a time. Stock market crashes, on the other hand, are less common than corrections, but are more abrupt and severe. Look no further than the 2008 financial crisis or the 2020 crash ushered in by the coronavirus pandemic. But preparing for market volatility ahead of time is possible. Afinancial advisorcan help you protect your retirement savings from market volatility.

Protecting Your 401(k) From a Stock Market Crash

Any time you put your money in the stock market or other investments, you always run the risk of losses. While you can make largely educated decisions, things don’t always go to plan. Also, because you’re talking about something as important as your retirement, emotional decision-making can come into play.

Despite the above, there are many strategies, simple and complex, you can use to mitigate risk. For instance, spreading your assets across multiple types of investments and areas of the market can allow you to avoid the volatility that comes with stock-picking and concentrated investment positions.

Everyone has short-term expenses that periodically arise. For example, you might need to repair your car, replace a broken household appliance or pay for a medical procedure. Long-term expenses are even more prevalent, including student loans and mortgages. However, the best thing you can do is treat your retirement savings just as important as all of your other needs. This will ensure your pool of retirement funds will continue to grow over time.

Below are some of the most influential strategies you can use to minimize losses in your portfolio, even if a stock market crash comes around. Just remember that you can never completely eliminate risk, though.

Don’t Panic and Withdraw Your Money Too Early

Surrendering to the fear and panic that a market crash elicits can cost you. Withdrawing money early from a 401(k) can result inhefty IRS tax penalties, which won’t do you any favors in the long run. It’s especially important for younger workers to ride out the market lows and reap the rewards of the future recovery.

Even people nearing retirement age may rebound from the crash in time for their first withdrawal. Consider the coronavirus-fueled crash of 2020 as a case study. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, which notched an all-time high of 29,551.42 on Feb. 12, 2020, fell to just above 19,000 by March 15, 2020. Then on April 15, 2021, it posted an intraday high of more than 34,000. Spooked investors who pulled their money from the market in March 2020 missed out on the bull market that pushed the DJIA to record highs by November 2020 – just eight months later. The Dow reached its all-time high of 36,585 on Jan. 3, 2022.

Diversify Your Portfolio

Finding the right asset allocation can be crucial to protecting your 401(k) from a stock market crash, while also maximizing returns. As an investor, you understand that stocks are inherently risky, and as a result, offer higher rewards than other assets. Bonds, on the other hand, are safer investments but usually produce lesser returns.

Having a diversified 401(k) of mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that invest in stocks, bonds and even cash can help protect your retirement savings in the event of an economic downturn. How much you choose to allocate to different investments depends in part on how close you are to retirement. The further you are from retiring, the more time you have to recover from market downturns and full-fledged crashes.

Therefore, workers in their 20s would likely want a portfolio more heavily weighted in stocks. Their coworkers who are nearing retirement age, on the other hand, would probably have a more even distribution between lower-risk stocks and bonds to limit exposure to a market drop.

But how much of your portfolio should be invested in stocks vs. bonds? A general rule of thumb is to subtract your age from 110. The result is the percentage of your retirement portfolio that should be invested in stocks. More risk-tolerant investors can subtract their age from 120, while those who are more risk-averse can do the same from 100.

However, the above rule of thumb is fairly basic and limiting, as it doesn’t allow you to account for any of the specifics of your personal situation. A more comprehensive approach would be to build an asset allocation based on your goals, risk tolerance, time horizon and more. While you can technically create your own portfolio allocation plan, financial advisors typically specialize in it.

Rebalance Your Portfolio

Rebalancing your portfolio, or changing how much you have in different assets, is another vital component of protecting retirement savings from crashes. The idea is that over time, some investments may fare better than others, changing the percentage of money in each asset and potentially exposing you to more risk. By rebalancing, you bring the percentage of money invested in stocks and bonds back in line with your original investing target from the section above.

The easiest way to ensure your 401(k) is continually rebalanced is to invest in a target-date fund, a collection of investments designed to mature at a certain time. Target-date funds automatically rebalance their investments, moving to safer assets as the target date approaches.

But if you pick your own 401(k) investments, you’ll want to rebalance your portfolio at least once a year. Some financial advisors may recommend rebalancing as often as once a quarter. You can do this by selling off positions with gains that have tipped your portfolio out of balance. This is especially important for investors who are nearing retirement. It’s also worth noting that rebalancing isn’t the same as withdrawing money. These transactions are happening within your 401(k) and won’t immediately result in taxes.

Keep Some Cash on Hand

Some financial professionals recommend retirees have enough cash or cash equivalents to cover three to five years’ worth of living expenses. Having cash reserves can help pay for unexpected expenditures that a fixed income may not otherwise be able to cover.

Cash on hand can also mitigate what’s called sequence of returns risk. That’s the potential danger of withdrawing money early in retirement during market downturns and, thus, permanently diminishing the longevity of a retirement portfolio. By selling low, the longevity of the investor’s portfolio is jeopardized. However, with cash reserves, retirees can withdraw less money from their 401(k) during a market decline and use the cash to cover living expenses.

Continue Contributing to Your 401(k) and Other Retirement Accounts

Steadily contributing to your 401(k) is another way to protect it from future market volatility. Cutting back on your contributions during a downturn may cost you the opportunity to invest in assets at discount prices. Meanwhile, maintaining your 401(k) contributions during a period of growth when your investments have exceeded expectations is equally important. The temptation to scale back your contributions may creep in. However, staying the course can bolster your retirement savings and help you weather future volatility.

How to Respond to a Recession

Despite the perception that recessions and stock market slumps are always related, they are distinct and call for distinct responses from investors. Here are several guidelines for responding to a recession.

Seek Out Core Sector Stocks

During a recession, you might be inclined to give up on stocks, but experts say it’s best not to fleeequitiescompletely. Consider investing in the healthcare, utilities and consumer goods sectors. People are still going to spend money on medical care, household items, electricity and food, regardless of the state of the economy. As a result, these stocks tend to do well during busts (and underperform during booms).

Focus on Reliable Dividend Stocks

Investing individend stockscan be a great way to generate passive income. When you’re comparing dividend stocks, some experts say it’s a good idea to look for companies with lowdebt-to-equity ratiosandstrong balance sheets.If you don’t know where to start, you may want tolook into dividend aristocrats. These are companies that have increased their dividend payouts for at least 25 consecutive years.

Consider Real Estate

The 2008 housing market collapse was a nightmare for homeowners. However, it turned out to be a boon for somereal estate investors. When a recession hits and home values drop, it may be a buying opportunity for investment properties.If you can rent out a property to a reliable tenant, you’ll have a steady stream of income while you ride out the recession. Once real estate values start to rise again, you can sell at a profit.

Precious Metal Investments

Precious metals, like gold or silver, tend to perform well during market slowdowns. But since the demand for these kinds of commodities often increases during recessions or when recessions are expected, their prices usually go up, too. For example, when the Federal Reserve raised interest rates in March 2023, after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, the price of gold and silver popped 1.54% and 2.79%, respectively.

Bottom Line

Protecting your retirement savings from a stock market crash requires you to pay special attention. Keep a close eye on your asset allocation and investment variety, and rebalance when needed. Continuing to contribute to your 401(k) through both bull and bear markets can bolster your retirement savings for the future while remaining calm during times of volatility may keep you positioned to capitalize on the eventual recovery.

Tips for Protecting Your 401(k)

  • Luckily, you don’t have to do all of this alone. A financial advisor can help you protect your retirement savings from future uncertainty. Finding a financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • When setting up your 401(k), take advantage of any employer match — failing to do so is leaving free money on the table!

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How to Protect Your 401(k) From a Stock Market Crash (2024)


How to Protect Your 401(k) From a Stock Market Crash? ›

Investors often gravitate toward Treasurys as a safe haven during recessions, as these are considered risk-free instruments. That's because they are backed by the U.S. government, which is deemed able to ensure that the principal and interest are repaid.

How to protect your 401(k) from a stock market crash? ›

How to Protect Your 401(k) From a Stock Market Crash
  1. Protecting Your 401(k) From a Stock Market Crash.
  2. Don't Panic and Withdraw Your Money Too Early.
  3. Diversify Your Portfolio.
  4. Rebalance Your Portfolio.
  5. Keep Some Cash on Hand.
  6. Continue Contributing to Your 401(k) and Other Retirement Accounts.
  7. How to Respond to a Recession.
Dec 21, 2023

Where is the safest place to put your money during a recession? ›

Investors often gravitate toward Treasurys as a safe haven during recessions, as these are considered risk-free instruments. That's because they are backed by the U.S. government, which is deemed able to ensure that the principal and interest are repaid.

Where should I put my 401k money right now? ›

10 of the Best-Performing 401(k) Funds
FundExpense Ratio10-year average annual return
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund (FNCMX)0.29%15.7%
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund (FDSVX)0.67%15.8%
Vanguard Growth Index Fund (VIGAX)0.05%14.7%
Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX)0.015%13%
6 more rows
Apr 1, 2024

Where is the safest place to put your retirement money? ›

Plenty of safe places exist to put your money as a retiree. If you don't mind keeping it locked up for a specific time period, Treasuries and CDs are great ways to get a competitive return. Bond ETFs work well if you want to invest in a variety of bonds.

What will happen to my 401k if the dollar collapses? ›

If the dollar collapses, your 401(k) would lose a significant amount of value, possibly even becoming worthless. Inflation would result if the dollar collapsed, decreasing the real value of the dollar when compared to other global currencies, which in effect would reduce the value of your 401(k).

Should I liquidate my 401k? ›

It's a good rule of thumb to avoid making a 401(k) early withdrawal just because you're nervous about losing money in the short term. It's also not a great idea to cash out your 401(k) to pay off debt or buy a car, Harding says. Early withdrawals from a 401(k) should be only for true emergencies, he says.

Where to move your 401k money before a recession? ›

Those with retirement quickly approaching may want to consider rolling any of their old 401(k) accounts into either IRAs (which offer more investment options) or annuities (which can provide a set rate of return during uncertain times).

What is the best thing to do with cash during a recession? ›

Where is your money safest during a recession? Many investors turn to conservative asset classes such as bonds during recessionary periods. Mutual funds may also be a useful area to consider, and so may established, large-cap companies with strong balance sheets and cash flow.

Is it better to have cash or property in a recession? ›

Cash: Offers liquidity, allowing you to cover expenses or seize investment opportunities. Property: Can provide rental income and potential long-term appreciation, but selling might be difficult during an economic downturn.

What happens to a 401k during a recession? ›

The value of a 401(k) account, or any retirement account, always depends on how the account is invested. For many people who are still decades away from retirement, their portfolios will largely consist of stocks, which may suffer declines during a recession or economic slowdown.

At what age should you get out of the stock market? ›

There are no set ages to get into or to get out of the stock market. While older clients may want to reduce their investing risk as they age, this doesn't necessarily mean they should be totally out of the stock market.

Can I lose my IRA if the market crashes? ›

It is possible to lose money in a Roth IRA depending on the investments chosen. Roth IRAs are not 100% safe, but they offer the potential for growth over time. Market fluctuations and early withdrawal penalties can cause a Roth IRA to lose money.

What is the biggest financial risk in retirement? ›

Top financial risks that retirees face
  1. Running out of money. Running out of money is a significant risk for many retirees. ...
  2. Health care costs. Increased medical bills are inevitable for most of us as we age, and that could spell trouble without proper planning. ...
  3. Market volatility. ...
  4. Inflation. ...
  5. Death of a spouse.
Mar 15, 2023

Where is the safest place to put 250k money? ›

High-Yield Savings Accounts

Deposits of up to $250,000 are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which ensures they are ultra-safe investments. A high-yield savings account is a type of savings account that typically offers higher interest rates than a traditional savings account.

What is the most secure place to keep money? ›

Key Takeaways. Savings accounts are a safe place to keep your money because all deposits made by consumers are guaranteed by the FDIC for bank accounts or the NCUA for credit union accounts. Certificates of deposit (CDs) issued by banks and credit unions also carry deposit insurance.

Can you freeze your 401k? ›

401(k) retirement plans may be “frozen” by a company's management, temporarily halting new contributions and withdrawals. A freeze can occur in the case of a corporate restructuring such as a merger or if your company changes 401(k) plan providers.

Should I be aggressive with my 401k right now? ›

While being more aggressive can make a lot of sense if you have a long time until retirement, it can really sink you financially if you need the money in less than five years. To reduce risk, investors can add more bond funds to their portfolio or even hold some CDs.

Is there a way to stop 401k from losing money? ›

Portfolio diversification should be a priority for every retirement saver. This concept basically relates to spreading your 401(k) contributions across several different categories of investments. This is done to limit risk and 401(k) losses.

Should I move money out of stocks in 401k? ›

Try to avoid making 401(k) withdrawals early, as you will incur taxes on the withdrawal in addition to a 10% penalty. If you are closer to retirement, it is smart to shift your 401(k) allocations to more conservative assets like bonds and money market funds.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.