How to Have the Lion Attitude! (2024)

How to Have the Lion Attitude! (2)

Courage, Strength, Leadership, Bravery

All these are qualities a person with the lion attitude.

The lion is not afraid of doing what he wants. The lion is not afraid of going his own direction while the others go a different direction; the lion is courageous enough to defend and fight for his life. He lives his life the way he wants to.

Don’t you want to live like a lion? Don’t you want to tread your own path and achieve your own goals? Don’t you want to fight for and win what you want?

Then change your attitude towards your life; change how you think about yourself because you are much greater than you think you are! You have a lion’s heart. Everybody can have the lion’s attitude.

Or you want to remain a sheep like the majority of people are. People who are afraid of standing out; people who are afraid of going after the life of their dreams. People who give up on their goals the moment they meet obstacles.

People who give excuses when the journey to their dreams gets hard.

It must not be for me” “If it wasn’t for what they told me, if they did not laugh at me , then I would have made it”

You are mentally weak and soft! Tell yourself the truth because until you do it, you will remain an average complaining hater like the majority of the people around you are. You will be bitter for the rest of your life because you will be regretting why you never stood for what you believed in.

The highly successful know that regrets are more painful than failing at something they wanted to achieve. They are willing to give their all into something they want to achieve even if there are low chances of ever succeeding in their first attempt. They would rather try and fail than not try at all. They are afraid of regretting not doing something when they had a chance.

Sheep follow the leader. They follow the herd because they do not know where they are going. Sadly, many times they are lead into the slaughterhouse but still keep following because they do not use their minds.

This is exactly what the majority of people are. They follow the crowd rather than their hearts. They think that their thoughts are not good enough. They afraid of going a different direction. Woe unto you! You are being led into the slaughterhouse! Follow your path and leave the herd.

Attitude is what you do, what you think, and what you feel about yourself. Attitude is everything in life because whether you rise or fall, everything depends on attitude.

People with lion attitude are courageous. They are courageous to stand for what they believe. They are brave to go a different direction when everyone else is going another way. They are willing to face their adversaries and challenges even if they are scared.

They do not run away.

If you want to have the lion attitude, then you have to believe in yourself. You have to change your perspective of yourself from negative to positive because you are your greatest strength and your greatest enemy.

There is an African Proverb that says “If there is no enemy within you, then no adversary on the outside can harm you!”

Having the lion attitude begins with changing how you think about yourself. It develops when you think positively about yourself. It strengthens when you stop believing what others tell you about you.

Use affirmations to make you think positively about yourself.

I also had a poor self-concept of myself. I used to believe what others said of me. Some said I was a poor writer. Others told me I would never make it in life and I believed them. I began to think that I was not good enough, that my writing sucked. I felt like giving up on my dream of one day becoming a best-selling author.

But the moment I began to use affirmations, my writing improved terrifically. I saw myself in a more positive way. I now have the courage to write what I think of without the fear of failure because until you try you will never know how good you are!

Choose to be a lion because you have a choice to make!

Choose to be a lion if you are standing for greatness. People with the lion attitude get what they want because they are bold enough to fight. They are not afraid to accept that their future is dependent on the choices they make today.

Lions are leaders who lead the rest of the animals.

Lions are leaders because they demonstrate who they are. They are not afraid of what the other animals will do when they go after what they want. They do not seek respect! They command respect and authority because they know they should be respected.

A sheep follows a leader but a lion leads. It is a matter of having the courage to stand up and fight for your life.

One common thing with all leaders is that they were once followers. The only thing that changed is their attitude. How they viewed life changed. How they saw themselves changed. If you are going to be a leader then you have to work on your self-image.

Leadership begins with self-discovery. It begins when you realize that you can become better than you already are. It grows when you have the courage to defend your beliefs even if every other person is against you. It rises when you refuse to fit in because you do not like what your friends are doing anymore!

Follow your heart because it is only you who knows what is best for you. Stop trying to fit in when you are made of a different material. Use your gift to make this world a better place.

The lion is certain of whatever he wants, there are no ‘maybes’ in his world. If he makes a decision to work on a goal, then he will stay in the game until he gets a favourable outcome.

Unlike the sheep, the lion does not wait to be pushed around. He does not wait to be told what to do or what he cannot do. He knows what he wants and goes after it with all of his resources.

If you want to have the lion attitude, then you should set your goals and work towards achieving them. You should not believe what others tell you about your abilities because a lion gets what he wants: you are willing to do whatever it takes to get to the life of your dreams.

The sheep is not certain of what it wants that is why it follows the herd not knowing where they headed to.

People with the sheep mentality are directionless and spend most of their time around other people. Their self-beliefs are founded on what people close to them say about them. They have limitations on their abilities.

Refuse to be pulled and trudged like the sheep. Refuse to be sheared from head to toes until there is nothing left to give. Refuse to be like the majority of the people who are allowing the world and the society to shear them from head to toes till they lose their unique footprint!

If you want to stand out like a lion, then you have to refuse to be pushed around like the majority of the people.

A person with the lion attitude thinks positively about himself. He believes that he can achieve anything that he sets out to do. He is disciplined to stay on course even when the obstacles become many.

He does not believe what others say of his abilities because he knows that there are no limitations to what he can be.

So choose to become a lion that you are!

How to Have the Lion Attitude! (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.