How to Care for Your Dragon Tree (2024)

How to Care for Your Dragon Tree (1)

No green thumb necessary on how to care for your Dragon Tree. Trust us, this plant is pretty hard to kill.

If you love the idea of having a gorgeous and tall plant like afiddle leaf fig, but you hate the idea of keeping it alive, then Dragon Tree is the perfect plant for you. It's a popular choice of plant parents because of its unique look and its potential to grow up to 6 feet tall indoors and up to 70 feet tall in the wild (yes, that's pretty wildly tall).

Fun Fact:There is an old legend about the Dragon Tree. Once upon a time, a hundred-headed dragon was killed, and where it's red blood flowed, hundreds of trees grew, which locals at the time called Dragon Tree's.

How to Care for Your Dragon Tree (2)

Dragon Tree AKAdracaena marginata,also called Madagascar Dragon Tree, is definitely one of the easiest indoor plants to grow and hardest to kill. Originated from Madagascar, Dragon Tree is part of the Asparagaceae and is a famous cousin of Dracaena Draco. It's known for its thick tuft of spiky leaves edged with red that resembles a sword. Outdoor Dragon Tree plants bloom fragrant tiny white flowers and circular yellow-orange berries during spring. Meanwhile, it's pretty rare for indoor Dragon Tree plants to bloom flowers and berries.

One of the things that made Dragon Tree plants perfect for beginners is it's a drought-tolerant plant with aggressive root systems, which makes them pretty tough to kill.

Botanical NameDracaena marginata
Common NameMadagascar Dragon Tree
Plant SizeIndoors: 6 feet, In the Wild: 70 feet
Types of Dragon Tree PlantsDracaena Marginata, Dracaena Marginata 'Bicolor', and Dracaena Marginata 'Tricolor'
SunlightDragon Tree prefers filtered bright, indoor light (sunlight through a sheer curtain in front of a sunny window). It can also survive in dim light, but it will grow slower.
WaterWater your Dragon Tree when topsoil is dry or maybe once a week.
HumidityDragon Tree will do well in average household humidity, but it will be better if you will mist it regularly.
TemperatureDragon Tree prefers temperatures between 70-80°F
ToxicityToxic to cats and dogs.
FoodFeed once a month in the spring and summer with a water-soluble fertilizer that can be diluted to 50% strength. No fertilizer is necessary during the autumn and winter.
Pests & ProblemsDragon Tree is susceptible to mealybugs, scale, spider mites, and thrips. When the tips of the leaves dry out and turn brown, this could because of overwatering, quality of tap water, or too much fertilizer.
Omysa Plant Care TipDragon Tree plants are excellent plants for removing harmful toxins from the air, so it's perfect as bedroom plants for better sleep.

Dragon Tree Plant Care Tips

This timeless indoor plant with a striking appearance looks just as cool in any room of your home or even in your office. One thing you should keep in mind on how to care for your Dragon Tree is it should be planted in a loamy, well-draining soil modified with peat moss. You also need to water regularly during the growing season.

Dragon Tree is one of the easiest plants to care for. It requires little maintenance, and it's a great air-purifier and home decor, too! Here’s a complete explanation of how to care for your Dragon Tree, from sunlight requirement to common problems and its solutions.


First on our list on how to care for Dragon Tree is to give them the right amount of light. Yes, a Dragon Tree plant can survive in low light situations, but it prefers bright, filtered light. Dragon Tree plants in lower light situations will grow slower and produce smaller leaves with less intense color. Never ever place your Dragon Tree under direct sunlight because the rays will scorch its foliage.

Common Problem:If you notice that the leaves of your Dragon Tree are pale, it has a slow growth, or it produces small new leaves, then this means it's not getting enough light.

Solution:Place your Dragon Tree with four to six hours of filtered indoor sunlight or in a semi-shade spot.


Your Dragon Tree requires less water compared to other indoor plants. A rule of (green) thumb, water only when the topsoil is dry or usually once a week. However, keep them hydrated by misting the leaves regularly.

Common Problem:If the leaves of your Dragon Tree has brown tips or the leaves are drooping, then this means you are overwatering the plant. While yellow leaves mean the plant needs more water.

Solution:Allow the topsoil to dry out before watering. Dragon Tree is a drought-tolerant plant, but it still needs water to survive. Remember to water it at least once a week.

Common Problem:If the leaves of your Dragon Tree turns dark brown with yellow edges, then this means that you should check the quality of the water.

Solution:It's not recommended to use tap water for your Dragon Tree since it contains fluoride, which can harm and eventually kill your plant. Filter the tap water overnight in an open container.

Humidity & Temperature

Next on our list on how to care for your Dragon Tree is to check the humidity and temperature of your place. Dragon Tree can survive in an average humidity environment, but it prefers environments with higher humidity. It also prefers temperatures ranging from 70-80°F. Avoid cold drafts and temperatures below 55°F because it will harm the plant.

Common Problem:Brown leaf tips on your Dragon Tree means cold drafts or dry air.

Solution:Check room humidity and mist your Dragon Tree regularly or place the plant on a tray of pebbles.


Dragon Tree is toxic to cats and dogs because it contains steroidal saponins, which can cause oral pain and stomach irritation to your pets.


Another on our list on how to care for your Dragon Tree is to feed them once a month in the spring and summer with a water-soluble fertilizer that can be diluted to 50% strength. Stop giving them fertilizer during autumn and winter.

Common Problem:If the leaf tips and margins of your Dragon Tree are dark brown or yellow, then this means you've applied too much fertilizer.

Solution:Stick to a fertilizer plan or schedule to avoid overfeeding your Dragon Tree.

Pests & Other Problems

Dragon Tree is an easy houseplant to care for. However, you should watch out for mealybugs, scale, and especially spider mites. To kill these pests, use an insecticide that contains pyrethrin.

Also, do not panic if you notice that the leaves start dying and coming away at the bottom of the plant because this is natural. The Dragon Tree sheds its bottom leaves for new growth.

That's a wrap on how to care for your Dragon Tree. It's pretty simple, right? No wonder this plant is trending because it's easy-to-care-for, it's adaptable, and it adds beauty and elegance to any space.

Grow your plant knowledge. Check out ourPlant Careblog to learn more about different houseplants and tips on how to keep your plants alive and healthy.

How to Care for Your Dragon Tree (2024)
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