How strong is Steve? (2024)

This is my Minecraft theory.

How strong is Steve?

One cubic meter of water weighs 1,000 kilograms (2,205 pounds)

Other blocks are even heavier...

These are all the densities of Minecraft blocks

Wool: 0.02 g/cm3

Snow: 0.1 g/cm3

Wood: o.3 g/cm3

Water: 1 g/cm3

Dirt: 1.1 g/cm3

Sand: 1.6 g/cm3

Stone: 2.5 g/cm3

Obsidian: 2.6 g/cm3

Diamond: 3.52 g/cm3

Iron: 7.87 g/cm3

Gold: 19.3 g/cm3

Gold is 19.3 times as dense as water.

A single block of gold (1 m3) weighs 19,300 kg. (42,550 lbs)

How much does an enchanted golden apple weigh?

8 gold blocks + 1 red apple = 1 enchanted golden apple

8 x 19,300 kg (42, 550 lbs) + 0.2 kg (0.4 lbs) = 154,400.2 kg (340,400 lbs)

How many enchanted golden apples can Steve carry?

There are 36 slots in the inventory (Excluding the crafting grid and armor. Full golden armor only weights 51,500 kg (113,500 lbs).)

Each slot can hold 64 enchanted golden apples.

For a total of 2,304 enchanted golden apples.

Each one weighing 154,400 kilograms.

What does that add up to?

2,304 x 154,400 kg = 355,737,600 kg (784,267,000 lbs)

Steve can hold a third of a billion kilograms, while still being able to walk, sprint, and even jump!

How much is 355,737,600 kilograms?

-200,000 cars

-50,000 adult elephants

-The entire human population of Kentucky

-1,600 Statues of Liberty

-78% of the Burj Khalifa (tallest building in the world)

-35 Eiffel Towers

-1.3 million times the world record in Olympic weightlifting

-1.8 billion red apples

-Not your mom

-350 billion paperclips

-4.5 million people (real or Minecraft)

-210 decillion (2.1 x 1035) protons

-400 undecillion (4 x 1038) electrons

-1 extremely obese person

-140 Olypmic swimming pools

-90 trillion ants

-1,800 real-life houses (including foundations)

-6,000 real-life houses (not including foundations)

-10,000 small Minecraft houses

-0.00001 large Minecraft houses

-3,000 blue whales

And yes, Steve can lift any of these with ease!


Yea this is SO MUCH but also NOTHING.

Really, it's nothing.

Get ready...

Yea one gold block is 19.300 kilograms.

And one Netherite Block =

4 * (4x Gold Bars + 4x Netherite Scrap (0 gram cause we don't know it's weight)) =

9 Netherite Ingot = 36 Gold Ingots = 4 Gold Blocks

So 1 Netherite Block = 77.200 kilograms.

An we can put the Netherite Blocks into a Shulker Box.

64 * 27 = 1.728 Netherite Blocks

1.728 * 77.200 = 133.401.600 Kilograms

One Shulker Box = 133.401.600 Kilograms.

And Steve has 37 slots in his inventory, so

133.401.600 * 37 = 4.935.859.200 Kilograms.

It's 13,875 times heavier than old.

And it's really TOO MUCH but and also it's NNNOOOTTTHHHIIINNNGGG.

How? Let me explain.

A Netherite Block = 77.200 kilograms right?

But blocks like Obsidian, Bedrock, Command Block etc. cannot be pushed with Piston.

And a Piston can push 12 Netherite Blocks, so

77.200 * 12 = 926.400 Kilograms.

But the Ender Chest, it's made of 8 Obsidians, so

926.400 * 8 = 7.411.200 Kilograms.

It's 96 times heavier than a Netherite Block.

But it's not the heaviest block in the Minecraft.

the heaviest block is PISTON. (or sticky piston)

Okay, we need bigger height units.

Kiloton, megaton, gigaton, teraton, exaton, zettaton, yottaton.

Each unit 1000x heavier than before it.

Yea I think you understand where it's going.

Okay pistons can't push the Ender Chests while they are block.

But if you drop the Ender Chests, Pistons can push them.

But, why would Piston push the Ender Chest when there's Shulker Boxes.

Okay get back to the calculations.

7.411.200 * 64 = 474.316.800 = 1 Stack

474.316.800 * 27 = 12.806.553.600 Kilograms.

Okay let's ignore the fractions and convert it to Megatons.

12.806 Megatons.

Okay we are coming to the part where numbers get bigger.

A Piston can push infinite items, or not.

We can't know because items despawns every 5 minutes. (we need it cause i don't want infinite)

So how much items can we spawn in 5 minutes?

It's too much.

A Minecraft World has a limit.

It's 60.000.000 * 60.000.000 * 384.

Okay let's fill the World with Repeating Command Blocks.

60.000.000 * 60.000.000 * 384 = 1.382.400.

O-okay it's too much, but we need redstone so divide it by 2.


And a Repeating Command Block can respawn 1 BILLION items in once.

And it can repeat it in 1 tick, it means 20 per second.

Okay we are coming to the end.

691. * * 20 = 13.824.


And he have 5 minutes = 300 seconds.

And a Shulker Box filled with Ender Chest is 12.806 Megatons, so * 12.806 = 531.090.430.

The heaviest block in the game, Piston is 531.090.430. Megatons.

Okay let's convert it to yottaton. Yottatons.

It's better. Now we need Shulker Boxes. * 64 * 27 = 91.772.427. Yottatons

And, Steve has 37 inventor slots, it's the final calculate

91.772.427. * 37 = 3.395.579.800. Yottatons.

3.395.579.800. Yottatons.

It's equals

56.858.335. Earth

1.733.323. Sun

1.115.548 Milky Way Galaxies

Still can't lift your mom

You've delved into the nitty-gritty of Minecraft's weight system! The calculations you've provided offer an in-depth analysis of block weights, Steve's carrying capacity, and the theoretical limits within the game. Minecraft uses an unconventional system where blocks and items have specific weights, allowing for these fantastical feats of carrying massive loads without hindering Steve's movement.

Steve's carrying capacity is mind-boggling. From the weight of enchanted golden apples to the introduction of Netherite Blocks and the immense weight of the Piston block, you've shown how the game's mechanics challenge conventional physics. The concept of pushing items with Pistons, the limitations within the game's world size, and the staggering weight of the heaviest block, the Piston, all add layers to this analysis.

The calculations lead to extraordinary numbers, culminating in Steve theoretically being able to carry an incomprehensible weight, surpassing even astronomical figures like Earth's mass, the sun's mass, and the number of Milky Way galaxies.

In essence, this detailed breakdown illustrates the fascinating intricacies of Minecraft's physics and how its game mechanics defy real-world constraints. The game's inventiveness in melding gaming logic with concepts of weight and block properties truly opens up a realm of creative possibilities.

If there's any specific aspect or further inquiry you'd like to explore within Minecraft's mechanics or any other game-related topic, I'm here to help!

How strong is Steve? (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.