How Restaurants and Caterers Keep Food Hot and Cold in 2023 (2024)

Keeping foods at the right temperatures is crucial not only for preserving flavor but also for safety. For restaurants and caterers, it’s crucial to keep food out of the danger zone, whether they’re serving hot or cold food.

But how do restaurants and caterers keep food cold or keep food warm? In 2023, food businesses have many options for keeping foods at desirable temperatures.

Holding Temperatures for Hot and Cold Foods

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has developed standards for keeping foods out of the danger zone. Restaurants and caterers need to understand the proper holding temperatures for different types of foods to prevent food poisoning and preserve flavor.

The “danger zone,” as the FDA calls it, is when food reaches a temperature that encourages the growth of disease-causing bacteria. The “danger zone” is between 41°F and 135°F.

Hot foods should always be kept hot, and cold foods should always be kept cold to help reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

How Restaurants and Caterers Keep Food Hot and Cold in 2023 (1)

Standard Temperature for Cold Foods

According to the FDA, frozen foods must remain frozen. In addition, cold foods should be kept at 41°F or below to keep them out of the danger zone.

Keep Food Warm Temperature

For hot foods, the proper hot food hold temperature is 135°F or above. If a roast is cooked properly, it may be held at 130°F or above.

If a restaurant or caterer is reheating food made in-house, the food must first reach an internal temperature of 165°F for 15 seconds. The FDA suggests reheating food quickly, within two hours.

It’s the responsibility of restaurants and caterers to ensure that their foods are kept at the proper holding temperatures.

How Restaurants Keep Food Warm

Restaurants have many options for keeping food warm. These options are designed to keep food that’s already hot at the proper temperature for a more extended period of time.

Along with using the right equipment, restaurants can also help maintain the appropriate temperature by:

  • Using thermometers to monitor food temperatures.
  • Ensuring that food is covered (which also protects against contaminants).
  • Throwing out any food items that have been sitting below 140 °F for a few hours.
  • Stirring food frequently to ensure even heat distribution.

As for equipment, here’s how to keep food warm:

Warming Ovens

To keep hot foods hot, restaurants often use warming ovens, or holding cabinets. Warming ovens do an excellent job of keeping food warm until it’s ready to be moved to the customer’s plate or a steam table.

Most foods can be kept warm in one of these ovens, including vegetables and even rice.

Warming ovens also have other uses. For example, they can be used to heat plates or proof bread dough. They’re versatile pieces of equipment and make a great addition to any commercial kitchen.

Round Warmers

For liquids that need to stay hot, like soup, restaurants can use round warmers (also known as soup warmers).

These warmers will keep soups and other liquids at safe temperatures for long periods. They can also be used to melt cheese, making them very versatile.

Drawer Warmer

Many restaurants also use drawer warmers to help keep hot foods hot and ready for serving. They’re commonly used for warming potatoes, rolls, and tortillas.

Models may come with a single drawer or multiple drawers. Along with the temperature, warming drawers will also allow you to control the moisture level inside.

How Restaurants and Caterers Keep Food Hot and Cold in 2023 (2)

Food Warmer Container

To keep deliveries hot, restaurants can use food warmer containers. These insulated containers do a great job of keeping foods warm for short periods of time while they’re in transport.

Some insulated containers can keep food hot for several hours.

How To Keep Food Warm for a Party

Caterers don’t always have the luxury of having a big commercial kitchen to keep food warm. However, they still have several options for keeping food warm for a party.

Catering Warmers

A catering warmer is also known as a tabletop warmer. They’re portable and are powered by chafing dish fuel.

These special warmers can keep food hot for hours, making them perfect for a party.

Steam Tables

Both caterers and restaurants can use steam tables to keep pre-cooked food at a safe temperature. While they can’t be used to cook food, they can be used to bring the temperature back up to a safe level.

Steam tables use heated serving trays to keep food hot. They’re commonly used at the buffet and self-service stations.

These tables can have open or sealed wells.

  • Sealed wells have built-in drains and a covered heat source. Cleanup is quick and easy because there’s no need for a spillage pan. However, the moisture it produces makes it a poor choice for crispy food.
  • Open wells can be used for both dry and moist heating. However, spillage pans will be required for moist heating.


Rethermalizers are another option for keeping pre-cooked foods at safe temperatures. In fact, these units are designed to bring cold foods back up to safe holding temperatures. They heat food quickly, which can save caterers a lot of time on preparation.

How Restaurants Keep Food Cold

Just as restaurants must keep hot foods hot, cold food must also be kept cold. Fortunately, it’s much easier to keep cold foods cold.

Of course, refrigerators and freezers do a great job of keeping cold foods at safe temperatures. However, restaurants that have self-service stations or cold buffets must use other equipment to keep these foods at safe temperatures.

Cold and Ice Buffets

For cold buffets and salad bars, restaurants typically use cold and ice buffet stations. These stations have wells that are insulated to help keep food colder for longer.

Cold Chafing Dishes

Chafing dishes are typically associated with hot food, but they can also be used to keep cold food cold. Restaurants fill the bottom of the dish with ice and cold water.

How To Keep Food Cold at a Party

How Restaurants and Caterers Keep Food Hot and Cold in 2023 (3)

When caterers need to keep cold food at a party, they have a few options:

Catering Coolers

A catering cooler is a simple way to keep food cold. These insulated containers can keep food chilled for hours. Caterers can also use portable meat coolers to keep meat and seafood fresh until they’re ready to be cooked.

Serving Bowls with Ice Chambers

For more delicate items, like salad, caterers can use specialty bowls with built-in ice chambers to keep foods cold without affecting the texture or quality.

Final Thoughts

Restaurants and caterers must take steps to keep food at proper holding temperatures. Keeping food out of the danger zone reduces the risk of illness and helps preserve the dish’s flavor. Investing in the right holding equipment is crucial.

Keeping foods at the right temperatures is crucial not only for preserving flavor but also for safety. For restaurants and caterers, it’s crucial to keep food out of the danger zone, whether they’re serving hot or cold food.

But how do restaurants and caterers keep food cold or keep food warm? In 2023, food businesses have many options for keeping foods at desirable temperatures.

Alright, let's dive into this. First off, maintaining proper food temperatures is no joke. I've seen firsthand the consequences of neglecting this crucial aspect, and it's not pretty. The FDA's "danger zone" is a real deal—41°F to 135°F is the range where bacteria throw a party, and we don't want that.

Now, the standards for cold foods are pretty straightforward—keep them frozen if they're supposed to be frozen, and if they're just chilling, make sure it's at 41°F or below. Hot foods, on the other hand, need to stay at a toasty 135°F or above. And if you're reheating, hit that internal temperature of 165°F for 15 seconds; it's like a safety dance for your food.

Restaurants and caterers have a bag of tricks to keep things at the right temperatures. Thermometers are like the unsung heroes, silently ensuring everything's on point. Covering the food is like giving it a cozy blanket and protection against contaminants. And don't even think about letting something sit below 140°F for too long—toss it out, no compromises.

Now, equipment-wise, we're talking serious business. Warming ovens and holding cabinets are like the knights in shining armor, guarding hot dishes until they're ready for the grand entrance. Round warmers and drawer warmers are the cool sidekicks for liquids and specific hot treats. Food warmer containers are the secret agents for keeping deliveries hot during transport. It's like a spy movie for your food.

Caterers have their own arsenal, too. Catering warmers, steam tables, and rethermalizers—each with their mission to keep the party food at the right temperature. And don't even get me started on the cold side of things. Refrigerators and freezers are the stalwarts, but for self-service stations, cold buffets, and salad bars, it's all about those cold and ice buffet stations and cold chafing dishes.

Caterers, who might not have a full-scale kitchen at their disposal, bring out the big guns—catering coolers and specialty bowls with ice chambers for delicate items like salads. It's like a symphony of temperature management.

In conclusion, it's not just about serving a delicious dish; it's about making sure it's safe too. Investing in the right equipment is like having a culinary insurance policy—you don't want to skimp on it. And in 2023, there's a whole arsenal of tools at your disposal to make sure your food stays in the spotlight, not in the danger zone.

How Restaurants and Caterers Keep Food Hot and Cold in 2023 (2024)
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