How Not to Look Like a Tourist In Madrid (2024)

How to greet someone

Even if you don't speak fluent Spanish, it's easy to master the appropriate fashion of greeting others in Madrid: Say _hola _(hello) upon entering a store or restaurant; to strangers on the street before asking directions; even to friends with whom you are intimately acquainted. No _hola _and you'll be written off as rude—or worse, stand out as a tourist.

Can you survive without speaking Spanish?

In Madrid's tourist center you will likely find adept English-speakers, but Spain is not known for being a country with an advanced level of English. It's a good idea to learn some key phrases in advance to help you converse with taxi drivers and waiters in the non-tourist areas of the city. In addition to hola and adios, gracias (thank you), de nada (you're welcome), por favor (please), perdone (excuse me), and _dónde es _(where is) are useful expressions.

When to eat

Whatever you do, do not plan to take your lunch at noon or your dinner at 7 p.m., as you might at home. Spain is notorious for its late-in-the-day meals—most madrileños eat lunch around 3 p.m. and dinner at 9 p.m. Restaurants generally aren't even open before 1 p.m. or 8 p.m. How do they manage this, you wonder? The siesta is one explanation. Shop owners and workers often break (and close) after lunch for the siesta, returning to work in the early evening to finish up the day. So don't plan to do your shopping after lunch, either.

Where to go

The historic area around Puerta del Sol and Plaza Mayor attracts tourists, so spending your time there among its cultural sites will immediately identify you as such. Instead, [explore some of the neighborhoods] ( just a little further afield: gentrifying Lavapiés, gay-friendly and hip Chueca, or ritzy Salamanca. These areas are where the true madrileños go.

Local Etiquette

Do spruce up your _hola _by tacking on a buenos dias(good morning) or buenas tardes(good afternoon [after lunch]), depending on the time of day. Or, if you are greeting someone you know, say Hola, ¿qué tal? (Hi, how are you?).

Do greet friends with two cheek kisses, left to right. Shaking hands is for professional scenarios.

Don't leave a store, restaurant, or a group of friends without saying _adios_or (more commonly with friends), hasta luego. Sometimes you might cheek kiss your friends goodbye as well, but not always. It's best to wait for their lead. It goes without saying you would never cheek kiss a stranger or shop owner, but they still deserve the respect of the spoken farewell.

Special thanks to Barbara Perucka for her expert local assistance with this article.

How Not to Look Like a Tourist In Madrid (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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