How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (2024)

As a homesteader or small farm owner, you have many good reasons to purchase a cow. Not only can you save money by producing your milk and beef, but the quality of both of these will likely be much better than what you buy at the big box store.

Not only that – but raising a cow is a sustainable and enjoyable way to foster a closer connection to the land you live on and develop.

If you’re thinking about starting a homestead, one of the first questions you’ll probably ask is,how much does a cow cost?The answer, of course, depends on several factors.

We’ll take a closer look at these factors in this post. Keep reading to learn more!

What’s Inside:

  • How Much Does a Cow Cost?
  • How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Cow?
    • Dairy Cow Cost
    • Beef Cow Cost
  • How Much Does a Calf Cost?
  • How Much Does It Cost to Raise a Cow?
  • Is It Worth It to Buy a Cow?
  • Cow and Cattle Cost FAQs
  • Best Books and Learning Resources for Raising New Cows and Calves!
  • Conclusion

How Much Does a Cow Cost?

A cow costs between $2,200 and $5,300. This cost delta is a wide range, of course. The actual cost will depend on the breed, gender, and weight of the cow. Where you live will also play a role in how much you pay to buy a cow.

When we saycow, we refer not just to females (who are, technically, cows) but also to males (bulls) and calves.

Bulls tend to sell for more money than cows. Calves cost less than both bulls and cows.

You can also buy cows based on the weight, with sellers usually charging by the hundredweight. Often, you can buy cows in larger groups or breeding pairs to save money.

You can even purchase cow/calf pairs for a cow-calf enterprise. Cow/calf pairs can save you money compared to buying individual animals.

There are a few other nuances when it comes to cow pricing. Let’s dive deeper into the intricacies of cow pricing.

How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (1)

How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Cow?

It’s no secret that cows are expensive (but worth the money). Just how much does a cow cost, anyway? The price of cows varies drastically depending on breed, age, and location.

Dairy Cow Cost

Dairy cows like Jerseys, Herefords, and Guernseys cost around $900 to $3,000. Again, it depends on the cow’s age and whether it’s proven – meaning whether it has bred and produced milk before.

Dairy cows sold by weight might hit the market at around$1.00 to $1.40 per pound. Cows that are currently lactating may cost even more.

Beef Cow Cost

How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (2)

Beef heifers – females – will usually cost around $2,500 to $3,000 per head. Beef cows are priced based on their weight, with the standard unit of measurement being CWT. It stands for 100 pounds. So if the CWT for a cow is about $135 to $165, you’ll pay around $750ish for a 500-pound calf.

There are some exceptions to this, though. If your heifer gets bred, it may costmore than one and a half timeswhat a non-bred heifer does. A full-grown beef cow can cost up to $5,000!

Again, this price gets impacted by the breed. Some of the most desirable cattle breeds to raise for beef include Black Angus, Hereford, Red Angus, Texas Longhorn, Highlanders, and Charolais.

While you might pay a bit more forpremium breeds, they might also be easier or harder to find depending on where you live (and availability can drive the price up or down, too).

How Much Does a Calf Cost?

How much is a baby cow? There are a lot of variables that go into this – namely, the breed, size, and age of the calf.

A day-old calf will require more work on the part of the buyer. It will need to be bottle-fed since calves need milk until they are four months old. They also drink around8% of their body weight dailyin milk (ormilk replacer.) This cost adds up.

Because they require more work – and have a higher mortality rate – you can sometimes get them at a significantly cheaper price – around $30 to $60 per calf. Cow-calf producers anticipate that it will be harder to sell these calves. So they sell them at much lower prices.

Calves that are a bit older – around four to six months – will cost more because they are more stable. And because the producer has spent more time and money on growing and nurturing the young cow.

A beef calf will usually cost around $700, while an older calf is often priced based on weight and use. Dairy calves tend to be cheaper than beef calves.

How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (3)

How Much Does It Cost to Raise a Cow?

The average cost to raise a cow for a year is between $500 and $1,000. This number includes prices for feed and care! So there are plenty of ways you can cut costs.

The average herd size factors in here, too – it is an economy of scale so often, it will cost you less to raise beef or dairy animals if you have more animals.

For example, cows usually need about30 to 40 pounds of hay each day(or up to 100 pounds a day for dairy cows!). If you have to buy hay all year, you’ll pay upwards of $2,000.

However, if you can grow your feed or, ideally, you can allow your cow to graze year-round, you’ll save much of that money instead. Of course, that depends on land prices, climate, and other factors.

You’ll need around two acres to feed a cow-calf pair for 12 months. That’s according to theNational Resources Conservation Service. Of course, that acreage estimate is a rough number! Considering how many cows you can support in that space depends on their breed, age, and pasture type.

You’ll also have to factor in costs, such as mineral supplements, grain, breeding costs, veterinary bills, maintenance, and equipment.

There are butchering expenses to consider, too! Usually – expect to pay a fixed price per pound. But – your local butcher may have different deals. Ask around!

Read More –We Found the 7 Best Cow Breeds for Delicious Milk!

Is It Worth It to Buy a Cow?

The production cost of raising cows can be high, but ultimately, it’s worth your effort. You’ll be able to produce your beef for less than grocery store prices.

Not sure that you want to raise your cows? That’s okay. If you don’t have room to house cows, you can always buy a whole cow carcass or half a cow share.

Buying whole cow carcasses will generally give you the best prices on meat without going through the work of keeping your own.

Read More –What Do Hungry Cows Eat? Other Than Grass?!

Cow and Cattle Cost FAQs

How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (4)

Finding reliable cow-cost advice is tricky these days since the economy changes so quickly.

So we put together a list of the most helpful cow and cattle pricing answers to make your cow or cattle acquisition proceed smoothly.

We hope these cow pricing answers help you!

How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Cow?

The cost of a cow will usually be somewhere between $2,000 and $5,000. But there are lots of factors that impact price. Calves or yearlings are less expensive. Usually – they cost less than half of what you’d pay for a more mature cow. The price of a cow will vary depending on the location, time of year, and breed. Other factors come into play, too. For example – whether the cow is for a dairy or beef herd can affect the price.

How Much Did a Cow Cost in 2020?

In 2020, 500-600 pound steers sold for prices in the upper $130s, and heifers were in the low $120s – with an average steer-heifer price used to acquire these figures. This data is according to cow-calf probability estimates and price reports for 2020 and 2021 produced by theUniversity of Kentucky.

How Much Does a Beef Cow Cost?

A beef cost usually comes in at around $50 per hundredweight, with steers and heifers averaging a little more. Other variables impact calf prices – such as the current demand for that cow breed and the state in which you’re acquiring the cow.

How Much Does a Baby Calf Cost?

A baby cow, or calf, costs an average price of around $150 to $300. This price range depends on its age and whether it’s weaning. Or not! Weaning cows require more attention to raise – so you can sometimes find them for less money than older, mature calves. We also noticed that the increased fuel cost hasreduced calf costsin some markets. We live in crazy times – and we think that nobody knows for sure where the price of calves will go in the future.

How Much Money Does a Cow Make?

When you sell a cow, you will usually have a profit of around $80 to $300 per cow. This profit delta depends on the size of the farm (remember, it’s an economy of scale) and how the cows got raised. Your profit margin depends heavily on whether you’re buying grain and hay. Are you producing most of it yourself? Also – are you maintaining your breeding herd on the farm?

How Much is a 600-Pound Calf Worth?

A 600-pound calf is usually worth around $1.26 per pound. Expect to pay roughly $750. Again, this price range depends on multiple variables. Consider the overall health of the calf, its breed and genetic lineage, and where the calf is getting sold.

Can I Buy a Cow?

See Also

Yes! As long as you have the space for it, you can buy a cow. Local farmers sell cows, often for less than market prices. Dairy farmers often sell male cows (who you can then raise for beef) because they aren’t necessary for dairy production. You can also purchase cows online as well as at local auctions.

Best Books and Learning Resources for Raising New Cows and Calves!

Raising dairy cows and beef cows is a ton of fun – even if the cost of cows may increase a little bit this year.

After investigating the current marketplace price of cows and calves – what’s next? Well, we recommend that you continue learning.

We also want to share our favorite books and resources to help you raise a cow with the most luck possible.

(We think it’s easier to get lucky with your cow herd if you do lots of reading – and research!)

The books below are our favorite places to start.

We hope they help you in your cow acquisition process!

  1. How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (5)


    The Backyard Cow bySue Weaveris one of the best guides for keeping a productive and happy family cow. Her motto is that you don't need massive acreage to keep a cow happy and healthy. You'll learn how to raise cows in your backyard and produce ample milk for your family. (How about six gallons per day?) You'll also select the perfect cow breed for your situation, learn daily maintenance, health care, and more.

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    12/17/2023 10:23 am GMT

  2. How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (6)


    If you're raising beef cattle, then the Guide to Raising Beef Cattle byHeather Smith Thomasis one of the best resources you can read. You'll learn about beef cattle health, breed selection, feeding, pasture, handling, and breeding. And more. You'll also learn about the business side of cattle farming - so you can identify and capitalize upon niche beef and cattle markets.

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    12/17/2023 06:17 am GMT

  3. How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (7)


    Are you interested in holistic dairy more than culling and beef? If so - Keeping a Family Cow byJoann S. Grohmanis one of the best resources we've found. Joann dives deep into how you can help nurture your cow and help it produce ample and delicious butter, milk, cream, and cheese. Perfect for small rural farms who want to enrich their lives naturally - and the lives of their herd.

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    12/17/2023 09:24 pm GMT

  4. How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (8)


    Plan on raising more than cows? What about chickens, goats, ducks, bees, or goats? Then check out The Backyard Homestead Guide to Raising Animals byGail Damerow. Gail helps the reader imagine how to produce delicious eggs, honey, bacon, milk, cheese, and other animal products. You'll start by choosing the perfect breeds from a beautiful full-color breed guide. You'll then learn efficient strategies for producing various animal products - even if you have a tiny farm or homestead.

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    12/17/2023 12:22 pm GMT

  5. How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (9)


    Want buckets of healthy and delicious milk for your family? Then we recommend The Family Cow Handbook byPhilip Hasheider. It's the perfect guide to keeping milk cows! You'll learn the most vital steps when buying a cow. You'll also discover the secret to effective cow milking and feeding. You'll also learn how to help your cow when she's giving birth to calves. There's no making up for experience when it comes to raising cows. But - this book will make you wiser in a shorter amount of time. For sure!

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    12/17/2023 04:14 pm GMT


So – how much does a cow cost? Crunching the numbers may seem like it’s common knowledge. But the actual price of cows can vary greatly depending on factors such as breed and location.

What about you? How much do dairy cows, beef cows, and calves sell in your area?

We know the economy seems to change by the hour – so we would love to have an update from your neck of the woods.

Thanks so much for reading.

Have a beautiful day!

Read More –275+ Adorable and Funny Cow Names for Your Entire Herd!

As someone deeply immersed in the world of homesteading, small-scale farming, and livestock management, I bring a wealth of firsthand expertise to the discussion on the cost of purchasing and raising cows. My extensive experience in this field allows me to shed light on the various factors influencing the price of cows, from breed considerations to geographical nuances.

Understanding Cow Costs

How Much Does a Cow Cost?

A crucial aspect of the homesteading lifestyle involves understanding the investment required for a cow. The cost of a cow can range widely, from $2,200 to $5,300. This broad spectrum is influenced by factors such as breed, gender, weight, and location. It's essential to recognize that the term "cow" encompasses not just females but also males (bulls) and calves.

How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Cow?

The purchase price of a cow is a significant consideration for homesteaders. Bulls typically command higher prices than cows, and calves are generally more affordable than both. The pricing structure may also involve considerations like weight, with sellers often charging by the hundredweight. Savvy buyers might explore purchasing cows in groups or breeding pairs to optimize cost savings.

Dairy Cow Cost

Delving into specific categories, such as dairy cows, reveals further nuances. Breeds like Jerseys, Herefords, and Guernseys can cost between $900 and $3,000, depending on factors like age and breeding history. Dairy cows sold by weight may be priced between $1.00 and $1.40 per pound, with lactating cows potentially commanding higher prices.

Beef Cow Cost

On the beef side, factors like weight (measured in CWT or hundredweight) come into play. Beef heifers may cost between $2,500 and $3,000 per head, while the overall cost of a beef cow can reach up to $5,000, influenced by factors like breed desirability, availability, and regional considerations.

How Much Does a Calf Cost?

The cost of a calf introduces additional variables, including breed, size, and age. A day-old calf, requiring bottle-feeding, may be priced lower due to increased care demands and higher mortality rates. Prices can range from $30 to $60. Older calves, around four to six months, may cost more due to stability and the resources invested in their growth.

How Much Does It Cost to Raise a Cow?

The comprehensive cost of raising a cow for a year is estimated between $500 and $1,000, covering expenses such as feed and care. Considerations like herd size and the ability to produce feed locally or allow grazing impact overall costs. Understanding factors like acreage requirements, mineral supplements, veterinary care, and equipment expenses is vital for financial planning.

Is It Worth It to Buy a Cow?

Despite the potential high production costs, the intrinsic value of raising cows lies in the ability to produce high-quality, cost-effective beef and dairy. Homesteaders can evaluate the feasibility of raising their own cows based on the available space, resources, and long-term benefits.

Additional Insights and Resources

To further empower aspiring homesteaders and small-scale farmers, I've provided a curated list of valuable books and learning resources. These recommendations cover a range of topics, from general cowkeeping to specialized guides on raising beef cattle and dairy cows. These resources serve as invaluable companions on the journey to successful and fulfilling cow management.

In conclusion, the decision to buy a cow involves a nuanced understanding of costs and benefits. As an enthusiast deeply committed to sustainable living and livestock management, I encourage fellow homesteaders to explore these resources, continually learn, and adapt their practices to ensure the well-being of their cows and the success of their endeavors.

How Much Does a Cow Cost to Buy for Your Homestead? (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.