How many photos should you give for a wedding? (2024)

Then the big day is rapidly approaching. If not, it's no big deal because you're prepared. The wedding preparations require a great deal of time and effort. You don't want to put money into something only to find out later that you got snipped. Let's discuss wedding photography today. How many do you recommend we get?

Different photographers have their own unique styles.

To some, that may seem like an obvious statement, but it holds true. Every photographer won't snap as many shots. You should look for someone who appreciates photography as an art form. The type of person who enjoys capturing fleeting moments in time. A disc can hold many of your photographs. In this article, we will discuss the various responsibilities of a wedding photographer.

It's natural to wonder how many photographs your wedding photographer will take when you're in the midst of planning your big day's photo coverage. When photographing a wedding, the photographer usually takes hundreds of raw images but only delivers a fraction of those images to the client. From a batch of 1,000 to 2,000 raw images, a professional photographer will select 200 that best represent their vision.

It's always more important to have high-quality photos than a large quantity of them. In this article, we'll address your concerns about the wedding photo shoot, including how many photos you can expect and what to look for in a professional wedding photographer.

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Table of Contents

Things to Think About

How many photos should you give for a wedding? (1)

Quality, Not Quantity

A large photo collection may seem advantageous at first. However, there is a point where there is an excessive amount of photos, especially if they are repetitive.

Between the two of us, we take about 4,000 pictures at a typical wedding. We each take about 2,000 photos as a wedding photographer.

The vast majority of customers do not need all 2,000 or 4,000 of these images. How bizarre!

We advise you to avoid sharing any data with that person if they are attempting to obtain the RAW images or similar. In the following section, we'll explain the reasoning behind this.

If your wedding photos are exceptional, you can deliver fewer of them than usual and still have extremely satisfied clients.

Photographers Cull Their Photos

You may recall that we mentioned taking 4,000 photographs on the wedding day. We take them home, save them to the computer, and then select the best ones.

Digital wedding photographers cannot skip the culling process. It's easy to get carried away with taking pictures, so editing down to only the best shots is essential for sharing with clients.

Photo Storage

This process actually starts during principal photography.

Our cameras have the capacity to simultaneously store images on two separate SD cards. With this, we know that our wedding photos will be safe from loss until we can get them onto our home computer.

When we get them back to the house, we immediately back them up to our external drives. Every professional wedding photographer must have this!

Get the Images the Client(s) Want!

While knowing that you should plan on delivering somewhere between 400 and 800 photos from a typical wedding day is helpful, this number only tells you so much.

Most customers really care about having a wide variety of photos, so they make sure to cover ALL of their wedding days. It might seem like something is off if you only show five photos of the bride and groom getting ready, but 200 of the reception.

Remember this as you snap away at the wedding!

Before the big day arrives, it's a good idea to get in touch with your client(s) and find out what they value most.

Learn about our tried-and-true method of using questionnaires to glean the most pertinent information from clients, as well as some additional excellent pointers for newcomers to the field of wedding photography.

They will be much more satisfied with the photos they receive if the wedding gallery includes all of the essential shots and moments from their special day.

Showcase the Photos Beautifully

The presentation of your client's wedding photos is just as crucial as the photos themselves.

Some inexperienced wedding photographers have been seen putting their clients' photos on Dropbox, which is notoriously difficult to use and features a dull interface. Despite the fact that this is an excellent cloud storage site for a wide variety of files, it does not make a very good first impression.

We get the most value out of our wedding photography budget by purchasing from specialised online galleries. We made the switch to Pic-Time because we found its features to be more convenient. Pic-Time is offering a free month of service to new users who sign up today and use the coupon code "FORGEDFROMLIGHT" to upgrade to a paid account.

Some photographers, however, prefer to present their digital images in a more tangible format, and these people can profitably do so by selling albums, prints, and USB flash drives.

Define Your Image Count in a Contract

Setting the expectation in writing regarding the number of images to be provided is the single most important thing.

When this information is not made clear up front, customers are likely to become confused or even angry. It's a common oversight, especially among novices. An easy solution to this annoyance is to set limits on what's expected. Simple!!

We aim low and frequently exceed expectations.

It's a practise of some wedding photographers, who then try to recoup their costs by charging extra for the additional shots.

While it's possible to achieve any goal, including the impossible, writing it down eliminates any worries you might have at the outset.

If you're a photographer and you only want to provide your clients with 50 stunning highlight images, that's fine; just be up front about it.

What Should A Wedding Photographer Do?

Having a skilled photographer on hand is essential. You want lots of pictures from your wedding day, but you don't want them to be blurry. No. Good photo quality is essential for you. They're the kind you'll want to frame so you can look at them 50 years from now and remember how stunning the wedding was. This is much more than a record of past events; it is a record of cherished recollections.

How Much Do Wedding Photographers Cost?

Typically, a wedding photographer will offer several different pricing packages. Now the work comes in, and it can take a while, because editing is just as important as preparing a good scene. You can expect to pay upwards of $3,000 for a professional wedding photographer. That may seem like a lot, but you get what you pay for in photography. A price increase is possible. Up to $10,000 is the upper limit.

How Much Of The Wedding Will A Photographer Cover?

The average wedding lasts between 8 and 10 hours. The good news is that a wedding photographer can typically cover as much as 8 hours of action. Thus, the fee is typically calculated for that duration. Having a wedding photographer present for longer than that may result in an increase in price.

Check out our list of wedding videographers to help you capture your special day.

How Many Photos Does That Make?

Usually there are somewhere between a thousand and fifteen hundred pictures. Of course, just because that's the average doesn't mean that's how many photos your photographer will actually hand out. A written agreement is typically signed. If you're thinking about hiring a photographer, make sure to find out how many images you'll receive.

How To Save Money?

Today, fraud occurs at an alarming rate around the globe. You should hire a photographer that you have some familiarity with or trust. Lots of photographers have samples of their work available online. The risk of being overcharged can be mitigated in a number of ways. Here are some easy rules to follow.

Some Simple Tips To Save Money On A Wedding Photographer:

  • Have your heart set on a specific bundle before you make your purchase. It's not uncommon for photographers to try to sell you more services. When something like this happens, you're being sold more than you need or want. Find a package that suits your needs in terms of the number of pictures you'll need.
  • What they put on paper is not necessarily binding. Whenever you sign a contract or make a purchase, you have the option to negotiate the terms. Do not be unwilling to bargain.
  • The best way to learn is to ask. You've finally arrived at the big day where you get to keep the cash. Do not be shy about getting clarification. You'll get precise information if you do this. Knowing what you were getting into before hand is a great feeling of satisfaction and contentment.
  • Use a local service. Finding a local photographer to do the job is your best bet. There is nothing worse than getting a bad rap in your own community. They seek to expand their clientele. Word-of-mouth is another way that they spread. Buying local is great for your wallet and your community.

How to Prepare for an Amazing Wedding Photoshoot

The time of day, the location, and the weather during a wedding or photoshoot are the three most influential variables that will determine the quality of your photographs. Get ready for the wedding early and give yourself plenty of time to do your hair and makeup so that it looks great in the photos. Makeup mistakes at the last minute can be avoided by scheduling a trial run before the big day.

If you need to hold your event or photoshoot indoors, find a spacious area with plenty of windows so that your photographer has ample lighting and room to work. Be sure the wedding portrait includes everyone who matters.

Things That Can Make Your Wedding Photoshoot Better

A successful wedding photo shoot requires careful planning and the services of a professional photographer. Talk to your photographer for pointers on how to pull off a flawless photo shoot.

The important factors that can do wonders are the right time, the right weather, and a fascinating location. Carefully consider the logistics of your wedding event or photo shoot, especially in terms of location and timing.

Do I Need a Second Photographer for My Wedding Shoot?

The majority of the time, your photographer will be accompanied by a colleague, so you won't have to worry about not getting shots from a variety of angles (another photographer). With more cameras at their disposal, they can capture images from all directions.

When Should I Book a Wedding Photographer?

Depending on the photographer's availability, you may need to book him a full year in advance if you want his services for your wedding. It's not uncommon for top-tier wedding photographers to be fully booked for an entire year in advance. Finding and deciding on a prefered photographer in the weeks leading up to the big day can be a stressful ordeal.

What Is 'Shoot and Burn' Photography?

You might come across the term "shoot and burn" while researching wedding photographers. Photographers will often skip the editing process and simply burn your wedding photos onto a CD for you. However, skipping the editing process means the product will be cheaper but of lower quality.

Do I Need to Tip My Wedding Photographer?

Your wedding photographer will likely appreciate a tip. Giving tips is not governed by any set of rules. If you have a healthy budget, a tip of $50 to $100 is appropriate. Depending on your financial situation, you can adjust your donation accordingly.

How can I make sure I look good in my photos?

Relax. Rely on your wedding photographer.

When taking pictures, it will be more apparent if you are at ease.

Allow at least 30 minutes for the family and wedding party photos and an hour for the couple portraits to ensure you don't feel rushed on your big day.

In addition, make sure you get a good night's rest and hydrate well the night before.

Indulge in a relaxing rehearsal dinner. Having a hangover on your wedding day is miserable.

How to Get a Good Wedding Photographer on a Reasonable Budget

For the bride and groom, their wedding day will always stand out as one of the most special days of their lives. Wedding photography can be expensive, and it can be challenging to find a good one on a tight budget. In the United States, a wedding photoshoot typically costs between $1500 and $2000. If the following are considered, however, we can reduce this cost.

Pricing and Packages

Check out the wedding photography session schedule and pricing options. Some photographers will charge more if they have to travel to a remote location. Most photographers will include the time spent on the photo shoot as part of a wedding package. Keep in mind that the longer they stay, the more money they will eventually pay you. If you want to make sure that everyone is happy, you should ask a lot of questions.

Photographer's Staff

Sometimes, professional photographers will bring in additional help in the form of assistants. A higher price tag is the result. The cost can rise even further if a couple opts to hire multiple photographers for their wedding day.

Wedding Album or Printed Images

The price of wedding photography drastically changes if a wedding album is included in the package. Numerous photographers provide specialised niches. To save money, you can ask, for instance, that pictures not be printed but rather provided in digital or online format.

Ask the Students or Personal Connections

You can also find a talented wedding photographer through personal connections or by inquiring with photography students or interns enrolled in a professional degree programme. If you know someone who might be interested, you can always ask for a discount.

Avoid Peak Wedding Days

Planning a wedding on a weekday can help you save money on professional photography services. If you're planning a wedding for the off season, don't be afraid to negotiate a lower price.

Avoid Unwanted Add-ons

To get the best deal, be sure to negotiate for a discount package that can be adjusted to meet your needs. Wedding packages are customizable, so you can skip over any extras that you don't want. You can tailor the length of time and type of wedding coverage to your financial means.

There is some variation in cost from photographer to photographer for wedding photo sessions. It is possible to set up conferences to help you choose the best photographer.

Check out our post on Should I hire a wedding videographer?


About 4,000 photographs are taken at a typical wedding by the two of us. Not every photographer will be able to take as many shots. Find someone who recognises the aesthetic value of photography. If the quality of your wedding photographs is particularly high, you may be able to get away with sending fewer of them to the happy couple. Photographers of digital weddings must always go through a culling process.

It's easy to take too many photos, so narrowing it down to the best ones before sharing with clients is crucial. Some incompetent photographers have been observed uploading client photos to Dropbox, a service with a bad reputation for user friendliness. New users can try Pic-Time risk-free for an entire month by signing up right now. In order to switch to a paid subscription, enter the promo code "FORGEDFROMLIGHT" at checkout. A professional wedding photographer will cost you an average of $3,000.

Photographers often capture up to 8 hours of a wedding's festivities. There could be an added fee if you want the photographer to stay for more than that long. To avoid getting ripped off, it's best to hire a local photographer who you're already familiar with or have some faith in. The three most important factors that will determine the final quality of your photographs are time of day, location, and weather. Planning ahead and hiring a skilled photographer are essential for stunning wedding photos.

Have a chat with your photographer to get some advice on how to have a picture-perfect photo shoot. The average cost of a wedding photography session is between $1500 and $2000. However, if the following are taken into account, we can lessen this expenditure. If a photographer has to travel far to reach the shoot location, they may increase their rates to cover their expenses. The time required for the photo shoot is typically included in the price of most wedding packages.

Having your wedding during the week can help you save money on photography costs. Conferences can be organised to help you decide on the best photographer. It is possible to omit unneeded components from wedding packages if you so choose. Inquire about a discount package that can be tailored to your specific requirements.

Content Summary

  • In this article, we will discuss the various responsibilities of a wedding photographer.
  • It's natural to wonder how many photographs your wedding photographer will take when you're in the midst of planning your big day's photo coverage.
  • In this article, we'll address your concerns about the wedding photo shoot, including how many photos you can expect and what to look for in a professional wedding photographer.
  • You may recall that we mentioned taking 4,000 photographs on the wedding day.
  • The presentation of your client's wedding photos is just as crucial as the photos themselves.
  • Setting the expectation in writing regarding the number of images to be provided is the single most important thing.
  • You want lots of pictures from your wedding day, but you don't want them to be blurry.
  • Good photo quality is essential for you.
  • You should hire a photographer that you have some familiarity with or trust.
  • Find a package that suits your needs in terms of the number of pictures you'll need.
  • The time of day, the location, and the weather during a wedding or photoshoot are the three most influential variables that will determine the quality of your photographs.
  • Talk to your photographer for pointers on how to pull off a flawless photo shoot.
  • Carefully consider the logistics of your wedding event or photo shoot, especially in terms of location and timing.
  • Rely on your wedding photographer.
  • Indulge in a relaxing rehearsal dinner.
  • Having a hangover on your wedding day is miserable.
  • Wedding photography can be expensive, and it can be challenging to find a good one on a tight budget.
  • Check out the wedding photography session schedule and pricing options.
  • A higher price tag is the result.
  • The price of wedding photography drastically changes if a wedding album is included in the package.
  • If you know someone who might be interested, you can always ask for a discount.
  • Planning a wedding on a weekday can help you save money on professional photography services.
  • To get the best deal, be sure to negotiate for a discount package that can be adjusted to meet your needs.
  • There is some variation in cost from photographer to photographer for wedding photo sessions.
How many photos should you give for a wedding? (2024)
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