How Many Chinese Characters Are There? Full Explanation and Guide for Fluency | FluentU Chinese Blog (2024)

How Many Chinese Characters Are There? Full Explanation and Guide for Fluency | FluentU Chinese Blog (1)

By Daniel Lal and How Many Chinese Characters Are There? Full Explanation and Guide for Fluency | FluentU Chinese Blog (2)Sheena Dizon Last updated:

Some official lists include anywhere from 80,000 to 100,000+ entries.

Even some dictionaries contain up to 20,000 items.

That’s a lot of Chinese characters.

But wait!

The answer to “How many Chinese characters are there?” is very different from the answer to “How many Chinese characters do I need to know?”

In this post, we’ll walk you through the number of Chinese characters, how many you actually need to know, how to learn them and why you should. Let’s begin!


  • How Many Chinese Characters Are There?
    • The History of Chinese Characters
    • Traditional Chinese vs. Simplified Chinese
    • Is There a Chinese Alphabet?
    • Chinese Radicals and Components
    • Chinese Characters vs. Chinese Words
  • How Many Chinese Characters Do You Need to Know?
  • How to Learn Chinese Characters
  • Why Learn Chinese Characters?
  • And One More Thing...

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

How Many Chinese Characters Are There?

A lot, as you now know!

But, while there’s upwards of 80,000 Chinese characters in total, you only need to know around 2,000 Chinese characters to be literate.

By 3,500 characters, you’ll recognize nearly 99.5% of modern Chinese writing. Even college-educated Chinese people only know around 8,000 characters.

To really understand the Chinese writing system and why these numbers are so different, however, we’ll need to take a closer look at what exactly is being counted and how the whole system works.

The History of Chinese Characters

Chinese characters have actually evolved over thousands of years.The first iterationsdate all the way back to the Shang Dynasty, which lasted from 1600 to 1046 BC.

Back then, Chinese characters were oracle bone inscriptions, or ancestral pictograms carved onto tortoise shells and animal bones.

These inscriptions were followed by symbols carved into bronze.Bronze inscriptions appeared at the end of the Shang Dynasty and were prevalent during the Zhou Dynasty or “Bronze Age,” which was from 1046 to 771 BC.

The bone and bronze inscriptions were quite similar, but the bronze characters were more structured and had thicker lines.

During the Warring States Period from 475 to 221 BC, there was no standard Chinese script. Different parts of the empire had their own scripts, but all that changed once emperor Qin Shi Huang united China.

The standard written language in the Qin Dynasty (221 to 206 BC) used small seal characters. These had proportional brush strokes and a sort of diamond shape.They’re also the foundation of the contemporary writing system.

The Han Dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD) ushered in the official script. This was where the written language looked less like pictograms and more like characters as we know them, with curved and broken strokes.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the official script transitioned into the regular script, but it only became popular during the Northern and Southern Dynasties from 420 to 589 AD.

During this era, the regular script continuously underwent stylistic changes. It reached its final form in the Tang Dynasty, which spanned from 618 to 907 AD, and it’s what we’ve come to recognize as traditional Chinese.

It wasn’t until 1954 when the government simplified the traditional characters for printing use. This was to increase literacy throughout China by lessening the number of brush strokes needed to write many common characters.

Traditional Chinese vs. Simplified Chinese

Traditional characters make up the large majority of all Chinese characters.

The government began simplifying characters in the 1950s in order to improve literacy rates. By 1986, over 2,000 characters had been simplified.

According to the Table of General Standard Chinese Characters, there are currently 8,105 simplified characters, although that number includes common characters that remain the same in both forms.

You can read more about the difference between the forms in this post about simplified and traditional Chinese. Here is a video that explains the differences between traditional and simplified characters:

If you’re not sure whether to learn the traditional or simplified form of the language, consider your purpose for learning Mandarin.

Traditional Chinese is preferred in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, so if you plan on traveling or moving to one of those places, you’re better off studying the traditional form.

If you’re headed to China, Singapore or Malaysia, simplified Chinese is the way to go. And, in general, there are slightly more learning resources available for simplified characters.

Is There a Chinese Alphabet?

If you’re interested in learning to read and write Chinese characters, you may be wondering… How?

The truth is that there is no Chinese alphabet.

Some people refer to the pinyin system as the Chinese alphabet, but this is inaccurate. Pinyin uses the Latin alphabet to describe the pronunciation of Chinese characters, but it’s not actually used for creating words.

It’s a little confusing, and it doesn’t help that there are 26 letters in both the English alphabet and the pinyin system.

Just know that, unlike Western languages, Chinese doesn’t rely on letters (pinyin or otherwise) to formulate characters and words.

Even if you learn Chinese in Taiwan, which doesn’t use the pinyin system, there is no alphabet. Instead of (or in addition to) pinyin, you will learn the Zhuyin phonetic symbols, but that’s still all they are—a phonetic pronunciation guide, and not the basis of words or characters.

Chinese Radicals and Components

Instead of an alphabet, Chinese characters are composed of building blocks known as radicals and components.

Radicals index and categorize characters. Basically, they’re like the first letter of English words; they’re what we use to look them up in a dictionary. While you can look up words online using pinyin, it’s still pretty handy learning this classification for Chinese characters.

Check out this video to learn more about how radicals work:

For the most part, characters contain one main radical, which you can usually find either on the left or top of the character. There are 214 radicals in total.

An example is 匚 (fāng) which means “box,” and it’s included in characters like 区 (qū) meaning “area” and 匠 (jiàng) meaning “craftsman.”

The other important thing to know is components. There are two types:

  • Phonetic components are parts of a character that offer pronunciation clues
  • Semantic components are parts of a character that impart some sort of meaning

Radicals can also act as phonetic or semantic components. They may even be referred to as “phonetic radicals” and “semantic radicals.”

Let’s take a look at the character (mā) for “mother.” It’s composed of two parts:

  • (nǚ) — female
  • (mǎ) — horse

As you can see, 女 would be the semantic component or semantic radical that indicates the character refers to a female, while 马 would be the phonetic component that shares the same pinyin as 妈, just with a different tone.

Again, though radicals and components help you understand Chinese characters, they’re not the same thing as an alphabet. Many of the 214 radicals are also common words on their own.

Chinese Characters vs. Chinese Words

The final distinction to be aware of is the difference between Chinese characters and Chinese words.

As we just mentioned, some Chinese characters can represent standalone words. They can also represent components for creating other words, ideas and concepts. 女 and 马 from above are perfect examples of characters that are standalone words, as well as components for building other characters.

That means the combinations of characters like those form all kinds of words, which is great news for Chinese learners.

Basically, a handful of Chinese characters can be combined and reorganized to express a wide variety of ideas—you don’t need to learn a brand new Chinese character for every new object or action that you encounter.

For example, check out these characters that are each equivalent to a single English word:

  • (chī) — eat
  • (shān) — mountain
  • (hǎo) — good
  • (huǒ) — fire
  • (shàng) — up
  • (xià)— down
  • (tóu) — head
  • (chē)— car
  • (rén)— person

Now let’s do a quick exercise. Using the nine characters in the list above, how would you say the following words?

  • Volcano
  • Mountain top
  • Go up the mountain
  • Come down the mountain
  • Good guy
  • Oppressive
  • Per capita
  • Delicious
  • Train
  • The front of a car
  • Get on (as in getting on a bus)
  • Get off (as in getting off of a bus)

Here are the answers:

  • 火山 (huǒ shān) — literally “fire mountain”
  • 山头 (shān tóu) — literally “mountain head”
  • 上山 (shàng shān) — literally “up mountain”
  • 下山 (xià shān) — literally “down mountain”
  • 好人 (hǎo rén) — literally “good person”
  • 吃人 (chī rén) — literally “eat people,” describing someone who takes advantage of other people
  • 人头 (rén tóu) — literally “people heads,” kind of like how we say “headcount”
  • 好吃 (hǎo chī) — literally “good eat”
  • 火车 (huǒ chē) — literally “fire car,” referring to the wood and carbon fires that would power old-style trains
  • 车头 (chē tóu) — literally “car head”
  • 上车 (shàng chē)— literally “up car,” describing your action getting onto or into a vehicle
  • 下车 (xià chē) — literally “down car,” describing your action when getting out of a vehicle

So, although the total number of Chinese characters is very large—and even if the number of characters you personally need to learn to get to a basic level seems large—remember that there are many cases in which you’ll be ahead of the game simply by knowing the most basic characters there are.

How Many Chinese Characters Do You Need to Know?

You can be fluent in English even if you don’t come close to knowing all 1,00,000 estimated words, or even the 470,000 included in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Chinese isn’t any different in this respect.

As you just learned, characters are both standalone words and components of other words and ideas. So, really, there are two questions that need an answer here:

  • How many characters does one need for fluency?
  • How many words does one need for fluency?

Well, the average person only needs to know around 2,000 Chinese characters to be fluent. Those characters represent a basic education level that can help you make it in day-to-day life.

Because Chinese fluency is generally measured by character count, it’s assumed that you’d be able to put those characters into words the way we did with the exercise above. However, that means word count, though a bit harder to quantify, is where your Chinese fluency goals really come into play.

To understand how your vocabulary knowledge impacts your fluency level, I recommend that you follow the standards set by the HSK Chinese proficiency test.

The HSK 2.0 exam is still being administered in many locations. Here are the requirements for that version of the test:

LevelBasic RequirementsCharacters to KnowWords to Know
HSK 1use very simple words and phrases178150
HSK 2exchange simple information349 300
HSK 3communicate at a basic level623 600
HSK 4fluently converse in Chinese1,0711,200
HSK 5read Chinese newspapers1,7092,500
HSK 6effectively express yourself2,6335,000

The new version of the exam, the HSK 3.0, is scheduled to be rolled out worldwide over the next few years. Here’s what is currently known about the updated requirements:

LevelBasic RequirementsCharacters to KnowWords to Know
HSK 1have simple communication about familiar topics300500
HSK 2hold brief conversations about basic social situations6001,270
HSK 3complete daily interactions involving travel, study and work9002,245
HSK 4handle everyday conversations, including health issues and job seeking1,2003,245
HSK 5successfully express opinions, methods and suggestions1,5004,315
HSK 6hold discussions about professional topics, including issues and conflicts1,8005,450
HSK 7discuss subjects such as culture, art, sports and emotions with ease3,00011,090
HSK 8converse about topics including literature, politics, philosophy and religion without difficulty3,00011,090
HSK 9communicate easily about high-level topics in both casual and professional settings3,00011,090

Keep in mind that knowing Chinese fluently also depends a lot on context. You might be fluent in English, but that doesn’t mean you can necessarily understand the legalese in a contract or sit in on a random business meeting and grasp all the jargon.

Base your character studies on what you actually read and use outside of your textbook. In other words, make sure you’re learning relevant Chinese characters.

The bottom line, if you really want a character count, is to start by aiming to learn about 2,000 characters. That means you should be able to learn around 3,500 to 4,000 words.

That will get you to basic fluency, around Level 4 of the HSK 2.0 test. Level 6 of that exam is when you can really, effectively express yourself in spoken or written Chinese.

How to Learn Chinese Characters

There are a number of ways you can learn your 2,000 (or however many) characters. Here are just a few.

Read Real Chinese Books

In school, you learn a subject, and you learn new words for that subject that involve related ideas. Basically, you passively learn the language you’re speaking in class.

Look for some Chinese elementary school classroom textbooks on topics that interest you and dig in. You might already know the concepts taught in those books, but you don’t know them in Chinese!

You can also read actual Chinese books—though I recommend starting with either children’s books or graded readers if you’re still at a lower level. Perhaps your ultimate goal could be to read a Chinese novel in its entirety.

Don’t limit your learning to simply memorizing a character and its meaning. Give the character practical context. And whenever you can, include your new words in conversation.

Watch Authentic Chinese Videos

Reading is important, but you’ll be missing a whole other world of the language if you don’t also use Chinese video or audio content. Authentic content is the stuff that Chinese speakers make for other Chinese speakers. It’s the kind of media that native speakers watch on their day off.

When you use this kind of content to learn Chinese, you’re getting the real language. You get to hear words in context and learn them naturally, which goes a long way when it’s time to use them in conversation. That’s why it’s so important to immerse yourself in authentic Chinese TV shows, YouTube channels—even podcasts and audiobooks.

Don’t think that watching authentic content has nothing to do with learning characters, either! There’s usually subtitles for video content, and you can often find transcripts for strictly audio material as well, though the quality of both can be iffy.

There are also programs designed to help you learn from authentic sources, such as FluentU, where you’re also given expert-vetted subtitles and full transcripts.

Follow the HSK Levels

The HSK test is based on how you use the characters you know to form words. Following the standards of this language test can lead you to practical success. You can:

  • Use HSK Mock tests to study, even if you don’t plan on taking the test. They’ll get you reading and writing with the most important Chinese characters.
  • Use apps with sections that show you how characters are used, like the “words” section of Pleco. Pleco even has a built-in HSK vocabulary study list. The more thoroughly you know a character, the more useful it’ll become.

Use the HSK as a guide for character learning, whether or not you plan on taking the exam, and your understanding of Chinese characters will skyrocket.

Why Learn Chinese Characters?

One of the hurdles many Chinese students face is that learning the writing system can seem incredibly daunting. If one can learn to speak Chinese fluently without knowing the characters, then why bother?

It’s not just about writing and reading.

Studying Chinese characters can help you:

  • memorize new words
  • identify the meanings of unknown words
  • understand the language in a more meaningful way
  • connect with the culture more deeply

Here’s a personal example:I once bought a fridge for my apartment from a local seller. The seller insisted that we needed to catch a train to get it to the apartment—or so I heard.

Turns out she said 货车 (huò chē) — “delivery truck” and not 火车 (huǒ chē) — “train.” If I’d been familiar with the character 货 (huò), which refers to deliveries or goods, I’d have had a better chance of distinguishing between the words even when spoken.

Characters also help you remember words based on their components. Another example: Aclassmate of mine once had a discussion about how 安 (ān) — “peace” could be viewed as sexist, since the character is made up of a woman, 女 (nǚ), under a roof, 宀 (mián).

Calligraphy also happens to be an excellent study method. It helps you learn characters by practicing structure and stroke order, and your memory retention for characters will improve, but it also connects you to the culture.

Chinese calligraphy is a highly esteemed form of art in China, and therefore a great way to show some cultural appreciation. Plus, writing and reading this style of Chinese cursive writing will help you later down the line when you’re trying to decipher handwritten text.

So make those Chinese characters work for you. Each character conquered is another step towards Chinese fluency!

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And One More Thing...

If you want to continue learning Chinese with interactive and authentic Chinese content, then you'll love FluentU.

FluentU naturally eases you into learning Chinese language. Native Chinese content comes within reach, and you'll learn Chinese as it's spoken in real life.

FluentU has a wide range of contemporary videos—like dramas, TV shows, commercials and music videos.

FluentU App Browse Screen

FluentU brings these native Chinese videos within reach via interactive captions. You can tap on any word to instantly look it up. All words have carefully written definitions and examples that will help you understand how a word is used. Tap to add words you'd like to review to a vocab list.

Interactive Transcripts on FluentU

FluentU's Learn Mode turns every video into a language learning lesson. You can always swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you're learning.

FluentU Has Quizzes for Every Video

The best part is that FluentU always keeps track of your vocabulary. It customizes quizzes to focus on areas that need attention and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a 100% personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

How Many Chinese Characters Are There? Full Explanation and Guide for Fluency | FluentU Chinese Blog (2024)


How Many Chinese Characters Are There? Full Explanation and Guide for Fluency | FluentU Chinese Blog? ›

There are thousands of characters, although knowing just 3,000 to 4,000 of them is enough to navigate modern Chinese. That's because most words are made up of a combination of the most common characters.

How many Chinese characters for fluency? ›

Out of the 80,000+ Chinese characters that exist, a working knowledge of just 2,000-3,000 characters is considered a good foundation for literacy in Chinese, and equips the reader to understand approximately 97-99% of modern texts.

How many Chinese characters are there in total? ›

How many characters are there? Altogether there are over 50,000 characters, though a comprehensive modern dictionary will rarely list over 20,000 in use. An educated Chinese person will know about 8,000 characters, but you will only need about 2-3,000 to be able to read a newspaper.

Is 500 Chinese characters enough? ›

With the most common 500 characters you can recognize 75.8 percent of modern Chinese. Sounds exciting, right? With the most common 1000 characters you can recognize 89.1 percent of modern Chinese. With the most common 1500 characters you can recognize 94.5 percent of modern Chinese.

Is 1000 Chinese characters enough? ›

If you know the 1,000 most common characters, you will be able to read 89%. For 2,000 characters, that increases to 97%, and for the 3,000 most common characters, it reaches 99%.

How long does it take to learn Chinese fluency? ›

It takes about 4-7 years (roughly 2200 to 4000 hours) to become fluent in every aspect of the language, if you spend at least an hour and a half to study every day. However, it's quite common for learners to become more fluent in some areas than others depending on how they allotted their study time.

What is the hardest language to learn? ›

1. Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons.

What is the hardest Chinese character to write? ›

Biáng – a type of noodle (42 strokes)

Biáng has attained a certain fame as the most complex Chinese character of them all. However, again there are a few issues surrounding it. The character has a very, very specific meaning: it is used in the name of a traditional Shaanxi noodle dish.

Which HSK level is fluent? ›

If you want to know what HSK level you need to be to put 'fluent' on a job resume I'd say that basic fluency is measured at level 4 on the HSK exams, while level 6 is when you can successfully express yourself in spoken or written Chinese.

How many words are in fluent Chinese? ›

Estimates as to how many words are required to reach fluency vary from as few as 400 to as many as 20,000. There is no simple answer, primarily because each person has their own definition of 'fluency'. It doesn't help that the six levels of the standard Chinese proficiency exam, the HSK, paint a misleading picture.

What is the most detailed Chinese character? ›

The most complex character, biáng (above), is made up of 57 strokes. This character occurs in the written form of biángbiáng miàn, or biangbiang noodles, a dish of wide, flat noodles popular in the Chinese province of Shaanxi. The status of biáng as most complex requires a bit of qualification.

Is it worth learning to write Chinese characters? ›

If you've started learning Chinese, you will already be familiar with pinyin. And you may wonder, since there is a system for writing Chinese that doesn't require years of practice to master, if it's worth bothering with characters. The answer is, unless all you hope to do is learn a few phrases, then yes you do.

How many Chinese characters do Chinese students learn? ›

Native Chinese speakers themselves don't know that many words and characters in Chinese! That'd be an incredible number of characters to know. At elementary school, Chinese students are expected to learn about 2,500 characters. This increases by 1,000 at middle and high school.

How many characters does the average Chinese know? ›

The average educated Chinese person knows around 8,000 characters. The Table of General Standard Chinese Characters has 8,105 characters, with 6,500 being common.

How much vocabulary is enough for Chinese? ›

2500 words are about the minimum amount it takes to be “fluent” in Chinese. This is not as many Mandarin words as a native speaker knows, but it's enough to describe whatever it is you are trying to say.

How many standard Chinese characters are there? ›

The Table of General Standard Chinese Characters (Chinese: 通用规范汉字表; pinyin: Tōngyòng Guīfàn Hànzì Biǎo) is the current standard list of 8,105 Chinese characters published by the government of the People's Republic of China and promulgated in June 2013.

How many words do you need to know in Chinese to be fluent? ›

2500 words are about the minimum amount it takes to be “fluent” in Chinese. This is not as many Mandarin words as a native speaker knows, but it's enough to describe whatever it is you are trying to say.

How many Chinese characters can you read in a minute? ›

Average reading speed in various languages
Language CodeNumber of wordsMin
Arabic250612 (88)
Chinese250255 (29)
Dutch249978 (143)
English249987 (118)
13 more rows
Jul 19, 2019

What level of Chinese is fluent? ›

Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.

How many Chinese characters do you need to know to have a conversation? ›

Well, the average person only needs to know around 2,000 Chinese characters to be fluent. Those characters represent a basic education level that can help you make it in day-to-day life.

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