How Long Does Curry Last in the Fridge? - Top Food Storage Reviews (2024)

If you’ve ever wondered, “Can I eat leftover curry?” you’re not alone. Many of us have made this mistake at some point in our lives. We judge leftover curry based on the odor, texture, and expiration date. All foods go bad after a certain amount of time, so the key is to know how long your curry will stay good. In addition, you may want to try vacuum-sealing it to extend its shelf life even further.

How Long Does Curry Last in the Fridge? - Top Food Storage Reviews (1)

How Long does Curry Last in the Fridge?

Varies on the curry’s type and storage circ*mstances. Eating any curry within 48 hours is always advisable for safety reasons.

There is no set period for storing curries because they are prepared differently worldwide.

Additionally, although curries can be kept in the fridge for up to 4-5 days, they might significantly lose their flavor and texture, mainly if they include cooked vegetables or meat.

After 48 hours, always look for symptoms of deterioration!

How to Store Different Types of Curry?

As the foundation of Indian cuisine, curries are well-known worldwide and have been incorporated into the cuisine of many nations.

Chicken vindaloo and butter chicken, which comprise a particularly spicy tomato and butter sauce and a particular style of chicken curry, are two excellent examples.

There are wide additional curry varieties, but these two are excellent examples.

Garam masala, whole spices, tomato gravy, and onions are frequently found in curries traditionally prepared with clarified butter or ghee. They have a fantastic flavor but are also very prone to spoiling.

Even without the chicken and cooked onions, introducing cooked tomatoes and butter will speed up the dish’s decomposition rate. For this reason, it is crucial to preserve curries properly.

Many people think that once cooked, curries can last for a very long time and can be kept out at room temperature for up to six or more hours. There is no way that this is true!

Even 3 hours outside can cause most curries to start to spoil. Curry should never be left on the counter or stove for longer than two hours, just like any other cuisine.

How to Keep Curry Safe?

Curry is fantastic since it can be preserved in a variety of ways. The easiest way to store any curry is often to transfer it to an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator or freezer, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

Before cooking the curry, double-check that the leftovers are refrigerated within two hours.

Some curries need to be refrigerated for no longer than an hour. This is due to the possibility that they could begin to spoil sooner depending on how hot the kitchen and ambient temperatures are.

As a best practice, it is always preferable to allow the curry to cool before putting it in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life. We advise preparing the curry at least 30-45 minutes in advance if you intend to serve it immediately.

What are Different Techniques to Increase Freshness and Reduce Cooking Time of Curries?

You can use a few techniques to keep the curry fresher for longer.

  • For instance, while making butter chicken, the meat can be marinaded in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 hours. When you’re ready to cook it, combine it with the remaining ingredients and prepare the curry for 30 minutes.
  • Similarly, several dishes can be partially cooked or prepared ahead of time. The onions in a Korma dish can be caramelized and mashed beforehand, combined with the remaining spices, and put into the meat.
  • Doing this will reduce the final dish’s prep time from an hour to 30 minutes.
  • Denser meats like lamb or beef take less time to prepare when you use pressure cookers or quick pots. As a result, the dish’s storage duration will be increased by several hours and require less time on the stove.

How to Store Leftover Curry?

After finishing your meal, place the leftovers in an airtight container (we suggest these). Depending on the curry, the jar can be kept in the refrigerator for up to two or three days.

Again, the only safety measure you need to take in this situation is to not leave the curry at room temperature for longer than two hours.

Keep in mind that bacterial growth may start after two hours; every 20 minutes after that, the bacteria may proliferate rapidly!

Here’s how to properly preserve curry:

  • Transfer the curries from the cooking saucepan to a dry, clean container using a clean spoon.
  • To extend the shelf life of the cuisine, remove any toppings like cilantro or extra ghee.
  • Put the date the curry was prepared on the container and keep it in the back or the coldest area of your refrigerator.
  • After 48 hours, you can either eat the leftovers by adding new garnish or put them in the freezer to store them for a more extended period. Ensure no remaining moisture is on the container’s sides to prevent freezer burn.
  • The most OK refrigerator to use for long-term storage of any kind of curry is a no-frost model!

How to Thaw a Frozen Curry?

Curry can be heated in a variety of ways. Here are a few well-liked techniques:

The Use of a Microwave

  • Curry of any kind can be warmed in the microwave, and it is preferable first to let frozen curry defrost in the refrigerator overnight before reheating it in the microwave.
  • Even though you may just thaw it in the microwave, do the risk of drying up the curry and overcooking the ingredients.

Heating in an Oven

  • If you don’t have any other options, the best course would be to cover the curry with foil and cook it for around 10-15 minutes at 350°F. Oven heating isn’t recommended for curries because the heat could dry up the food.
  • After 10 minutes, check the curry and adjust the heating time as necessary.

Heating in a Skillet

  • The quickest technique to quickly reheat frozen or even thawed curry is in this manner.
  • To prevent it from drying, place the curry on a nonstick skillet and add a small amount of waterAlternativelyve; place the curry on the skillet after adding 2 to 3 tablespoons of water.
  • In the case of thawed curry, allow the curry to cook for approximately 10 minutes at a medium flame with the lid open.
  • Keeping the lid on during the early heating procedure may hasten the melting of frozen, ice-hard curries.

What are the Spoilage Indicators of Curry?

Following are a few warning signals to watch out for:

Frothing or Foaming

As a curry heats up, a thick foam may form; this could mean that it has spoiled foam may initially start in the corners before spreading out across the entire surface of the dish.

It is preferable to toss the curry unless it contains an ingredient like baking powder or baking soda.


Any color of discoloration or mold is an obvious indication of deterioration. If this occurs, you must throw away the curry without attempting to repair it.

A foul stench, a thick slime, or a sour or bitter taste are other warning indicators.


Check the texture of the meal if you’re still unsure about the condition of your leftovers. Food is probably rotten if it feels slimy or changes texture dramatically.


Check the food thoroughly before consuming it to ensure that all the ingredients are the same color as when you cooked them. For instance, lettuce or meat fades from green to brown or brown to grey.

Food is probably dangerous to eat if it no longer appears to be the color it should be.

This leftover-checking strategy works well for meals that include fresh foods like produce, meat, and fresh dairy. Color can be deceiving to foods prepared with preservatives, so you may want to check for other warning signs instead.

What is the Best Way to Reheat Takeaway Curry?

You’ll need a microwave, an oven, or a burner to reheat takeout curry.

  • Put your curry onto a microwave-safe dish and heat for around 5 minutes if you use one. To ensure that the heat is distributed evenly, stir the curry approximately every minute.
  • Put your takeout curry in an oven-safe dish and preheat your oven to about 130 degrees Celsius if you plan to reheat it in the oven.
  • When the oven is ready, put your curry there and cook for around 15 minutes. The food should be heated to about 82 degrees Celsius to eliminate any potentially dangerous germs that may have seeped into the dish.
  • Pour the curry into a non-stick pan and reheat over medium-low heat if you’re doing it on the stove. Serve the curry right away once it’s hot to the touch.

Is Curry Beneficial for You?

Curry nutritional information varies depending on the recipe, and while some curries are light and packed with nutrient-dense vegetables and spices, others can become high calorie- and fat-dense.

Curry is similar to a potato in that it can be boiled or baked, keeping it relatively healthy, or it can be chopped up, fried in oil, and covered in sauces high in sugar and fat.

Full-fat coconut milk and oil are frequently found in curries, which can be advantageous in moderation but can get out of control if you consume a more significant piece.

Curry characteristics are rich in anti-inflammatories and other nutrients that support various bodily functions, making curry powder highly healthy for our bodies.

The following are some of the top justifications to fill up a plate and savor some curry health advantages:

  • Reduces inflammation Turmeric is a beneficial yellow spice that tastes great and reduces inflammation and pain in the body. According to some specialists, it might function similarly to over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen.
  • Supports Digestion Excess gas, bloating, diarrhea, and general digestive pain can all be reduced using cumin, black pepper, bay leaves, cinnamon, and coriander.
  • Enhances heart health Vasodilators like cardamom and sweet basil help reduce blood pressure and improve human heart health.
  • Boosts the microbiome’s health. The well-known antimicrobial properties of coriander can help prevent bacterial infections and maintain high populations of beneficial bacteria in the body and intestines. Additionally, it has some potent antifungal properties.
  • Blood Sugar is reduced. Consuming curry powder frequently could help decrease and regulate blood sugar levels, but additional research is required.
  • Encourages fullness Compared to other cuisines, some research suggests that consuming curry may help lower our hunger and urge to eat.


Can long curry last in the fridge? The answer to the question is for 48 hours. But there are some tips to follow to make it as safe as possible. First, ensure that your curry has reached room temperature before putting it in the fridge. Packing it before it has cooled down may result in moisture buildup and bacterial growth. You should oversee the curry for at least 2 hours before putting it in the fridge. Moreover, if you have not used it within 48 hours, it’s better to cook it and consume it sooner rather than later.

How Long Does Curry Last in the Fridge? - Top Food Storage Reviews (2024)
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