How Long Do Jelly Beans Last? | Sweet Factory UAE (2024)

We all need some extra dose of happiness, and that’s where the world of jelly beans can help. When you open a bag, these colourful sweets will make your day. There’s a wide array of flavours that you can choose from, so you can get exactly the one you want.

There are many various types of sweets, but jelly beans will never go out of style. Manufacturers know how much people love these crunchy and delicious sweets, which is why they continue to come up with new flavours. Some people have been eating jelly beans for decades, and they still love them the same way they did when they were younger.

However, not many people know that jelly beans have a shelf life. Specifically, how long do jelly beans last? It is probably the most common question that people ask. Read on to learn more about jelly beans, including how long they last, and store them properly so they last longer.

How Long Do Jelly Beans Last?

Jelly beans are made of sugar, which affects their shelf time. Usually, it lasts 6-8 weeks after it is manufactured. The sugar content of jelly beans makes them last longer than other sweets. If you keep it in the fridge, it will last for around ten months, and it will last a year if you store it in an airtight container and keep it in the freezer.

3 Signs That Your Jelly Beans Have Gone Bad

There are a few symptoms that your jelly beans have gone rotten. It’s best to check for these signs before you eat it.

#1. Mould

If your jelly beans start to smell bad, you likely have mould growth. Likewise, if they look a little fuzzy, it’s time to get rid of them.

#2. The Texture Changes

There are jelly beans that look like fruits, bears, and animals, capturing people’s attention. They are intended to look cute and enticing, so if they don’t look the same way they did when you initially purchased them, it’s probably time to toss them in the bin.

Usually, you can still eat jelly beans even if they don’t look right or taste right, but it’s best not to risk it. If the texture or consistency changes significantly – it means that your jelly beans are already spoiled, and better to get rid of them as soon as possible.

#3. Awful Taste

Aside from the fact that sweets are healthy for you in moderation, they also taste delicious. Usually, jelly beans taste sweet and delightful, so if the taste is bland, chalky, or otherwise unpleasant, they’ve likely gone bad.

5 Ways To Properly Store Jelly Beans

You should store any sweet confectionery like jelly beans away from high temperatures. Here are some ways you can follow to store your jelly beans in the right way:

#1. Store Them In A Cool, Dry Place

The best way to store your jelly beans is in a cool and dry area. Usually, the pantry or a dry cabinet is the best place to store jelly beans. However, make sure that it’s not in an area where there’s too much heat. Keeping them in bathrooms, kitchens, or outside may hasten their spoilage and affect their overall quality.

#2. Store It In An Air-Tight Container After Opening

After you open the packet, be sure to keep the remaining sweets inside an airtight container or any container that has a tight lid or cap. You do not want ants or other pests coming into contact with your jelly beans because they can contaminate and ruin them.

#3. Store Them Away From Heat And Moisture

Jelly beans are vulnerable to heat and moisture because they’re made of sugar. Ensure that you store them in areas with no sunlight or high temperature. Also, store them away from any moisture, such as air conditioners or places with open windows. Jelly beans will absorb moisture, flavors, and smells of other nearby food items if the container is not sealed well.

#4. Store Them Out Of Direct Light

Excessive exposure to light can also spoil your jelly beans. Keep all the sweets in a dark place. However, if you still have to store them in the kitchen, make sure that it’s away from light sources. Do not store too many items at once because this can cause moisture buildup and lower shelf life.

#5. Store Them In The Refrigerator

If you want to extend the shelf life of your jelly beans, storing them in the refrigerator is the best way to go. Refrigerated jelly beans can typically last up to 10 months, and some jelly beans can even last up to a year or longer, depending on how you store them.

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How Long Do Jelly Beans Last? | Sweet Factory UAE (2024)


How Long Do Jelly Beans Last? | Sweet Factory UAE? ›

Jelly beans are made of sugar, which affects their shelf time. Usually, it lasts 6-8 weeks after it is manufactured.

What is the lifespan of a jelly bean? ›

Jelly Beans Expiration Date
Past Printed Date
Jelly Beans last for1-2 Years
Jelly Belly Jelly Beans last for8 - 12 Months
Gummy Candy lasts for1 Year
6 more rows
Apr 21, 2015

What is the shelf life of jelly sweets? ›

Gummy or jelly sweets, such as gummy cola, should last six months to a year, depending on how they were stored. Store gummy candy in a cool, dry place. If you live in a hot and humid environment, you may keep the candy refrigerated to prevent it from melting.

Why does it take 21 days to make a jelly bean? ›

It takes between 7 and 21 days to make a Jelly Belly jelly bean, partly because of the time it takes to make it so shiny and bright, and partly, I guess, because of the time it takes to write Jelly Belly on each one.

How old are jelly beans? ›

According to one common story, they existed as early as 1861, when Boston confectioner William Schrafft urged people to buy them as gifts for soldiers in the American Civil War. A more definite reference appears in food testing records of the United States Department of Agriculture published in 1887.

Do jelly beans ever go bad? ›

Soft candies like caramel and jelly beans last six to nine months if the package has been opened and left at room temperature. If unopened, they can last up to one year.

Are jelly beans safe for a 2 year old? ›

You could even let them have melting candies as early as two. However, candies like caramel, jelly beans, lollipops and peppermints shouldn't be given to your child until they are at least four. Not only are sticky candies and hard candies worse for teeth, but they can also be choking hazards.

How many years is jelly good for? ›

A: For best quality, it is recommended that all home-canned foods be used within a year. Most homemade jams and jellies that use a tested recipe, and have been processed in a canner for the recommended time, should retain best quality and flavor for up to that one year recommended time.

What sweets have the longest shelf life? ›

Hard candy like Jolly Ranchers, lollipops and other individually wrapped candies can essentially last forever if they're stored right and kept away from moisture. Dark chocolate can last one to two years in a cool, dark, dry place. Milk and white chocolate will last up to 10 months.

How to tell if jelly has gone bad? ›

Regardless of the type of jam or jelly you have on hand, it's important to know the signs of spoilage. According to Lee, this may include yeasty off-odors, fermented alcohol-like flavors, and mold growth, which may appear as white fuzzy patches inside the jar or on the product itself.

Which president loved jelly beans? ›

President Reagan and his jar of Jelly Bellies.

When Ronald Reagan ran for Governor of California in 1966, he began eating "Goelitz Mini Jelly Beans" as part of his successful attempt to give up pipe smoking.

What is a fun fact about jelly beans? ›

A process called panning creates the harder outer shell while preserving the gooey center. National Jelly Bean Days are April 22 and July 24. No quick task, it takes 7-21 days to make a jelly bean. In the early 20th century, a man with no style or substance was called a jelly-bean.

What is a jelly bean slang? ›

When the word jelly bean is introduced into a conversation, most people — whether children or adults — think of the candy, but a jelly bean hasn't always been just a candy. These days, it's also slang for someone who appears hard-headed but is really a tender heart.

What are the rejected jelly beans called? ›

only the perfect beans get the jelly belly stamp of approval. the rejected beans are called belly flops.

What do jelly beans symbolize? ›

In the 1930s, jelly beans became associated with Easter traditions because their egg-like shape is reminiscent of the belief that the Easter Bunny delivers eggs as a sign of new life in spring.

How long do jellyfish live? ›

They usually have a life span of 1–3 years. For instance, one of the most common species, the moon jellyfish ( Aurelia aurita ) is known to live for 8–12 months, while the flame jellyfish ( Rhopilema esculentum ) has a short life span of up to 4 months.

What is the lifespan of a cannonball jelly? ›

The normal life span for cannonball jellyfish is three to six months.

What is the average length of a jelly bean? ›

How big is a jelly bean? A typical jelly bean would measure about 2 cm long by about 1.5 cm in diameter.

What is the average lifespan of a moon jelly? ›

Life Span. In the Wild – 1 year; In Human Care – 12-18 months. However, the polyps formed when they reproduce can live up to 25 years awaiting favorable conditions to complete the stages of growing into a jellyfish.

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