Heavy Whipping Cream: Nutrition, Uses, Benefits, and More (2024)

Heavy whipping cream has a variety of culinary uses. You can use it to make butter and whipped cream, add creaminess to coffee or soups, and much more. It is full of nutrients but also very high in calories.

This article outlines everything you need to know about heavy whipping cream, including its uses, nutrient content, benefits, and downsides.

Heavy whipping cream is the high fat portion of dairy milk (1).

Fresh milk naturally separates into cream and milk. The cream rises to the top because of its fat content. It’s then skimmed off before further processing (1).

To make heavy whipping cream, this cream is pasteurized and hom*ogenized. This involves heating and applying high levels of pressure to the cream to kill pathogens, lengthen shelf life, and improve stability (2, 3).

Many types of heavy whipping cream also contain additives that help stabilize the cream and keep the fat from separating.

One of these additives is carrageenan, which is extracted from seaweed. Another is sodium caseinate, the food-additive form of the milk protein casein (4, 5).

Uses of heavy whipping cream

Heavy whipping cream can be used in a variety of ways in food manufacturing and home cooking.

Whipping or churning heavy whipping cream causes its fat molecules to clump together.

After a few minutes of whipping, this property causes the liquid cream to turn into whipped cream. After a few more minutes of churning, the whipped cream turns into butter (6, 7, 8).

Buttermilk, another popular dairy product, is the fluid that remains after heavy whipping cream has been churned into butter (9).

Heavy whipping cream is also used to add creaminess to coffee, baked goods, soups, and other recipes. Many people following high fat diets such as the ketogenic diet use it to add extra fat to their meals and beverages.


Heavy whipping cream is made by skimming the high fat cream from fresh dairy milk. It’s used to make butter and whipped cream and add creaminess to coffee and many other dishes.

Heavy whipping cream is mostly fat, so it’s high in calories. It’s also rich in choline, fat-soluble vitamins, and certain minerals. One half-cup of liquid cream is equivalent to 1 cup whipped cream (120 grams) and contains (10):

  • Calories: 408
  • Protein: 3 grams
  • Fat: 43 grams
  • Carbs: 3 grams
  • Vitamin A: 55% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin D: 10% of the DV
  • Vitamin E: 7% of the DV
  • Calcium: 6% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 6% of the DV
  • Choline: 4% of the DV
  • Vitamin K: 3% of the DV

The fat in heavy whipping cream is primarily saturated fat, which was long thought to contribute to the development of heart disease.

However, current research does not always show a strong link between dairy fat intake and heart disease. Some emerging research suggests that eating saturated fat may help protect against heart disease (11, 12).

However, not all researchers are in agreement about whether eating saturated fat reduces or increases the risk of heart disease (13, 14).

More research is needed to further investigate the role of saturated fat in the development of heart disease.

Heavy whipping cream also contains choline and vitamins A, D, E, and K, all of which play vital roles in your health.

For example, vitamin A is essential for eye health and immune function, while choline is critical to early brain development and metabolism (15, 16).

Furthermore, heavy whipping cream contains calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that are necessary for healthy bones (17).

Heavy whipping cream vs. whipping cream

Different types of cream are classified based on their fat content.

Heavy whipping cream should not be mistaken for whipping cream, as these are not the same product. Heavy whipping cream and heavy cream contain at least 36% milk fat (3).

On the other hand, light whipping cream, which is sometimes called whipping cream, is slightly lighter, containing 30–35% milk fat (3).

Because of its lower fat content, light whipping cream produces an airier whipped cream, while heavy whipping cream produces a richer whipped cream (3).

Half-and-half is another cream-based product, consisting of half cream and half milk. It contains 10–18% milk fat and is primarily used in coffee (3).


Heavy whipping cream is high in calories and must contain at least 36% fat. It’s rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, choline, calcium, and phosphorus. Other cream products, including light cream, whipping cream, and half-and-half, are lower in fat.

Heavy whipping cream is full of health-promoting vitamins and minerals. However, it’s very high in calories and may contribute to weight gain if consumed in large amounts.

Below are some of the benefits and downsides of heavy whipping cream.

Benefits of heavy whipping cream

Heavy whipping cream and other full fat dairy products contain several health-boosting vitamins and minerals, including the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

In fact, full fat dairy products contain more fat-soluble vitamins than their low fat and fat-free counterparts (10, 11, 18).

What’s more, your body absorbs fat-soluble vitamins better when you consume them with fat, such as the fat found in heavy whipping cream (19).

Some studies have also found that full fat dairy products are associated with a decreased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease (11, 20, 21, 22, 23).

One study in more than 1,300 participants observed that those who reported the highest intake of full fat dairy were significantly less likely to have obesity than those who reported the lowest intake. Those with higher intakes also had significantly less belly fat (20).

One 13-week study in 36 adults compared the low fat Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet to a high fat version of the diet containing 40% fat and full fat dairy products.

Researchers noted that both diets reduced high blood pressure, but the higher fat diet had the added benefit of decreasing harmful very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol while maintaining levels of heart-protective high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (24).

Furthermore, heavy whipping cream appears to be healthier than several highly refined low fat products that can serve as cream replacements, such as coffee creamers and whipped topping (25).

Compared with whole foods, these products are less filling and have a greater impact on your blood sugar levels. High intake of these refined foods has also been linked to obesity (26, 27, 28).

Downsides of heavy whipping cream

Heavy whipping cream is very high in calories, containing 408 calories per 1/2 cup (120 grams). Therefore, it can be easy to consume excess calories if you use it often (10).

Lower calorie alternatives include half-and-half, whole milk, and nut milks.

Surprisingly, it’s estimated that more than 65% of people may be lactose intolerant and need to avoid heavy whipping cream and other dairy products (29).

Moreover, some research shows that dairy products may contribute to mucus production in many people — even those who don’t have any allergy or intolerance to dairy (30).

However, more research is needed to establish a stronger connection between the two.

One study in 108 adults with excessive nasal mucus production found that going dairy-free helped reduce the problem.

Those who went on a dairy-free diet for 6 days reported significantly fewer symptoms of excessive mucus production than those who went dairy-free for just 2 days and then reintroduced dairy into their diets (31).

However, this is an area of debate. Some researchers have found no link between dairy consumption and mucus production (32).

Dairy intake has also been associated with an increased risk of certain cancers (33).

For example, a review including more than 8,000 people observed that those with the highest dairy intake were 20% more likely to have stomach cancer than those with the lowest dairy intake (34).

Additionally, many heavy whipping creams contain additives, such as carrageenan and sodium caseinate. These have been linked to intestinal damage when consumed in high doses in animal and test-tube studies (4, 5, 35, 36).


Heavy whipping cream is high in fat and full of fat-soluble vitamins, but it’s also high in calories. Consuming full fat dairy seems to have some health benefits. However, around 65% of people may not be able to tolerate dairy very well.

Heavy whipping cream is high in calories but also rich in healthy fat and several vitamins and minerals. It’s generally used in small amounts, such as in coffee or recipes that need a bit of creaminess, so it’s unlikely to add significant calories to your diet.

Nevertheless, if you’re on a calorie-restricted diet, you can use a lower calorie alternative, such as nut milk or half-and-half, or limit your daily intake of heavy whipping cream to a small amount.

The majority of people may be lactose intolerant and may need to avoid heavy whipping cream and other dairy products for optimal health (29).

Additionally, certain people may experience increased mucus production after eating dairy products. If this applies to you, you may want to avoid heavy whipping cream.

However, if you can tolerate dairy products and use heavy whipping cream in small amounts, it can be a healthy part of your diet.

Finally, organic, grass-fed heavy cream is a better choice, as grass-fed dairy products are higher in nutrients such as healthy fats and antioxidants than conventional dairy products (37, 38, 39).


Overall, if you can tolerate dairy and you use heavy whipping cream in small amounts, it can be part of a healthy diet. However, you may want to avoid it if you are lactose intolerant, are on a calorie-restricted diet, or experience excess mucus production.

Heavy whipping cream is a rich addition to recipes or coffee and can be used to make whipped cream and butter.

Full fat dairy products like heavy whipping cream are full of nutrients, including fat-soluble vitamins, which some studies have linked to a decreased risk of conditions such as heart disease and obesity.

However, heavy whipping cream is very high in calories, and most of the population can’t tolerate dairy products.

If you can tolerate dairy and you use heavy whipping cream in small amounts, it can be a healthy part of your diet.

Just one thing

Try this today: Heavy whipping cream can be used in both sweet and savory recipes. Add a dollop of heavy whipping cream to tomato soup or use it as a topping for a sweet treat such as a Boston cream pie.

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Heavy Whipping Cream: Nutrition, Uses, Benefits, and More (2024)


Heavy Whipping Cream: Nutrition, Uses, Benefits, and More? ›

Heavy cream is one of the few food sources of vitamin D, which helps with calcium absorption and immune health. Enhances flavor: The creamy texture and rich taste of heavy cream can elevate the flavor of various dishes. Versatile ingredient: Heavy cream can be used in a wide range of recipes, from savory to sweet.

Does heavy whipping cream have any health benefits? ›

Full fat dairy products like heavy whipping cream are full of nutrients, including fat-soluble vitamins, which some studies have linked to a decreased risk of conditions such as heart disease and obesity. However, heavy whipping cream is very high in calories, and most of the population can't tolerate dairy products.

Is heavy whipping cream inflammatory? ›

Dairy products such as heavy cream, butter, whole milk and cheese should also be avoided as they contain high amounts of trans fat and cholesterol, which causes inflammation. Many dairy products aren't considered anti-inflammatory and should not be consumed if already suffering from any inflammation causing disease.

What is the main function of whipping cream? ›

Whipped cream is used as an ingredient in many desserts, for example as a filling for profiteroles and layer cakes. It is often piped onto a dish using a pastry bag to create decorative shapes. Mousse is usually based on whipped cream, often with added egg white foam.

Is heavy whipping cream good for the heart? ›

While heavy cream is high in calories and saturated fat, it also contains essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D. Consuming heavy cream in moderation can contribute to a balanced diet, but excessive consumption may lead to weight gain and increased risk of heart disease.

Is heavy cream healthier than butter? ›

Clinical studies show a significant difference between butter and other higher-fat dairy foods on blood cholesterol. In a nutshell, hard cheese and even heavy cream had a neutral or beneficial effect on cholesterol, but equivalent amounts of butter (measured as calories or as grams of fat) had a detrimental effect.

Can you put heavy cream in coffee? ›

The verdict: Yes, you can use heavy whipping cream in coffee. In fact, heavy cream can be an excellent addition to your coffee if you enjoy a richer, creamier taste. Heavy cream is a dairy product that contains at least 36% fat, making it much thicker and creamier than milk or half-and-half.

Can you freeze heavy whipping cream for later use? ›

Yes, you can freeze heavy whipping cream straight from the carton. Whether you intend to cook with it or whip it, it will still be good to go with a bit of stirring after it's thawed. As for heavy cream that's already been whipped, you can freeze that, too.

Is it better to use whipping cream or heavy cream? ›

Flavorwise, you may use them interchangeably. However, which one you should use ultimately depends on the consistency of your dish or how thick you want it to be. Due to its higher fat content, heavy cream produces richer, creamier results, while whipping cream delivers a lighter creamy texture.

What are the disadvantages of heavy cream? ›

Excess intake of heavy cream may result in weight gain because heavy cream is rich in fats. Heavy intake of fats may result in dementia. It may increase the risk of death from prostate cancer. Moreover, the risk of breast cancer is higher due to the excess intake of dairy products.

Does heavy whipping cream have probiotics? ›

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed by improving or restoring the gut flora. Probiotics are your gut's BFF, and Raw Heavy Cream has a natural abundance of them! This is another reason why raw dairy products are so easily digestible.

Is heavy whipping cream high in histamine? ›

Heavy cream is likely low histamine when fresh; however, it's prone to histamine formation after it has been opened. Every person has unique dietary triggers. Your reaction to heavy cream may be different than someone else's.

Is heavy cream bad for cholesterol? ›

Much of the fat found in cream comes from saturated fat. Numerous studies have linked too much saturated fat with an increased risk of high cholesterol. And if you regularly go overboard with cream, your waistline will pay the price. The key to using cream in any dish is to do so in very modest amounts.

Can you drink heavy cream? ›

A problem with drinking cream for weight gain is that it's very high in saturated fat, which may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease. You would be better off increasing calories by eating foods or drinking beverages high in healthy unsaturated fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts and olive oil.

Can diabetics eat whipped cream? ›

Whether you're on a low-sugar diet, managing diabetes, or just looking to make healthier choices, sugar-free whipped cream opens up a world of possibilities. Homemade whipped cream is one of life's greatest pleasures and this sugar-free version is just as creamy and indulgent without spiking your blood sugar.

Is heavy cream healthier than milk? ›

Full-fat dairy products such as heavy whipping cream contain more of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K than low-fat or nonfat dairy. Also, your body absorbs fat-soluble vitamins better when you consume them with fat.

What is a healthier version of heavy whipping cream? ›

Healthy substitute for heavy cream can be found in various dairy-free options such as coconut cream, almond milk, or cashew cream. These alternatives provide a lower calorie and fat content while still maintaining a creamy texture and flavor.

Which is healthier whipping cream or heavy cream? ›

When to Use Whipping Cream. If you have nutrition concerns and want a lighter option, go for whipping cream. Per tablespoon, it has 45 calories, 4.5 grams of fat and 3 g of saturated fat, whereas heavy cream has 50 calories, 5 g of fat and 3.5 g of saturated fat per tablespoon.

Is heavy whipping cream healthier than cream cheese? ›

While cream cheese does have fewer calories and less fat than heavy cream, it's not considered low cal or low fat, so it may not be the best option if you're looking to cut down on either of those.

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