HD Admin (2024)

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HD Admin is a command script free model developed mainly by ForeverHD and 1waffle1, introduced at the end of 2016. It is one of the most commonly used and well-known admin command scripts in all of Roblox. Small updates and bug-fixes are regularly made on the main module, worked on by the development team.


  • 1 Behavior
  • 2 Commands
    • 2.1 Player selectors
  • 3 List of commands
    • 3.1 Donor
    • 3.2 Non-Admin
    • 3.3 VIP
    • 3.4 Mod
    • 3.5 Admin
    • 3.6 HeadAdmin
    • 3.7 Owner
  • 4 Credits
    • 4.1 The Team
    • 4.2 Contributors
    • 4.3 Command Contributions
  • 5 External links


Once initialized, a top bar button is displayed with the HD logo and a notification on the bottom-right of the screen pops-up with the message: "You're on Rank "*player's rank*"!". This will not appear if the player's rank is Non-Admin. The player can use various commands that they have access to depending on the rank. Which commands can be used in each rank depends on the game, since commands in ranks can be customized, as well as the ranks themselves. There are seven default ranks: Non-Admins (0), VIP (1), Mod (2), Admin (3), Head-Admin (4), Owner (5) and Donor. The Donor rank can be unlocked by buying a 399 Robux gamepass in the admin menu and can be used in most games containing HD Admin.


Commands are executed by typing in the chat (or, in a command bar if on a higher rank) starting with a set prefix (usually / or ;, ; is used by default), the command name itself, and finally its arguments (if any). The prefix for donor commands is ! and cannot be changed in the settings.

Typing /e before a command in chat doesn't make it visible to other players, similar to what happens with emotes.

Many commands have an undo version that can be executed by inserting "un" before the command name, undoing the effect it has made. Many commands can also be looped by inserting the word "loop" before it, which can be undone as well by inserting "unloop" at the start.

Player selectors[]

Many commands have arguments requiring a player (or many times multiple players) to be specified. Player names can be case-insensitive and abbreviated, and multiple subjects can be specified simply by adding a comma between each entry. If the argument is left unspecified, the subject of commands becomes the user who executed them.

In addition to player names, a variety of identifiers can be used to target specific groups:

  • me - the executor of the command(s)
  • others - all players that are not the executor
  • all - all players in the server that are allowed to be executed on
  • admins / nonadmins - all players that are admins / are not admins in the server
  • friends / nonfriends - all players that are friends / are not friends with the executor
  • premium - all players in the server that have a subscription to Roblox Premium
  • R6 / R15 - all players in the server that are R6 / R15
  • rthro / nonrthro - all players in the server that have Rthro / do not have an Rthro package equipped
  • @rank - all players of a specified HD Admin rank
  • %team - all players of a specified leaderstats team

List of commands[]

A list of commands can be found by clicking on the top bar button and then on commands. The list can also be accessed by executing the ;commands command. As of February 15, 2023, there are 200 default commands available to execute.


Donor Commands
Command and argsUndo versionAliasesTagsDescriptionFunction
!lasereyes <player> <color>unlasereyesle, lazereyesShots a laser with the set color from the player's eyes to the mouse pointer.
!thanos <player>Turns the player into thanos.
!headsnap <player> <degrees>unheadsnaphsRotates the player head to the set degrees.
!fart <player>Makes the player fart. Can be looped.
!boing <player>Who doesnt love a good bit of yoga?Makes the player's head... taller?


NonAdmin Commands
Command and argsUnCommandAliasesTagsDescriptionFunction
ping <player>Returns your ping (latency) in ms
commands <player>cmdsShows the Commands Page to the player.
morphs <player>Shows the Morphs Page to the player.
donor <player>Shows the Donor page to the player.
serverRanks <player>adminsShows the Server Ranks page to the player.
ranks <player>Shows the Ranks page to the player.
banland <player>banlistShows the Banland page to the player.
info <player>aboutShows the Info page to the player.
credits <player>Shows the Credits page to the player.
updates <player>Shows the Updates page to the player.
settings <player>Shows the Settings page to the player.
prefixBrings up message: "The server prefix is *prefix*"
clear <player>clrClears all messages off your screen
radio <player>COMING SOONCurrently does nothing.
getSound <player>getSong, getMusicSends a message showing the ID of the current audio playing and prompts a purchase of that asset.


VIP Commands
Command and argsUndo versionAliasesTagsDescriptionFunction
cmdbar <player>commandBarGives a command bar to players, letting them execute commands without revealing them to chat.
refresh <player>re, resetClears all effects and loops from the player
respawn <player>resRespawns the player as if they reset.
shirt <player> <ID>Makes the selected player equip a classic shirt of the corresponding ID.
pants <player> <ID>Makes the selected player equip classic pants of the corresponding ID.
hat <player> <ID>accessoryMakes the selected player equip an accessory of the corresponding ID.
clearHats <player>clrHats, clearAccessories, clrAccessories, removeHats, removeAccessoriesRemoves all the accessories the selected player has equipped.
face <place> <ID>Makes the selected player equip a face of the corresponding ID.
invisible <player>invisTurns the player invisible.
visible <player>visTurns the player visible if the invisible command is applied to them.
paint <player> <color>color, colourColors the player a selected color.
material <player> <material>mat, surfaceChanges the material of a selected player to a selected material.
reflectance <player> <number>ref, shinyChanges the reflectance of a player.
transparency <player> <number>transChanges the transparency of a player.
glass <player>Changes the material of a player to glass.
neon <player>Changes the material of a player to neon, and colors their body parts to RGB [150, 150, 150].
shine <player>Changes the material of a player to neon, changes their transparency to 0.5, and colors their body parts to RGB [205, 205, 205].
ghost <player>Changes the material of a player to smooth plastic, changes their transparency to 0.7, and colors them RGB [255, 255, 255].
gold <player>Changes the material of a player to smooth plastic, changes their reflectance to 0.5, and colors them RGB [255, 176, 0].
jump <player>Forces a player to jump.
sit <player>Forces a player to sit.
bigHead <player>unBigHeadbheadMultiplies the size of a player's head by 2.
smallHead <player>unSmallHeadsheadMultiplies the player's head size by 0.75.
potatoHead <player>unPotatoHeadpheadChanges the player's head into an ovoid.
spin <player> <number>unSpinMakes the player spin a specified intensity.
rainbowFart <player>poo, poopMakes the player sit on a toilet, and poop out rainbow spheres, killing them in the process.
warp <player>Heavily increase the player's FOV before coming back to normal.
blur <player> <number>Blurs the player's screen a specified intensity.
hideGuis <player>Hides a player's GUIs.
showGuis <player>Shows a player's GUIs if affected by the previous command.
ice <player>unIceFreezes the player in a block of ice.
thaw <player>Same as unIce.
freeze <player>unFreezeanchorAnchors a player.
jail <player>unJailjailCell, jcTraps a player in a jail. If they escape, they will be teleported back inside.
forceField <player>unForceFieldffGives the player a HD Admin (1)HD Admin (2)ForceField.
fire <player>unFireGives the player a HD Admin (3)HD Admin (4)Fire effect.
smoke <player>unSmokeGives the player a HD Admin (5)HD Admin (6)Smoke effect.
sparkles <player>unSparklesGives the player a HD Admin (7)HD Admin (8)Sparkles effect.
name <player> <text>unNamefakeNameNames the player a specified text.
hideName <player>Hides a player's name.
showName <player>Shows a player's name.
r15 <player>Sets the player's body type to R15.
r6 <player>Sets the player's body type to R6.
nightVision <player>nv
dwarf <player>unDwarfR15 characters only. Changes a player's HipHeight to 1.
giant <player>unGiantR15 characters only. Scales a player to be giant.
size <player> <scale>unSizeSets a player's size to a specified scale.
bodyTypeScale <player> <scale>unBodyTypeScalebtScaleSets the bodyTypeScale of a player to a specified scale.
depth <player> <scale>unDepthdScale, depthScaleSets the Z size of a player to a specified scale.
headSize <player> <scale>unHeadSizeheadScaleSets the size of a player's head to a specified scale.
height <player> <scale>unHeighthScale, heightScaleR15 characters only. Sets the height of a player to a specified scale.
hipHeight <player> <scale>unHipHeighthipR15 characters only. Sets the height of a player to a specified scale.
squash <player>unSquashflat, flattenR15 characters only. Changes the height of a player to be abhorrently short.
proportion <player> <scale>unProportionpScale, proportionScaleR15 characters only. Sets the proportions of a player to a specified scale.
width <player> <scale>wScale, widthScaleunWidthSets the X size of a player to a specific size.
fat <player>unFatobeseMultiplies the X size of a player by 2 and the Z size by 1.5.
thin <player>unThinskinnyMultiplies the X and Z sizes of a player by 0.2.
char <player> <username/userID>unCharbecomeChanges the player into the specified player.
morph <player> <morph>Changes the player into a morph provided in the Morphs section.
view <player>watch, spectateLinks the camera of a player to another player.
bundle <player> <ID>packageChanges the player into a specified bundle.
dino <player>TRex, dinosaurMakes the player equip the T-Rex Skeleton bundle.
follow <username/userID>join, joinServerTeleports you to the specified player's server (if they are in the same game as you).


Mod Commands
Command and argsUndo versionAliasesTagsDescriptionFunction
logs <player>commandLogsCreates a window showing all commands a player has executed in the current server.
chatLogs <player>clogsCreates a window showing all messages - command or not - a player has executed in the current server.
h <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text.
hr <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color red.
ho <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color orange.
hy <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color yellow.
hg <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color green.
hdg <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color dark green.
hb <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color blue.
hdb <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color dark blue.
hp <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color purple.
hpk <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color pink.
hbk <text>hintCreates a message of the specified text in the color black.
fly <player> <speed>flightLets a player fly with a specified speed. Speed can be changed in a window at the bottom-right of the screen.
fly2 <player> <speed>flight2Lets a player fly with a specified speed. Speed can be changed in a window at the bottom-right of the screen.
noclip <player> <speed>Lets a player fly without collision with a specified speed. Speed can be changed in a window at the bottom-right of the screen.
noclip2 <player> <speed>flight2Similar to the original noclip, however other clients can see you whilst noclipping.
clip <player>
speed <player> <speed>ws, walkSpeedChanges the walkspeed of a player to a specified value.
jumpPower <player> <number>jpChanges the jumpPower of a player to a specified value.
health <player> <number>Changes the health of a player to a specified value.
heal <player> <number>Increases the health of a player by a specified amount.
god <player>unGodMakes a player have infinite health.
damage <player> <number>dmgDecreases the health of a player by a specified amount.
kill <player>die, commitNotAliveAbusiveKills the player.Can be looped.
teleport <player> <individual>tpTeleports a player (first entry) to another player (second entry). The first entry can include multiple players.
bring <player> <individual>brTeleports a player (first entry) to another player (second entry). The first entry can include multiple players.
to <player> <individual>brTeleports a player (first entry) to another player (second entry). The first entry can include multiple players.
apparate <player> <studs>ap, skipTeleports the player x studs forward (8 default)
talk <player> <text>say, speakMakes the player appear to say a specified text. Does not appear in the chat bar.
bubbleChat <player>bChatCreates a window allowing players to force others to chat, without executing commands themselves.
control <player>unControlhijakAllows the executor to "control" the body of another player. Chats still count as the executor's.
handTo <player>Gives the equipped gear of the executor to a specified player.
give <player> <tools>toolGives the specified player a specified tool.
sword <player>Gives the specified player a sword.
gear <player> <number>Gives a player a gear of the specific ID.
explode <player>Creates an HD Admin (9)HD Admin (10)Explosion on a player, killing them in the process.
title <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text .
titler <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color red.
titleo <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color orange.
titley <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color yellow.
titleg <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color green.
titledg <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color dark green.
titleb <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color blue.
titledb <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color dark blue.
titlep <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color purple.
titlepk <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color pink.
titlebk <player> <text>unTitleGives the specified player a title of the given text in the color black.
fling <player>Flings a player at a high velocity while also making them sit.
clone <player>Creates a clone of the specified player


Admin Commands
Command and argsUndo versionAliasesTagsDescriptionFunction
cmdbar2 <player>commandBar2Gives a command bar to players, letting them execute commands without revealing them to chat. Unlike ;cmdbar, command bar can be infinitely used and dragged around.
clearclrClears all clones and inserted items in workspace
insert <ID>Inserts a model or catalog item with the respective ID.
m <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server.
mr <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color red.
mo <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color orange.
my <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color yellow.
mg <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color green.
mdg <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color dark green.
mb <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color blue.
mdb <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color dark blue.
mp <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color purple.
mpk <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color pink.
mbk <text>messageSends a message of a specific text to the whole server in the color black.
serverMessage <text>sm, smessageSends a message to the whole server without showing who executed the command.
serverHint <text>sh, shintCreates a message with the specified text without showing who executed the command.
countdown <number>coountdown1Counts down from the specified number every second through ;hint command messages.
countdown2 <number>countdownMCounts down from the specified number every second through ;m command messages.
notice <player> <text>nSends a notification of the specified text to the specified player.
privateMessage <player> <text>pmSends a notification of the specified text to the specified player, with an option for them to reply.
alert <player> <text>warnSends a message of the specified text to the specified player.
tempRank <player> <rank>tRankRanks a player (until player leaves)
rank <player> <rank>Ranks a player (for the given server)
unRank <player>Sets the players rank to 0 (NonAdmin)
music <ID>sound, audioPlays a specified audio on a loop.
pitch <number>playbackSpeedChanges the PlaybackSpeed of the currently playing audio to the specified value.
volume <number>loudnessChanges the Volume property of the currently playing audio to the specified value.
buildingTools <player>btoolsGives the F3X building tool to the specified player.
chatColor <player> <color>unChatColorchatcChanges the color of a player's messages in the chat UI.
sellGamepass <player> <ID>sell, promptPrompt the gamepass buy UI of a specified gamepass to a player.
sellAsset <player> <ID>sell2, prompt2Prompt the asset buy UI of a specified gamepass to a player.
team <player> <teamcolor>joinTeamChanges the team of a player to the one specified.
change <player> <stat> <string>Changes the value of a leaderboard value to a specific value.
add <player> <stat> <value>Adds a value to the leaderboard value of a player.
subtract <player> <stat> <value>Removes a value to the leaderboard value of a player.
resetStats <player>Resets the leaderboard values of a player to the default.
time <number>clockTime, ct, timeOfDay, todSets the property ClockTime of HD Admin (11)HD Admin (12)Lighting to a specified number.
mute <player>unMuteRemoves the player's ability to chat.
kick <player> <text>Removes the player from a server and provides reasons in provided text.
place <player> <ID>Creates a notification to the specified player teleporting them to a specified place when clicked.
punish <player>Removes the player, preventing them from doing anything, without kicking them.
discounDiscoConstantly changes the Ambient and OutdoorAmbient properties of HD Admin (13)HD Admin (14)Lighting to a random color.
fogEnd <number>Changes the fogEnd property of HD Admin (15)HD Admin (16)Lighting to a specified value.
fogStart <number>Changes the fogStart property of HD Admin (17)HD Admin (18)Lighting to a specified value.
fogColor <number>Changes the fogColor property of HD Admin (19)HD Admin (20)Lighting to a specified color.
vote <player> <answers> <question>pollDisplays the poll menu.


HeadAdmin Commands
Command and argsUndo versionAliasesTagsDescriptionFunction
lockPlayer <player>unLockPlayerlockPlr, lockp, lockLocks all parts with the specified player.
lockMapunLockMaplockMLocks all parts in workspace, preventing players from selecting and editing parts.
saveMapbackupMapSaves a copy of the map which can be restored using the ;loadMap command
loadMaprestoreMapRestores the last saved copy of the map. Use ;saveMap to backup a copy of the map. A default copy is saved at the start of the game.
createTeam <color> <teamname>cTeamCreates a new team
removeTeam <team>rTeamRemoves an existing team
permRank <player> <rank>pRankRanks a player (permanently across all servers)
crash <player>Horribly lags the game for the specified player.
forcePlace <player> <ID>fplaceForces the player to teleport to a specified place.
shutdownShuts down the server.
serverLock <rank>unServerLockslockLocks the server for players lower than the given rank
ban <player> <reason>unBanDisplays the ban menu.
directBan <player> <reason>unDirectBandBanDirectly bans a player, instead of displaying the ban menu.
timeBan <player> <?m?h?d> <reason>unTimeBantBanDisplays the ban menu.
globalAnnouncementga, broadcastBroadcasts a message to all servers.
globalVote <player> <answers> <question>gv, gVote, globalPoll, gPoll, gpDisplays the poll menu.
globalAlert <text>gat, gAlertDisplays the alert menu.


Owner Commands
Command and argsUndo versionAliasesTagsDescriptionFunction
permBan <player> <reason>unPermBanpBanDisplays the ban menu.
globalPlace <ID>gPlace, gpSets the global place of the server to a specified place ID, also giving a notification to teleport to it.


The credits section can be accessed through the main menu, as well as through the ;credits command. This is what it shows:

The Team[]


Command Contributions[]

External links[]

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

HD Admin (2024)
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Article information

Author: Aron Pacocha

Last Updated:

Views: 6218

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.