Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon (2024)

13 Aug 2021

Welcome to the exciting world of DeFi Development, where innovation knows no bounds and new possibilities emerge daily. If you're intrigued by the idea of creating your own DeFi token, this article is your roadmap to understanding the intricacies of token development, using Safemoon as a guiding example.

Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon (1)

Table of Contents:

  • Understanding DeFi Token Mechanics on Example of SafeMoon and its Tokenomics

  • Fundamentals of Token Development

  • SafeMoon Tokenomics Overview

  • Improvement Opportunities in SafeMoon Tokenomics and Technical Aspects

  • Preparing for token creation

  • Creating Your Own DeFi Token like Safemoon - The Process

  • Conclusion

Understanding DeFi Token Mechanics on Example of SafeMoon and its Tokenomics

In the world of DeFi, creating a token with a unique and compelling tokenomics designcan be a game-changer. The SafeMoon token serves as an intriguing case study in this regard, offering a distinctive set of tokenomics and technical features. Let's delve into the tokenomics of SafeMoon to understand how it operates and how you can draw inspiration from it to create your DeFi token.

Fundamentals of Token Development

Creating a token like Safemoon involves understanding the fundamentals of the ERC20 standard and its key functions. Now, let’s delve into the pivotal aspects of creating ERC20 tokens, helping you grasp the foundation you need to embark on your DeFi token creation journey.

Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon (2)

What is an ERC20 Token?

ERC20, which stands for Ethereum Request for Comment 20, is a widely adopted standard for fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Fungible tokens are those that are interchangeable with one another, making them perfect for various use cases, including creating cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and DeFi tokens.

Key Functions of ERC20 Tokens

To create a DeFi token, it's essential to understand the key functions that define ERC20 tokens:

  • Total Supply: ERC20 tokens have a finite supply, which is determined at the token's creation. This ensures that the token remains inflation-resistant and that its value can be maintained.

  • Balance Of: This function allows you to check the balance of tokens in a specific Ethereum address. It's crucial for tracking token ownership and enabling various interactions within your DeFi ecosystem.

  • Transfer: The transfer function enables the movement of tokens between different Ethereum addresses. This function is fundamental for creating a token that can be bought, sold, and traded.

  • Allowance: Allowance is used to grant permission for another address to spend tokens on your behalf. It's a crucial feature for DeFi applications and smart contracts that need to handle token allowances.

  • Transfer From: This function facilitates token transfers by a third party, provided they have been granted an allowance. It's often used in decentralized exchanges and lending platforms.

  • Approval: The approval function grants permission for another address to spend a specific number of tokens from your account. This function is essential for securing token transactions and managing token allowances.

SafeMoon Tokenomics Overview

SafeMoon's tokenomics is designed to incentivize long-term holding and create a self-sustaining ecosystem.

Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon (3)

Here are the key elements of SafeMoon's tokenomics:

  • Reflection Mechanism: SafeMoon token incorporates a reflection mechanism, where a percentage of each transaction is redistributed to existing token holders. This redistribution is proportional to the amount of the tokens held by a particular wallet. In essence, the more SafeMoon tokens you hold, the more tokens you'll receive through these reflections. This encourages users to keep their tokens in their wallets, promoting long-term holding.

  • Transaction Tax: Every SafeMoon token transaction incurs a tax, typically around 10%. A portion of this tax is allocated to the redistribution mechanism, rewarding holders. The remainder is split, with some going towards liquidity and some being burned. The burning mechanism reduces the total supply over time, fostering a sense of scarcity that can potentially drive up token value.

  • Deflationary Supply: SafeMoon follows a deflationary supply model. This means that the total number of tokens in circulation decreases over time. Token burns, funded by the transaction tax, are a primary means of reducing the token supply. As the supply decreases, it can create a perception of scarcity and drive demand.

  • Liquidity Pool: SafeMoon maintains a liquidity pool on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) where it's traded. Liquidity is crucial for enabling smooth and efficient trading. A portion of the transaction tax contributes to the liquidity pool, ensuring the availability of tokens for trading.

  • Marketing and Charity: SafeMoon typically allocates a percentage of the transaction tax to marketing efforts. These allocations are managed through specific wallet addresses. Effective marketing can help promote the token and grow its community, while charitable donations showcase a commitment to social causes.

  • Community and Development: The SafeMoon community and development team play vital roles in the token's success. The community actively supports and promotes the token, contributing to its growth. The development team continually enhances the ecosystem and ensures its stability.

By studying the tokenomics of SafeMoon, you can draw inspiration for creating your DeFi token with unique features that resonate with the crypto community. The case of SafeMoon demonstrates the potential of innovative tokenomics in capturing the interest of crypto enthusiasts and investors. However, it's essential to conduct thorough research, consult with experts, and consider the specific goals and use cases of your token to tailor its tokenomics effectively.

Improvement Opportunities in SafeMoon Tokenomics and Technical Aspects

Creating a token like SafeMoon requires a keen understanding of its tokenomics and the technical elements that underpin its unique features. In this section, we'll explore improvement opportunities to consider when developing a token like SafeMoon, focusing on both the technical and tokenomics aspects.

Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon (4)

Tokenomics Enhancements:

Innovative Tokenomics Model

SafeMoon's tokenomics have been influential in the DeFi space, but there's room for innovation. Consider a tokenomics model design that offers additional utility, such as governance rights, collateral use, or cross-protocol compatibility, to make your token more versatile and attractive.

Variable Tax Mechanism

SafeMoon employs a fixed transaction tax, but you can introduce a variable tax mechanism that adapts to different circ*mstances. For example, higher taxes during periods of high volatility or lower taxes for long-term holders can provide a more responsive user experience.

Diverse Burn Mechanisms

While SafeMoon's token burning mechanism is effective, you can explore various burn mechanisms, such as community-initiated burns, event-triggered burns, or algorithmic burns that react to supply changes, to create a dynamic deflationary strategy.

Enhanced Redistribution:

Revamp the redistribution mechanism to reward different types of token holders. For instance, you could allocate more rewards to long-term holders or those participating in specific token utility features, fostering loyalty and engagement.

Technical Improvements

Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon (5)

Advanced Smart Contracts

Leverage the latest smart contract technology to enhance the security and efficiency of your token. Consider upgrading to newer Solidity versions and implementing contract upgrades that make it easier to adapt to changes in the DeFi landscape.

Scalability Solutions

Investigate layer 2 solutions or sidechains to increase scalability and reduce transaction costs. Scalability is critical for handling a growing user base and improving overall user experience.

Cross-Chain Compatibility

Extend the accessibility of your token by making it compatible with multiple blockchain networks. This opens up opportunities for users to transact and interact with your token on various chains, increasing its reach.

User-Friendly Interfaces

Develop intuitive and user-friendly interfaces, including mobile applications, to cater to a broader audience. These interfaces should simplify the token's use, making it accessible to non-technical users.

Security Audits

Regularly conduct comprehensive security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Staying updated on security best practices is essential for building and maintaining trust among token holders and investors.

Governance Enhancement

Implement an advanced governance mechanism or an IDO that empowers token holders to propose and vote on changes to the tokenomics, smart contract upgrades, and other protocol improvements. This fosters a sense of community involvement.

By addressing these opportunities for improvement in both the tokenomics and technical aspects, you can create a token like SafeMoon that not only captures the innovative spirit of DeFi but also offers a more versatile and robust experience for users and investors in this rapidly evolving DeFi landscape.

Preparing for token creation

Crafting a DeFi token from scratch requires meticulous planning, open communication, and a well-defined strategy. In this section, we dive deep into three pivotal aspects that kickstart your cryptocurrency project: Tokenomics and White Paper design, and your project's Website.

Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon (6)

1. Tokenomics Design: Building the Core

Tokenomics Design serves as the bedrock of your cryptocurrency's appeal. It encompasses defining crucial attributes, including the total token supply, distribution methods, and innovative features such as static rewards, manual burns, token taxes; vesting, token utility, staking, andfarming development as well as other features. The design must not only be resilient but also explicitly communicate the utility and purpose of your crypto token within your project's ecosystem. This transparency is an irresistible magnet for potential investors and users, instilling trust and enthusiasm from the outset.

2. The White Paper: Your Project's Guiding Light

The White Paper is the cornerstone document that guides your project. It plays an indispensable role in helping investors and users gain a comprehensive understanding of your cryptocurrency. A well-designed White Paper encapsulates technical insights, tokenomics, and a roadmap detailing your project's developmental journey. This document instills credibility and confidence in your blockchain project development and implementation, setting the stage for success.

3. Website: Your Online Face to the World

Your project's Website serves as your online identity, and it is vital to make a stellar first impression. The website should be professional, attractive, and informative, acting as a central hub for project updates, team information, and investor engagement. A user-friendly interface is paramount, ensuring that potential investors and users can effortlessly access critical documents such as the White Paper, project documentation, token sale pageand contact information.

By making these initial project points a priority, you're establishing a solid foundation for your cryptocurrency development journey. Clear tokenomics, a comprehensive White Paper, and a professional Website are the essential components that not only attract but also engage with potential investors and users. In this digital age, where the first impression carries tremendous weight, these elements will empower you to effectively promote your project in the fiercely competitive realm of cryptocurrency and DeFi token development.

Creating Your Own DeFi Token like Safemoon - The Process

Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon (7)

1. Token Creation

Begin by creating your token on a chosen blockchain platform, for example Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain. This initial step involves defining key parameters, including the token's total supply, symbol, and other essential details that set the foundation for your token.

2. Smart Contract Development

Develop a robust smart contract that governs your token's behavior. This contract is the heart of your DeFi token, encompassing critical elements like static rewards, liquidity generation, and manual burn functions. A well-structured and secure smart contract is paramount for the long-term success of your token.

3. Security Auditing

Prioritize the security of your smart contract by conducting thorough security audits. Identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities and risks is crucial to ensure the safety of your token and build trust within the community.

4. Liquidity Provision

Establish a liquidity pool by depositing an initial amount of your token and a compatible cryptocurrency decentralized exchange (DEX). This liquidity pool not only facilitates trading but also contributes to the stability of your token's price.

5. Promotion and Marketing

Effective marketing and promotion are essential for garnering visibility and attracting investors. Craft a comprehensive marketing strategy that highlights the unique features and benefits of your token. Engage with potential users and investors across various platforms to create a buzz around your DeFi token.

6. Community Building

Nurture a supportive and engaged community around your token. Building trust and fostering a sense of belonging among your investors is pivotal for long-term success. Regular communication and community engagement are key to maintaining a loyal and active user base.

7. Continuous Development and Adaptation

In the dynamic world of DeFi, continuous development and adaptation are crucial. Regularly update and enhance your token to align with the ever-evolving DeFi landscape. Stay receptive to feedback and market trends, and be prepared to make necessary adjustments to meet the changing demands of the crypto community.

While creating a token like SafeMoon holds significant potential, it's important to acknowledge the inherent risks associated with cryptocurrency investments. The value of these tokens can be highly volatile, and in-depth research is essential before embarking on token development or investment. Additionally, keep in mind that the cryptocurrency landscape evolves rapidly, making it imperative to stay well-informed about the latest developments and trends to achieve success in the dynamic world of decentralized finance.


In conclusion, this article has provided a comprehensive guide tocreating a DeFi token inspired by Safemoon. We've covered the fundamentals of DeFi token mechanics, explored Safemoon's unique tokenomics, and discussed opportunities for improvement. Armed with this knowledge, you're ready to embark on your token creation journey but remember, success in the DeFi space also requires effective marketing and community engagement. Safemoon's success story shows that innovation and determination can lead to great results. So, take that first step with confidence, create your DeFi token, and embrace the endless possibilities awaiting you. Good luck on your DeFi journey!

Disclaimer: Please note that this is not promotional material for the Sefemoon project, but rather an illustration of the development process. As with any investment, thorough research and due diligence are essential before participating in any project. The article shall not be interpreted as an endorsem*nt or as a recommendation to invest in. It is vital that you do your own research (DYOR)

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Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon (2024)


Guide on How to Create a DeFi Token Like Safemoon? ›

Safemoon is a decentralized finance (DeFi) token that gained popularity in the cryptocurrency community for its approach to incentivizing long-term holding. When investors sell Safemoon, a 10% transaction fee is charged, with half of this fee distributed to existing token holders.

How to create a DeFi token? ›

How to Create a DeFi Token: 10 Key Steps
  1. Define the Purpose and Use Case.
  2. Plan Tokenomics.
  3. Smart Contract Development.
  4. Security Audits.
  5. Integration with DeFi Protocols.
  6. User Interface Development.
  7. Testing.
  8. Deployment to Mainnet.
Apr 10, 2024

How do I make my own token coin? ›

How to Create Your Own Crypto Token in 10 Easy Steps
  1. Define the purpose of your token. ...
  2. Choose a blockchain platform for your token. ...
  3. Select a token standard for your token. ...
  4. Design the token's name, symbol, supply, and distribution. ...
  5. Write the token's smart contract code. ...
  6. Test and deploy the token's smart contract.
Feb 26, 2024

Is SafeMoon a DeFi coin? ›

Safemoon is a decentralized finance (DeFi) token that gained popularity in the cryptocurrency community for its approach to incentivizing long-term holding. When investors sell Safemoon, a 10% transaction fee is charged, with half of this fee distributed to existing token holders.

Does SafeMoon exist anymore? ›

In December 2023, SafeMoon declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy and shut down.

Can I create my own token? ›

You can create either a crypto coin or a token. There can be only one coin per blockchain, and you make it when building a new blockchain. Tokens are plenty, and they are easier to develop.

How much does it cost to build a DeFi exchange? ›

The initial crypto exchange development cost can vary significantly based on several factors. Generally, the cost of building a basic crypto exchange platform starts from $40,000. However, for more advanced features and customization, the cost can escalate to $1 million or more.

How hard is it to create your own token? ›

Creating a token that uses an existing blockchain can require some technical expertise, but anyone with moderate computer knowledge can probably create their own token without too much difficulty.

How much does it cost to create a token? ›

Token Development: The token development stage involves coding the token's smart contract and integrating it with the blockchain. The cost of this stage can range from $5000 to $30,000, depending on the complexity of the token's code.

How much does it cost to start a crypto token? ›

The cost of crypto coin creation costs around $5k to $70k and it depends upon your business needs. Many factors influence the cost of creating a cryptocurrency, but the most important is, Developmental time. The technology used to build.

Is SafeMoon V2 dead? ›

SafeMoon LLC, the company behind the eponymous token, has filed for bankruptcy. For most SFM investors, the latest news marks the end of the road. With any prospect of a SafeMoon comeback all but dead, the bankruptcy highlights widespread resentment toward the company's CEO.

Will SafeMoon ever be worth anything? ›

The AMBCrypto SafeMoon price prediction estimates possible lows of $0.00024, highs of $0.00036 and an average price of $0.0003 by the end of 2024. According to CryptoNewZ's SFM price prediction, the price could reach lows of $0.0002509 and possible highs of $0.000563 by the end of 2024.

Which wallet is DeFi? ›

The DeFi Wallet is a web-based cryptocurrency wallet that allows users all over the world to store and transact with cryptocurrencies for free. Our DeFi Wallet is open-source (view our source code on Github here) and non-custodial.

What is the SafeMoon scandal? ›

“As alleged, SafeMoon's executives grew their company value to over $8 billion, but instead of rewarding their clients as promised, their insatiable greed led them to spend millions of dollars on their own lavish desires.

Is SafeMoon a failed project? ›

Crypto company SafeMoon filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on Thursday, as its executives face criminal charges in the U.S. SafeMoon's SFM token tanked over 42% in the past 24 hours following the news.

Will SafeMoon ever rebound? ›

Answer: Experts project that SafeMoon will go up but at a very slow pace, reaching just $0.69 by 2030. However, this will be a substantial increase given the 2022 SafeMoon coin price of $0.000398. SafeMoon has a very high maximum supply of 1,000 trillion which will flood its market.

How to build a DeFi wallet? ›

How to create your DeFi Wallet
  1. Download the DeFi Wallet app.
  2. Select your wallet creation method. ...
  3. Accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Notice.
  4. Create and confirm your passcode.
  5. Enable biometric ID verification.
  6. Your DeFi Wallet is ready!

How to create a DeFi platform? ›

How To Create a DeFi Application: Step-By-Step
  1. Step 1: Choose a DeFi Use Case. ...
  2. Step 2: Define the Architecture and Features of Your DeFI App. ...
  3. Step 3: Selecting the Right Blockchain Platform. ...
  4. Step 4: Designing Smart Contracts for DeFi. ...
  5. Step 5: The Creation of the User Interface (UI) ...
  6. Step 6: Ensuring Security Measures.
Aug 2, 2023

What is a token in DeFi? ›

In general, a crypto token is another way to say “cryptocurrency," “digital asset," or “cryptoasset." More specifically, a crypto token is an asset that represents ownership or value in a decentralized system.

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