Grammar Lessons for Teachers: Comparative and superlative adjectives (2024)

This article by Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield covers ways to approach teaching comparatives and superlatives.


One way to describe a person or thing is by saying they have more of a particular quality than someone or something else. To do this, we use comparative adjectives, which are formed either by adding-er at the end of the adjective or placing more before it, for example:

  • This piece of cake is bigger than that one.
  • She is more intelligent than her sister.

It is also possible to describe someone or something by saying they have more of a particular quality than any other. We do this by using superlative adjectives, formed by adding the article the before the adjective and-est at the end or adding the most before the adjective. For example:

  • This is the biggest piece of cake.
  • She isthe most intelligent woman I’ve ever met.

Some rulesabout forming comparatives and superlatives


1. One-syllable adjectives generally form the comparative by adding -erat the end of the adjective. Some things you need to consider:

  1. If a one-syllable adjective ends with a consonant-vowel-consonant combination, the second vowel must be doubled before adding

    -er (e.g., thin-thinner, big-bigger).

  2. If the one-syllable adjective ends in a silent -e, only -r should be added at the end of the adjective, instead of -er (e.g., nice-nicer, wide-wider).

2. We add the word more before the adjectivewhen it has more than one syllable or to compare two different adjectives:

  • The icing was supposed to be pink and white, but it looked more red than pink.
  • That sofa might look nice, but this one is more comfortable.

3.If the adjective ends in a consonant followed by-ythe-yis replaced by an-ibefore adding-er (e.g., sunny- sunnier, happy- happier).

Type of Adjective:ChangeExample
1-syllable adjectiveadd -ersoft - softer
1-syl adj ends in Cons-Vowel-Consdouble the last consonant, add -erbig - bigger
1-syl adj ends in -eadd -rnice - nicer
2+ syllable adjectiveadd more before adjectivecomfortable - more comfortable
adjective ends in Consonant + -ychange -y for -i,add -erhappy - happier

Use of comparatives

  • Just like other adjectives, comparatives can be placed before nouns in the attributive position (e.g.,a more intelligent child,a bigger piece of cake).
  • Comparatives can also occur after the verb to be and other linking verbs. Examples:
    • The street has become quieter since they left.
    • You should be more sensible.
  • Comparatives are very commonly followed by than and noun, noun phrase, pronoun, or another clause to describe who the other person or thing involved in the comparison is:
    • John is taller thanme.
    • I think that she’s more intelligent thanher sister.
    • I think the portions were bigger thanthey were last time.
    • They gavea better performance thanin previous years.
  • Comparatives are often qualified by using words and phrases such asmuch,a lot,far,a bit/little,slightly, etc.:
    • You should go by train, it would be much cheaper.
    • Could you be a bit quieter?
    • I’m feeling a lot better.
    • Do you have one that’s slightly bigger?
  • Two comparatives can be contrasted by placing the before them, indicating that a change in one quality is linked to a change in another:
    • The smaller the gift, the easier it is to send.
    • The more stressed you are, the worse it is for your health.
  • Two comparatives can also be linked withandto show a continuing increase in a particular quality:
    • The sea was getting rougher and rougher.
    • Her illness was becoming worse and worse.
    • He became more and more tired as the weeks went by.


1. One-syllable adjectives generally form the superlative by adding the before the adjective and-estat the end of the adjective. Some things you need to consider:

  1. If a one-syllable adjective ends with a consonant-vowel-consonant combination, the second vowel must be doubled before adding-est (e.g.,thin - the thinnest,big- the biggest).
  2. If the one-syllable adjective ends in a silent-e, only-stshould be added at the end of the adjective, instead of-est(e.g.,nice - the nicest, wide- the widest).

2. We add the most before the adjective when it has more than one syllable:

  • That is the most beautiful dress I've seen.
  • That sofa is the most comfortable in the store.

3.If the adjective ends in a consonant followed by-ythe-yis replaced by an-ibefore adding-est(e.g., sunny - thesunniest, happy - thehappiest).

Type of AdjectiveChangeExample
1-syllable adjectiveaddthe ______ -estsoft - the softest
1-syl adj ends inCons-Vowel-Consdouble the last consonant, add-estbig- the biggest
1-syl adj ends in-eadd-stnice- the nicest
2+syllable adjectiveaddthe mostbefore adjectivecomfortable - the mostcomfortable
adjective ends in Consonant+-ychange-yfor-i,add-esthappy- the happiest

Use of superlatives

  • Like comparatives, superlatives can be placed before nouns in the attributive position, or occur afterbeand other link verbs:
    • It is the most delicious chocolate cake I’ve ever eaten.
    • Annabel was the youngest.
    • This restaurant is the best.
  • As shown in the second two examples, superlatives are often used on their own if it is clear what or who is being compared. If you want to be specific about what you are comparing, you can do this with a noun or a phrase beginning with in or of:
    • Annabel was the youngest child.
    • Annabel was the youngest of the children.
    • This restaurant is the best in town.
  • Another way of being specific is by placing a relative clause after the superlative:
    • This offer is the best I’m going to get.
  • Note that if the superlative occurs before the noun, in the attributive position, theinorofphraseor relative clause comes after the noun:
    • The bestrestaurant in town.
    • The best offer I’m going to get.
  • Althoughtheusually occurs before a superlative, it is sometimes left out in informal speech or writing:
    • This one seems to be cheapest.
  • However,thecannot be left out when the superlative is followed by anof/inphrase, or a relative clause indicating the group of people or things being compared:
    • This one is the cheapest.
    • This one is cheapest.
    • This one is the cheapest of the new designs.This one is cheapest of the new designs.
    • This one is the cheapest I could find. This one is cheapest I could find.
  • Sometimes possessive pronouns are used instead ofthebefore a superlative:
    • my youngest brother
    • her most valuable piece of jewellery
  • Ordinal numbers are often used with superlatives to indicate that something has more of a particular quality than most others of its kind:
    • It’s the third largest city in the country.
    • The cathedral is the second most popular tourist attraction.
  • In informal conversation, superlatives are often used instead of comparatives when comparing two things. For example, when comparing a train journey and a car journey to Edinburgh, someone might say:the train is quickest, rather than:the train is quicker. Superlatives are not generally used in this way in formal speech and writing.

Other things to consider when working with comparatives and superlatives

  • Two-syllable adjectives ending in-ed,-ing,-ful, or-lessalways form the comparative withmoreand the superlative withmost.




worriedmore worriedthe most worried
boringmore boringthe most boring
carefulmore carefulthe most careful
uselessmore uselessthe most useless
  • As a general rule, most other two-syllable adjectives also form comparatives and superlatives withmoreandmost, apart from those ending in-y(see point 3 above). However, a few two-syllable adjectives can take either-er/-estormore/most. Here are three examples.




narrownarrower/more narrowthe narrowest/most narrow
simplesimpler/more simplethe simplest/most simple
quietquieter/more quietthe quietest/most quiet
  • The only exceptions are some three-syllable adjectives which have been formed by adding the prefixun-to another adjective, especially those formed from an adjective ending in-y. These adjectives can form comparatives and superlatives by usingmore/mostor adding-er/-est.




unhappyunhappierthe unhappiest/most unhappy
unfriendlyunfriendlierthe unfriendliest/most unfriendly
  • The following adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms:




goodbetterthe best
badworsethe worst
farfarther/furtherthe farthest/furthest
  • The adjectives ill andwell, describing bad and good health, have irregular comparative forms. The comparative of ill is worse, and the comparative of well is better, (e.g. She’s feeling much better/worse today).
  • The usual comparative and superlative forms of the adjective old are older and oldest. However, the alternative forms elder and eldest are sometimes used. Elder and eldest are generally restricted to talking about the age of people, especially people within the same family, and are not used to talk about the age of things:
    • It’s the oldest eldest castle in Britain.
  • Elder cannot occur in the predicative position after link verbs such as be, become, get, e.g.:
    • We’re all getting older elder.
    • My brother is older elder than me.
  • Comparatives and superlatives of compound adjectives are generally formed by using more andmost:
    • Going skiing was the most nerve-wracking experience I’ve had.
  • Some compound adjectives have a first element consisting of an adjective which would normally form a comparative or superlative in one word, either by adding-er/-est, or by an irregular form. Such compound adjectives can, therefore form a comparative/superlative by using these changes to the first adjective, rather than by usingmore/most.




good-lookingbetter-lookingthe best-looking
long-lastinglonger-lastingthe longest-lasting
low-paidlower-paidthe lowest-paid
  • Some adjectives which already have a comparative or superlative meaning do not usually occur with -er/-est or more/most, unless we want to give special emphasis, often for humorous effect Common examples of adjectives like these are:complete,equal,favourite, andperfect.:
    • Mussels are my most favourite food.

The opposite of comparative and superlative forms

  • Comparative and superlative forms with -er/-est and more/most are always used to talk about a quality which is greater in amount relative to others. If we want to talk about a quality which is smaller in amount relative to others, we use the forms less (the opposite of comparative more) and the least (the opposite of superlative the most). Less is used to indicate that something or someone does not have as much of a particular quality as someone or something else:
    • This sofa is less comfortable.
    • I’ve always been less patient than my sister.
  • The least is used to indicate that something or someone has less of a quality than any other person or thing of its kind:
    • It’s the least expensive way to travel.
    • She was the least intelligent of the three sisters.
Grammar Lessons for Teachers: Comparative and superlative adjectives (2024)


Grammar Lessons for Teachers: Comparative and superlative adjectives? ›

Show students items, or images of items, that come in small, medium, and large sizes, such as coffee cups. Ask students to use words to describe the items. Ask them to think about what is the same and what is different about the items. Have them discuss with a partner before sharing with the class.

How to teach comparative and superlative adjectives lesson plan? ›

Show students items, or images of items, that come in small, medium, and large sizes, such as coffee cups. Ask students to use words to describe the items. Ask them to think about what is the same and what is different about the items. Have them discuss with a partner before sharing with the class.

How to teach comparative adjectives in a fun way? ›

One of the simplest games for this grammar point is for one person to describe an object using comparatives until someone guesses what it is, e.g. “It is the biggest thing here, but it is shorter than a giraffe. It isn't as heavy as a whale” for “elephant”.

How do you teach kids comparative and superlative? ›

Make sure students understand that the comparative is formed by adding an r. Students compare the other pieces of furniture. Point to three different sofas and introduce the superlative: T: The red sofa is nicer than the brown one, but the blue one is the nicest of the three.

What is comparative and superlative grammar lesson? ›

We use a comparative adjective to express how two people or things are different, and we use a superlative adjective to show how one person or thing is different to all the others of its kind. For example, Mick is taller than Jack. Mick is the tallest person in the family.

What is the best lesson plan objective for teaching adjectives? ›

Students will be able to write sentences about a given object using adjectives. They will verbally share their sentences with peers and be able to explain what adjectives they chose and why they felt those choices improved the meaning of their sentences.

What is the game of comparative adjectives? ›

The Comparison Game

One student starts and makes a comparative sentence about the two things, e.g. 'A car is faster than a bus'. Then, the other student makes a comparative sentence using a different comparative adjective, e.g. 'A bus is bigger than a car'.

What is the rule for comparative adjectives? ›

When two objects or persons are being compared, the comparative form of the adjective is used. The comparative adjective can be formed in two ways: Adding –er to the positive form of the adjective. Adding the word more before the adjective.

How to explain comparative to a child? ›

Comparative adjectives are adjectives used to compare characteristics between two nouns, highlighting their differences (these could be objects, people, or animals) based on a shared characteristic (size, color, height, velocity, etc). Another example of this would be “the red pencil is bigger than the blue pencil”.

How do you warm up for teaching comparative adjectives? ›

First, you should ask your student to describe the images using adjectives that they already know. Then they will learn to describe different images using comparative adjectives like old and older. This is a great way to warm up for class and gauge a student's current knowledge of adjectives.

How do you write 4 sentences using comparative and superlative? ›

1-My hair is longer than your hair 2-Oxford is more beautiful than Birmingham. 3-I'm taller than you. 4-People are more intelligent than animals. 5-Barcelona is bigger than Santander.

What is a superlative lesson for kids? ›

To make a superlative, we add the ending -est to an adjective with one syllable to show comparison of three or more things. -George is the nicest person I've ever met. In this sentence, I compared George to all the people I've ever met. -The tallest building in New York is the Empire State Building.

What is a comparative and superlative example for kids? ›

Examples of Superlatives and Comparatives
Positive AdjectiveComparative AdjectiveSuperlative Adjective
16 more rows

What is the objective of comparative adjectives lesson plan? ›

Students will:

Distinguish among different forms of comparative adjectives and adverbs, and make comparisons using visually-supported materials. Complete modeled sentence starters. Justify opinions and preferences with evidence. Identify and creatively explain or illustrate a figure of speech.

How do you teach comparative and superlative adverbs? ›

-For all one-syllable and some two-syllable adverbs, add -er to form the comparative and add -est to form the superlative. -For adverbs that end in -ly and most adverbs with two or more syllables, use more or less to form the comparative and most and least to form the superlative.

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