Gooseberries (2024)

      RHS Growing Guides

      Our detailed growing guide will help you with each step in successfully growing Gooseberries.


      Getting Started

      Section 1 of 7

      Gooseberries (Ribes uva-crispa)are delicious and easy-to-grow soft fruit, with a choice of varieties for eating or cooking. They can be grown in the ground, in containers or trained against a wall to save space, making them ideal for small plots.

      Gooseberries (1)

      Gooseberries come in an array of colours and sizes, some sweet enough to eat raw, others great for cooking
      Gooseberries are an often overlooked yet delicious fruit, rarely sold in supermarkets, so well worth growing. Once established, plants usually crop abundantly every summer for at least 10–15 years. Dessert varieties produce deliciously sweet tangy berries, while culinary varieties are great for making into pies, fools, jams and sauces.

      Robust, hardy and happy in sun or light shade, gooseberries are easy to look after, both in the ground and in containers. These versatile plants can be grown as bushes, 1–1.5m (3½–5ft) tall and wide, or trained into space-saving and attractive shapes. These include narrow single-stemmed cordons and wide fans spread flat against a wall or fence. Tall slender cordons, in particular, take up little ground space and can be planted closer together, allowing you to grow several different varieties in a small area. They can also be grown as standards – shaped like a lollipop, with a bushy head on a tall stem. These are usually bought ready-trained, using grafted or budded plants that have a clear ‘trunk’ about 1m (3¼ft) tall. This attractive form makes good use of space, as you can grow other plants beneath them.

      Most gooseberries should be pruned twice a year to keep them in good shape and maximise harvests, but this is a straightforward process and they need little other maintenance. To protect the fruit from birds, put netting over plants as soon as the berries start to ripen.

      Month by Month

      Jobs to do now
      • Plant bush
      • Mulch the area over roots with well-rotted organic matter to help conserve moisture
      • Make sure your mulch is kept away from the stems, to avoid rotting
      • Feed with a high potassium general fertiliser
      • Plant bush
      • Mulch the area over roots with well-rotted organic matter to help conserve moisture
      • Make sure your mulch is kept away from the stems, to avoid rotting
      • Feed with a high potassium general fertiliser




























      There is a wide choice of gooseberry varieties, with attractive red, green or yellow fruits that ripen from late June to early August, depending on the variety. Dessert varieties are sweet and delicious eaten raw, while culinary varieties are perfect for puddings, pies and jams. Some varieties are dual purpose.

      Plant size and vigour can vary slightly depending on the variety, ranging from 1m (3¼ft) up to 1.5m (5ft) tall and wide. Most varieties have prickly stems, although a few are (almost) thornless, which makes pruning and harvesting easier. Some varieties are less susceptible to mildew, and most are happy in sun or light shade.

      When choosing varieties, look for those with an RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM), which shows they performed well in trials.If you visit any of theRHS gardens, you’ll find a wide range of fruit, including gooseberries, grown in various ways. So you can easily compare different varieties and pick up useful growing tips.

      What and where to buy

      Gooseberries can be bought as bare-root plants (without any soil around the roots) or in containers. Bare-root plants are only available while dormant, from late autumn to early spring, usually by mail order from fruit nurseries. Potted plants are available for most of the year and are widely sold in garden centres as well as by online retailers. Bare-root plants are usually slightly cheaper than potted plants.

      For growing as a bush, choose atwo- to three-year-old plantwith a well-balanced head of three to five main branches and a clear stem of 10–15cm (4–6in). For a cordon, choose either a plantwith one vigorous stem, a rooted cuttingor a partly trained cordon. For growing as a standard, it is easiest to buy a plant that has already been grafted and trained, as these take a long time to grow and train from scratch.

      Recommended Varieties

      Gooseberries (2)


      Culinary/dessert variety Large tangy green berries that will sweeten and turn yellow if left on the bush.

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden


      Gooseberries (3)


      Culinary variety Highly productive, with green fruits. Mildew resistant, fairly compact and not too spiny.

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden


      Gooseberries (4)


      Culinary variety Heavy crops of well-flavoured berries. Vigorous, with some resistance to mildew.

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden


      Showing 3 out of 5 varieties

      Gooseberries are robust and hardy plants that can be grown in a wide range of locations. They cope in most soil conditions, but prefer moist, well-drained ground. They can also be planted in large containers.

      They crop best and produce sweeter fruits in a sunny position, but will tolerate some shade. They can, for example, be grown in the dappled shade under fruit trees or trained against a north-facing wall.Choose a sheltered site, as the stems are brittle and can snap in windy conditions, especially when laden with fruit. Avoid sites prone to late frosts, as these can damage the early flowers and so reduce fruiting. Consider planting in a fruit cage, to protect the buds and fruit from birds.

      You can plant bare-root gooseberries from late autumn to early spring, and container-grown plants at any time – although avoid planting when the ground is waterlogged, parched or frozen. Late autumn isideal, as it gives them plenty of time to settle in before the new growing season starts in spring.

      Take care to position the plant at the same depth it was previously growing – so with containerised plants alignthe top of the compost level with the soil surface, and with bare-root plants alignthe soil mark on the stem.Allow the following spacings between plants: bushes and standards 1.2–1.5m (4–5ft) apart, cordons 30–38cm (12–15in) apart, fans: 1–1.5m (3¼–5ft) apart.

      Planting gooseberries is very straightforward – see our step-by-step guide and video below.


      Planting in a container

      Gooseberries are easy to plant in pots – see our guides below. ​Choose a pot that’s at least 40cm (16in) wide and deep, with plenty of drainage holes in the base, and usepeat-free soil-based compost.

      Supporting plants

      All trained gooseberries, apart from bush plants, need supports. So insert a sturdy bamboo cane at planting time to keep the main stem stable – up to 1.7m (5½ft) tall for cordons and up to 1m (3¼ft) tall for standards. Fans and cordons also need a system of horizontal wires – usually two, at 60cm (2ft) and 1.2m (4ft) from the ground, attached to posts or to a wall or fence. See our guide below for full details.


      Plant Care

      Gooseberry plants generally need little attention, apart from pruning to keep them neat and productive, watering in dry spells and feeding in spring to boost harvests.


      Water newly planted gooseberries regularly for at least the first growing season, until established. After that, watering is seldom required, although in very dry spells water every fortnight.

      Gooseberries (5)

      Water gooseberries during dry weather while the fruits are forming
      Gooseberries in pots often struggle in dry conditions, so check the compost regularly throughout the growing season and water generously whenever it starts to feel dry. In particular, make sure plants don’t go short of water when flowering and fruiting. Also ensure rain can drain out of the holes in the pot’s base by raising it up on ‘feet’ or bricks in winter. Waterlogged compost can cause the roots to rot.


      After feeding in early spring (see below), mulch the root area with organic matter, such as garden compost or chipped bark, to hold moisture in the soil. A layer about 5cm (2in) thick is ideal, laid onto damp ground, and take care to leave a gap around the base of the stem, to avoid rotting. Top up the mulch annually.


      In early spring, feed with a high potassium general fertiliser, such as Vitax Q4 or fish, blood and bone. Scatter one and a half handfuls per square metre/yard around the base of plants.Avoid feeding with too much nitrogen, because this can encourage sappy growth, which is prone to mildew.


      You can make new plants by taking hardwood cuttings about 30cm (1ft) long in winter. Use stems from young plants removed during winter pruning. Older plants may carry disease, so it’s best not propagate from them.


      Pruning and Training

      To ensure good crops of large fruits and to keep plants healthy and in good shape, prune twice a year, in summer and winter. Gooseberries can be trained into various forms, including bushes, cordons, standards and fans, each needing slightly different pruning. For full details, see our guide below.



      Gooseberries (6)

      Most gooseberry plants are quite prickly, so take care when harvesting
      With gooseberries, it’sbest to make two pickings, a month or two apart:
      • In June, when the fruits are still green and under-ripe, pick every other fruit and use for making jam, pies, tarts and sauces. The remaining fruits should then grow larger than if you allow them all to ripen

      • In July and August, harvest the rest of the fruits once they are ripe, for maximum flavour and sweetness. Pick fully ripened gooseberries carefully as they’re soft and likely to burst.

      An established bush should produce 2.5–5.5kg (6–12lb) of fruit per year, and a cordon about 1kg (2lb).



      Section 7 of 7

      It’s a good idea to grow gooseberries in a fruit cage if possible, or cover them with netting for short spells, both in winter to prevent bullfinches damaging the buds and in summer to protect the ripening berries from birds. Several insects and fungal diseases can also affect gooseberries (see Common Problems, below), so check plants regularly.Some gooseberry varieties offer resistance to mildew.

      If frost is forecast while plants are flowering, cover with horticultural fleece, old net curtains or similar overnight, then remove during the day to allow pollinating insects to access the flowers.

      Buy gooseberries at

      Every purchase supports the work of the RHS

      Buy gooseberries at

      Gooseberries (2024)


      How do you use gooseberries in a sentence? ›

      To turn to fruit, the gooseberry crop was fairly good, and the strawberry crop good. British housewives are not, but they would like an assurance that we are going to have an adequate supply of raspberry, strawberry and gooseberry jam.

      How many gooseberry plants do I need? ›

      Gooseberries of American origin are Ribes hirtellum or hybrids derived from this species, while the European species is Ribes uva-crispa. Gooseberries are self-fertile, so you will grow plenty of fruit with just one plant.

      Why are gooseberries so good for you? ›

      Gooseberry is a tart fruit high in nutrients, such as vitamin C. It has several potential health benefits, including anti-aging, antioxidant, and anti-carcinogenic properties. People eat gooseberry in fresh or in canned form. Some people also use it as a supplement or beauty product.

      What has eaten all my gooseberries? ›

      • The common gooseberry sawfly is the most frequently found of the gooseberry sawflies. ...
      • The female sawflies lay eggs on the underside of leaves, low down in the centre of the bush, so the young larvae go unnoticed until they have eaten their way upwards and outwards, devouring the leaves as they go.

      What is a gooseberry slang? ›

      idiom UK informal (also feel like a gooseberry) to be an unwanted third person who is present when two other people, especially two people having a romantic relationship, want to be alone.

      When someone calls you a gooseberry? ›

      Playing gooseberry, or feeling a gooseberry is an unwanted third person when two people (perhaps in a romantic relationship) want to be alone. I believe the American equivalent is 'to be a 3rd wheel'. To be the person in a group of three out on a 'date', who is not in a relationship with the other two.

      Why are gooseberries illegal to grow in some states? ›

      In the early 1900s, the federal and state governments outlawed the growing of currants and gooseberries to prevent the spread white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola). This fungal disease attacks both Ribes and white pines, which must live in close proximity for the blister rust fungus to complete its life cycle.

      Why is it illegal to grow gooseberry bushes? ›

      Unfortunately, also in the early 1900s, the growing of gooseberry and related currants became federally banned because of a fungal disease called white pine blister rust, a deadly disease for all species of white pines (which includes the ancient bristlecone pines).

      Is gooseberry a bush or tree? ›

      Gooseberry bushes have arching branches and are usually 3 to 5 feet high and wide. They have inconspicuous small green and pink flowers that are self-fertile and open early in the season. Bushes yield small berries that are usually greenish yellow but can also be pink, red, or even white depending on cultivar.

      Can you eat gooseberries raw? ›

      Early in the season they are bright green, with a veined effect on the skin, and quite hard and tart – they are best for cooking with, in particular to make the classic English pudding, gooseberry fool. Later on, softer, sweeter varieties become available, often yellow or red coloured – they are good eaten raw.

      Does gooseberry have side effects? ›

      Stay on the safe side and stick to food amounts. Bleeding disorders: Indian gooseberry might increase the risk of bleeding or bruising in some people. If you have a bleeding disorder, use Indian gooseberry with caution. Surgery: Indian gooseberry might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.

      Can you eat gooseberries straight? ›

      The easiest way to eat a gooseberry is straight from the shrub. You can eat gooseberries raw. Gooseberries are ripe in the middle of the summer—around July—and though their season is short, they make up for it by being pretty unfussy when it comes to diving right in and chowing down.

      Do squirrels eat gooseberries? ›

      Many birds and mammals relish the fruits of gooseberry, despite the thorny stems. Birds that eat berries, including gooseberries, include catbirds, thrashers, robins, and waxwings. Foxes, skunks, squirrels, and mice also eat the fruits and ultimately disperse the seeds away from the parent plant.

      Can you eat gooseberries off the bush? ›

      Gooseberries have a reputation for being tart little green fruits best suited to cooking and jam-making – but they're so much more versatile than that. As well as culinary varieties normally found in the supermarket, gooseberries can also be sweet and juicy enough to eat straight off the bush.

      Do you wash gooseberries before eating? ›

      Wash gooseberries and remove stems (you can pinch off the stems or just use a pair of kitchen scissors). STORING: Fresh gooseberries will keep up to 2 weeks in fridge. Or pop them in the freezer to enjoy later.

      What is a good sentence for berries? ›

      You must never eat the berries from that bush - they are poisonous. Rachel took a nice juicy berry from the basket and popped it into her mouth. The birds have devastated my strawberry plants - there's not a single berry left.

      Is it gooseberry or gooseberry? ›

      Gooseberry (/ˈɡuːsbɛri/ GOOSS-berr-ee or /ˈɡuːzbɛri/ GOOZ-berr-ee (American and northern British) or /ˈɡʊzbəri/ GUUZ-bər-ee (southern British)) is a common name for many species of Ribes (which also includes currants), as well as a large number of plants of similar appearance.

      Why are they called gooseberries? ›

      The old German name for the berries, Kräuselbeere, which literally means curled or crimped berries, was is the source of the Medieval Latin name grossularia, which became groseille in French – and gooseberry in English!

      What did gooseberries taste like? ›

      What Does a Gooseberry Taste Like? The flavor of gooseberries depends on how ripe they are, with green gooseberries being more sour and red/purple gooseberries being more sweet. Most describe them as similar in taste and texture to grapes, but more acidic.

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