Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (2024)

The case for lower interest rates in 2024 is straightforward, but the path is likely to be rocky. We expect bond yields to decline in line with falling inflation and slower economic growth, but uncertainty about the Federal Reserve's policy moves will likely be a source of volatility. Nonetheless, we are optimistic that fixed income will deliver positive returns in 2024.

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (1)

For illustrative purposes only.

Lower yields ahead

The action in the bond market has been anything but plain-vanilla over the past year. Ten-year Treasury yields have spanned a huge range—from as low as 3.25% in April in the wake of the banking crisis to as high as 5.02% in October on surprisingly strong third-quarter economic growth. In 2024, we look for lower yields but expect bouts of volatility along the way, as markets continue to try to anticipate shifts in Fed policy. Assuming the Fed continues to lag market expectations for rate cuts, the market will be very attuned to every data point, likely causing yields to trade in wide ranges.

The 10-year Treasury yield has moved in a wide range

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (2)

Source: Bloomberg, daily data as of 12/04/2023.

U.S. Generic 10-year Treasury Yield (USGG10YR INDEX). Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Nonetheless, we believe that both short- and long-term yields likely have peaked for the cycle and will continue to fall assuming inflation abates in 2024. In our view, much of the inflation driven by supply shortages early in this cycle has been corrected, but the full impact of the tightening in monetary policy by major central banks is still working its way through the global economy. Slower growth and less inflation pressure should be the result.

While intermediate- to long-term yields already have fallen significantly from the peak seen last October, we see more room for decline. The big questions revolve around the magnitude of the decline and the shape of the yield curve. Those trends will be driven by central bank policies.

However, we don't look for yields to fall back to the levels that prevailed in the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis or during the COVID-19 pandemic. In our view, the era of zero policy rates and quantitative easing has ended. A return to "normal" in the bond market would mean positive real yields during periods of economic expansion coupled with bouts of volatility as central banks allow markets to set rates.

Falling yields

The Fed's policies to quell inflation involve raising interest rates and signaling it will keep them high until inflation falls back toward its 2% target, and quantitative tightening—or reducing the size of its balance sheet. So far, the process appears to be working, with inflation having fallen by half from its peak levels.

Inflation has fallen from its peak levels

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (3)

Source: Bloomberg, monthly data as of 10/31/2023.

The personal consumption expenditures (PCE) index measures the changing prices of goods and services. "Core" PCE excludes food and energy prices, which tend to be volatile. For PCE: Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCE DEFY Index), For core PCE: Personal Consumption Expenditures: All Items Less Food & Energy (PCE CYOY Index), percent change, year over year.

Pushing up interest rates rapidly and holding them steady as inflation falls has resulted in a sharp increase in "real" rates—that is, yields adjusted for inflation expectations. At current levels, real yields should be high enough to put a brake on the economy. High real interest rates make it more attractive for consumers to save than spend, and more difficult for businesses to borrow, hire, and invest. While consumer spending has been resilient during the past year, rising interest rates have slowed demand for durable goods, resulting in a downturn in the manufacturing sector. Recent data suggest that the pace of growth in the service sector is moderating as well.

Real interest rates are at the highest level since 2008

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (4)

Source: Bloomberg, daily data as of 12/04/2023.

US Generic Govt TII 2 Yr (USGGT02Y INDEX), US Generic Govt TII 5 Yr (USGGT5Y Index), US Generic Govt TII 10 Yr (USGGT10Y Index), US Generic Govt TII 30 Yr (USGGT30Y Index). Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

In addition to high real rates making borrowing more expensive, banks have tightened lending standards significantly in this cycle, limiting access to credit for both businesses and consumers.

Banks have tightened lending standards

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (5)

Source: Bloomberg, using quarterly bank lending data as of 10/31/2023.

Net % of Domestic Respondents Tightening Standards - C&I Loans for Large/Medium (SLDETIGT Index), Net % of Domestic Respondents Tightening Standards for C&I Loans for Small Firms (SLDETGTS Index). Shaded bars represent recessions.

Moreover, the Fed intends to continue its quantitative tightening program—allowing bonds on its balance sheet to mature without reinvestment—even after it shifts to lowering interest rates. So far, that process has reduced the Fed's total holdings by more than $1 trillion.

The Fed has reduced its balance sheet

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (6)

Source: Bloomberg, weekly data as of 11/22/2023.

Reserve Balance Wednesday Close for Treasury Bills, Treasury Notes, Treasury Bonds, Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) , and Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS).

The federal funds rate, which guides overnight lending between U.S. banks, is currently 5.25% to 5.5%. However, the Fed policies combined—the "higher for longer" policy signal, quantitative tightening, and the cumulative rate hikes to date—are estimated to be the equivalent of pushing the federal funds rate to 6.7%, according to the "proxy funds rate" calculated by the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank.

The proxy federal funds rate is higher than the effective rate

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (7)

Source: Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Monthly data as of 10/31/2023.

Federal Funds Target Rate - Upper Bound (FDTR Index) and U.S. Federal Reserve San Francisco Proxy Effective Funds Rate (SFFRFFPR Index). The effective federal funds rate is calculated as a volume-weighted median of overnight federal funds transactions. The proxy funds rate measure uses a set of 12 financial variables, including Treasury rates, mortgage rates, and borrowing spreads to assess the broader stance of monetary policy. Using principal components, common movements among the 12 financial variables are extracted. The proxy rate can be interpreted as indicating what federal funds rate would typically be associated with prevailing financial market conditions if these conditions were driven solely by the funds rate.

Lastly, this has been and continues to be a global tightening cycle, with central banks raising interest rates in most major and emerging market countries. The synchronized rate hikes are compounding the slowdown in domestic economic growth and inflation. As a result, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates that global gross domestic product growth will slow to 2.7% in 2024, slightly lower than in 2023 and significantly below the five-year pre-pandemic average of 4.6%.

What is the Federal Reserve's reaction function?

While the case for lowering interest rates seems clear to us, that's not necessarily true for everyone at the Federal Reserve. Having failed to recognize the need to tighten policy early in the cycle as inflation soared, the Fed continues to signal a willingness to keep policy tight for an extended period to make sure inflation falls toward its 2% target level.

This is a significant change in strategy. In past cycles, the Fed might already have started lowering rates in response to falling inflation, but this time around it doesn't want to squander the gains it has made to date. It is waiting for data to validate a shift in policy.

The message has been that short-term rates will be higher for longer, but without much detail. From recent comments by Fed officials, it appears that the majority is growing more confident that further rate hikes aren't needed. Most concur that the current 5.25% to 5.5% target range for the federal funds rate is sufficiently high to achieve their goals, although a few are holding out the potential for one more hike. We agree with the majority that the peak in rates has been reached.

However, we don't have much clarity about how much longer rates are going to remain high. The market has gotten ahead of the Fed in anticipating rate cuts a few times over the past year only to have to unwind those expectations, causing yields to rebound sharply.

Given the uncertainty about the timing and magnitude of potential Fed rate cuts, we've constructed three hypothetical scenarios for 2024 and assessed the likely impact on Treasury yields and the yield curve.

Baseline: Growth and inflation slow

Our base-case scenario is for three rate cuts of 25 basis points each, starting mid-year, bringing the upper bound of the target range for fed funds to 4.75%. This scenario reflects the Fed's reluctance to cut rates pre-emptively in this cycle and is generally in line with current market pricing. It would likely mean that the economy's growth rate slows down, but a recession is avoided. We would expect the yield curve to remain inverted as 10-year Treasury yields fall to 4% or lower while the federal funds rate stays elevated. However, two-year yields would likely decline below 10-year yields.

Scenario 1: Inflation reignites

This scenario—which we believe has a low probability of occurring—calls for one more 25-basis-point rate hike by the Fed and an extended period of high rates in response to rebounding inflation. We estimate that the yield curve would likely stay inverted due to the tightening in monetary policy, but yields would stay elevated for all maturities.

Scenario 2: Recession

This scenario assumes the Fed cuts rates by up to 150 basis points in the next 12 months due to the onset of recession. Rapid Fed rate cuts would likely mean that the yield curve would steepen due to short-term rates falling faster than long-term rates.

Scenario outline

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (8)

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (9)

Source: Bloomberg. Treasury yield curve is as of 12/04/2023.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

This hypothetical example is only for illustrative purposes. All hypothetical yields for the yield curve are estimates using linear interpolation based on the hypothetical two- and 10-year Treasury yield.

For fixed income investors, the good news is that the range of hypothetical potential outcomes for some commonly used strategies suggests positive returns. The chart shows the hypothetical returns for bond ladders and barbells with different maturities. We looked at one- to five-year and one- to 10-year ladders and barbells using Treasuries.

Estimated return based on each hypothetical scenario and strategy

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (10)

Source: Schwab Center for Financial Research, as of 12/04/2023.

This hypothetical example is only for illustrative purposes. The chart shows the hypothetical 1-year holding period for 4 different strategies, a 1-year and 5-year barbell, a 1-year and 10-year barbell, a 1- to 5-year ladder, and a 1- to 10-year ladder. All strategies are equally weighted. The baseline scenario assumes a 4.0% 2-year Treasury and a 4.25% 10-year Treasury in 1-year. The "inflation reignites" scenario assumes a 5.25% 2-year Treasury and a 4.25% 10-year Treasury in 1-year. The "recession" scenario assumes a 3.0% 2-year Treasury and a 3.50% 10-year Treasury in 1-year. The "inflation reignites, and the Fed is late to act" scenario assumes a 5.75% 2-year Treasury and a 5.75% 10-year Treasury in 1-year. All other yields are linearly interpolated based on a 2- and 10-year yield. In each of the strategies, the hypothetical examples assume the investor receives the coupon income but does not reinvest it. Basis points (BPS) represent one-hundredth of one percent. Hypothetical total returns assume price appreciation or depreciation. Probability analysis results are theoretical in nature, not guaranteed, and do not reflect any degree of certainty of an event occurring. Outcomes are not guaranteed.

With starting yields in the 4% to 5% region, positive returns are likely, because the income generated from the coupon should offset price declines in most scenarios. If yields do rebound in 2024 relative to expectations, it would take a substantial increase to generate a negative total return, with the biggest impact on the longest duration bonds.

Hypothetical total return estimates for various maturities based on change in yields

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (11)

Source: Schwab Center for Financial Research, as of 12/04/2023.

This hypothetical example is only for illustrative purposes. The chart shows the hypothetical 1-year holding period return assuming an investor buys a 2-, 5-, 10-, or 30-year Treasury and interest rates change by -100, -50, 0, 50, or 100 basis points. The hypothetical examples assume the investor receives the coupon income but does not reinvest it. Hypothetical total returns assume price appreciation or depreciation. Probability analysis results are theoretical in nature, not guaranteed, and do not reflect any degree of certainty of an event occurring. Outcomes are not guaranteed.

No matter what the scenario in the fixed income markets in 2024, it's likely to come with volatility. This cycle has been different in many ways from previous cycles and the road from high inflation to low and stable inflation likely won't be smooth. Every economic data report and Federal Reserve meeting or comment could cause an outsized reaction in the markets. However, in the long run, the trend in inflation is the biggest factor driving interest rates, and that is currently headed in the right direction. With the peak in rates likely behind us and high starting nominal and real yields, we look for lower yields and positive returns for investors.

Fixed Income Outlook: The Rocky Road Bond Market (2024)


What is the outlook for fixed income? ›

Starting yields, potential rate cuts and a return to contrasting performance for stocks and bonds could mean an attractive environment for fixed income in 2024.

Should I invest in bonds in 2024? ›

There are indications that interest rates may start to fall in the near future, with widespread anticipation for multiple interest rate cuts in 2024. Falling rates offer the potential for capital appreciation and increased diversification benefits for bond investors.

Should you sell bonds when interest rates rise? ›

If bond yields rise, existing bonds lose value. The change in bond values only relates to a bond's price on the open market, meaning if the bond is sold before maturity, the seller will obtain a higher or lower price for the bond compared to its face value, depending on current interest rates.

What is the bond fund outlook for 2024? ›

In line with the outlook from other investment providers, the firm is forecasting a 5.7% gain in 2024 for U.S. investment-grade bonds, versus 4.9% last year and 2.3% in 2022. (All figures are nominal.)

Does fixed income do well in recession? ›

Interest rates tend to begin to decline three months ahead of recessions and reach a cycle low about five months into recessions. During economic downturns, fixed income has been shown to provide diversification benefits and reduce the volatility of portfolios that include risk assets such as equities.

Is it a good time to be in the bond market? ›

If an investor is looking for reliable income, now can be a good time to consider investment-grade bonds. If an investor is looking to diversify their portfolio, they should consider a medium-term investment-grade bond fund which could benefit if and when the Fed pivots from raising interest rates.

Is this a good time to buy bonds? ›

High-quality bond investments remain attractive. With yields on investment-grade-rated1 bonds still near 15-year highs,2 we believe investors should continue to consider intermediate- and longer-term bonds to lock in those high yields.

What happens to bonds after 5 years? ›

Once a Series I bond is five years old, there is no interest penalty for redemption. Question: Can you determine what the value of a Series I bond will be in future years? inflation rate can vary. You can count on a Series I bond to hold its value; that is, the bond's redemption value will not decline.

Is this a good time to invest in fixed income? ›

Investing in fixed-income instruments can be beneficial even in a bull market due to attractive yields. Current interest rates offer real returns above expected inflation, making it a good time to lock in rates.

What is the safest fixed income investment? ›

Treasuries are generally considered"risk-free" since the federal government guarantees them and has never (yet) defaulted. These government bonds are often best for investors seeking a safe haven for their money, particularly during volatile market periods.

Will bonds recover in 2024? ›

As for fixed income, we expect a strong bounce-back year to play out over the course of 2024. When bond yields are high, the income earned is often enough to offset most price fluctuations. In fact, for the 10-year Treasury to deliver a negative return in 2024, the yield would have to rise to 5.3 percent.

What is better CD or bonds? ›

For many Americans, the pull of CDs has recently been stronger than for bonds. The latter can be riskier, as many investors saw in 2022 when fixed-income portfolios experienced heightened volatility; in contrast, CDs are insured up to $250,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Can you lose money on bonds if held to maturity? ›

Benefits and risks of bonds

All bonds carry some degree of "credit risk," or the risk that the bond issuer may default on one or more payments before the bond reaches maturity. In the event of a default, you may lose some or all of the income you were entitled to, and even some or all of principal amount invested.

Is fixed income high risk? ›

Fixed-income securities commonly have low returns and slow capital appreciation or price increases. This is the trade-off for lower risk. Their prices tend to decrease slower as well. The initial principal amount is often inaccessible, particularly with long-term bonds with maturities greater than ten years.

Is it worth investing in fixed income? ›

“Fixed income investments can provide a degree of stability, especially for investors who are holding such investments for their income-generating ability and not actively trading based on price changes.”

How safe is fixed income? ›

Even though fixed-income assets are generally safer than equities, it's still possible to lose money. Manzi notes that last year was a perfect example of that—2022 was the worst year on record for bonds, thanks to rapidly rising interest rates, which pushed bond prices down.

How do you survive on fixed income? ›

Reducing your cost of living can be one of the most strategic money moves when you're on a fixed income. This might look like staying in your area but moving to a home with a lower cost to maintain, like trading in the big house with high utility bills or property taxes for a more affordable, lower-maintenance home.

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