Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (2024)

Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (1)
Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (2)

'Merry Christmas' in French is'Joyeux Noël.' Father Christmas is le Père Noël. If you are going to send him a letter then it should begin:- Cher Père Noël, ....

Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (3)

In the North East of France, Christmas celebrations begin on the 6 December - also known as Saint Nicholas' Day.

The celebrations take place because, once upon a time, there were three children who got lost in the countryside. A wicked butcher kidnapped them.

Luckily,Saint Nicolasrescued the children and returned them to their parents. This is why Saint Nicholas is known as the protector of children. Another name for him is Santa Claus!

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On the night of 5 December (the eve of Saint Nicholas) children place their shoes at the entrance to their house. They also leave a carrot and a sugar lump for Saint Nicholas' donkey. During the night, the saint arrives bringingtreats for the children to find in their shoes in the morning.

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There isalso a scary (but fun) charactercalledle Père Fouettard.He represents the wickedbutcher who kidnapped the children. Le Père Fouettardfollows Saint Nicholas,carries a whipand is dressed in black.The namele Père Fouettardcomes from the word for'the whip.'
le fouet= the whip.

Below is a traditional song for la Saint-Nicolas.

The words to the song are:-

Il était trois petit* enfants
There were three little children
Qui s'en allaient glaner aux champs.
Who would go to gather grain in the fields.
S'en vinrent un soir chez un boucher.
They came across a butcher's house one evening.
"Boucher, voudrais-tu nous coucher?"
"Butcher, can we sleep at your house?"
"Entrez, entrez, petit* enfants.
"Come in, come in, little children.
Il y a de la place assurément!"
Of course there is room!"

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One of the most important places for les festivités dela Saint-Nicolas is a town named after the saint.
Itis called Saint-Nicolas-de-Port becausethe saint's relics are kept in the town's basilica.

Belowis a photo of Saint Nicolas with Père Fouettard. Also, an image of the traditional gingerbread - le pain d'épices - that is made in the shape of Saint Nicholas.

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In the city of Lyon there is a wonderfulFestival of Lights. It is calledla Fête des Lumières.It is a four-day festival taking place around the8 December.

Why does it take place at this time?
In France, the 8 December is a celebration in honour of the Virgin Mary - la Vierge Marie. In Lyon, during this festival, there are amazing, artistic light shows illuminating the buildings. Below is an image of the city's cathedral, dressed in coloured light.

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An important French tradition is to displayune crèchesomewhere in your home.This tradition is most popular in the regionof Provence.

La crècheis a pretty arrangement of little buildings and figurines surrounding the Christmas crib. The figurines are calledsantonsand theyinclude:-

the Baby Jesus - l'EnfantJésus
Mary and Joseph -Marie et Joseph
the shepherds -les bergers
the angels -les anges
the Three Kings -les Rois Mages
the animals -les animaux
the village people -les habitants d'un village

Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (10)

Inla crèche, the figurines of the village people represent lots of different professions, for example:-

le boulanger- the baker
le fermier- the farmer
le chasseur- the hunter
la lavandière- the laundry maid

There is also a figurine calledle ravi, meaning 'the delighted one', and he always has his arms raised to express his delight. Everybodyis welcoming the Baby Jesus!

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Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (12)

Some figurines are placed inla crèchelater than the others:- The figurine of the Baby Jesus is placed in His manger on Christmas Day, to represent the day of His birth. The figurines of the Three Kings appear on the night of 5 January, to represent the time they arrived at the stable.

You can read a Christmas poem about village people here.

La veille de Noëlis Christmas Eve. The night of Christmas Eve is also called la nuit de Noël.

On the night of Christmas Eve, there is a special meal to celebrate the very beginning of Christmas Day. This traditional Christmas Eve dinneris called le réveillon de Noël.

Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (13)

JoyeuxNoël et bon appétit!

In the regionof Provence, it is the tradition to serve thirteen desserts at the end ofthe Christmas Eve dinner. They are known as les treize desserts or les calenos.The number 13 represents Jesus and His twelve disciples. The desserts are set out on the table where they remain for three days.

Two of the thirteen traditional desserts are called le gibassier and la pompe àl'huile d'olive. They are a type of flatbrioche containing olive oil andflavoured with aniseed, orange or lemon. Another traditional item isle nougat which is served in two colours:le nougat blanc (white nougat) and le nougat noir (black nougat).

You can read more about this traditionhere.

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Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (15)

French children leave theirshoesout in front of the fireplace - la cheminée,or around the Christmas tree -le sapin de Noël. When they awake on Christmas Day, they hopeto find that le Père Noël has visited and that theshoes (les souliers) are filled andsurrounded by gifts - des cadeaux.

Le soulier de Noël- the traditional French version of the Christmas stocking (The French wordsactually say 'the Christmasshoe.')

Nowadays, you will also find: la chaussette de Noël - the Christmas sock/stockingandla botte de Noël - the Christmas boot

Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (16)

Voici du vocabulaire de Noël:
Here issome Christmas vocabulary:

le jour de Noël- Christmas Day
la Nativité- the Nativity
l'Avent - Advent
le calendrier de l'Avent - the Advent calendar
la crèche- the crib, the manger, or the Nativity scene
Marie et Joseph- Mary and Joseph
l'Enfant Jésus- the Baby Jesus
l'ange- the angel
l'étoile- the star
Bethléem- Bethlehem
l'âne- the donkey
le berger- the shepherd
les Rois Mages- the Three Kings
le chant de Noël- the Christmas carol
la guirlande de Noël- the Christmas tinsel
la guirlande électrique - the fairy lights
la bougieor la chandelle - the candle
le bonhomme de neige - the snowman
le renne - the reindeer
le traîneau - the sleigh

Christmas dinners often include:-
seafood -les fruits de mer
oysters -les huîtres
lobster -le homard
snails -les escargots
smoked salmon -le saumon fumé
caviar -le caviar
duck -le canard
goose -l'oie
goose liver pâté - le foie gras
turkey -la dinde
green beans -les haricots
cheese - le fromage
Champagne - le champagne / le vin de Champagne
foil-wrapped chocolates -
les papillotes
For dessert there is usually a sponge and buttercream Christmas log calledla bûche de Noël.

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Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (18)

Here are some French Christmas proverbs:

Décembre trop beau, été dans l'eau.
If the weather in December is too nice,the summer will be wet.

Noël neigeux, été merveilleux.
Snowy Christmas, wonderful summer.

Boxing Day is referred to as le lendemain de Noël or la Saint-Étienne - St. Stephen's Day.

New Year's Eve is calledla Saint-Sylvestre(Saint Sylvester's Day). There is a special dinner in the evening calledle réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre also known as le réveillondu jour de l'An. There areparties and presents too. New Yeargifts are calledles étrennes.

To say 'Happy New Year' you sayBonne Année! This actually means 'Good Year.'

Les Plantes de Noël
In France, some plants that are associated with the festive period are: holly -
le houx and the red poinsettia plant which is known as une étoile de Noël - a Christmas star.

Mistletoe (le gui) is considered a plant that brings good luck for the next year. It is a 'lucky plant' -une plante porte-bonheur. There is an old French saying:-Au gui l'an neuf. This means:- 'Mistletoe for the New Year.'

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l'étoile deNoël

Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (20)

le houx

Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (21)

le gui - C'est une plante porte-bonheur!

New Year's Day is calledle jour de l'Anor leNouvel An. Manypeople make a New Year Resolution. This is calledune bonne résolution de Nouvel An.

During the firstdaysofJanuary, a special cake is prepared calledla galette des Rois(the Kings' cake).

The cake is officially eaten on 6 January in celebration of the journey of the Three Kings - les Rois Mages -who followed the star of Bethlehem, found the Baby Jesus - l'Enfant Jésus -and gave Him their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

In French, those gifts are called l'or, l'encens et la myrrhe.

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Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (23)

The date of 6 January is calledl' Épiphanie. It is also known as la Fête des Rois.

The Kings' cake,la galette des Rois,is round and made of puff pastry. Inside the cake, a special trinket is hidden. This trinket is calledune fève- meaning 'a bean.'

It used to be the tradition to find a 'dried bean' inside the cake but nowadays the trinkets are little, porcelainfigurines.

You must be careful when eating the cake - just in case you bite into the hidden trinket and damage your teeth!

On 6 January, parties take place and the Kings' cake is served by playing a traditional game!

Achild hides under the table and shouts out the name of the next person to be served a slice of the cake. It is then discoveredwho has won thetrinket - la fève. That person becomes the 'king' or 'queen' of the party and wears a paper crown. Everyone shouts,'Vive le roi!' (Long live the king!) or 'Vive la reine!' (Long live the queen!).

A rule of the game is that the king - le roi -or the queen - la reine - shouldbuy or make the cake for the next party.

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Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (25)

The name of the Three Kings -les Rois Mages- is a way to say 'the magic kings'. They used their magic powers of observing the stars and planets to look for special meanings and warnings. It was the star of Bethlehem -l'étoile de Bethléem- that indicated the birth and location of a new King for which they set out on their journey.

Some Interesting Facts:

1. During the French Revolution the Kings' cake was not allowed to be called by that name. The word 'king' orroiwas not very popular at that time in France, so the cake was re-namedle gâteau de l'égalité, meaning:- 'the equality cake.'

2. The English word 'tinsel' comes from the French verb étinceler, meaning - to sparkle.

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!

Christmas Zone

Le Gros Souper et les 13 Desserts

French Christmas Activities Pack

Christmas card templates.

Christmas bookmark templates.


Christmas signs.

Suitable for primary schools.

Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (26)

Christmas in France

A PDF collection of worksheets providing information on French Christmas traditions and vocabulary.

Designed for use with our website.

All answers are provided in the teachers' section.

Suitable for KS2 & Y7

Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (27)
Facts About Christmas in France | Euroclub Schools (2024)


How do children in France celebrate Christmas? ›

What is Christmas like in France? Forget about stockings, it's all about the shoes as each child leaves a pair of their own shoes at the foot of the Christmas tree before going to bed on Christmas Eve. This means Father Christmas will know exactly where to leave everyone's presents.

How long does Christmas last in France? ›

It really depends on each family; our family celebrates for around six days, spending three days with one side of the family, and three days with the other. However, for some, the celebrations begin on St Nicholas' Day on 6th December and do not finish until January 6th (the Kings' Day).

What does France call Christmas? ›

In France, Santa is called Père Noël (pronounced Peh-r No-eh-l), literally 'Father Christmas. ' As you may have guessed, the word for 'Christmas' is Noël, and it's named after the Saint who is celebrated on December 25. Back before Père Noël became the symbol of Christmas, the French celebrated Saint Nicolas.

What is a Christmas fact in France? ›

According to tradition, on Christmas Eve children leave their shoes by the fireplace filled with carrots and treats for Père Noël's donkey, Gui (French for "Mistletoe") before they go to bed. Père Noël takes the offerings and, if the child has been good, leaves presents in their place.

Do French schools celebrate Christmas? ›

French schools have five holidays during the year: All Saints 'autumn' break, Christmas, winter break, spring holiday (Easter), and the summer holiday. The breaks are usually two weeks except for summer holidays which last eight weeks.

What are 3 facts in France for Christmas? ›

Boxing Day is referred to as le lendemain de Noël or la Saint-Étienne - St. Stephen's Day. New Year's Eve is called la Saint-Sylvestre (Saint Sylvester's Day). There is a special dinner in the evening called le réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre also known as le réveillon du jour de l'An.

Does France believe in Santa Claus? ›

Santa Claus is 'Père Noël' in France, and on Christmas Eve, he travels around the world handing out presents. The tradition used to be for French children to fill their shoes with carrots for Père Noël's donkey and put them by the fireplace, but today that has been replaced with the Christmas tree.

What does Santa look like in France? ›

Père Noël, much like Father Christmas or Santa, is generally seen in France as a kindly old man with a white beard, wearing red robes with white fur lining. Since the first references to this character, which appeared in the 19th century, he has become a central image of Christmas for French children.

Do French send Christmas cards? ›

Are Christmas Greeting Cards Still a French Christmas Tradition? French people do send out Christmas greetings and wishes for the new year, but it's a tradition which is fading away. The thing which is popular right now is to send out an end of the year recap, often on social networks such as Facebook.

What is Santa's elf in French? ›

Santa Claus, as in other cultures and languages, there are many ways to call Santa Claus in French, like, “Père Noël”, “Papa Noël”, “Saint Nicolas”. The most commonly used “Père Noël”. An elf can be called “elfe” or “lutin”.

Does French Santa say "ho ho ho"? ›

Although the Père Noël largely resembles this image, there are a few differences that make him French – and no, it's not because he walks around with a baguette and cigarette in hand, nor does he say “Oh là là” instead of “Ho ho ho”. Here are a few reasons why the French Santa Claus is different.

What does Santa eat in France? ›

In France, children leave out carrots and cookies in their shoes. The French make sure Santa Claus isn't hungry by leaving him treats — like biscuits — as well as carrots for the reindeer. They typically leave the goodies in their shoes and awake to find the food gone and presents in their place.

What are some fun facts about Santa in France? ›

1. Rather than the red Santa hat, Père Noël wears a red cloak with a hood trimmed in white fur. He often wears the hood up and so it's a small difference that you can easily not be noticed. 2.. Children do not wake-up to presents under the tree on Christmas morning.

What are some facts about the origin of Christmas in France? ›

Christmas customs, originating in the Middle East, were introduced to France by the Romans. Reims was the site of the first French Christmas celebration when, in 496, Clovis and his 3,000 warriors were baptized.

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