Everything You Need to Know About Your First Boba Visit — The Boba Social (2024)

Boba newbies, we got 'chu.

We know that first time anythings can make you a tad bit anxious, fearful, sweaty and the list goes on. But we are here to reassure you that drinking a cup of tapioca filled goodness is not too bad. First things first, you need to fully understand the anatomy of it all.

If you do not know by now. Boba is often described as pearl milk tea, tapioca tea, boba tea, or bubble tea. And if you get confused by them all, just know they pretty much mean the same thing. The drink can be served at room temperature, cold or hot. Inside the cups you'll find those black round chewy "pearl" sized balls. They are called tapioca, a gelatinous substance that derives from cassava root. You can read more about that in a previous blog post.The drinks are also served in fat straws to fully accommodate the size of the tapioca.So please don't get overwhelmed or startled. The straws are here to stay!

I guess your next concern is...Is this even healthy or consumable? Why do you drink it so much?

Well of course it is. The beverage in fact is tea (and/or incorporates it for the most part). And depending on which flavor you get, tea will always have its benefits. According to WebMD, teas may help with cancer,heart disease, and diabetes; encourage weight loss;lower cholesterol; and bring about mental alertness. Tea also appears to have antimicrobial qualities.

As far as the tapioca goes. Did you know that they are gluten free?! Despite its claims that it is not healthy, it is filled with very low levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, fiber and sodium. Trust me, by the end of this post, you'll want to go to your nearest boba shop ASAP.

But that is not all. Boba has its perks and flavors. It's a different drinking experience and most of all, it brings people together! Here are five things to be mindful of on your first bobaventure:

Find one nearby

We here at The Boba Social are from the Washington, DC area...except for our now distant cousin living in California. You may find a pattern that many boba shops thrive and live in college towns. Of course this does vary on demographics and most of all where you live. So it doesn't hurt to Yelp one close by.

Start with the smallest size

To kick off, always go the safe route and purchase the smallest size cup. Some shops have small sizes as little as 12 oz. and some have 24 oz. for the large ones. Some have a one-size fit all.

Don't let the menu overwhelm you

The menu will have a lot of flavors. I repeat... a-freaking-lot. Some things to keep in mind is:

If you're feeling something sweet, fruity and tangy, go for the green tea based drinks that are infused and mixed with fruit juices. Some include passion fruit green tea, lychee green tea, peach green tea.

If you prefer to drink your beverage with black tea,something not too strong but just the right amount of caffeine, try an oolong tea, mango black tea, or classic milk tea.

If you like cream-based drinks, boba shops have flavors that mix both above-like flavors into a yummy concoction. You can't go wrong with a honeydew milk tea, taro milk green tea, chai tea, jasmine milk tea or matcha milk green tea. One thing to note, some boba shops have customizable menus that include soy, almond or whole milk. Otherwise, many boba shops carry a non-dairy creamer.

Powdered boba and actual boba tea

Because we want you to have the best experience ever, we want you to know that there will be boba shops that use powdered flavored sugars to make your so called boba tea drinks. And yes, while they do sell these,we want you to know that we are not about that artificial lifestyle.

We love real tea because real tea tastes so much better. Just know that actual boba tea is brewed from fresh tea leaves. The quality in taste is brewed to perfection, mellow and really fresh.If it's instant, you'll notice the difference.

Keep calm, sip, chew slowly and enjoy

To avoid choking on a tapioca pearl like miss lady up there, be very conscious on how you sip your drink. It may feel weird at first, but to be quite honest, imagine eating jello or those tapioca-filled puddings. That texture is just like it! And to add on,tapioca tastes really good and adds a nice hint of sweetness to your drink. You won't be disappointed.

Everything You Need to Know About Your First Boba Visit — The Boba Social (2024)


What should my first boba be? ›

If you're just starting out with boba tea, the black milk flavor is the perfect choice to start your journey.

Is boba for 11 year olds? ›

Absolutely! Bubble tea is made from various natural ingredients, like tapioca, fruit jams, or milk, so there's nothing to worry about – it's a great treat for people of all ages. However, sometimes you might want to show restraint – after all, boba does have caffeine and sugar.

What are the basics of boba tea? ›

Whatever you call it, in its most basic form, the drink consists of black tea, milk, ice, and chewy tapioca pearls, all shaken together like a martini and served with that famously fat straw to accommodate the marbles of tapioca that cluster at the bottom of the cup.

What are some fun facts about boba? ›

7 Interesting Things About Bubble Tea
  • Have you already jumped on the bubble tea craze? ...
  • 1) It comes in many names. ...
  • 2) Bubble doesn't refer to the pearls. ...
  • 3) It dates back to the 1980s. ...
  • 4) It's all the rage these days. ...
  • 5) McDonald's had it on its menu. ...
  • 6) Boba comes from a root vegetable. ...
  • 7) Boba is boiled in hot water.
Jan 18, 2018

Is boba good for 12 year olds? ›

If you're uncomfortable with your child consuming any caffeine then you shouldn't give your child bubble tea. However, as highlighted, bubble tea does contain a small amount of caffeine which could be acceptable and safe for your child to drink.

Do you chew or swallow boba? ›

Boba is safe to eat and is a key component of the bubble tea experience. However, it's essential to chew them thoroughly to avoid choking, especially for young children or individuals with swallowing difficulties.

Can a 2 year old drink boba? ›

The short answer is yes. Bubble tea is safe for consumption if enjoyed in moderation, so an occasional cup is fine for kids and teens.

Can kids have popping boba? ›

Boba for teenagers

A cup of boba tea as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle will do no long-term harm. You may have come across internet horror stories about bubble tea. But enjoying bubble tea in moderation and as a tasty treat is absolutely fine for older kids!

Is boba healthy? ›

Unfortunately, boba itself provides very few health benefits, though its calories and carbohydrates can provide you with a boost in energy. In most cases, boba tea contains high levels of sugar, which is linked to long-term health conditions like diabetes and obesity.

Does Starbucks sell boba tea? ›

Starbucks kicked off the summer season early with new bubble tea refreshers — Summer Berry, Summer Berry lemonade and Summer Skies — all made with raspberry boba pearls.

Is boba chewy or does it pop? ›

Tapioca pearls are not to be mistaken for popping boba. Tapioca pearls have a chewy texture and always come in a deep black color. Meanwhile, popping boba are colored, non-chewy balls that burst when consumed, thus its name.

What the heck is boba? ›

In brief, a drink that includes tapioca or fruit-flavored pearls. But, that just scratches the surface. When someone says 'Boba tea', they are referencing a traditionally cold-served beverage that has a tea base, a milk or fruit flavor, and edible pearls (the 'boba' in boba tea) inside a cup.

Who invented boba? ›

Bubble tea as we know it today came into existence almost four decades ago. Two tea houses — Chun Shui Tang in the central city of Taichung and Hanlin Tea Room in the southern city of Tainan — both claim to have invented the drink in 1986.

Why is boba called boba? ›

The tea became known as "boba" because the term is Taiwanese slang for breasts (a reference to the spherical shape of the tapioca balls), and is believed to have originated from Chinese characters.

Why is boba so addictive? ›

Contrast - The contrast between the softness of the drink and the chewiness of the pearls is one of the reasons why tapioca pearls can be addictive. The combination of these contrasting textures creates a unique sensory experience that can be highly enjoyable and appealing to many people.

How do I start drinking boba? ›

Dip a straw down in the cup of tea, and you'll find plenty of bobas already inside your straw. The rest of your straw up until the height of the tea contains tea. You sip until all bobas fills your mouth, and stop. After a sip, plenty is gradually reduced from your cup, while the many teas are still left.

What is the best boba combination? ›

The best fruit bubble tea combinations include:
  • Mango fruit tea with passion fruit popping bubbles.
  • Strawberry fruit tea with kiwi popping bubbles.
  • Raspberry fruit tea with mango popping bubbles.
  • Lemon fruit tea with pomegranate popping bubbles.
  • Watermelon fruit tea with strawberry popping bubbles.

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