Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (2024)

Last Updated 11/07/2022 / 130 Comments

This easy, eggless vanilla cheesecake recipe tastes just like the real thing! Creamy and indulgent, no one will know there are no eggs in it!

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Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (1)

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (2)

This creamy, baked eggless cheesecake is a straight swap of the “regular” Vanilla Cheesecake here on LinsFood. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to know that cheesecakes are extremely easy to convert into eggless recipes.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Table of contents

  • Eggless Cheesecake
  • Ingredients We’ll Need
    • The Base
    • The Filling
  • Equipment
  • Eggless Cheesecake Recipe
  • What Cheese to use for our No-Egg Cheesecake?
  • Cheesecake Topping or Sauce
  • Water Bath for Baked Cheesecakes
  • Can we use Half Fat Cream Cheese?
  • Bake the Best Eggless Cheesecake!
  • How long will it Keep?
  • More Cheesecake Recipes
  • More Eggless Desserts on LinsFood
  • Images by LinsFoodies

Eggless Cheesecake

All I did, was replace the eggs with buttermilk (or use yoghurt), and baked it for slightly longer. So, so easy. And what we have is a dreamy no egg cheesecake with the creamiest texture. You’ll be licking all the crumbs!

In fact, it’s so easy, that I gave Sapphire, who’s 15, the instructions, and she did everything herself.

If you’ve been following me a while, you’ll know that 2 of my kids are allergic to eggs. Because of that, over the years, we’veslowlybeen converting a few favourite recipes into eggless ones.

So do you have to put eggs in cheesecake? Absolutely not! Cheesecakes are perfectly fine without eggs and some of the easiest recipes to convert.

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (3)

Ingredients We’ll Need

So we’ve got 2 parts to the recipe: the base and the filling. Full recipe is at the end of this post, but let’s take a look briefly.

The Base

  • digestive biscuits – if digestives are not to your taste, you can use other types of biscuits too, ginger ones are a favourite of mine. And I know that many love a Graham cracker crust!
  • salted butter – I’m a fan of the flavour that salted butter gives me in all my baking and cooking, instead of adding a pinch of salt.

The Filling

  • full fat cream cheese (low fat works too)
  • caster sugar (slightly finer than granulated)
  • buttermilk (or natural yoghurt or soured cream)
  • evaporated milk
  • plain flour (all purpose)
  • cornflour (cornstarch in the US)
  • vanilla paste or vanilla extract
  • fresh lemon juice


The best cake pan to bake cheesecakes in are springform pans. This is so there is no sliding and messing up your cheesecake when it’s time to get it out. This is what I use and you can get it on Amazon (affiliate link).

I love using a stand mixer, it makes baking such a joy. I have a big titanium one that I treated myself to many Christmases ago. This is very similar to what I have (mine’s no longer in production).

However, if you don’t have the budget, nor the space in your kitchen for it, a handheld electric mixer does the job perfectly well. In fact, I use it a lot for small jobs.

Besides that, you’ll need the usual suspects: bowls, mixing bowl, spatula, teaspoons and tablespoons (if needed), measuring cups and most definitely, a weighing scale.

Eggless Cheesecake Recipe

As mentioned above, this is the eggless version of what my friends call,

the best cheesecake they’ve ever eaten!

Who am I to dispute gospel?

Cheesecakes are generally, easy recipes, and today’s egg free cheesecake is no different. This is what we’ll be doing:

  1. First, we make the biscuit baselayer (10 minute baking time).
  2. Then we make the cheese filling.
  3. Bake for 1 hour 20 minutes.
  4. Leave to cool in the oven, for another hour.
  5. Then the eggless cheesecake goes in the refrigerator for overnight chilling.

Easy, right?

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (4)

What Cheese to use for our No-Egg Cheesecake?

This particular eggless vanilla cheesecake recipe calls for good old cream cheese. I guess the most well known brand isPhiladelphia, but I just tend to use the local supermarket own brand version, which is always cheaper, but exactly the same.

Cheesecake Topping or Sauce

You can do almost anything when it comes to topping a vanilla cheesecake. Use fresh fruit like strawberries, raspberries or even fruit from a can like canned peaches in syrup.

However, my favourite way is to top it with a simple fruit sauce or compote like this strawberry sauce.

Water Bath for Baked Cheesecakes

What happens if you don’t bake cheesecake in a water bath? Apart from cracks on the surface, not a whole lot. I’ve seen some food sites saying that your cheesecake may overcook or even curdle, I haven’t had that unfortunate experience ever.

Call me lazy but half the time, I can’t be bothered with water baths when baking cheesecakes, unless I’m baking them for clients. The odd crack on the surface doesn’t bother me, if the cake is for the family. When you think about it, most cheesecakes are covered with a topping, no?

However, if you prefer a pristine smooth eggless cheesecake top, by all means, bake your cheesecake with an oven proof dish like a baking tray filled with water, on the lowest shelf.

Then, when the egg free cheesecake is done, leave the water in the oven as the cake cools down with the door ajar.

Can we use Half Fat Cream Cheese?

Absolutely! And the good news is, you don’t have to compensate for the reduction in fat by adding anything else.

Your eggless cheesecake will be just as delicious, with much less fat!

Bake the Best Eggless Cheesecake!

  • Think ahead! Cheesecakes want to be made ahead, whether you are making a baked cheesecake or a no-bake cheesecake. The actual hands on and baking time isn’t all that long. But after that, the cheesecake needs to cool down to room temperature, then it needs to chill in the fridge, preferably overnight.
  • Take all your cheesecake ingredients out about 30 minutes before you start. This is because you want them all to be at room temperature.
  • Do not overbeat your ingredients; always use a low speed when mixing cheesecake ingredients. This can encourage cracks upon baking by creating too many air pockets. Which is why you’ll see me giving you 20 -3- seconds whisking times.
  • If you have too many air bubbles in your cheesecake mixture, just give your cake pan a few gentle taps on your kitchen counter to release them.
  • To avoid cracks, we also don’t want to overbake our cheesecake. The middle half wants to have a wobble. It will continue baking slightly as it cools down, and of course, we’ll be placing it in the fridge to harden.
  • Cutting your cheesecake – we don’t want to spoil our work of art with messy cheesecake slices, do we? So this is what we do. When it’s time to slice your cheesecake, have a bowl or a tall steady glass filled with very hot water, at hand.Then, dip your thin and sharp knife in for a few seconds the first time around, to heat it. Dry your knife with kitchen paper, then slice your cheesecake. Wipe your knife before slicing again. Then dip your knife, wipe and slice. Dip your knife every couple of slices to heat but wipe after every slice.

How long will it Keep?

This eggless vanilla cheesecake will last in the fridge for up to 4 days.

It also freezes very well. Just wrap your cold cheesecake in aluminium foil and place in the freezer and consume within 1 month.

What I do is freeze the individual slices, either in foil or plastic wrap. That way, I can defrost what I need.

Right then, who’s up for baking some cheesecake? You know what I always say, time to get those aprons on!

Oh, wait, want a chocolate cheesecake? Check out the gallery below!

More Cheesecake Recipes

Eggless Pumpkin Cheesecake

Easy Eggless Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe, perfect for Halloween and Thanksgiving, with sweet, creamy and smoky flavours. A make ahead dessert.

Check out this recipe

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (5)

Eggless Mango Cheesecake

Super easy LinsFood's Eggless Mango Cheesecake recipe – deliciously creamy and fruity, a single slice is never going to be enough!

Check out this recipe

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (6)

Eggless Christmas Pudding Cheesecake

This Eggless Christmas Pudding Cheesecake is a creamy cheesecake with hits of honeyed, caramelised fruit with every single bite.

Check out this recipe

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (7)

More Eggless Desserts on LinsFood

Head on over to the Eggless Recipes page for more egg free recipe, from cakes, to puddings to cookies.

Eggless Tiramisu (with Eggless Savoiardi Biscuits)

Totally Eggless Tiramisu Recipe, using double cream and mascarpone for the filling, and homemade eggless Savoiardi biscuits.

Check out this recipe

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (8)

Eggless Lemon Curd

This eggless lemon curd is a sweet and tangy spread that tastes just like the real thing! And it’s so easy to make!

Check out this recipe

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (9)

Easy Eggless Butter Cookies

Quick and easy, melt in the mouth butter cookies recipe that I used to make as a kid in my granny's kitchen.

Check out this recipe

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (10)

Images by LinsFoodies

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (11)
Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (12)
Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (13)
Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (14)

If you like the recipe, don’t forget to leave me a comment and that all important, 5-star rating!Thank you!

And if you make the recipe, share it on any platform and tag me @azlinbloor.

Lin xx

Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (15)

Eggless Cheesecake Recipe (aka Eggless New York Cheesecake)

This easy, eggless vanilla cheesecake recipe tastes just like the real thing! Creamy and indulgent, no one will know there are no eggs in it!

4.89 from 127 votes

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Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Keyword: cakes, cheesecakes, eggless

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Servings: 12 (9″ round cake)

Calories: 377kcal

Author: Azlin Bloor


  • tabletop mixer or handheld beaters and bowl

  • 9" (23cm) springform cake pan


The Base

  • 200 g (7 oz) plain digestive biscuits (you can use your favourite biscuits here too. Ginger ones are always nice)
  • 100 g (3.5 oz) butter, melted

The Filling

  • 900 g full fat cream cheese
  • 250 g caster sugar (slightly finer than granulated)
  • 250 ml buttermilk (or plain yoghurt)
  • 60 ml full fat evaporated milk
  • 3 Tbsp plain flour
  • 3 Tbsp cornflour cornstarch in the US
  • 2 tsp vanilla paste or extract
  • 2 tsp fresh lemon juice


You must bake your cheesecake the day before you are planning to serve it.

  • Preheat oven to 200˚C (390˚F/180˚C Fan).

  • Grease, line and grease again, a 9 inch/23cm springform tin, including the sides.

The Base

  • I like to do this in a food processor as it’s so much easier and quicker. Place the biscuits in the food processor and pulse to get fine crumbs.

  • Add the melted butter (through the feed tube if you have one) and pulse until it’s all thoroughly mixed. You’ll end up with a mixture that looks like dark wet sand.

  • Carefully press this biscuit mix onto the bottom of your greased pan, patting it and packing it flat with your palm.

  • Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. When done, I like to keep it out to cool for 5 minutes on a wire rack (set the timer if you might forget!), then straight in the fridge while I get the cheesecake done.

The Filling

  • In a tabletop mixer (or large bowl with handheld whisk), beat the cream cheese on medium-low until creamy for 1 minute. Add the sugar gradually during this minute in 2 additions.

  • Next, add the two flours, scraping down the sides if you have to.

  • Add vanilla, lemon juice and then the yoghurt, whisking for only about 30 seconds.

  • Finally, add the evaporated milk and whisk till just mixed, about 20 seconds. Don’t over beat. Check for lumps, squash the bigger ones with a wooden spoon but don’t worry about it too much.

  • Pour the mixture into the prepared tin gently.

  • Double wrap the base of your cake pan in aluminium foil. This is to prevent the cake mix from dripping onto your oven flour if your cake pan isn't completely sealed.

  • Bake at the initial high temperature for 20 minutes. This aids the rise.

  • Reduce the temperature to 110˚C(230˚F/90˚C Fan) and bake for another hour. When done, the cake should still have a wobble in the middle.

  • Let it cool in the oven with the door slightly ajar for 1 hour.

  • Then cool completely at room temperature on your kitchen counter.

  • Finally, cover loosely with foil and refrigerate overnight.

The Next Day

  • Carefully loosen the sides of your springform cake pan.

  • Then very gently lift the cake off the base. Slide a butter knife very carefully under the baking paper on one side. You'll find the cake comes away very easily after that.

  • Place on your serving dish or cake stand, and pour the chilled mango pulp all over.

Have you seen my latest Eggless Cheesecake Recipe?


    Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (16)


  • The total time does not take into account the total chilling time.
  • When cutting cheesecakes, it’s a good idea to warm the knife in hot water, dry, then cut. Wipe between each slice. This will make your slices neat and clean looking.


Calories: 377kcal | Carbohydrates: 39.4g | Protein: 8.8g | Fat: 20.7g | Cholesterol: 60.8mg | Sodium: 464.8mg | Sugar: 28g | Vitamin A: 194.1IU | Calcium: 171.1mg

Did you make this recipe?Mention @azlinbloor and tag #linsfood!

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Eggless Vanilla Cheesecake (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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