Dragon Breath in Minecraft: Everything players need to know (2024)

Modified 21 Mar 2021

Dragon Breath in Minecraft: Everything players need to know (10)

Ender dragon loves throwing its breath at players. Instead of running away, players can collect it inside bottles in Minecraft.

During the battle with the ender dragon, it often sends magic balls filled with breath towards players. Right-clicking dragon breath with empty glass bottles gives the dragon's breath in Minecraft. Doing this also removes the dragon's magic from the ground. Dragon's breath was added to the game in Minecraft 1.9 version - The Combat Update.

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Most of the glass bottle items are not stackable in Minecraft. Dragon's breath can be stacked up to 64. There is no other way to obtain the dragon's breath except the ender dragon. Collecting a dragon's breath completes "You Need a Mint" advancement. This article summarizes what every player needs to know about the dragon's breath in Minecraft.

How to use Dragon's breath in Minecraft?

Dragon Breath in Minecraft: Everything players need to know (11)

Dragon's Breath is a brewing material used to make lingering potions in Minecraft. To make a lingering potion, players first need a normal splash potion. Splash potion is brewed using gun powder on a water bottle in a brewing stand. After brewing splash potion, use dragon's breath on splash potion to brew lingering potions in Minecraft.

Players can add various effects to these lingering potions, like poison, strength, invisibility, etc. Like splash potions, lingering potions can be thrown on the ground and at players. On hitting the ground, it creates a magic cloud of its effect on the ground like the ender dragon's magic.

How to farm Dragon's breath in Minecraft?

Dragon Breath in Minecraft: Everything players need to know (12)

Dragon breath is a renewable item in Minecraft, which means players can farm it for as long as they want. The first step to getting the dragon breath is to find a stronghold. Players can find end portal frames inside strongholds. Complete the end portal using the eyes of the ender. End Portal is the only way to get to the end realm in Minecraft. Jump inside the portal to get to the end.

After jumping in, an ender dragon boss bar should appear at the top of the screen. Find the boss and wait for it to do a magic attack. Escape the magic and use glass bottles on it to get a dragon's breath. That's it.

How to spawn the ender dragon again?

Dragon Breath in Minecraft: Everything players need to know (13)

Players who have defeated the ender dragon can spawn it again and obtain the dragon's breath. To spawn an ender dragon, players need four end crystals. Players need seven glass, one eye of ender, and a ghast tear to make one end crystal.

Visit the end realm and place four end crystals at the top of the bedrock on each side of the exit portal as shown in the image. After placing them, the ender dragon will start spawning. Use its magic attack to collect bottles of dragon's breath.

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    Dragon Breath in Minecraft: Everything players need to know (2024)
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