Does Direct Mail Marketing Still Work in 2021? (2024)

In 2021, it feels like what’s old is new again. Vinyl album sales in the U.S. have been on a steady increase since 2006. Fashion from the 1990s has been making a comeback (puzzling all of us who lived through that decade).

And this leads us to direct mail. Incorrectly referenced as “making a comeback” in 2021, the hype around direct mail marketing ebbs and flows as new communication channels or platforms come and go, but the popularity and effectiveness of direct mail has never gone away.

Yes, Direct Mail Marketing Still Works in 2021

And please, don’t call it a comeback, direct mail has been here for years.

Direct mail has withstood the test of time because it doesn’t get lost in the deluge of digital. Up to 90% of direct mail gets opened, compared to only 20% of emails due in large part to modern direct mail strategies like personalization and hyper-targeting. Here at Jet Mail, our customers have achieved response rates as high as 30% on mailings of just 2,500 hyper-targeted pieces.

Successful direct mail campaigns are a lot more data-driven and technologically-advanced than you might think. Long gone are the days when your options were limited to black-and-white printed pieces in three formats that were addressed to “Current Resident.”

And to that point, let’s dive into how data and technology power the extraordinary ROI that today’s direct mail delivers.

Modern Direct Mail is Data-Driven and Hyper-Targeted

We know marketers are obsessed with data – we are, too!

Modern direct mail marketing strategies leverage your customer data to hyper-target and personalize every interaction in a way that digital channels simply can’t compete with.

Everything from names, copy, logos, images, colors, offers, URLs, QR codes and more can be personalized from one piece to the next by segmenting customer data such as:

  • Geography: Physical location, including county, town, zip code and even subdivision.
  • Demographics: Gender, age, ethnicity, income, occupation, education level and home type.
  • Behavior: Buying patterns, habits and preferences.
  • Psychographics: Interests, lifestyles, activities and values.

And here are just a few of the ways you can put the power of personalization into action:

  • Build brand loyalty: Welcome new customers and recognize milestones of long-term customers.
  • Reinforce email offers: Pair a personalized direct mail piece with a digital marketing campaign to stay top of mind.
  • Re-target and re-engage: Grab the attention of, and reconnect with customers who have stopped opening emails or haven’t purchased from you in a while.
  • Connect on a meaningful level: Acknowledge customer anniversaries, birthdays, holidays and more with personalized offers that resonate with their demographics.
  • Customize special offers: Cross-sell, upsell or send reminders to renew a service or product.
  • Localize marketing: Quickly seize opportunity by adapting messaging to address regional events or shifts in local behaviors.

Personalization works because it captures people’s attention. Let’s take a look at the technology that allows for advanced personalization strategies that make direct mail so effective in 2021.

Personalization Technology: Because Your Customers Aren’t Named “Resident”

It’s highly unlikely that anyone in your CRM has the name “Current Resident.” Mail pieces addressed to “current resident” are thrown away because people know the content contains a generic message.

Response rates for personalized mail pieces are 300% higher than non-personalized mail pieces, which is why it’s critical to leverage modern personalization technology in every campaign.

With state-of-the-art technology like variable data printing and advanced data processing, you can personalize every printed piece in a single, high-speed print run. In other words, if you are sending a direct mail campaign to 50,000 customers, you can personalize each and every mailpiece (and the envelope!) to address the unique needs, pain points and interests of the individual in a single, high-speed print run. No delays; no stopping or starting.

Personalization is also a powerful reporting tool, allowing marketers to generate critical data on campaign effectiveness. Use unique QR codes or personalized URLS (pURLS) to track the success of your campaign and amplify digital marketing efforts.

Let’s talk more about how direct mail is a critical part of multi-channel marketing strategies.

Get your Message in Front of Customers First With Jet Mail

As marketers, we want to have as many touch points with our audience as possible. The more times a message is seen, the more likely it will be top of mind when it comes time to buy.

Modern direct mail has adapted to modern audiences (who are overwhelmed by digital advertising) and is the only communication channel that provides both a tangible and a digital touchpoint in one.

That’s right, modern direct mail is in your customer’s mailbox as well as their inbox. And when direct mail is sent digitally, it comes with an average daily open rate of 64.7%.

Informed Delivery gives customers a digital sneak peek of the mail that will be delivered to their mailbox that day. The preview of their incoming mail can be accessed via the mobile app, daily email notifications or the USPS website.

A standard notification includes a black and white image of the mail or package for consumers to view. Not very exciting, right? However, the USPS saw the marketing potential and developed a feature that allows businesses to pair direct mailings with digital campaigns. You can replace the scanned image with full-color banner ads, images, and links (also known as ride-along content) to direct users to landing pages, websites and other digital content. And it works. Synchronizing personalized direct mail with digital strategies has lead to ROI-boosting results including:

  • 63% increase in response rates.
  • 68% increase in website visits.
  • 40% increase in conversion rates.

Modernize Your Direct Mail Strategy with Jet Mail

There was a time when everyone thought email would kill direct mail. Then everyone thought that social media would kill them both. As it turns out, there’s plenty of room for multiple communication channels in our world, but one is preferred and continually rises to the top in terms of ROI.

Directmail is more powerful in 2021 than ever before and Jet Mail’s team of experts are here to set you up for success. Contact us today to learn how our data-driven approach and advanced personalization technology can boost your marketing efforts in 2021 and beyond.


Does Direct Mail Marketing Still Work in 2021? (2024)


Does Direct Mail Marketing Still Work in 2021? ›

It's here to stay for the foreseeable future: Industry leaders agree that direct mail's long-time appeal is enjoying a bounce from digital fatigue. As many consumers are overwhelmed by the continuous scroll of digital content, direct mail offers the kind of tangible, real-life connection that people are craving.

Is direct mail marketing still effective? ›

The fact is, direct mail marketing isn't dead, outdated, or ineffective. It has evolved and adapted to meet the expectations of today's customers. If anything, it is more alive than ever. With so many other businesses neglecting the power of print, you can stand out.

What is the response rate for direct mail 2021? ›

According to research by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), direct mail has a response rate of 9% to a house list and 5% to a prospect list, compared to email's response rate of just 1%. This means that direct mail is five to nine times more effective than email at getting a response from customers.

Is direct mail still effective in 2024? ›

Key takeaways:

Direct mail remains effective in 2024, offering a tangible, personal connection that enhances brand recall and resonates strongly with generations that have high spending power.

What is the success rate of direct mail marketing? ›

According to a 2021 study by the DMA the response rate for direct mail was 5.3% for prospect lists, one of the highest response rates across all marketing mediums. Direct mail has an impressive open rate of 42.2% according to the Print & Mail Communications Association.

Is direct mail on the decline? ›

The stats show a growing interest in direct mail among consumers: In 2022 alone, direct mail showed an ROI of 43%. Once written off as old and ineffective, direct mail is back. Marketing, like many things, experiences ebbs and flows, and the medium through which we market seems to do the same.

What is the future of direct mail? ›

A future trend for direct mail is hyper-targeting, which entails an even more targeted approach to campaigns, creating content and mailers that are highly relevant and specific to each recipient or audience segment.

Is direct mail making a comeback? ›

Insights and Statistics for 2023. In a world where digital marketing has become the norm, you may be surprised to hear that direct mail is making a resurgence. However, this is exactly what is happening as businesses are turning to direct mail as an effective method of reaching their target audience.

What's a good ROI for direct mail? ›

Using the return on investment model alongside the direct mail response rate may provide you with an even deeper understanding of the value of your direct mail marketing campaign. In general, direct mail marketing statistics show that the average ROI for direct mail campaigns ranges between 18 percent to 20 percent.

What is the average response to direct mail? ›

Marketers who were surveyed by the ANA for its Response Report said that the average direct mail response rate was 9%. That's for house lists, the mailings sent to customers you already have data on. For prospect lists, the figure isn't quite as high, about 5%.

Do Millennials like direct mail? ›

Millennials do not think mail is relevant.

Though this demographic has grown up in a digital media landscape, they still interact with and enjoy direct mail. In one survey of Millennials, 75% of respondents said receiving personal mail makes them feel special. So opt for a cohesive omnichannel experience.

What is a major disadvantage of direct mail? ›

Con: Response rates are typically low

Response rates for direct mail are fairly low. Some sources put direct mail response rates below two percent, while others suggest rates around 3.7 percent. In additional to low response rates, some recipients lump direct mail in with junk mail.

How often should I do direct mail marketing? ›

According to top Google search results, you should send a piece of direct mail to the same audience three times, with 21 days in between each drop for the highest response rates. Contrary to this popular rule of thumb, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for a successful direct mail campaign.

Is direct mail marketing still heavily used? ›

If you believe direct mail is outdated or unused, think again. In 2021, direct mail volumes surpassed pre-pandemic levels, and the latest IPA Bellweather report shows mail investments continue to increase in 2023. If you have not mailed yet, now is a great time to test the channel!

Is direct marketing still effective? ›

Direct marketing is highly effective

Direct marketing campaigns tend to be highly effective. For instance, the typical response rate for mailings (such as postcards and fliers) is 3.4%. Compare that to the median conversion rate for Google Ads, which is 2.35%.

Why isn't direct mail dead? ›

According to the ANA, direct mail response rates range anywhere between 5 and 9 times any other advertising method. That means that utilizing a direct mailer has the potential to attract nine times that amount of customers that an email campaign produces.

Is email marketing still effective today? ›

Does Email Marketing Work Today? Email marketing, even as we approach 2024, continues to play a vital role in digital marketing strategies. Despite the surge of new communication platforms, email marketing's adaptability, direct reach, and cost-effectiveness keep it relevant and effective.

Do consumers like direct mail marketing? ›

Nearly 1/3 of consumers engage with direct mail daily. 45% of Consumers feel mail is less overwhelming than other marketing. 54% of consumers keep an interesting piece of mail and refer back to it later. 52% of consumers will Google the brand name and visit the website of a relevant mail piece.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.