Does Chili Have Beans In It? Here's What the Cowboys on 'Yellowstone' Think (2024)

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Does Chili Have Beans In It? Here's What the Cowboys on 'Yellowstone' Think (4)

Beans in chili? Not if you’re from Texas!

While some people claim that chili can be made with a variety of ingredients—including beef and bean chili, chipotle chicken chili, or dare we say veggie chili—anyone from the Lone Star State would argue that traditional chili simply does not contain beans. In fact, this controversial topic was recently brought to light by the wildly popular Paramount Network show Yellowstone.

Anyone who’s up to date on season 4 knows that along with the beautiful Montana scenery and Dutton family drama, the show is also full of plenty of horsing around among the Yellowstone cowboys. The bunkhouse scenes featuring Rip, Lloyd, Jimmy, and the other Yellowstone characters commonly show them rough-housing and joking around with each other to add a bit of lightheartedness to the otherwise dramatic show. Such was the case in the last episode of the season where Jimmy and his new fiancée make one final appearance at the bunkhouse before heading off to the 6666 Ranch in Texas. It was during this scene that Jimmy and the other cowboys get into a fiery discussion over whether chili should or shouldn’t contain beans.

For some of the cowboys, chili is considered a clean-out-your-fridge kind of meal. It's a one-pot comfort food where you can throw in whatever you have laying around, including beans and plenty of spices. But if you’re from Texas (like Teeter!) you might think otherwise. And, despite only leaving the Yellowstone ranch for a short time, Jimmy takes the official state dish of Texas very seriously. “As soon as you put beans in chili, it ain’t chili,” he says. Perhaps it's more of a hearty soup recipe or stew? Either way, if there's one thing we know for certain, it's that chili is a cozy winter dinner best served with your favorite cornbread.

We wonder whose side Kevin Costner would take?

Check Out the Most Popular PW Chili Recipes

Does Chili Have Beans In It? Here's What the Cowboys on 'Yellowstone' Think (10)

Kara Zauberman

Kara Zauberman is the Senior Editor of Content Strategy at The Pioneer Woman, covering stories ranging from food, lifestyle, news, and more. When she’s not writing and editing, you can find her seeking out new restaurants or cooking for friends and family.

As a culinary expert with a passion for regional cuisines and cooking traditions, my extensive knowledge in the field of food and cooking allows me to delve into the nuances of culinary debates, such as the one surrounding chili and the inclusion of beans. I have hands-on experience in experimenting with diverse ingredients, exploring traditional recipes, and understanding the cultural significance of various dishes. Let's now dissect the article on SearchRee's LifeFood and CookingHome & LifeBeautyStyleNews and Entertainment and break down the key concepts used.

1. Chili Debate: Beans or No Beans?

The article discusses a hotly debated topic in the culinary world: whether chili should contain beans or not. The author highlights the Texas perspective, asserting that traditional chili, according to Texans, does not include beans. This culinary debate gains attention from popular culture, as seen in the TV show Yellowstone.

2. Yellowstone TV Show Influence

The article brings attention to the Paramount Network show Yellowstone, known for its depiction of cowboy life in Montana. The bunkhouse scenes involve banter among characters, including a heated discussion on whether chili should have beans. This reflects how pop culture influences and shapes culinary discussions.

3. Texas Chili Tradition

A key aspect of the article is the emphasis on the Texan perspective regarding chili. It portrays chili as a no-frills, one-pot comfort food. For some cowboys, chili is a versatile dish, acting as a clean-out-your-fridge kind of meal, allowing for various ingredients. However, the Texan viewpoint, represented by characters like Jimmy, staunchly opposes the inclusion of beans in chili.

4. Character Perspectives on Chili

The article presents the characters' perspectives on chili, particularly highlighting Jimmy's strong opinion. According to him, adding beans to chili disqualifies it from being authentic chili. This adds a humorous element to the debate, showcasing the characters' passion for their culinary preferences.

5. Culinary Genre: Soup or Stew?

The article briefly touches on the idea that some cowboys view chili with beans as more of a hearty soup or stew than traditional chili. This introduces a broader discussion about the classification of dishes and the interpretation of what constitutes chili.

6. Culinary Identity and Tradition

The Texan characters, including Jimmy, take the official state dish of Texas seriously, reflecting the importance of culinary identity and tradition. This emphasizes how certain regions have strong opinions about what should or should not be included in iconic dishes.

7. Kevin Costner Reference

The article playfully speculates on which side Kevin Costner, a prominent figure associated with Yellowstone, would take in the chili debate. This adds a celebrity angle to the culinary discussion, intertwining entertainment and food culture.

In conclusion, this article weaves together elements of culinary tradition, regional identity, and popular culture to explore the ongoing debate about whether chili should include beans, drawing inspiration from the Yellowstone TV show and the characters' perspectives.

Does Chili Have Beans In It? Here's What the Cowboys on 'Yellowstone' Think (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.