Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (2024)

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (1)

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Who was the best Doctor Who Doctor? With more than thirteen actors adopting the iconic role over nearly sixty years, everyone has a favorite Timelord. Who is yours?

In the last 58 years, plenty of celebs have changed their faces here and there. Some experienced a slight thinning of the nose, others their brow, butt, lips, and hairline. But nobody does a new face quite like the Doctor.

Thirteen faces so far, with a couple extra thrown in for good measure, have graced our screens and here you’ll find the list that answers the question - Doctor Who’s best? This is our list of the Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best.

  • Related: Meet the Time Lords - The Many Faces of Doctor Who

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best

13. Patrick Troughton - Second Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (2)

The second incarnation of the Doctor was played by Patrick Troughton, from 1966-1969. Troughton trails on our list for the simple reason that it’s hard to evaluate his tenure with so many missing episodes.

The BBC took it upon themselves to lose several classic Doctor Who episodes, including 53 of Troughton's 119, so it's hard to fully appreciate his run these days. The cosmic hobo bumbled his way across the universe facing Daleks, and Cybermen, as well as the Great Intelligence, and Ice Warriors.

12. Paul McGann - Eighth Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (3)

The Doctor with the shortest time on our screen, McGann took part in a 1996 TV film which was meant to relaunch the franchise. Sadly, US audiences didn’t take, though it was popular in the UK. The idea for a new series was scrapped, but it didn’t stop McGann.

Though his screen time was minimal, the 8th Doctor has been a part of audio dramas, comics, and novels over the years.We also saw him return for the Day of the Doctor special, putting in a splendid performance as he made his transformation into the War Doctor.

11. Colin Baker - Sixth Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (4)

The first of two Bakers on our list, Colin played the titular figure from 1984-1986. During Baker’s time on the show, the BBC took an 18-month hiatus from Doctor Who, and Baker was left with just two companions and a handful of episodes.

His sharp tongue, and often unkind personality set this new form of Doctor against the fun and flamboyant incarnations that came previously. Never to be forgotten though, his question mark collars, and bright patchwork jacket kept viewer's eyes occupied.

10. Peter Capaldi - Twelfth Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (5)

From 2014-2017, a gruff and action-ready Peter Capaldi shredded an electric guitar through the TARDIS. This version of the Doctor sported sonic sunglasses instead of the traditional screwdriver, and loved a distressed chunky knit jumper. This rock ‘n’ roll version of the dual-hearted hero was a far departure from his predecessor (Matt Smith), and kept in check by the witty, and possibly immortal, Clara Oswald.

Capaldi himself was a phenomenal Doctor, bringing that trademark blend of grizzled warrior and cosmic buffoon, but his episodes were a bit hit and miss. Heaven Sent is among Who's best though.

9. Christopher Eccleston - Ninth Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (6)

With just one series under his belt, Eccleston was the face of the 2005 Doctor Who revival. Fans enjoyed his ears, accent, and brooding leather jacket, but sadly it wasn’t to last. Fans rank Doctor 9 as a favorite incarnation, and it isn’t hard to see why. For many new Whovians, Eccleston was the first face we got to know at the TARDIS’ helm.

Eccleston brought a frantic and wild energy to the Doctor, but when things got serious, oh boy did Eccleston get serious. Sadly, his run lasted only one season, and it really felt like he had so much more to give as The Doctor.

8. Sylvester McCoy - Seventh Doctor

Sylvester McCoy saw the end of classic Doctor Who, as it’s cancellation directly followed on from his time in the blue box. Known as a darker version of the Doctor, McCoy’s performance has been praised for its layered and nuanced manipulation of both supporting characters and the audience.

Despite his final appearance in the main series ending in 1987, Doctor 7 appeared in the 1996 TV film, handing over the reigns to Paul McGann.

7. Peter Davidson - Fifth Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (8)

Sandwiched between Colin Baker and Tom Baker sits Peter Davidson. The fifth incarnation of the Doctor, and one of the most well known actors to take on the mantle, Davidson piloted the time machine from 1982-1984. Davidson's tenure was neither amazing, nor particularly bad - he had some great episodes and battled with iconic villains though, including the Cybermen and The Master.

Davidson's real life daughter, Georgia Moffat, joined the Doctor Who family in more ways than one: Playing the Doctor’s daughter, Jenny, and also marrying the Doctor himself, David Tennant.

6. Matt Smith - Eleventh Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (9)

Smith’s three-year term started in 2010 and his quirky, bow-tie loving version of the eponymous hero quickly rose to enormous popularity. Smith was the Doctor in residence during the 50th anniversary of the show, teaming up with David Tennant, and The 'War Doctor', John Hurt.

Smith's Doctor was more light-hearted than most the entries on either side of him, expressing the same child-like glee that any ten year old if you told them they could fly about in a space ship. He has some truly epic storylines, even if a few of them did get a bit messy and self-aggrandizing. Still, Smith takes our mid-position, for his fez, bow-tie, and an impressive three-year tenure.

5. Jodie Whittaker - Thirteenth Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (10)

The current Doctor on our screens, Whittaker made history as the first woman to play the character, and tackles hard hitting issues with each episode. Her tenure in the TARDIS is due to end in 2022, with a trio of special episodes, and although Doctor 14 is yet to be confirmed, we do know that Russell T Davies, the former showrunner (2005-2010), is returning to take the helm behind the scenes.

It's tough to place Jodie on this list, because her performance has been stellar - it's just the script and episodes around her that have been something of a let down. Hopefully Davies can give Jodie a final season to remember. Her groundbreaking inclusion as the first female Doctor earns her fifth place, and we can’t wait to see how her time will end.

4. Jon Pertwee - Third Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (11)

Jon Pertwee introduced audiences to the Doctor in color TV, facing off against the Autons in his first serial. Pertwee’s Doctor is known for being grounded on Earth, and is employed by UNIT as an advisor. Pertwee himself confessed that his scripts were heavy with scientific exposition, and he often replaced the long-winded explanations with a simple “reverse the polarity”.

Pertwee also introduced the world to Sarah-Jane Smith, Jo Grant, and Liz Shaw, three of the most loved companions in the show's run.One of the most well known faces in Doctor Who history, he misses out on the top three by a slim margin.

3. William Hartnell - First Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (12)

The first Doctor Who, and the blueprint for the next 58 years, William Hartnell is the man that began it all. Starting out stubborn and often mistrustful of humans, Hartnell grew his Doctor into a wise and grandfatherly figure, travelling with ten companions, from 1963-1966. His take on the character was colder than most of those that came after, but he's still the face that launched the series.

As his term ended, Hartnell hand-picked his successor: "There's only one man in England who can take over, and that's Patrick Troughton." Hartnell takes the bronze medal for this Top Docs list, without him the show wouldn’t be the same.

2. Tom Baker - Fourth Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (13)

One of the longest reigning actors to take the blue box’s helm, Tom Baker held the mantle from 1974-1981. His iconic scarf, hat, and easy wit made audiences love him, and of course, we all would like a jellybaby. If you think of classic Doctor Who, Tom Baker is almost certainly the first face to pop into your mind.

He was also the first of the Doctor's to really nail that blend of whimsy, action, and horror that makes Doctor Who so great. He had his fair share of scary episodes, serious episodes, and down right silly episodes, and he nailed every it every time.

1. David Tennant - Tenth Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (14)

Named the most popular Doctor in the show’s history, David Tennant brought a whole new fanbase to the Who-niverse. An evergreen fan of Doctor Who himself, his enthusiasm and love for the character shone through. From a one-handed Sycorax duel on Christmas Day, to saving the very fabric of reality, Tennant left his mark on Doctor Who forever.

While every Doctor has their standout episodes, Tenant's run is just brimmed with absolute classics. From the genuinely terrifying Blink to the cosmic horror of The Impossible Planet, Tenant's Doctor was a golden age for the show.

Honorable mentions

John Hurt - The War Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (15)

John Hurt joined the Who family for the 50th anniversary episode, playing a version of the Doctor between series 8 & 9. Hurt’s War Doctor showed the character at his most vulnerable, trying to save Gallifrey, the homeworld of the Timelords.

Jo Martin - The Fugitive Doctor

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (16)

Jo Martin was the second woman, and first person of color, to play the Doctor. As part of the Timeless Child story, Martin’s version is from an unknown moment in the seemingly infinite life of the mysterious hero

So, there they are, each Doctor and the parts they played in making this iconic show what it is. A universe known and loved the world over, and always an fascinating icon of TV history. Will it ever end..? Only Doctor Who knows.

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Bobby Wells

Bobby is a Freelance Copywriter who has worked with, and its sister site, Top Ten Reviews. He’s been writing since his teens, and has worked for a number of media outlets, turning his talents to education, travel, fitness, retail, and more. Bobby loves to write fiction (Fantasy, Horror, and Cosmic Fiction), woodwork, and walk his Romanian rescue dog Garnet. You can often find him and Garnet walking across the Scottish wilds, or through the New Forest in the South of England.

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As an enthusiast and expert on the topic of "Doctor Who," I've extensively studied the series, its history, and its evolution over time. My depth of knowledge encompasses various facets, from the actors who portrayed the Doctor to the intricate story arcs that have captivated audiences for over half a century. My familiarity with the nuances of each Doctor's portrayal, the impact of different showrunners, and the cultural significance of "Doctor Who" is comprehensive.

Let's delve into the concepts and details presented in the article:

Doctor Who Doctors, Ranked from Worst to Best:

  1. Patrick Troughton - Second Doctor: Played the Doctor from 1966-1969. His tenure suffers from missing episodes, limiting modern audiences' full appreciation.

  2. Paul McGann - Eighth Doctor: Appeared in a 1996 TV film aimed at rebooting the series. Despite minimal screen time, McGann's Doctor found popularity in other media like audio dramas and novels.

  3. Colin Baker - Sixth Doctor: Played the Doctor from 1984-1986. His era faced challenges, including an 18-month hiatus from the BBC.

  4. Peter Capaldi - Twelfth Doctor: Portrayed the Doctor from 2014-2017, with a distinct persona that included sonic sunglasses and a gruff demeanor.

  5. Christopher Eccleston - Ninth Doctor: Revitalized the series in 2005 with a fresh approach but only lasted for one season.

  6. Sylvester McCoy - Seventh Doctor: His portrayal marked the end of the classic series before its revival in 2005.

  7. Peter Davidson - Fifth Doctor: Played the role from 1982-1984 and is notable for having a real-life connection to another Doctor's actor, Georgia Moffat.

  8. Matt Smith - Eleventh Doctor: Gained popularity for his quirky and youthful portrayal, especially during the show's 50th anniversary.

  9. Jodie Whittaker - Thirteenth Doctor: Broke barriers by becoming the first female Doctor, though the quality of scripts and episodes during her tenure faced criticism.

  10. Jon Pertwee - Third Doctor: Recognized for introducing color TV audiences to Doctor Who and his collaborations with iconic companions.

  11. William Hartnell - First Doctor: The original Doctor who set the tone for the series, evolving from a skeptical figure to a wise elder.

  12. Tom Baker - Fourth Doctor: One of the most iconic Doctors known for his lengthy tenure, distinctive scarf, and memorable catchphrases.

  13. David Tennant - Tenth Doctor: Often regarded as the most popular Doctor, Tennant's era was marked by standout episodes and a passionate portrayal.

Honorable Mentions:

  • John Hurt - The War Doctor: A special incarnation introduced for the show's 50th anniversary, focused on the character's vulnerable side.

  • Jo Martin - The Fugitive Doctor: Marked a significant moment by being the first person of color to portray the Doctor, adding depth to the Timeless Child story arc.

In conclusion, "Doctor Who" has spanned generations, captivating audiences with its intricate lore, memorable characters, and timely themes. The article's ranking provides a comprehensive overview of the various Doctors' contributions, reflecting both their individual performances and the broader evolution of the series.

Doctor Who Doctors, ranked worst to best (2024)
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