Do potatoes and beans make a complete protein? - (2024)

Almonds: 6.4 g. of protein per 30 g.

Cheese: good source of protein and calcium, look at the nutritional info the protein amount should be more or equal than the amount of fat.

Quinoa: According to the USDA nutrient database, 1 cup (240 ml.) of cooked quinoa delivers 8.14 g. of protein.

Spelt and teff: provide 10 -11 g. of protein per cooked cup (240 ml.).

Seaweed Spirulina: 1 tablespoon 7 g. contains 4 g. of protein.

Hemp seeds: offer 5 g of protein per 1 tablespoon.

Chia seeds: 6 g. of protein and 13 g. of fiber per 35 g.

Pumpkin Seeds: 7 g. of protein per 30 g.

Broccoli: 1 cup (about 90 g.) chopped contains 2.6 g. of protein.

Spinach: 20 calories per 100 g. along with almost 3 g. of protein.

Asparagus: 1 cup (134 g.) contains 2.9 g. of protein.

Potatoes: 1 medium potato with the skin on contains just over 4 g. of protein.

Mushrooms: 1 large champignon (about 23 g.) contains 0.7 g. of protein.

Eggs (all types)

Meat (all types)

Plain Yogurt (all types)

Cottage Cheese (all types)

Seafood: (all types): 1 Can Sardines in water contains 17 g. of protein and 2.5 g. of fat ( StackPath).

Coconut flour: gluten free flour contains 18 g. of protein and 45 g. of fiber per 100 g.

Do potatoes and beans make a complete protein? - (2024)
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