Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (2024)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (1)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (2)

One of the trickiest wedding guest list dilemmas!

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (3)

Making the guest list is probably the wedding chore that couples find to be the most taxing, which is hardly surprising. In family and friend groups, there's always politics at play, and it's shockingly easy for feelings to get hurt. Unfortunately though, your wedding venue doesn't have unlimited capacity, and you don't have unlimited money with which to feed everyone, so lines do have to be drawn somewhere! This is why your cousins often come up for debate, along with those of your partner! We've lost count of the number of times we've been asked, "Do I have to invite cousins to my wedding?" so here, we wanted to offer a definitive answer, once and for all!

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (5)

Do I Have to Invite Cousins to My Wedding?: The Short Answer

No, you don't have to invite your cousins, or your partner's cousins to your wedding, if you don't want to. It's your wedding day, and you and your partner should feel free to invite only the people you really want to share the day with. That said, you should take into account the possibility that some cousins may get upset if they aren't invited (but they'll likely get over it in time), and that your parents may get upset that you weren't able to accommodate all of your extended family members, especially if your partner's cousins are invited. It's also worth bearing in mind that it's a nice gesture to invite all of the cousins if you have a good relationship with them, and if it's possible to do so.

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (6)

Do I Have to Invite Cousins to My Wedding?: The Long Answer

We know you probably don't want to hear this, but, it depends. It actually depends on several factors;

  • The size of your guest list, taking into account venue capacity and budget restrictions
  • How many cousins you've got
  • Whether your partner is inviting their cousins
  • What your relationship with your cousins is like
  • How upset your parents will be if cousins aren't invited

Our chosen method for priorising guests, which we wrote about in this useful post, is to make an A, B, C and D list of all of the people in your life. This may sound cutthroat, but we've found it to be an incredibly efficient way of making guest list-related decisions. In general, cousins fall on the C list, which means that you'd probably like to invite them, but that this may not be possible.

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (7)

So, how do you decide? We suggest proceeding as follows;

  1. Ensure that your A list and B list guests are already on your list, as well as those of your partner. These are the people you simply can't imagine getting married without (parents, siblings, best friends, etc.), along with some veryspecial people that you'd love to spend the day with (grandparents, close pals, and the extended family members you're closest to.)
  2. Take note of whether any of your cousins fit the above description. If so, make sure they're on your guest list now.
  3. Calculate how many spots are left on your guest list.
  4. Count your cousins.
  5. Count your partner's cousins.
  6. Make a total count for all of the people on your C list, which may also include aunts, uncles, old pals and work colleagues.
  7. Calculate how many people, if any, need to be cut from the C list in order to fit them on the guest list.
  8. Ask yourself if there are any cousins that you'd prefer not to attend the wedding. If the answer to this question is no, and you've got room for them, then you can happily put all of the cousins on both sides on the guest list, and move on to your D list. If you're not comfortable having someone at your wedding, then you really shouldn't feel guilty about excluding them from the day. If they're cousins, as opposed to immediate family members, this is a reasonably easy call to make.
Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (8)

From here, there are a few options;

  • If you've determined that you can't fit everyone from the C list onto your guest list, you shouldprioritise the people on your C list. Discuss it with your partner, and ask yourself, who will make the day special, and who plays the more important role in your lives.
  • If your results are mixed (i.e. some cousins have made the cut, but not others, or all of your partner's cousins have made the cut, but only some of yours), consider the family relationship. Will your parents be upset that all of the cousins haven't been invited? Ask yourself if the fallout from the decision will be worse than not having your work colleagues and other C list friends there on the day. If you think you can handle the repercussions within the family, then only invite the cousins you want to invite, and assign the other spaces elsewhere.
  • If all of the cousins have made the cut, you can invite all of them to your wedding.
  • If none of the cousins have made the cut, and you are willing to deal with the repercussions within the family, then you don't have to invite them to your wedding.

A Note on The Afters

If you live in Ireland, you may be having extra guests attend the wedding after the meal, but before the dancing, known as The Afters. This is a great way to include all of the cousins in your day when capacity is limited. This usually helps you avoid hurt feelings on the part of the cousins, uncles, aunts and your parents, but not always! That said, it's a great catch-all solution for guests whom you're not sure about inviting.

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (9)

OK, But Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding?

Many people, and crucially, many families, operate an all-or-nothing policy for cousins, which can be really helpful for decision making, but it can also make things incredibly difficult. If, for example, you are extremely close to two of your cousins, and not at all close to the other 10, and you're hoping to get your guest list down to 80 people, an all-or-nothing approach just isn't realistic. If you're able to comfortably invite all of your cousins to your wedding, it's nice to do so, but if your relationship with them is mixed, it's fine to only invite some cousins to the wedding, as long as you're willing to deal with any potential resulting upset within the family. For some couples, it isn't worth the hassle they expect to get from their parents, aunts or uncles.

Having trouble making your guest list? This episode of the One Fab Day Wedding Podcast is essential listening!

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Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (10)


Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (11)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (12)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (13)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (14)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (15)


Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (16)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (17)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (18)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (19)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (20)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (21)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (22)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (23)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (24)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (25)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (26)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (27)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (28)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (29)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (30)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (31)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (32)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (33)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (34)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (35)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (36)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (37)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (38)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (39)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (40)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (41)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (42)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (43)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (44)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (45)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (46)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (47)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (48)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (49)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (50)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (51)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (52)

Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (53)


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Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer! (2024)


Do I Have to Invite All of My Cousins to My Wedding? A Definitive Answer!? ›

Do I Have to Invite Cousins to My Wedding?: The Short Answer. No, you don't have to invite your cousins, or your partner's cousins to your wedding, if you don't want to. It's your wedding day, and you and your partner should feel free to invite only the people you really want to share the day with.

Do I have to invite all my relatives to my wedding? ›

Know that you are not alone in feeling this way and you have a right to feel comfortable, safe, and excited on your big day! Just because they are family, know that you do not have to invite them to your wedding.

How do you tell your cousins they aren't invited to your wedding? ›

How To Tell Someone They're Not Invited To Your Wedding - 5 Tips
  1. Tell Them Directly. ...
  2. Your Desire to Keep it Intimate. ...
  3. Inform Them of the Venue Capacity. ...
  4. Express to Them Your Tight Budget. ...
  5. Articulate Your Wedding Guest List is a Work in Progress.
Feb 16, 2023

Do you have to invite everyone to the wedding ceremony? ›

You can make the ceremony and reception guest lists as small as you wish, whether it's just your immediate family members or a group of 30 of your very closest family members and friends. You could have the ceremony in a church, at your reception venue, or with only the necessary witnesses in city hall.

Should second cousins be invited to wedding? ›

Extended Family

However, it's up to you. If you have a second cousin that you're extremely close to, feel free to invite them. And similarly, if you haven't seen or spoken to an aunt or cousin in years, don't feel obligated. If your parents are paying for the wedding, it's polite to ask them for their opinion, too.

What is the etiquette for inviting family members to a wedding? ›

Family Members

As much as you may want to pick and choose between family, traditionally, you should treat them as an all-or-nothing. That means if you invite one aunt, you have to ask them all along with all the uncles.

Is it bad to not invite extended family to wedding? ›

It's your wedding, and you can invite whoever you want to. You should definitely never feel obligated to invite anyone, including family members, especially if there's good reason to leave them off the list.

Can I invite only some cousins to my wedding? ›

Do you have to invite all of your cousins? If you want to invite one of your first cousins, most wedding etiquette advisors will say you have to invite them all—but that doesn't mean your fiancé has to follow suit. You should evaluate each family by their closeness and then apply the "all or nothing" rule accordingly.

What to do when you can't invite everyone to your wedding? ›

Tell them that you have a strict budget.

We're sticking to a small guest list due to budget constraints, so we hope you'll understand. But we'd love to grab dinner with you soon to catch up! As much as we'd love to invite everyone to our wedding, we're keeping it intimate due to our budget.

How to respond when you are not invited? ›

So You Weren't Invited—Here's How to Not Spiral (or Crash the...
  1. Step 1: Enjoy this sweet, sweet validation. ...
  2. Step 2: Consider why you're actually upset. ...
  3. Step 3: Call out those mean voices in your head. ...
  4. Step 4: Give these friends a quick lil eval. ...
  5. Step 5: Do something nice for yourself.
Sep 20, 2022

What percentage of wedding guests actually attend? ›

Typically 75-85% of local guests attend weddings. But you can expect less attendance from out-of-town guests or if you're planning a destination wedding. Some couples will plan for this and increase their guest list by about 10% - 20%. Others create a secondary list of folks to invite once they see the RSVPs coming in.

What is the number one rule as a wedding guest? ›

RSVP on Time

Few guest rules are set-in-stone as this one: You must RSVP—even if you can't attend—and you must do it by the deadline (or preferably earlier). “Being a gracious guest starts before the wedding with a quick response to the invitation,” says Christin Gomes, co-founder of Common Courtesy.

How do you politely say no extra guests? ›

Suggested Responses
  1. "Given our planned resources, we have decided to limit the number of guests."
  2. "Our goal is to keep our very special weekend (or day) as intimate as possible, we are choosing to celebrate with only our closest family and friends. Thank you for respecting our wishes."
Nov 10, 2022

How much do you give at a cousins wedding? ›

They suggest the following breakdown: coworkers or distant relatives should spend 50 to 75 dollars. Friends or relatives, 75 to 100 dollars. For close friends, family members, or if you're in the wedding party, you should spend 100 to 150 dollars—or more.

Can 2nd or 3rd cousins marry? ›

It's legal everywhere to marry a third or fourth cousin. Even first cousins can marry in most places. Second cousins can probably marry everywhere. The risk of having a child with a fourth cousin is probably just as high as having a child with an unrelated person of the same ethnicity.

How much should you give for a wedding gift for a second cousin? ›

$50 to $100 for a Distant Second Cousin

If you and the bride aren't super close, it's totally fine to shop off the registry instead since you can get away with spending less and still giving something the couple wants/needs. Something in this range is fine, just be sure you still handwrite a card.

Do I have to invite all aunts and uncles to my wedding? ›

There is no etiquette that says you have to invite family out to a certain level. It's totally fine to invite aunts/uncles but not first cousins. The only thing to be careful about would be if you were inviting some but not all cousins.

Am I wrong for not inviting my sister to my wedding? ›

It's a hard choice, but a necessary one. For anyone who hasn't had to make a similar decision, it might seem heartless to exclude a loved one from a big event like a wedding, family reunion or holiday gathering, but experts say it's incredibly common.

Do I have to invite my grandparents to my wedding? ›

If it is your wedding you can invite anyone you feel like inviting. As for grandparents, I would invite them no matter if they helped or not. You would not exist without them. Weddings are a time for new beginnings.

Is it rude to not invite partners to a wedding? ›

If they don't know any of your other guests pretty well, attending the wedding could be quite an awkward experience for them, so it's polite to invite their partner, regardless of how serious or long the relationship is, or else offer them a plus one.

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