DIET – District Institute of Education & Training | Dharmapuri District, Government of Tamil Nadu (2024)


To provide academic and resource support to the Elementary, Secondary, Senior Secondary, Adult and Non Formal Educational sectors for the continuous quality improvement.


  • To provide academic and resource support to the Elementary, Secondary, Senior Secondary, Adult and Non Formal Educational sectors for the continuous quality improvement.
  • To strengthen linkages between the DIETs, BRCs, CRCs and SCERT
  • To serve as an Education Resource Centre for the district in conjunction with BRCs, CRCs
  • To organize and support teacher professional development and leadership development programs for Head Masters, senior teachers and School Management Committees on a continued basis
  • To develop district academic plans and monitoring the quality of schools and teaching
  • To prepare relevant teaching learning materials and Educational Technology inputs to the Schools
  • To develop curriculum materials and evaluation items for the learners achievement
  • To conduct research studies and projects for the special group in the District

History of the Institution

District Institute of Education and Training, Dharmapuri was established as per the G.O. MS.No. 145, dated 27.06.2007, by the Government of Tamil Nadu and started functioning at Government Higher Secondary School campus at Pulikarai from 03-09-2007 to 27.05.2020. From 28.05.2020 the DIET is functioning in the new own building at Settikarai village of Dharmapuri.

Elementary and adult education systems were already too vast to be adequately supported by national and State level agencies alone like NCERT, NIEPA and SCERTs earlier. Likewise in the area of adult education, this support was being provided by the Central Directorate of Adult Education at the national level, and by State Resource Centres (SRCs) at the State level. Below the State level, there were elementary teacher education institutions but their activities were confined mostly to pre-service teacher education.

Pursuant to the provisions of National Policy on Education (NPE 1986) on teacher education, a centrally sponsored Scheme of Restructuring and Reorganization of Teacher Education was approved in October 1987. One of the five components of the Scheme was establishment of DIETs. Draft guidelines for implementing the DIET component were circulated to States in October 1987 and have, together with certain subsequent circulars, formed the basis for its implementation so far. Till October 1989, Central assistance had been sanctioned under the Scheme for setting up a total of 216 DIETs in the country.

In Tamil Nadu, there are totally 32 DIETs at present established in 4 phases among which DIET Dharmapuri is established in the fourth phase in the year 2007. It is situated in the Village called as pulikarai, Dharmapuri district. DIET is functioning with seven departments. Their functions are listed as found here.

District Institute of Education & Training – Dharmapuri

DIET is a District level Institute offering Teacher Education program to the Elementary Education. Established in the year 2007, this Institute is fully funded by the MHRD and administered by School Education Department of Tamil Nadu through State Council of Educational Research and Training, Chennai. Situated at Settikarai. Dharmapuri District. This Institute is provided with all facilities like EDUSAT, Smart class, virtual classrooms so catering needs of aspiring student teachers as well as teachers in the district. This Institute support academically the educational organization such as RMSA, SSA, Aganwadi and Balwadi. Also, extend support to National Child Labour Programme (NCLP).

Special Target Groups

The concept a National System of Education implies that, up to a given level, all students, irrespective of caste, creed, location or sex, have access to education of a comparable quality: says the NPE. It goes on to say “to promote equality, it will be necessary to provide for equal opportunity to all not only in access, but also in the condition for success”. It follows that DIETs also, in all aspect of their work, would have to give primary attention to promotion of education of the below groups.

  • Girls and women
  • Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes
  • Minorities
  • The handicapped
  • Other educationally disadvantaged groups e.g. working children, slum-dwellers, inhabitants of hilly, other inaccessible areas, etc.

Campus & Infrastructure

  • Available Land area in square meters 16713.52
  • The available land is on Ownership basis
  • Built-up area in square meters 3315.09
  • Built-up area in square meters on each floor

Departments IN DIET

  1. Pre Service Teacher Education
  2. In-service Field Interaction Innovation & Co-ordination
  3. District Resource Unit
  4. Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation
  5. Educational Technology
  6. Work Experience
  7. Planning & Management

Role of Departments

1.Pre Service Teacher Education :

  • To organize quality Pre-Service Training for the Primary School system
  • To provide Child centred approach methodology to the teacher trainees
  • To provide psychological guidance and counselling services to the teacher trainees
  • To maintain Science Lab, Psychology Lab, Work Experience Materials, Art Education Articles, Physical Education materials and maintaining a garden
  • To arrange Internship programme for teacher trainees in primary schools.
  • To arrange field trips related to the curricular areas, which would help the teacher trainees
  • To promote Yoga, Physical Education and Health Education
  • To conduct competitions like debate, elocution, seminar, quiz, essay writing, dance, music, songs etc., in order to strength co- curricular activities

2.In-service Programme, Field Interaction, Innovation & Co-ordination :

  • To assist educational authorities in planning and coordinating in-service education programs throughout the district
  • To identify training needs of Primary teachers, Upper Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, and Senior Secondary teachers in the district
  • To organize in-service training programs to be held in and outside the DIET
  • To serve as the nodal branch for organizing service education programs for teachers and HMs
  • To conduct orientation programs for Resource Persons, who conduct in-service programs
  • To conduct in-service programs for teachers in the Distance/Distance cum contact modes
  • To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficacy of in-service programs and strive for their continuous improvement
  • To serve as a reference and resource centers for teachers who wish to continue their education
  • To act as the nodal branch for all action research and field interactions activities
  • To co-ordinate in-house action research activities and disseminate its results
  • To act as a clearing house for information on results of all studies, research, innovation etc
  • To help in publishing periodic newsletter and magazines

3.District Resource Unit :

  • To assist educational authorities in planning and coordinating training programs for AE/NFE personnel
  • To serve as the nodal branch for organizing programs of induction training and continuing education for instructors and supervisors of NFE/AE
  • To conduct orientation program for RPs from NYK, NFE/AE, NGO etc
  • To provide instructional inputs into core areas and individual subjects
  • To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficacy of the training programs for NFE/AE personnel
  • To maintain a data base on all NFE/AE personnel
  • To undertake and develop curriculum, basic and post-literacy TLM, low cost teaching aids and evaluation tools for AE/NFE
  • To undertake field interaction and act as the referral unit for academic problems in AE/NFE
  • To help the DBE and AE/NFE authorities in organizing media support for AE/NFE programs
  • To undertake action research in all areas

4.Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation :

  • To adapt existing curricular units and develop new locally relevant units for the district in various subjects
  • To develop teaching – learning materials for general and locally developed curricular units
  • To adopt innovative techniques and guidelines for continuous and summative learner evaluation
  • To develop evaluation tools and techniques for diagnostic testing, remedial programs and talent identification procedures
  • To help the DRU in development work for AE/NFE
  • To undertake testing on sample basis to assess achievement levels among primary & upper primary learners and adult learners under NLM
  • To help educational authorities and schools in implementing a reliable and valid system of learner evaluation
  • To conduct workshops for the adaptation development work relating to CMDE
  • To provide CMDE related inputs into all other programs/activities of pre-service and in-service

Other Activities

In addition to the above mentioned activities, the following activities were carried out by the CMDE Branch :

  • Verification and online uploading of the applications for admissions of the private TTI students work was done by this department
  • Uploading the Internal Assessment marks of the D.El.Ed., Students of DIET and Private TTI work was undertaken
  • Regular School visits with the aim of On-site Support to Schools and working Teachers to bring out innovative practices and good performance among the Teachers
  • During the Teaching Practice and Internship Programme the Classes and Teaching Practices of DIET and Private TTI Teacher Training Students were observed and monitored
  • The Subjects such as IES and SDW were taught to the PSTE Branch Teacher Training students
  • To educate and guide the School Children towards a healthy life and self-hygiene regular school visits on WIFS were made by this department
  • Related to FEL Subject, direct experience was given to the Teacher Training Students through field trip with the co-operation of the PSTE Branch by this department
  • In co-operation with the DRU and IFIC Branches documentation work on the training Developing Leadership Qualities among the Middle School Headmasters and VITAL training for the teachers was done by this department

5.Educational Technology :

  • To develop simple, effective and low-cost teaching aids for elementary education
  • To help the DRU in developing low-cost teaching aids for AE/NFE
  • To maintain all AV equipment of the institute and computer lab
  • To maintain a display area for good & low-cost teaching aids
  • To maintain a library of educational VCDs
  • To lend and borrow slides, cassettes and films to other institutions
  • To liaise with nearby radio station for arranging educational broadcasts
  • To conduct in-service programs for teachers in the area of ET
  • To conduct workshops for the development work
  • To provide ET related inputs into all programs/activities of pre-service and in-service branch

6.Work Experience :

  • To identify locally relevant Work Experience areas and develop sample curricular units, Teaching Learning Materials and Low cost teaching aids
  • To help educational authorities and schools in planned introduction of Work Experience activities
  • To conduct appropriate in service programs for teachers in the areas of Work Experience
  • To provide Work Experience related inputs into all other programs and activities of the institute
  • To organize activities for cleanliness, upkeep and development of the campus and for basic maintenance of furniture and other properties
  • To organize and promote community service activities and study visits to work centers
  • To maintain Workshop /Garden for Work Experience activities
  • To promote work-related hobbies among teacher trainees

7.Planning & Management :

  • To maintain an appropriate data-base for the district
  • To conduct studies with a view to give policy advice to educational planners/administrators/DBE regarding UEE/NLM
  • To study the effects of various interventions of the state
  • To conduct studies in relation to enrolment, retention and regularity of attendance of children and adult learners
  • To develop norms, criteria and techniques for evaluation of institutions
  • To provide technical assistance to educational authorities in school mapping , micro-planning in UPE/UEE, formation and activation of school complexes, institutional planning and evaluation.
  • To serve as the nodal branch in relation to all programs of community involvement and conduct orientation programs members of DBE,VEC, youth and other voluntary educational workers
  • To conduct appropriate programs for HMs, block level educational functionaries in P&M
  • To appraise the efficacy of various programs of educational development implemented in the district
  • To act as the nodal branch for preparing annual institutional plans and annual self-evaluation reports

Contact Address:

District Institute of Education & Training
Settikarai, Dharmapuri,
Tamil Nadu – 636 704
Contact No: +91 73730 03385

Based on the provided article, I can delve into various concepts tied to educational institutions, particularly the District Institute of Education & Training (DIET). This institution aims to provide academic and resource support across different educational sectors, focusing on continuous quality improvement. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts and components outlined in the article:

Institution's History and Establishment:

  • District Institute of Education & Training (DIET), Dharmapuri: Established in 2007 by the Government of Tamil Nadu as a district-level institute.
  • It operates under the School Education Department of Tamil Nadu through the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT).
  • Initially situated in Government Higher Secondary School campus at Pulikarai, it moved to a new building in Settikarai village in May 2020.
  • Part of a broader initiative stemming from the National Policy on Education (NPE) 1986, aimed at restructuring and reorganizing teacher education across the country.

Mission and Objectives:

  • Continuous Quality Improvement: DIET's core mission involves providing academic and resource support to various educational sectors (Elementary, Secondary, Senior Secondary, Adult, Non-Formal) to enhance overall quality.
  • Strengthening Linkages: Connecting District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs) with other educational bodies like Basic Resource Centers (BRCs), Cluster Resource Centers (CRCs), and State Councils (SCERTs).

DIET Functions and Departments:

  • Pre-Service Teacher Education: Conducting quality training for aspiring teachers with a child-centered approach and psychological guidance. It also includes arranging internships and field trips.
  • In-Service Programs & Coordination: Identifying and organizing training needs for various levels of teachers, monitoring program quality, and acting as a resource center for educators.
  • District Resource Unit: Planning and coordinating training programs for Adult Education (AE) and Non-Formal Education (NFE) personnel, maintaining databases, and undertaking curriculum development.
  • Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation: Adapting curricula, developing teaching-learning materials, designing evaluation tools, and conducting workshops for curriculum-related development.
  • Educational Technology: Creating teaching aids, maintaining AV equipment, conducting in-service programs for teachers, and providing technological inputs into educational activities.
  • Work Experience: Identifying relevant work experience areas, organizing in-service programs for teachers, promoting community service, and maintaining workshops/gardens for such activities.
  • Planning & Management: Database maintenance, policy advice, conducting studies related to education interventions, evaluating institutions, and community involvement programs.

Special Target Groups and Campus Details:

  • Special Target Groups: Prioritizing education for girls, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, minorities, the handicapped, and other educationally disadvantaged groups.
  • Campus & Infrastructure: Details about the land area, built-up area, and departments within DIET.

Contact Information:

  • Address: District Institute of Education & Training, Settikarai, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu - 636 704.
  • Contact: +91 73730 03385
  • Email:,

This comprehensive breakdown demonstrates the multifaceted role of DIET in supporting various educational facets and its pivotal role in teacher education, curriculum development, technological integration, and community engagement.

DIET – District Institute of Education & Training | Dharmapuri District, Government of Tamil Nadu (2024)


How many DIETs are there in Tamilnadu? ›

In Tamil Nadu, there are totally 32 DIETs at present established in 4 phases among which DIET Dharmapuri is established in the fourth phase in the year 2007.

Who established diet in India? ›

In view of the recommendations of the National Policy of Education (NPE, 1986) developed developed under the guidance of then late Prime Minister of India Shri Rajiv Gandhi, District Institute of Educational Training (DIET) were established across the Country.

What is the full form of Dsert? ›

The Department of State Educational Research and Training, popularly known as DSERT is the academic wing of the Department of Public Instruction. It aims at providing academic leadership in school education as well as improving the quality of education provided in primary and secondary schools in the state.

Why is it called diet? ›

The term (also in the nutritional sense) might be derived from Medieval Latin dieta, meaning both "parliamentary assembly" and "daily food allowance", from earlier Latin diaeta, possibly from the Greek διαιτησία (= arbitration), or transcribing Classical Greek δίαιτα diaita, meaning "way of living", and hence also " ...

What is the meaning of diet student? ›

District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) is a nodal agency for providing academic and resource support at the grassroot level for the success of various strategies and programmes undertaken in the areas of elementary and adult education with special reference to Universalisation of Primary/Elementary ...

Which is the No 1 food in Tamil Nadu? ›

Idli - Food of Tamil Nadu. Idli is a popular South Indian dish that originated in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is a type of savory rice cake made by steaming a batter consisting of fermented black lentils (urad dal) and rice.

What is the famous meal of Tamil Nadu? ›

Yes, pongal is a famous food in Tamil Nadu. This is a dish that has rice, milk, moong dal, and other local ingredients in it. You can find four different types of pongal in Tamil Nadu: Venn pongal, Puli pongal (made with tamarind), Sakkarai pongal (made with jaggery), and Melagu pongal (made with black pepper).

What is the top 1 food in Tamil Nadu? ›

Idli. The most famous dish in Tamilnadu, as well as the whole southern region is Idli. Prepared with a grind mixture of soaked rice and white lentil, Idli is best to eat in the breakfast time.

What is diet education in India? ›

Educational Planning and Research: DIETs act as nodal institutions at district-level to undertake all kinds of educational research activities in their districts, preferably in collaboration with faculty from SCERT and universities to ensure methodological rigour and wider relevance of research.

Who created diet? ›

History. William Banting popularized one of the first weight loss diets in the 19th century. The word diet comes from the Greek δίαιτα (diaita), which represents a notion of a whole way healthy lifestyle including both mental and physical health, rather than a narrow weight-loss regimen.

Which diet is best in India? ›

Usually, a low-carb diet is rich in protein and non-starchy vegetables. Thus, you must include eggs, fish, non-starchy vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, fruits like oranges, strawberries, raspberries, and nuts like walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, etc. This is another effective weight loss diet.

What does NCTE stand for? ›

NCTE - National Council of Teachers of English.

What does NCTE stand for in education? ›

NCTE's History

The National Council of Teachers of English was formed primarily out of protest against overly-specific college entrance requirements and the effects they were having on high school English education.

What is the full form of diet Centre? ›

DIET stands for District Institute of Educational Training. In India, the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) comprises various district-level educational institutions, most notably those established in 1988.

What is the role diet education? ›

Role of DIET:

It would undertake action research programs for teachers, teacher trainees and teacher-educators. DIET would develop district academic plans and monitor the quality of schools and teaching.

What is diet in health education? ›

A healthy diet helps to protect against malnutrition in all its forms, as well as noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. Unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are leading global risks to health.

What is the name of nutrition program in Tamilnadu? ›

Tamil Nadu is a pioneering State which introduced the Nutritious Meal program during the year 1982. The objective was to enhance the enrolment of students and retain the attendance in schools and simultaneously to improve the nutritional levels among children.

What is education in India diet? ›

District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET)s were set up as institutes at the district level after the National Policy of Education,1986 in approx. 500 districts of India for Universalisation of Elementary Education and to improve quality of elementary education.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.