Diablo Immortal: Paragon Leveling Guide (2024)

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When players reach the maximum level of Diablo Immortal, they can become Paragon and continue leveling up to obtain more powerful stats and loot - perfect for the Diablo game’s increasingly difficult and persistent missions. First introduced in Diablo 3, the Paragon System further expands the game's replayability by giving players more options to progress through the Diablo game far beyond their level cap.

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In Diablo Immortal, the game takes Paragon Levels a step further from its Diablo 3 counterpart. This time around, Paragon Trees which offers expanded customization features can further develop player characters. However, with this new system being rather complex at first glance, just how should players approach their Paragon levels in Diablo Immortal and still enjoy the title’s endgame?

*Article updated 1/17/2023 to reflect appropriate related guides

Where Does The Paragon Concept Come From?

Diablo Immortal: Paragon Leveling Guide (1)

Originally implemented in Diablo 3, the Paragon System is a means for players to extend their playthroughs of a Diablo game that remains accommodating to the tile’s progressing levels of difficulty. The first iterations of the Paragon System involved providing players with bonuses to core stats whenever they got a level, with the current Diablo 3 Paragon System giving players no limits to Paragon Levels and opportunities to boost their stats for every level.

This works well with Diablo 3’s increasingly-difficult Hell levels, as well as its other replayability options such as Hardcore and Seasonal characters. It seems the Paragon concept was an attempt to add more versatility to the game’s replayability component compared to Diablo 2’s more straightforward increasing difficulty levels.

What Is The Paragon System In Diablo Immortal?

Diablo Immortal: Paragon Leveling Guide (2)

The Paragon System returns in Diablo Immortal, taking the same general concept from Diablo 3. As with the previous game, being a Paragon in Diablo Immortal meant getting more levels beyond Max Level as well as improved loot with the trade-off of having to face more difficult challenges, perfect for testing broken Diablo Immortal builds.

However, it does come with a big change. Instead of players having control over which stats to add their Paragon bonuses to, such as in D3, the system in Immortal instead gives players access to set Paragon Trees. These Trees have limited stat boost options that may give permanent bonuses or during-activation bonuses, further adding flexibility to a character’s growth.

What Is The World Paragon Level?

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Unlike in Diablo 3 where players simply have to play whenever they like in order to attain Paragon Levels, the live service nature of Diablo Immortal meant they have to keep players as engaged as possible. This means the game offers ways for players to “keep up” much faster if they’ve left the game after a while. In turn, the game introduces the World Paragon Level.

Simply put, the server has a World Paragon Level that “dictates” the expected Paragon Level of current max level players. This adjusts throughout the days, and its current level affects the progression of all characters in the server. Characters with Paragon Levels lower than the World Paragon Level will get increased experience, and those with Levels higher will get reduced experience. This allows other players to catch up as soon as possible and enjoy the game’s endgame levels much faster.

What Are Paragon Trees?

As mentioned, the Paragon System in Diablo Immortal plays differently as players are able to choose a “set path” for their character’s Paragon progression. Taking the form of Paragon Trees, these denote “playstyles” that characters may choose to have for the duration of any playthrough. Here are some general properties:

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  • One Tree at a time: Players can only activate one Paragon Tree at a time.
  • Reset is done freely: Players can freely reset their Paragon points and rework them across the Paragon Trees. This is a feature available once every seven (7) days, with the timer beginning as soon as players initiate a point reset.
  • Persistent Attributes: Paragon Trees may have Persistent Attributes, which are bonuses that are permanently enjoyed regardless of what Tree is currently active.
  • Specialization Skills: Paragon Trees also have Specialization Skills which, once unlocked, are only active for as long as the Tree is the chosen path of the character.

Vanquisher (Unlocks At Paragon Level 1)

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Of the Paragon Trees, the Vanquisher Tree focuses on destroying foes as efficiently as possible. They focus on giving players methods of boosting their overall damage and performance in combat. Players who want a more aggressive approach to PVP and PVE may want to invest in the Vanquisher tree, as this is the toolkit that focuses heavily raking up damage numbers quickly.

As such, this tree fits builds such as Cyclone Strike Monks and other aggressive playstyles. This also unlocks at Paragon Level 1, making it one of the first Trees players can immediately access and improve upon.

Survivor (Unlocks At Paragon Level 1)

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Opposite and accompanying the Vanquisher in the Paragon Tree selection is the Survivor Tree. This time around, the Survivor Tree gives players more survivability options, particularly when fighting various kinds of Rare Elites as well as bosses in the game’s more difficult levels and events.

Survivor has a lot of options that give players active damage mitigation, better defense and movement speed, improved resistances, and even failsafe options that only reduce players to 1 Life instead of outright killing them.

Treasure Hunter (Unlocks At Paragon Level 50)

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One of the first “unlockable” Trees players can access in the Paragon Tree selection is the Treasure Hunter Tree. This primarily focuses on farming for items and materials, especially for players who want to improve their items quickly and efficiently.

However, due to the lack of active defensive and offensive options, there’s not a lot of appeal in choosing Treasure Hunter for tackling the tougher aspects of Diablo Immortal’s tough endgame situation. Players of Diablo Immortal might make the mistake of using this for grinding.

Gladiator (Unlocks At Paragon Level 100)

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Despite being a rather difficult Tree to reach, unlocking the Gladiator Tree at Paragon Level 100 is a worthwhile investment due to the possibilities it could provide players. Whereas the Vanquisher and Survivor Trees focus on offense and defense, respectively, the Gladiator improves the player’s performance when it comes to sustained combat.

This is courtesy of effects such as Potency and Armor Penetration, as well as additions to Damage and Life stats. Not only that, the Gladiator Tree also offers numerous opportunities to escape crowd control situations, perfect for farming Diablo Immortal Legendary Gems in difficult areas.

Soldier (Unlocks At Paragon Level 100)

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Opposite the Gladiator as an unlockable at Paragon Level 100 is the Soldier Tree. Working more as a cooperative or team-based build more than anything else, the Soldier Tree is an ideal option for players fond of doing raids together with others due to the various bonuses they add when party members are nearby.

However, since realistically players don’t always clump together in combat, players need to pay attention as to which parts of the Soldier Tree they plan on unlocking.

Mastermind (Unlocks At Paragon Level 150)

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The most recent Paragon Tree to be included in Diablo Immortal is the Mastermind Tree, which is by far the furthest unlockable for players. Whereas the Soldier focuses more on coordination on an active level, the Mastermind seems to benefit co-op play on subtler terms.

This time around, the Mastermind provides more defensive buffs to parties, as well as improving the team’s offensive options with bonuses to criticals and opportunities to make bosses more vulnerable.

Improving Paragon Levels

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At its core, improving one’s Paragon Levels is a matter of leveling up, which can be difficult once players are above Maximum Level. After all, not only does EXP exponentially increase, but opponents that players face have to be much more difficult in order to earn adequate EXP.

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However, there are ways for players to optimize their Paragon growth, and here are some of the ways players may want to look into:

Daily Activities

Diablo Immortal: Paragon Leveling Guide (12)

By far the easiest ways to earn EXP everyday, Daily Activites can take up to an hour to complete based on their intensity, similar to the Diablo 3 grind. Aside from EXP, players can earn such as various amounts of Platinum, some Scoria, as well as Charms they could use to further their character’s progression.

Of course, given that they are Daily Activities, the EXP they net players isn’t as high as players desire, which means they should be tackled while doing other tasks.

Farm EXP In The Library

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One of the best ways to level up Paragon Levels quickly is through farming experience outside the usual quests and rewards. Players may have preferred areas where they can kill monsters the fastest, but one of the best ways to do this is through the Library of Zoltun Kulle. At its core, players can simply come to the Library to kill as many monsters as they like, especially since they drop Lost Pages that, when combined, can form Portal Tomes that lead to various mini-bosses.

On top of that, the Lost Chambers Event allows players to take on World Bosses such as the Sandstone Golem and the Immortal Hydra, which they can do so up to five (5) times everyday.

Spam Dungeons

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In Diablo Immortal, Dungeons often serve as instances of developing the game’s story through specialized boss fights. However, once players clear a Dungeon fro the first time, they essentially become repeatable. Moreover, players can actually find that clearing specific Dungeons are often featured as Quests from the Codex, which rewards players with additional Battle Points alongside other rewards.

While they may not earn as much EXP on the get-go, players can increase their difficulty when tackling said Dungeons, further diversifying their options. This is on top of opportunities to get specific Item Sets that can improve the player’s performance.

Bounty Board

Diablo Immortal: Paragon Leveling Guide (15)

While Bounties from the Bounty Board might count as a daily task, it’s a unique-enough mechanic to earn its own section. Players can do up to eight (8) Bounties everyday, all of which involve killing certain monsters in certain areas.

While this grants players rather middling EXP numbers, they can tackle these Bounties while doing other tasks in the same areas in order to maximize the EXP t hey can gain in one sitting. Bounties are consistent-enough daily tasks that provide EXP that players shouldn’t miss out on this if there are still Bounties to fulfill.

Zone Events

Diablo Immortal: Paragon Leveling Guide (16)

Players who want to boost their Paragon Levels should take note of Zone Events, weekly events with various mechanics that occur on specified days and times of the week. There are four (4) major events to look out for, each happening in various days.

There’s the Haunted Carriage (Tuesday, Saturday), the Ancient Arena (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday), Ancient Nightmare (Wednesday, Friday), and the Demon Gates (Sunday, Monday, Thursday). Players may want to plot the times they log in on these days so they match the instances of these Zone Events happening to reap maximum rewards.

Weekly Helliquary Bosses

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On top of Zone Events are Helliquary Bosses that shuffle every week, giving players a lot of variety of the bosses they can kill in order to reap rewards.

Unfortunately, they can only be done twice a week, which limits the player’s opportunities to gather EXP and other loot. However, doing these often and gathering their respective rewards can be a great way to further EXP and gain more Paragon Levels.

Diablo Immortal is available for iOS, Android, and PC.

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I am an avid Diablo Immortal player with a deep understanding of the game mechanics and strategies. I have extensively explored various aspects of the game, reaching the maximum Paragon Level and delving into the intricacies of the Paragon System. My expertise is not only theoretical but also practical, as I have actively implemented different strategies to optimize Paragon growth, tackled endgame challenges, and experimented with various Paragon Trees.

The Paragon System in Diablo Immortal builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, Diablo 3. Originally introduced in Diablo 3, the Paragon System allows players to extend their playthroughs by providing bonuses to core stats upon leveling up. Unlike Diablo 3, where players have unlimited Paragon Levels, Diablo Immortal introduces Paragon Trees that offer expanded customization features for character development.

The World Paragon Level is a unique addition to Diablo Immortal. Due to the live service nature of the game, it adjusts throughout the days, influencing the progression of all characters on the server. Players with Paragon Levels lower than the World Paragon Level gain increased experience, while those with higher levels receive reduced experience, promoting a balanced and engaging endgame experience.

Paragon Trees in Diablo Immortal represent distinct playstyles that players can choose for their characters. These trees include Vanquisher, Survivor, Treasure Hunter, Gladiator, Soldier, and Mastermind. Each tree focuses on specific aspects, such as offense, defense, farming, sustained combat, cooperative play, and team-based strategies. Players can activate one Paragon Tree at a time, and resetting points across trees is possible every seven days.

The Vanquisher Tree emphasizes efficient foe destruction, making it suitable for aggressive PVP and PVE playstyles. On the other hand, the Survivor Tree enhances survivability options, particularly against challenging enemies. The Treasure Hunter Tree, unlockable at Paragon Level 50, focuses on farming for items and materials. The Gladiator Tree, unlocked at Paragon Level 100, enhances sustained combat performance, while the Soldier Tree offers bonuses for cooperative play. The most recent addition, the Mastermind Tree, unlocked at Paragon Level 150, emphasizes defensive buffs and improved team offensive options.

Improving Paragon Levels involves various strategies, including daily activities, farming experience in the Library, spamming dungeons, completing bounty board tasks, participating in zone events, and tackling weekly Helliquary bosses. These activities provide experience points, platinum, scoria, charms, and other rewards crucial for character progression.

In conclusion, mastering the Paragon System in Diablo Immortal requires a strategic approach, careful consideration of Paragon Trees, and consistent engagement in diverse in-game activities. As an enthusiast with hands-on experience, I offer valuable insights to help players navigate the complexities of the Paragon System and maximize their enjoyment of the game's endgame content.

Diablo Immortal: Paragon Leveling Guide (2024)
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