Cupid Culver's Root (2024)

Cupid Culver's Root (1)


100% Grow Guarantee!

Cupid Culver's Root (3)

  • Cupid Culver's Root (4)
  • Cupid Culver's Root (5)


Ships Spring


Spring Pre-Order


Was: $24.50

You Save: $12.25 (50.0%)

1 root per package


Ships: Spring 2024[?]

Cupid Culver's Root (12)

Easy to grow native perennial that tolerates moist soils. Attract butterflies to your sunny garden with Cupid Culver's Root. Showy spires of purple blooms appear in mid to late summer. Plant with other butterfly attracting perennials like Black Eyed Susan, Swamp Milkweed, Bee Balm and Purple Coneflowers for a delightful butterfly garden party!

Overall Customer Rating of 28 Reviews:

Cupid Culver's Root (13) Cupid Culver's Root (14) Cupid Culver's Root (15) Cupid Culver's Root (16) Cupid Culver's Root (17)





Cupid Culver's Root (18) Cupid Culver's Root (19) Cupid Culver's Root (20) Cupid Culver's Root (21) Cupid Culver's Root (22)



good sized plants.

Lori T

north Georgia

Vigorous perennial that adds color and texture and is a pollinator magnet



Cupid Culver's Root (23) Cupid Culver's Root (24) Cupid Culver's Root (25) Cupid Culver's Root (26) Cupid Culver's Root (27)



I didn't know what to expect when I ordered Cupid Culver's Root, but I am now a big fan of this less-known perennial. It is a star in my zone 7b north Georgia garden. (I also saw it growing equally well at the Alaska Botanical Garden!) The bare root plants I received from Holland Bulbs were healthy, and I planted them right away when I received them in March. The first season they grew about 18 inches tall and had nice blooms, but I was really blown away in the second season, when they grew to almost 4-feet tall and were covered with multiple bloom spikes each. Visitors to my garden would stand spell-bound, watching the pollinators come and go from the blossoms. Along with the blossoms, which last for several weeks mid-summer, the slar-shaped leaves add interesting texture throughout the season.



Update On Last Review



Cupid Culver's Root (28) Cupid Culver's Root (29) Cupid Culver's Root (30) Cupid Culver's Root (31) Cupid Culver's Root (32)



I’m updating a review I wrote for the Cupid Culver’s Root. In my previous review, I had left only 1 star because my first order didn’t come up and I was having a hard time reaching anyone for a replacement. I’m happy to say that Holland Bulbs is making good on their promise to replace or refund us on plants that don’t thrive. They are sending replacements. I will update again after I receive them and know how they are growing. Holland Bulbs has the fastest shipping time of anyone I have ever bought from and out of many orders, this was the first time I ever had a problem.
Thanks Holland Bulbs!


culvert's root



Cupid Culver's Root (33) Cupid Culver's Root (34) Cupid Culver's Root (35) Cupid Culver's Root (36) Cupid Culver's Root (37)



The 5 plants that I ordered arrived in a timely fashion. All the plants looked healthy and had green growth on each plant. I'm looking forward to seeing them grow.


St. Paul, MN

Cupid Culver



Cupid Culver's Root (38) Cupid Culver's Root (39) Cupid Culver's Root (40) Cupid Culver's Root (41) Cupid Culver's Root (42)



My first experience with this plant but off to a great start, looking good!

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Cupid Culver's Root (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 5632

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.