Costco's New Cupcakes Have Cookies on Top Because Why Not? (2024)

If there’s one thing Costco is known for, it’s a willingness to go completely overboard and offer some of your favorite foods in bulk. Their big draw is an emphasis on quantity, rather than quality or creativity.

Of course, there’s an exception to every rule. I’m delighted to report that a recent find from the bakery section (at least one) Costco indicates that the bulk retailer may very well have changed the game when it comes to cookies, cream, and the combination thereof.

Shared by @CostcoGuy4u, what you’re looking at is a set of Costco bakery Cookies and Cream cupcakes that take the phrase very literally by placing an entire cookie on top of a frosted cupcake. Though details about what exactly is going on with the cupcake itself or the frosting are scarce, it certainly appears to be your standard edition cookies and cream (creme?) with a bonus cookie on top. That’s like two different wonderful baked goods at the same damn time. Given that you’re getting a dozen cookies and a dozen cupcakes for $10.99, the offering certainly seems to fit with Costco’s philosophy of letting you get more for less.

It’s worth pointing out that this beautiful cupcake/cookie hybrid was spotted at a particular Costco in Melrose Park, Illinois, so it’s unclear at this time how widely available this ingenious bakery innovation will be. If whoever’s in charge of setting the baking agenda at Costco has any sense, though, they’ll make these available nationwide ASAP.

So if you have a hard time choosing cookies or cupcakes, just know that Costco has provided you with a way out of that false binary. Choose cupcakes and cookies instead, and never look back.

Costco's New Cupcakes Have Cookies on Top Because Why Not? (2024)


How many cookies are in a box at Costco Bakery? ›

Enter your delivery ZIP code and browse items available in your delivery area.

Does Costco have cookies? ›

My review of Costco's Double Chocolate Chunk Cookie

Once I received my order for two cookies and was handed the warm dessert, I was hit with a wave of fresh-baked cookie smell, which made me glad I ordered two of them. I went to town on one in the car.

Does Costco make cupcakes? ›

Yep, Costco's beloved Carrot Cake Cupcakes have gotten frisky.

Are cupcakes or cookies easier? ›

Cost wise, I think cookies are cheaper. However, they are a lot more time consuming. Cupcakes that are simply decorated are much easier to do.

How much are the new Costco cookies? ›

If you compare the new $2.49 cookie to other Costco menu items, it does seem to be on the high end. You can, after all, get a chicken bake, which is a whole meal, for $3.99.

Can you buy unbaked cookies from Costco Bakery? ›

Order unbaked items for a fraction of the price.

Yep, you can request packages of bread dough, and boxes of UNBAKED cookies and other pastries, and they will usually be about half the price of the baked items.

Does Costco give free cookies? ›

In addition to there being plenty of kid-friendly items at Costco, the retailer also offers free cookies. It's no secret that Costco gives away free samples to customers as they shop, but what you might not realize is that kids can actually get cookies for free, too.

Why is the Costco cookie so good? ›

Pros: As we've established, the new Costco cookie is a big cookie and that's nice if you're shopping with a friend or partner or child and want to split a sweet snack. But the real key is that this thing is served warm. Nice and warm. So warm that the chocolate chunks get all melty and runny and delicious.

When did Costco get cookies? ›

The 7-inch cookie costs $2.49 and run 750 calories.

Giant cookies have landed at Costco's food court, replacing a longtime fan-favorite dessert item. The plus-size Double Chocolate Chunk cookies, about 7-inches across and an inch thick, launched Sunday, Jan. 7 at most Costco stores in the U.S.

How long do Costco cupcakes stay fresh? ›

Stashing Costco muffins in the fridge will help keep them fresher longer. Echeverría says the muffins can last seven to 14 days in the fridge. The moist environment might change the texture a bit, but that can usually be fixed by a few minutes in the toaster oven or even a few seconds in the microwave.

What are the ingredients in Costco cupcakes? ›


Are Costco cakes better than Sam's Club? ›

While Costco offers a limited selection of specialty cakes, Sam's Club provides a wider range of cake flavors, icing options, and cake types. In terms of variety, it's difficult to declare a clear winner -- it ultimately comes down to what you're looking for.

What is the secret to good cupcakes? ›

Top Tips for Baking Better Cupcakes
  • Read the Recipe. Read the recipe all the way through first. ...
  • Check Oven Temperature. ...
  • Check the Dates. ...
  • Substitute with Caution. ...
  • Use the Right Temperature. ...
  • Take Time to Sift. ...
  • Measure with Care. ...
  • Cream the Ingredients.

What's the difference between a cake and a cupcake? ›

The main difference between a cake and cupcake is the size. Cupcakes are much smaller, and meant to be consumed by one person whereas cakes are large and meant to be consumed by a group. Any cake can be turned into a cupcake by adjusting the ratio of ingredients, which is why they can be thought of as mini-cakes.

How many Oreos are in a Costco pack? ›

OREO Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Stay Fresh Packs, 12-Count | Costco. Select country/region: United States.

How many cookies are in a chip Ahoy box? ›

Original Chocolate Chip Cookies deliver the sweet, delicious cookie taste that America has loved since 1963. They're loaded with real chocolate chips to satisfy any sweet tooth. Bulk package contains 48 individually wrapped 1.4-oz. snack packs (4 cookies per pack, 12 packs per box, 4 boxes total).

Does Costco have a cookie tray? ›

🍪Costco COOKIE TRAY $23🍪 Chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and white c...

How many servings are in a package of cookies? ›

A store-bought package of cookies typically contains between four and six servings in each package, so that provides another indication of how many cookies equate to a single serving size.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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