Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (2024)


Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (1)


ByBrett Llenos Smith/

Unlike your cryptocurrency nest egg, you can always count on grocery store prices to go up and up and up. Beating back rising costs on everything from fixer-upper homes to Crisco is the epic battle of our times, and in that struggle, using less of anything is a good idea.

It may seem like a small step, but using less cooking oil has benefits beyond saving a few bucks. For those with sustainability on the brain, using less oil is an opportunity to reduce cooking waste, which is a major concern according to researchpublished in the Nature Public Health Emergency Collection. Using less oil when cooking also tends to be better for you. Unfortunately, many cooking oils are highly processed, and the level of processing can significantly affect nutritional value(via Healthline). Studies have associated vegetable oil consumption with higher rates of unhealthy inflammation and a higher risk for heart disease. Incidentally, if you are looking for the healthiest type of cooking oil, research reported by Timesuggests extra virgin olive is a healthy choice, as it's filled with beneficial antioxidant compounds.

Fortunately, using less oil for cooking is pretty rudimentary. By employing nonstick pans, sautéing with stock, swapping oil substitutes in baking or steaming, and taking several other steps, you can significantly reduce your cooking oil usage. You'llcut costs, eat more nutritiously, and help reduce waste on the planet in the process.

Use non-stick pots and pans

Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (2)


The most straightforward way to cut back on cooking oil is to use nonstick pots and pans. While you could technically cook in nonstick cookware without any oil, doing so tends to degrade the nonstick coating(via World of Pans).

If you don't own nonstick cookware, or the nonstick pans you have aren't doing the trick anymore, going this route will require a little investment. Fortunately, Forbes writes that cookware sets from brands like Farberware can be very affordable. Lower-cost pans may be smaller, include fewer pieces, or feel slightly flimsy, but they can be a great starter set that provides excellent value.

If your focus is on getting healthier and not necessarily on saving money, you could get fancier and splurge on a premium set from All-Clad or Le Creuset. In addition to reducing the need for cooking oil, these high-end cookware sets are also made without PFOA. This non-stick substance has been associated with a higher risk of certain cancers(via the American Cancer Society).

Sauté with stock or water

Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (3)


Per definition fromThe New York Times, sautéing involves the transfer of heat from a pan to food, usually with the help of liquid fat. The term sauté comes from the French term for "jump," and the technique likely got its name from how foods will jump — or sizzle — inside a hot pan.

When many of us look to make a searing sauté dish, the first instinct is to reach for a bottle of cooking oil. However, according to Vegan Coach,a ¼ cup of stock or water can help to lubricate food in a nonstick pan in the same way as cooking oil.

If you're going to sauté with stock or water, placing a lid on the pan can help cook your food more evenly than direct heat. Technically, covering a pan leads to cooking with steam rather than the direct heat of hot stock (or oil), which can lead to a loss of the crispiness or crust that comes with sautéing.

If you want both the even cook that comes with steaming while still getting crispiness, you need to remove the lid just after your dish appears cooked through. Start tossing your food to ensure it gets enough direct heat from the liquid and the pan. Adding a bit of oil can help here. If the food starts to stick, a few splashes of additional liquid can loosen up any stuck-on bits.

Use oil substitutes for baking

Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (4)

Irina Rostokina/Shutterstock

Baking completely oil-free is a tricky proposition. Unlike cooking, baking is highly dependent on getting the right ratios of fats, protein, and other ingredients. Because so many baking recipes use oil as a load-bearing wall — swapping it out for something else can collapse a baked good's culinary house of cards.

Replacing oil with something healthier or cheaper requiresunderstanding the main function ofoil in baking. When dough or batter is heated to a certain point, water moves into a gaseous state. However, the inclusion of oil reduces evaporation while slowing the formation of gluten, resulting in a moist, fluffy texture. Additionally, the oil helps to bind ingredients during the baking process (via Bob's Red Mill).

One of the best oil substitutes that can model both effects is applesauce. In addition to retaining moisture and acting as a binder, applesauce is also incredibly convenient: It can be a one-for-one substitute for oil, according to LiveStrong, which recommends draining some water from the applesauce. Home cooks can also substitute other fruit or vegetable purees for oil with varying effectiveness. Other worthwhile substitutes include dairy products like butter, buttermilk, sour cream, mayonnaise, and Greek yogurt.

Switch to steam

Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (5)


If you have a steamer basket that you only use for specialty dishes, you should know it can do more than cook dumplings! For example, fish and vegetables can easily be cooked with a steamer and without oil.

Steaming is one of the healthiest ways of cooking. Not only does it avoid the use of oil, but steaming is alsoa highly nutritious way of cooking, perTufts University. One study from the University of Illinois found steaming broccoli caused the vegetable to develop a cancer-fighting compound called sulforaphane, while boiling and microwaving broccoli did not. Another study reported by Tufts found steaming vegetables to be the only cooking method that preserves cancer-fighting compounds known as glucosinolates.

If you aren't an old hand at this technique, you should know there are a fewmistakes to avoidwhen steaming food. First, you should not put too much water in your pan. The moisture level should be enough to keep the steamer from scorching but not so high that it boils over and touches the food inside.

Before loading up your steamer, use parchment paper, banana leaves, or liner to prevent steamed food from sticking to the basket. To ensure even cooking of every item, don't overcrowd the basket as it will keep steam from circulating.

It's common to stack up multiple bamboo steamers to cook several dishes at once. When doing this, place food with longer cook times near the bottom of the stack and closer to the direct heat (via Kana).

Make the grill a go-to

Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (6)


Grilling is one of those cooking techniques that require very little oil, as it's mainly used to prevent food from stickingto the hot slats. If your grill is well-seasoned, you may not need to use any cooking oil at all, especially for meats and foods with low moisture.

A nonstick grill mat can be a handy solution to completely avoid oil or cook high-moisture food like avocados or marinated vegetables. Nonstick grill mats are designed to be placed directly over a grill, and they can also help prevent food from slipping through the grates. Best of all, they don't require any major adjustments to standard grilling techniques. With vegan cooking advice from Momma Sezz, nonstick grill baskets can also allow you to cut back on oil, but cooking with them typically requires more work than simply placing food directly on a nonstick mat or grill.

If you want to cook with a backyard grill, but aren't wedded to the idea of actually grilling, putting food in foil packets with a bit of stock or water is a great way to cook without oil.

Use an air fryer

Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (7)

Francisco Zeledon/Shutterstock

Cooking with an air fryer is a great way to use less oil, form more nutritious habits, and get crispy food.Better Homes & Gardenswrites that this modern appliance is essentially a countertop convection oven.An air fryer uses quickly circulating hot air to cook food in a way that resembles deep frying. While using an air fryer can be pretty intuitive, there are a few things to keep in mind. Before you get cooking, it's important to select an air fryer that suits your needs: Don't buy a hulking behemoth of an appliance if you're living on your own. It's also a good idea to preheat an air fryer before using it to cook food. Also, occasionally shaking the basket while cooking helps evenly crisp all the contents.

While you can completely forego the use of cooking oil when employing an air fryer, using a spray bottle to spritz oil on your food halfway through cooking is a great way to ensure your food gets a solid crisp (via Today). You could also use a store-bought can of cooking spray, though the aerosols have been known to damage the nonstick coating of an air fryer basket.

When removing cooked food, separate the basket from the drawer to prevent oil from being spilled onto a serving dish or plate.

Par boil or steam before roasting vegetables oil-free

Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (8)


Roasting is one of those cooking techniques that causes many of us to instinctively reach out for a bottle of cooking oil. Roasting vegetables typically calls for less oil than frying or sautéing, but you can actually perform this cooking technique without any oil at all.

While non-starchy vegetables like onions only need a bit of seasoning, starchier produce like cauliflower can dry out if popped straight into the oven. An effective solution for roasting starch-heavy vegetables without oil is to par-cook them by steaming or boiling (via Well + Good). This approach asks the oven to do less of the cooking, and it infuses the vegetables with enough moisture to prevent them from drying out. As with non-starchy vegetables, be sure to season your food before finishing it in the oven. Use parchment paper or aluminum foil as a pan liner to prevent sticking.

If you would only like to cut back on oil — not remove it completely — spraying on a light coating of oil can split the difference and yield positive results.

Use plant-based alternatives in salad dressing

Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (9)

Chris LayKK/Shutterstock

If you're a regular salad eater, you're probably ingesting a lot of oil in the form of salad dressing. And, if you regularly like to use bottled dressing on your salad, you're also eating a lot of saturated fat, preservatives, sodium, and added sugar. Fat-free or low-fat salad dressings may seem like a healthier option, but many of these products still contain a large amount of sugar.

A much healthier route is to make your salad dressing. Whilehealth experts atthe Cleveland Clinicrecommend simply pouring olive oil and vinegar over your salads, you don't need to rely on oil to make a delicious, nutritious topping for your next bowl of crunchy greens.

Typically,types of salad dressing recipesare a combination of oil (or another fatty liquid), acid, sweetener, and flavorings. Instead of using oil, consider that nut butters, miso, and hummus make great salad dressing foundations. You can also base your dressing on pureed nuts, avocado, or cannellini beans — as with these tips from Plant-Based Cooking with Diane Smith. Once you have your creamy or pureed oil alternatives, you simply need to whisk them with your other ingredients.

Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table (2024)


Cooking Tips For Using Less Oil - Tasting Table? ›

Use non-stick pots and pans

What is the technique of cooking that use less oil? ›

Steaming, poaching, and boiling

These methods naturally cook with liquid and do not require added oil. Steam your veggies, and save boiling for pasta. Steaming minimizes nutrient loss and retains texture, whereas boiling means losing vitamins and minerals to the cooking water.

How to use less oil when cooking? ›

  1. Steam vegetables or saute in a liquid like water or broth.
  2. Use broth, soy sauce, or vinegar to add flavor during the cooking process.
  3. Utilize seasonings and herbs for flavor.
  4. Use an air fryer or a silicone mat in the oven for baked/fried preparations.
  5. Invest in a good non-stick pan.
Jun 30, 2022

How to reduce cooking oil consumption? ›

How to reduce fat, oil and grease use
  1. reduce the number of fried items.
  2. pan fry instead of deep frying.
  3. choose to grill, bake, poach or steam food instead of frying or roasting it.

How do you make food taste good without oil? ›

This can also be done with broth or coconut aminos (or soy sauce). Just know that broth and coconut aminos do add flavor. No Oil: Rely on water or broth to sauté ingredients like diced vegetables, onions, and garlic.

How to get food crispy without oil? ›

For example, if you want to prepare crispy vegetables with little or no fat, you can use a hot air fryer, a pan with non-stick coating or simply choose to fry the vegetables with a little water instead of fat or oil.

What is a healthy substitute for oil in cooking? ›

Unsweetened applesauce, mashed fruit, or pureed fruit such as bananas, pears, and prunes may be substituted for vegetable oil in baked goods. You can substitute cup for cup. The texture of your foods may be altered slightly. For example, applesauce makes cookies moister and more cake-like.

What is a good substitute for oil in sautéing? ›

There are so many things you can substitute for oil when sauteing. Water works for a start, but you can also try vegetable broth, cooking wine, vinegar or soy sauce. Not only are you eliminating harmful oils with these options, you're also infusing your food with additional flavor!

What to use instead of oil? ›

So, if you're stuck without this ingredient, here's some alternatives:
  • Butter and margarine. Butter and margarine are glorious for adding flavour, richness and colour to meals so a great swap for oil. ...
  • Ghee. ...
  • Vegetable shortening. ...
  • Bacon grease. ...
  • Schmaltz. ...
  • Mashed bananas and apple sauce. ...
  • Tahini. ...
  • Sunday roast fat.
Apr 26, 2022

What cuts the taste of oil? ›

Not only heat, but also cold temperatures can be effective in reducing the bitterness of olive oil. Another method used successfully to reduce the bitterness of olive oil is the addition of phospholipids.

What cooking technique uses high heat a little oil fat and small pieces? ›

Sautéing is a method that involves frying lightly and quickly in a small amount of fat over very high heat. Sautéing usually occurs in a heavy-bottomed flat pan with flared sides; the flared sides assist with flipping food in the air. Only tender cuts of meat are sautéed.

What do you call frying without oil? ›

Technically, frying without oil is often referred to as "baking" or "roasting." Frying typically involves submerging food in hot oil, while baking or roasting uses dry heat in an oven.

Which of these cooking techniques quickly cooks food in a minimum amount of oil? ›

Stir-frying is usually done in a wok. you can use a large thin-bottomed pan or frying pan instead, but the essence of the technique is that the food is cooked quickly, over high heat, in very little oil.

What is it called when you cook uncovered in a small amount of fat or oil? ›

SAUTE: to cook uncovered in a small amount of fat in a pan.

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