Controlling Sweet and Salty Cravings in Seniors (2024)

The tongue's taste buds detect four tastes: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. As we get older, the fewer taste buds we have and the less sensitive they become. In our prime, we have between 10,000 and 15,000 taste buds. By age 70, many seniors have lost two out of three, so the sense of taste declines – and foods begin to taste more bland.

Medications or chronic medical conditions, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease, can affect taste. Aging can also decrease the production of saliva. A dry mouth is common for many seniors, and not drinking enough water or other liquids can worsen the problem.

Controlling Sweet and Salty Cravings in Seniors (1)

At the same time as taste, the sense of smell, which contributes to taste, declines. Nerve endings in the nose tend to decrease after age 70. Smoking also causes loss of smell. These factors can change one's ability to taste all the flavors of a food, which can then lead to a craving for additional sugar or salt.

“Sweet” is the first taste we were exposed to as infants. Breast milk and formula are both sweet. We have also have long associated sweets with being rewarded for doing something good.

Seniors may crave sweets if they don’t consume enough carbohydrates to meet the body’s energy needs. Prevent this type of craving by not allowing seniors to skip meals, encouraging them to eat a snack even ifthey don’t feel hungry, and including complex carbs such as whole grains, protein, and fats in meals.

That said, many caregivers have noted that adding just a touch of sweetness to foods may help someonewho has lost interest in eating. Here are some healthy snacks that are easy to make and appetizing. Makesure your loved one can handle eating some of these foods – such as popcorn or carrots. It is wise to check with his or her doctor first.

  • ?Cut up fruit or berries with yogurt
  • Cut up veggies dipped in a nut butter
  • Popcorn sprinkled with cinnamon
  • Plain rice cakes drizzled with honey
  • Dried fruit
  • Unsweetened granola with fresh fruit
  • Dried apples with cinnamon yogurt dip
  • Applesauce with cinnamon
  • Fruit and cottage cheese
  • Baby carrots, which are sweet-tasting

For most, a pinch of sweetness is not usually a calorie or carbohydrate problem. Even diabetics can enjoy a little sweetness, although it may not come directly from sugar. Many sugar-free products can be used toadd sweetness to food without jeopardizing a diabetic diet. Seniors should consult with their doctors.

If sugar cravings are causing health problems, however, the senior should replace “grabbing the sugar bowl” with activities such as taking a walk, calling a friend, listening to music, soaking in a bath, etc. Food andthe act of eating stimulate endorphins and feel good. The key is finding other activities that also feel good.

Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is needed for normal functions of the body, but most people consume too much. Many seniors reach for the salt shaker at every meal. This could be a lifelong habit that began in youth, but seniors are likely to add increasingly more salt to their foods due to loss of taste. Nearly 75% of salt intake tends to come from the shaker or food manufacturing process.

A salt craving may last only as long as it takes to rehydrate after mild dehydration from heavy sweating. Itmay be a permanent symptom, as is found with Addison’s disease (a disorder that occurs when the body produces insufficient amounts of certain hormones produced by the adrenal glands), and may be accompanied by other symptoms or signs, including low blood pressure (hypotension), fatigue, loss of appetite, and chronic diarrhea.

High sodium levels can lead to several medical issues, including high blood pressure, which can cause multiple health concerns such as heart problems. Unfortunately, hypertension is often a silent condition with few side effects until permanent damage is done. By lowering added salt and making healthy choices of foods lower in sodium, seniors may enjoy a healthier lifestyle as they age.

The FDA recommends a daily intake of no more than 1,500 mg of salt per day for the majority of middle-aged and older adults. That equals just a little more than 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Some doctors may recommend less salt intake due to certain medical conditions. Tips for decreasing salt in the diet include:

  • Eat more fresh fruits ? and vegetables, especially green, leafy ones.
  • Look for foods that are high in potassium.
  • Try seasoning foods with pepper, spices, and herbs.
  • Choose unsalted varieties of snacks, such as unsalted peanuts or plain air-popped popcorn.
  • Make more foods from scratch rather than eating processed foods with more sodium.
  • Read food labels, looking for foods with 5% orless of the recommended daily allowance of sodium.
  • Check with a healthcare provider before using salt substitutes.

Remember: Seniors should consult with their doctors to determine safe dietary practices that take into account medication interactions, and other health issues.

Comfort Keepers® can help.Making healthy meals and snacks can be a shared experience. Ask about
the many ways our caregivers can help. Our unique approach to personal care, Interactive Caregiving™, provides a system of care that addresses safety, nutrition, mind, body, and activities of daily living (ADLs).

References: “Food Cravings and Mindful Eating”. Web. 2015. “8 Best Ways to Kick Your Food Cravings”. Web. 2015. “Salt Craving - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments”. Web. 2013. “How Food Cravings Change with Dementia”. Web. 2014.

Controlling Sweet and Salty Cravings in Seniors (2024)


Controlling Sweet and Salty Cravings in Seniors? ›

Seniors may crave sweets if they don't consume enough carbohydrates to meet the body's energy needs.

Why do senior citizens crave sweets? ›

Seniors may crave sweets if they don't consume enough carbohydrates to meet the body's energy needs.

What vitamin deficiency causes sugar cravings? ›

A deficiency in vitamin B6 can lead to depression, mood swings, and low energy levels, which can trigger sugar cravings as a quick energy boost. Foods that are high in sugar are often consumed to feel better quickly, leading to a vicious cycle of cravings and sugar intake.

What vitamin deficiency causes you to crave salt? ›

1. FIRST-- let's look at the vitamins and minerals you need as part of a healthy diet: Calcium and Magnesium: Low levels of these two minerals—which often go hand in hand—prime you for sugar and salt cravings.

What kills sweet cravings? ›

How to Stop Sugar Cravings: 8 Tips to Use Right Now
  • Give in a little. Eat a bit of what you're craving, maybe a small cookie or a fun-size candy bar, suggests Kerry Neville, a registered dietitian. ...
  • Combine foods. ...
  • Go cold turkey. ...
  • Grab some gum. ...
  • Reach for fruit. ...
  • Get up and go. ...
  • Choose quality over quantity. ...
  • Eat regularly.
Apr 5, 2023

What is the best supplement to stop sugar cravings? ›

Overall, B vitamins are regarded as essential supplements to curb sugar cravings. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in your metabolism and energy, as well as the digestion of your food. It regulates the production of insulin. A zinc deficiency may result in sugar cravings and an increased appetite.

What are healthy sweet snacks for the elderly? ›

These healthy desserts for seniors will help satisfy that desire for a treat while still being a great addition to a balanced diet.
  • Chocolate covered strawberries. ...
  • Smoothie-pops. ...
  • Fruit crisp. ...
  • Chocolate banana bread. ...
  • Grilled angel food cake with strawberry rhubarb sauce. ...
  • Chocolate bark. ...
  • Crunchy peanut butter thins.
Jul 13, 2023

Which food is not recommended for senior citizens? ›

Raw or undercooked eggs, meat and poultry.

Undercooked foods such as eggs, meat, poultry and sushi can cause food poisoning, which can trigger sepsis and septic shock. Although anyone can develop infection and sepsis, seniors are at higher risk.

What are the healthy candy for seniors? ›

Jelly Drops are an innovative sugar-free treat, made of 95% water with added electrolytes & vitamins, designed to increase fluid intake. Popular with people with dementia, the elderly & others who struggle to stay hydrated.

Does magnesium curb sugar cravings? ›

However the sugar does not give your body magnesium in fact every time you have sugar you use up magnesium as it is used by the body to help metabolise sugar. Supplements of magnesium can reduce sugar craving and help stabilise blood sugar levels[1].

What medical condition makes you crave sugar? ›

— There's a good chance you or someone you know frequently craves sugar. While some of that is normal, if you're always wanting something sweet, it could signal hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar.

What hormone controls sugar cravings? ›

FGF21 then enters the bloodstream, where it sends a signal to the brain to suppress the preference for sweets. “This is the first liver-derived hormone we know that regulates sugar intake specifically,” says Matthew Potthoff, assistant professor of pharmacology in the UI Carver College of Medicine.

What should I eat if I crave salt? ›

Healthy snacks to satisfy your salt craving
  • Fresh vegetables: Try sliced cucumbers, bell peppers, mini tomatoes, sugar snap peas, baby carrots or sliced beets. ...
  • Triscuits: If you're craving something salty and crunchy, Triscuits are a good option, because they are high in fiber and only have a couple of ingredients.
Jun 10, 2021

What is your body telling you when you crave salt? ›

When stress levels rise, people may crave their favorite foods for comfort. This may include craving foods high in fat, sugar, or salt — also known as sodium. Eating such foods may trigger the body's reward system and reduce its stress response to relieve symptoms of stress.

Why do I crave salt and sugar? ›

The other is that our bodies are craving sugar and salt because of chemicals in our brains. Crazy, right? “Monosaccharides like glucose [sugar] are our cells' preferred energy source, and salt is necessary to our cell function, so when we taste sweet or salty, our brain says, 'Yes! Eat that!'

Why do I crave salt and sugar all the time? ›

Like stress, this is your hormones at play. The hormones cortisol, leptin, ghrelin, and serotonin trigger hunger and sparks your search for foods that make you feel good. "Lack of sleep can impact your hunger, stress, and 'feel good' hormones, which may heighten your cravings for salt," says Cartlidge.

Why do I always crave sweet and salty? ›

After using all of that dopamine, you could feel depleted – which leads to feeling low and empty. Because of its widely distributed receptors in the brain, dopamine is involved in binge eating caused due to cravings. We tend to find salted, sugary or fatty food to be more satisfying, hence giving us that required high.

Why do I crave sugar than salt? ›

Fluctuating blood sugar from a diet that is higher is sugars and low in protein, fat, and fibre, can all make you crave sugars. Poor sleep raises ghrelin the hunger hormone making you crave more. High stress imbalances cortisol making your body seek out sugars.

Why do I crave salty foods more than sweet? ›

Researchers are still debating the exact cause, but some think eating salty food causes you to feel good. This happens because salt induces your hypothalamus to release dopamine. Other experts say that since salt is required to live, your brain learns to crave salt as a life-protective reaction.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.