Complete guide to Futures Symbols | Months, exchanges and contract info (2024)

In the following post I’ll provide a complete guide to understanding futures symbols. I’ll explain what a Futures symbol is and how to interpret the symbols.

I’ll also provide a detailed list of some of the most traded future contracts for easy reference.

Table of Contents

  1. Futures symbols explained
  2. Futures contract exchanges
  3. Futures symbols month codes
  4. Futures symbols and contract information
  5. Metals symbols
  6. Grains symbols
  7. Softs symbols
  8. Interest rates symbols

Futures symbols explained

Individual futures contracts are identified by a unique future contract symbol.

Unlike traditional stocks or currency pairs that can be traded in perpetuity and have no maturity date. Futures contracts expire after a specified period of time. The expiry of individual futures contracts depends on the commodity, Index or currency futures contract being traded. Typically contract durations are between one and three months.

Futures symbols help to identify individual contracts and their expiration date.

Futures symbols are categorized by the commodity, Index or currency. The month that the futures contract expires and the year the contract expires.

The table below illustrates a typical futures symbol code:

Contract Symbol (S&P 500)Expiration month (March)Expiration year (2022)

The example above illustrates the S&P 500 index futures contract that expires in March 2022. The symbol for this contract would be SPH22.

Futures contract exchanges

Each futures and futures options contract can be traded through a specific exchange. It’s important that if you want to trade a specific futures contract you have the right data feed to the relevant exchange.

When you sign up for a brokerage account you will typically be given the option to select the a data feed for a single exchange or a package that includes several exchanges.

Exchange data is typical charged on a monthly basis. The cost of the exchange data will depend on the exchange plus data feed technology of the various providers.

The main Futures and futures options exchanges include: CME, CBOT, COMEX, KCBT, MGEX, ICE and NYMEX.

Futures symbols month codes

In the table below you can find the futures symbol codes for each month of the year.

Month symbols are used to identify what month a contract is due to expire.

Unfortunately the the monthly symbol code letters have little in common with each of the months. So it’s either you need to memorizer each letter or have the following table on hand for reference.


Futures symbols and contract information

The following sections provide information for the most common futures contracts. Each section lists the instrument symbol, futures contract being traded, exchange the instrument is listed on, contract expiration months, contract size, minimum tick size and the tick value:

Important note: The data above is sourced from time of writing. for the most up to date information please refer to the relevant exchanges.

Micro E-mini futures symbols & Micro futures symbols

Futures Contract NameSymbolExchangeExpiry monthContract sizeMin Tick / Tick $ Value
Micro E-mini S&P 500MESCMEH,M,U,Z$5 x S&P Index value0.25 / $1.25
Micro E-mini Nasdaq100MNQCMEH,M,U,Z$2 x Index value0.25 / $0.50
Micro E-mini DowMYMCBOT/CMEH,M,U,Z$0.50 x DJIA Index value1.00 / $0.50
Micro E-mini Russell 2000M2KCMEH,M,U,Z$5 x Russell 2000 Index value0.10 / $0.50
Micro DAXFDXSEurexH,M,U,Z1 x Index value0.5/0.50
MicroAUD/USDM6ACMEH,M,U,Z10K AUD0.0001 / $1.00
MicroGBP/USDM6BCMEH,M,U,Z6250 £0.0001 / $0.625
MicroCAD/USDMCDCMEH,M,U,Z10000 CAD0.0001/ $1.00
MicroEUR/USDM6ECMEH,M,U,Z12500 €0.0001 / $1.25
MicroJPY/USDMJYCMEH,M,U,Z1.25 mil ¥0.000001 / $1.25
MicroCHF/USDMSFCMEH,M,U,Z12500 CHF0.0001 / $1.25
Micro WTI Crude OilMCLNYMEX/CMEAll100 Barrels0.01 / $1.00

Stock Indices futures symbols & Indices E-mini futures symbols

Futures Contract NameSymbolExchangeExpiry monthContract sizeMin Tick / Tick $ Value
E-mini S&P 500ESCMEH,M,U,Z$50 x Index value0.25 / $12.50
E-mini Nasdaq100NQCMEH,M,U,Z$20 x Index value0.25 / $5.00
E-mini Dow ($5)YMCBOT/CMEH,M,U,Z$5 x Index value1.00 / $5.00
E-mini Russell 2000RTYCMEH,M,U,Z$50 x Index value0.1 / $5.00
DAXFDAXEurexH,M,U,Z25 x Index value1.00/12.50
FTSE 250 IndexYICEH,M,U,Z£2 x Index value0.5/£1

Currencies futures symbols & Currency E-mini futures symbols

Futures Contract NameSymbolExchangeExpiry monthContract sizeMin Tick / Tick $ Value
Australian Dollar6ACMEH,M,U,Z100K AUD0.0001 / $10.00
British Pound6BCMEH,M,U,Z62.5K £0.0001 / $6.25
Canadian Dollar6CCMEH,M,U,Z100K CAD0.00005 / $5.00
Euro FX6ECMEH,M,U,Z125K €0.00005 / $6.25
Japanese Yen6JCMEH,M,U,Z12.5 mil ¥0.0000005 / $6.25
New Zealand Dollar6NCMEH,M,U,Z100K NZD0.00005 / $10.00
Swiss Franc6SCMEH,M,U,Z125K CHF0.0001 / $12.50
E-mini Euro FXE7CMEH,M,U,Z62.5K €0.0001 / $6.25
E-mini Japanese YenJ7CMEH,M,U,Z6.25 mil ¥0.000001 / $6.25

Energies futures symbols & Energies E-mini futures symbols

Futures Contract NameSymbolExchangeExpiry monthContract sizeMin Tick / Tick $ Value
Crude OilCLNYMEX/CMEAll1000 Barrels0.01 / $10.00
E-mini Crude LightQMNYMEX/CMEAll500 Barrels0.025 / $12.50
Natural GasNGNYMEX/CMEAll10000 mmBtu0.001 / $10.00
E-mini Natural GasQGNYMEX/CMEAll2500 mmBtu0.005 / $12.50
Futures Contract NameSymbolExchangeExpiry monthContract sizeMin Tick / Tick $ Value
GoldGCCOMEX/CMEG,J,M,Q,V,Z100 oz0.1 / $10.00
E-mini GoldQOCOMEX/CMEF,G,J,M,Q,V,Z50 oz0.25 / $12.50
CopperHGCOMEX/CMEAll25K lbs0.0005 / $12.50
E-mini CopperQCCOMEX/CMEAll12500 lbs0.002 / $25.00
SilverSICOMEX/CMEF,H,K,N,U,Z5000 oz0.005 / $25.00
E-mini SilverQICOMEX/CMEF,G,H,K,N,U,Z2500 oz0.0125 / $31.25
PlatinumPLNYMEX/CMEF,J,N,V50 oz0.1 / $5.00

Grains symbols

Futures Contract NameSymbolExchangeExpiry monthContract sizeMin Tick / Tick $ Value
CornZCCBOT/CMEH,K,N,U,Z5000 bu1/4 / $12.50
Chicago SRW WheatZWCBOT/CMEH,K,N,U,Z5000 bu1/4 / $12.50
SoybeansZSCBOT/CMEF,H,K,N,Q,U,X5000 bu1/4 / $12.50
OatsZOCBOT/CMEH,K,N,U,Z5000 bu1/4 / $12.50

Softs symbols

Futures Contract NameSymbolExchangeExpiry monthContract sizeMin Tick / Tick $ Value
LumberLBSCMEF,H,K,N,U,X110K board feet0.10 / $11.00
CocoaCCICEH,K,N,U,Z10 tons1.00 / $10.00
CottonCTICEH,K,N,V,Z50k lbs0.0001 / $5.00
CoffeeKCICEH,K,N,U,Z37.5k lbs0.0005 / $18.75

Interest rates symbols

Futures Contract NameSymbolExchangeExpiry monthContract sizeMin Tick / Tick $ Value
2 Year US Treasury NoteZTCBOT/CMEH,M,U,Z$200K note1/128 / $15.625
3 Year US Treasury NoteZ3NCBOT/CMEH,M,U,Z$300K note1/128 / $15.625
5 Year US Treasury NoteZFCBOT/CMEH,M,U,Z$100K note1/128 / $7.8125
10 Year US Treasury NoteZNCBOT/CMEH,M,U,Z$100K note1/64 / $15.625

If your interested in finding knowing the exact date that an individual futures contract expires check out my previous post by clicking the link.

Complete guide to Futures Symbols | Months, exchanges and contract info (2024)


How to read future symbols? ›

NOTE: Futures symbols in StreetSmart are created in four parts: 'root symbol' + 'month code' + 'year code'. The year code is displayed as two digits. For Example, a March (month code = H) 2018 (year code = 18) contract of AB would be entered as ABH18.

What is a futures contract group of answer choices? ›

Narrator: A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell a specific amount of a commodity or financial instrument at a specific price on a specific date in the future.

How to remember futures month codes? ›

Each calendar month expiration is identified by a single letter as follows:
  1. January – F.
  2. February - G.
  3. March -H.
  4. April -J.
  5. May - K.
  6. June - M.
  7. July - N.
  8. August - Q.

What does 1000 ticks mean? ›

For example, each bar of a 1000 tick chart represents 1000 trades of any size. A tick can be a trade of just one contract/share, or 10,000 shares. This is why it's crucial to combine the use of tick charts with volume.

How much is 1 tick to dollar? ›

0.151953 USD

What is the z code in futures? ›

Delivery months are represented by a single, specific letter in the contract, and are depicted alphabetically starting with January ("F") and ending with December ("Z"). Since futures contracts are traded on exchanges, the exchange will display the delivery date.

How to read futures data? ›

10 Keys on How to Read Futures Chart
  1. The Open: The day's first transaction price.
  2. The Close, aka the Settlement: The price of the day's last transaction.
  3. The High: The highest price paid for the contract during the session.
  4. The Low: The lowest price paid for the contract during the session.

What are the best futures to trade? ›

What futures are most profitable? Trading in futures markets such as the Micro E-Mini Russell 2000 (M2K), Micro E-Mini S&P 500 (MES), Micro E-Mini Dow (MYM), and Micro E-Micro FX contracts can be highly profitable due to their distinct market characteristics.

What is a futures contract for beginners? ›

A futures contract allows an investor to speculate on the direction of a security, commodity, or financial instrument, either long or short, using leverage. Futures are also often used to hedge the price movement of the underlying asset to help prevent losses from unfavorable price changes.

How to trade futures for beginners? ›

How to trade futures
  1. Understand how futures trading works.
  2. Pick a futures market to trade.
  3. Create an account and log in.
  4. Decide whether to go long or short.
  5. Place your first trade.
  6. Set your stops and limits.
  7. Monitor and close your position.

What are the symbols for futures? ›

A typical futures symbol at NinjaTrader may look like this: ES SEP23, where ES is the symbol root, SEP represents the expiration month (September), and 23 represents the expiration year (2023). The symbol root is one or more characters (letters and numbers) that identify the exact futures contract to trade.

Where can I get futures data? ›

United States
  • CME Group. Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) ...
  • ICE. ICE Futures U.S. ...
  • Cboe. Cboe Futures Exchange (CFE) ...
  • Nasdaq. Nasdaq Futures (NFX) ...
  • The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) Futures.

What is the F in futures code? ›


How much is 1 tick in trading? ›

For most stocks, the tick size is $0.01, but fractions of a cent may also occur. "Pips" and basis points (bps) are tick sizes used in currency and fixed-income markets.

How much is one tick in crude oil? ›

Tick sizes are set by the exchange and vary by contract instrument. The tick size of the NYMEX WTI Crude Oil contract is equal to 1 cent and the WTI contract size is 1,000 barrels. Therefore, the value of a one tick move is $10.

How many pips is 1 tick? ›

What is the Pip and the Tick? Both terms are similar and one or the other is usually used depending on the financial asset. However, when brokers offer currency pairs with 5 decimal places (or 3 decimal places for JPY pairs), as is the case with Darwinex, 1 pip is equivalent to 10 ticks.

What is 1 tick in time? ›

A single tick represents one hundred nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a second.

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