Carnivore Diet Cheat AKA "Treat" Day: 3 Carnivore Doctors Weigh In (2024)

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By Liam McAuliffe Published on

Tags: Carnivore Diet, Carnivore Diet Foods, Cheat days

Carnivore Diet Cheat AKA "Treat" Day: 3 Carnivore Doctors Weigh In (1)

A carnivore diet cheat day can mean different things to different people. In broad strokes, it refers to eating foods that are not animal products.

How people interpret cheat days can range from enjoying healthy homemade keto ice cream to binging on Mcdonald’s washed down with a Big Gulp.

Let’s explore the different ways of approaching carnivore diet cheat (treat) days from the perspectives of 3 influential carnivore diet doctors.

Table of Contents

  • Dr. Kiltz’s Take On Carnivore Diet “Treat” Days
  • Dr. Sean Baker’s Perspective: Cheating on Carnivore
  • Dr. Paul Saladino’s Perspective on Carnivore Cheat Days
  • Carnivore Diet “Treat” Days: Dr. Kiltz’s Bottom Line

Dr. Kiltz’s Take On Carnivore Diet “Treat” Days

Carnivore Diet Cheat AKA "Treat" Day: 3 Carnivore Doctors Weigh In (2)

I like to reframe carnivore diet cheat days into “treat” days. This maintains a positive attitude towards this major lifestyle change–which is a key to sticking with it.

From my perspective it’s totally fine to occasionally indulge in wholesome, low-toxin foods like my homemade keto ice cream that calls for small amounts of sugar, and tallow-fried french fries.

We’re not just playing mind games here–in moderation, and in the context of a mostly carnivore diet, these guilt-free foods won’t interfere with carnivore diet benefits.

If you’re practicing a carnivore diet with integrity, you’ve already done a fantastic job eliminating processed foods, plant toxins, and sweets.

So even occasional treats like a piece of cake at a wedding or birthday party are totally fine as long as you’re aware of how it does, or doesn’t effect your craving patterns.

BEBBIIS Approach to Ancestral Eating with Treat Days

I bake my treat days into my overall approach to ancestral eating.

As a helpful acronym I call my approach BEBBIIS. This stands for Bacon, Eggs, Beef, Butter, Ice Cream, Intermittent Feasting (Fasting), and Salt.

This doesn’t mean you can only eat these foods. BEBBIIS is a helpful shorthand for all nourishing animal foods you’ll find on a robust carnivore diet food list. Then I added flexibility for occasional wholefood treats.

The intermittent “feasting” part is a key that I, and many carnivore dieters swear by. When you’re eating one or two BEBBIIS meals a day, you’re giving your body ample time to rest and digest while stimulating the benefits of intermittent feasting like cellular renewal.

Get your free download of Dr. Kiltz’s guide to the BEBBIIS diet here.

And follow along with Dr. Kiltz as he makes his homemade ice cream below:

Dr. Kiltz's Take on Treat Days

Intermittent fasting and ancestral eating make processing occasional carbs from wholesome treats like keto ice cream and tallow-fried french fries no big deal. On carnivore, you’re already eliminating so much and giving your body time to heal–let’s keep it positive, if you need some french fries to keep going, well…go ahead

Carnivore Diet Cheat AKA "Treat" Day: 3 Carnivore Doctors Weigh In (3)

Dr. Sean Baker’s Perspective: Cheating on Carnivore

Like Dr. Kiltz, carnivore diet thought leader Dr. Sean Baker supports a non-dogmatic and flexible view of carnivore diet cheat/treat days.

Baker sees very little difference in health outcomes between people who are 90-100% carnivore.

His common sense approach holds that If you’re treating an aggressive inflammatory disease like Chrone’s or ulcerative colitis, cheating/treating would be highly counterproductive.

But if you’re just trying to optimize your lifestyle, mental clarity, and body mass, and you don’t have serious underlying health conditions, occasionally eating non-carnivore foods is likely harmless.

Of course, highly processed junk foods and fast food is never a good idea–and why would you want to eat that crap anyway? It’ll just make you feel horrible.

That said, a piece of occasional birthday cake at a family celebration is no big deal.

You can watch Dr. Baker’s views on carnivore diet cheat days here:

Dr. Baker’s Take on Carnivore Diet Cheat Days

“I’m not dogmatic about this, at the end of the day, let’s see what works.”

Dr. Paul Saladino’s Perspective on Carnivore Cheat Days

When asked, “what about cheat meals?” Dr. Saladino replied, “I’m not a fan.”

His reasoning is that cheat meals frame the healthiest foods on earth in terms of scarcity and deprivation. When in reality, carnivore diet foods are the most satiating, satisfying, and nutrient-dense foods on earth.

If should be noted that Saladino practices a modified carnivore diet where 100% meat cleanses, sometimes with only raw meat and organ meats, are supplemented with low-toxin keto-friendly fruits, and honey.

According to Saladino, eating these foods is a privilege, and there’s no reason to eat crap when these are available.

Routine cheat days will only set you up for failure by making you resist cravings that you never completely overcome. Junk food should never be a reward for eating the best food on earth.

Carnivore foods are the reward!

You can listen to Dr. Saladino talk about his views on carnivore diet cheat days here:

And here’s what Dr. Saladino eats in a day:

Dr. Saladino’s Take on Cheat Days

“In short, I believe that framing “cheat food,” (which is usually junk food, let’s be honest) as a reward sabotages long term benefits from a species-appropriate human diet = an #AnimalBased diet.”

Don’t Beat Yourself up When you Do Cheat

On the standard American diet it is accurate to treat our relationship to food as the addiction that it is.

When confronting any addiction, falling off the wagon is par for the course and best treated with compassion, positivity, and understanding.

If you do slip up, gently notice any negative self-talk that comes up–feelings of shame and self-contempt can amplify the desire to numb and soothe with addictive substances–high-carb foods included.

Practice positive thinking by viewing your next carnivore meal as a way to quickly gain back your metabolic health and mental clarity.

Try gratitude journaling to point your thoughts and feelings in a constructive, supportive direction.

Carnivore Diet Cheat AKA "Treat" Day: 3 Carnivore Doctors Weigh In (4)

Carnivore Diet “Treat” Days: Dr. Kiltz’s Bottom Line

The key to success on the carnivore lifestyle, with or without cheat i.e. “treat” days, is to pay attention to your body, be honest about the severity of the ailments you may be attempting to overcome, and eat accordingly.

For someone who is metabolically healthy and disease-free, having a modified carnivore diet that includes high-quality yet non-carnivore foods here and there is harmless.

For people suffering aggressive autoimmune disorders, GI issues, and diabetes, sticking with a more strict Lion elimination diet, is likely the best approach until the issues have resolved.

If you’re just starting out on carnivore, it’s likely best to hold off on treat days until you’re fully adapted to a diet of fatty meat.

Treating yourself with high-carbfoods from the outset can make it difficult to overcome your carb addiction, sugar cravings, and adaptation side effects.

If you veer off your all-meat and all-animal food diet by eating fast food and processed junk like frozen pizza and supermarket cookies, you’re making it much harder to stick with wholesome ancestral foods–you’re basically practicing self-sabotage.

But if you’re truly adapted to carnivore, it’s likely that your mind and body won’t want anything to do with junk food, so junk cravings won’t be an issue. In this case, wholesome treats are metabolically fine, psychologically harmless, and likely supportive of your carnivore journey.

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Carnivore Diet Cheat AKA "Treat" Day: 3 Carnivore Doctors Weigh In (2024)


What happens if I have a cheat day on carnivore diet? ›

The introduction of foods outside the Carnivore Diet can lead to increased hunger, cravings, and a range of physical reactions that may include blood sugar spikes and digestive discomfort.

What do doctors think of the carnivore diet? ›

Fitness influencers swear by the 'carnivore diet'—it's 'basically a terrible idea,' doctor says. Beef, butter, bacon and eggs — that's what some influencers swear by for the “carnivore diet.” The diet beefs up on meat and minimizes or cuts out fruit and vegetables entirely.

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Remember, the carnivore diet is not a quick fix but a lifestyle change. It may take several weeks or even months for your body to fully adapt and for you to start seeing the carnivore diet before and after results you desire. So, keep in mind that patience and consistency are key.

How much weight can you lose on a carnivore diet in 30 days? ›

But personal reports show that Carnivores could lose 7kg (15.4 pounds) in 30 days, 121 lbs in 12 months, and so on. Generally, aiming to lose between 0.5 – 0.75% of your starting body weight can be realistic.

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While your metabolism may go up in the immediate aftermath of a splurge, it doesn't stay that way for long enough to make a significant difference. “Cheat day calories can add up fast and bring your weight loss progress to a screeching halt — or even reverse it,” Taylor warns.

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Following the Carnivore diet long-term could increase your risk for a number of serious health conditions, such as colorectal cancer and heart disease.

How unhealthy is the carnivore diet? ›

“The carnivore diet can increase the risk of disease because it is an acidic diet that is high in sodium that lacks in key nutrients responsible for optimal health,” Rydyger says. “The diet can also be high in saturated fat and LDL cholesterol.

Why do I feel so bad on the carnivore diet? ›

In the carnivore diet, fats become a primary source of energy. If you're not accustomed to a high-fat diet, this sudden change can result in feelings of nausea or even vomiting. This happens because your gallbladder and pancreas, responsible for producing bile and enzymes to digest fats, need to ramp up their activity.

How can I speed up my weight loss on carnivore? ›

How to Lose Weight on the Carnivore Diet: Additional Tips to Help You Shed Some Fat Fast
  1. Get a solid 8 hours of sleep each night. ...
  2. Increase your protein intake slightly if you're not seeing results. ...
  3. Add some intermittent fasting into your routine. ...
  4. Start incorporating more physical activity into your life.
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Inflammation and insulin resistance: Meat-heavy diets induce systemic inflammation and insulin resistance, critical in Alzheimer's pathology. Saturated fats in meat disrupt insulin function and promote inflammation, which is linked to brain aging.

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Although coffee is considered a plant-based drink, the carnivore diet allows for some flexibility with coffee, as long as there's a focus on quality and avoiding sugary additives in favor of blending with butter, ghee, raw milk, heavy cream, or a low-lactose milk.

What is the 80 20 rule for carnivore diet? ›

Some carnivore enthusiasts even go for an 80/20 carnivore diet. This means 80% fat and 20% protein — no carbs at all. This fat-to-protein ratio carnivore diet is typically for experienced people on a carnivore diet.

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Do You Lose Weight Faster On Keto Or Carnivore? Carnivore is more effective in quick weight loss than keto, as it completely cuts out carbs entirely whereas the ketogenic diet limits carb consumption. Because of this, your body is more likely to burn fat in less time with as a carnivore.

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During his initial 30-day carnivore experiment, Rogan witnessed several positive outcomes. He experienced a reduction in aches and pains, observed improvements in his vitiligo, and reported steady energy, weight loss and improved mental health.

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You can choose to stay carnivore until you meet your weight goal and then transition to a whole-food based, balanced food plan. Some people use carnivore as a strict way to jump start a new healthy eating plan. For example, you can try 10 days of carnivore before moving to keto or paleo (or a combination.)

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On the carnivore diet, you can eat an average amount of calories. Women can consume 1600-2000 calories daily, and men can consume 2000-3200 calories daily. 70-80% of your caloric intake should be from good fats, and 20-30% of your caloric intake should be from protein.

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What Are The Rules For The Carnivore Diet? The general rule is that you must stick to red meat, poultry, fish, and eggs while avoiding plant-based produce. While you can eat only small amounts of dairy, the rules are essentially to stick to the strict diet.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.