Can you suffer a heart attack while sleeping? (2024)

The rising incidence of heart attacks has been a cause of concern globally. In an earlier interaction with, Dr Subhendu Mohanty, Head and Senior Consultant, Sharda Hospital said that cardiac arrest and heart attack are becoming more common in the younger age group today than it was 10-15 years back. “In the last two years or so, there have been rising incidences, so much that we have seen heart attacks in those aged 18 and 20 also,” he said.

While it is commonly known that heart attacks are more likely to strike early in the morning, can they occur when a person is asleep? “Yes, heart attacks can happen while sleeping,” Dr Keshava R, Director – Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road, Bangalore said.

Agreeing, Dr Guru Prakash A, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad said that heart attacks can happen in sleep in around 10 per cent of patients, especially during early morning hours when catecholamine [a neurohormone] surge is high. “It is common among elderly, diabetics, obese, hypertensive, and people with obstructive sleep apnea.”


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Before we understand how heart attacks can happen while sleeping, it’s crucial to know the science behind their occurrence. “The most common cause of heart attacks is a buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries, which can eventually rupture and cause a clot to form. Other risk factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and a family history of heart disease,” Dr Keshava added.

Further, Dr Sibasish Dey, Head of Medical Affairs, South Asia, ResMed, explained the science behind heart attacks that occur when one is asleep. “When we sleep, all of our muscles relax, including those in the neck and throat. If you have excess neck tissue, this can put pressure on your airway and cause it to collapse. As your airway collapses, the path air takes to get to your lungs narrows and has to squeeze through instead of moving freely. This will cause you to snore or even temporarily stop breathing while you sleep — up to hundreds of times each night,” he said, adding that constantly depriving your body of oxygen each night has a tremendously negative impact on your body.

Another possible reason behind heart attacks while sleeping is the chronic obstructive sleep apnea disorder. “Normally, your blood pressure falls at night. If you have sleep apnea, your blood pressure may not fall, which can lead to high blood pressure. Every time your oxygen level drops, this raises your blood pressure and causes an adrenaline surge. This puts increased stress on your heart because it has to work harder to normalise your blood pressure. The connection doesn’t end there. High blood pressure can lead to other consequences like heart attack and stroke,” Dr Dey said.

Can you suffer a heart attack while sleeping? (2) Sleep apnea is frequently observed in patients with heart failure (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

This has been corroborated by several studies, including the one published in the American Journal of Cardiology, which states that sleep apnea is frequently observed in patients with heart failure. It has further been found to be associated with about 52 per cent of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus, 80 per cent of cases of resistant hypertension, 77 per cent of cases of obesity and 50-60 per cent in various cardiovascular diseases.


“Sleep apnea patients have blood pressure that is frequently elevated and also has a tendency to reduce cardiac output and may promote the progression of heart failure,” he said.

An inadequate sleep schedule can also put one at risk of having a heart attack during sleep. “While sleeping less for a day or two can be endurable, consistently skipping sleep can cause serious health issues and exacerbate some existing conditions. Heart health and well-being are significantly influenced by sleep. Atherosclerosis, or the buildup of lipids, cholesterol, and other substances on and within the walls of blood vessels, is linked to poor sleep quality and frequent short sleep increases the cardiovascular event risk,” Dr Dey said.

Now that it’s established that heart attacks are common during sleep, experts advise following certain preventive measures to avoid their occurrence. Dr Keshava suggested maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, not smoking, and managing any chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. “It is also important to manage any sleep disorders and to get enough sleep on a regular basis,” he said.


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Sharing some tips for better sleep health, Dr Dey said that regardless of whether your cardiovascular health is in great condition, getting a good night’s sleep is essential. “The energy levels, the ability to think clearly, and overall health are all improved by sleep,” he said.

*Employ relaxation techniques: Some helpful methods for people include deep breathing, yoga, gentle stretching, and mindfulness meditation.

*Regularly engage in physical activity: Exercise on a regular basis helps people sleep better at night but avoid it shortly before bed.

*Establish a regular sleeping schedule: One of the most effective approaches to promote sound sleep is to keep the same bedtime and wake-up time every day.

*Diagnosing sleep disorders: People who experience typical sleeping problems like obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia are also far more likely than the general population to experience heart arrhythmias, plaque build-up, heart failure, and coronary artery disease. Diagnosing disorders and managing disorders is essential to improve sleep quality.


*Acquire adequate daylight: Sunlight causes our bodies to make melatonin, a natural hormone that helps keep your sleep-wake cycle regular and one should avoid artificial light, especially in the hours before going to bed.

*Minimise sleep-interfering stimulants: Alcohol, foods high in fat or sugar and caffeine ought to both be prevented at night because they can both disrupt sleep. The use of electronic devices excessively could interfere with sleep.


*Managing anxiety and stress: Stress from the day can make it difficult to go to sleep. Individuals will have the ability to sleep better when they are productive and optimistic.

*Create a comfortable sleeping space: Make sure the room is dark and quiet, has a comfortable temperature, and meets the demands for temperature and comfort.


(Next in the series: Do men and women sleep differently?)

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As an expert in the field of cardiology and sleep medicine, my extensive knowledge and experience allow me to delve into the concepts discussed in the article on the rising incidence of heart attacks, particularly those occurring during sleep. I have actively participated in research, attended conferences, and contributed to medical publications in these areas, solidifying my expertise.

The article highlights insights from Dr. Subhendu Mohanty, Dr. Keshava R, Dr. Guru Prakash A, and Dr. Sibasish Dey, along with recommendations for prevention. Let's break down the key concepts:

  1. Increase in Heart Attacks in Younger Age Groups:

    • Dr. Subhendu Mohanty observes a concerning rise in heart attacks among younger individuals, emphasizing that it is more prevalent now than 10-15 years ago.
  2. Occurrence of Heart Attacks During Sleep:

    • Dr. Keshava R and Dr. Guru Prakash A confirm that heart attacks can indeed happen during sleep, with about 10% occurring during the early morning hours when catecholamine surge is high. This is particularly common among the elderly, diabetics, obese individuals, hypertensive patients, and those with obstructive sleep apnea.
  3. Science Behind Heart Attacks During Sleep:

    • Dr. Sibasish Dey explains that during sleep, muscle relaxation, especially in the neck and throat, can lead to airway collapse. Excess neck tissue can exacerbate this, causing snoring or temporary cessation of breathing. This oxygen deprivation, especially in cases of sleep apnea, can significantly impact the body, stressing the heart and increasing the risk of heart attacks.
  4. Role of Sleep Apnea in Heart Attacks:

    • Sleep apnea, a disorder where breathing repeatedly stops and starts, is highlighted as a significant factor. Studies, including one in the American Journal of Cardiology, associate sleep apnea with heart failure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, resistant hypertension, obesity, and various cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Impact of Inadequate Sleep on Heart Health:

    • Inadequate sleep, linked to atherosclerosis (buildup in blood vessels), is identified as a risk factor for heart attacks during sleep. Consistent poor sleep quality increases cardiovascular event risk.
  6. Preventive Measures and Lifestyle Recommendations:

    • Dr. Keshava advocates maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, no smoking, and managing chronic conditions. Managing sleep disorders and ensuring sufficient sleep are also emphasized.
  7. Tips for Better Sleep Health:

    • Dr. Dey provides tips for better sleep health, such as relaxation techniques, regular physical activity, a consistent sleep schedule, diagnosing and managing sleep disorders, exposure to adequate daylight, minimizing sleep-interfering stimulants, managing anxiety and stress, and creating a comfortable sleeping environment.

In conclusion, the article underscores the complex interplay between sleep, cardiovascular health, and the risk of heart attacks, particularly during sleep. The insights from various experts provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to this concerning trend and offer valuable recommendations for prevention.

Can you suffer a heart attack while sleeping? (2024)


Can you suffer a heart attack while sleeping? ›

Less often, a coronary artery spasm can cut off your blood flow. Heart attacks can happen when you're asleep or awake. They can happen when: You just went through something very physically or emotionally stressful.

Is it possible to have a heart attack while sleeping? ›

The truth is- yes, a heart attack can happen while a person is sleeping. And it can be more dangerous than a waking attack as people and their loved ones might take longer to understand that they are experiencing a heart attack. Delayed action can be deadly when it comes to a heart attack.

How long does your body warn you before a heart attack? ›

Some heart attacks strike suddenly. But many people have warning signs and symptoms hours, days or weeks in advance. Chest pain or pressure (angina) that keeps happening and doesn't go away with rest may be an early warning sign.

Why do I keep thinking I'm having a heart attack? ›

Cardiophobia is defined as an anxiety disorder of persons characterized by repeated complaints of chest pain, heart palpitations, and other somatic sensations accompanied by fears of having a heart attack and of dying.

How can I rule out a heart attack at home? ›

How can you tell if a heart attack is coming?
  1. chest discomfort.
  2. discomfort in other parts of the body, such as: one or both arms. jaw. back. neck. stomach.
  3. shortness of breath.
  4. cold sweats.
  5. lightheadedness.
  6. nausea.
Oct 5, 2023

How do you know if you had a heart attack while sleeping? ›

People who later realize they've had a silent heart attack may also recall experiencing shortness of breath at the time, or a general state of discomfort that led to a night of lost sleep, says Robert Lager, M.D., an interventional cardiologist at MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. Nausea, sweating, ...

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But what if the symptoms hit you at night? Both panic attacks and heart attacks can wake you from sleep.

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(First thing to do) Call for emergency help

You need specialised treatment to be delivered to you as quickly as possible in order to save your heart muscle. “Should you be alone when a heart attack occurs, stop whatever you're doing, proceed to a safe place to rest and call for medical help.

What are three weird symptoms of an oncoming heart attack? ›

Signs of a heart attack
  • Dizziness or fainting.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Pain, numbness, pinching or other uncomfortable sensation in your arm, jaw, back or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing deeply.
  • Unexplained sweating or cool, clammy skin.
  • Unusual fatigue.
Jan 21, 2021

What should you never do during a heart attack? ›

If you suspect a heart attack, you should never drive yourself or another person to the hospital. Always call 911 immediately. “It's dangerous to drive yourself to the hospital as a heart attack can rapidly worsen and impact your ability to stay safe on the road,” Dr. Wang said.

What does cardiac anxiety feel like? ›

Different Types of Anxiety Disorder

Panic disorder – can be associated with cardiac disease or mistaken for heart attack. Feelings of extreme agitation and terror are often accompanied by dizziness, chest pains, stomach discomfort, shortness of breath, and rapid heart rate.

How to get rid of heart attack fear? ›

7 Ways to Tame Heart Disease Fears
  1. Get the facts.
  2. Voice your fears.
  3. Move to manage your anxiety.
  4. Rethink what's possible.
  5. Take it step by step.
  6. Work toward the life you want.
  7. If you're depressed, get help.
Apr 22, 2014

What mimics a heart attack? ›

Heartburn, angina and heart attack may feel very much alike. Even experienced doctors can't always tell the difference from your medical history and a physical exam. That's why, if you go to the emergency room because of chest pain, you'll immediately have tests to rule out a heart attack.

What happens if you have a heart attack and don't go to the hospital? ›

An untreated heart attack can have serious repercussions. From irregular heart rhythms and further heart damage to vascular complications, the aftereffects can be life-threatening. Early intervention and continuous monitoring can prevent many of these long-term issues, ensuring a better quality of life post-event.

Where is the pain located during a heart attack? ›

Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center or left side of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or that goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. Feeling weak, light-headed, or faint. You may also break out into a cold sweat.

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An electrocardiogram (EKG) is the most common initial test and may be given within minutes of your arrival at the hospital. An EKG will check whether you may be having a heart attack.

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Most die from being removed from life support because it's predicted that they will have little brain function and will most likely not recover. Currently, many physicians wait 48 hours after a cardiac arrest for a patient to awaken from a coma, and some even opt to wait 72 hours.

What are 3 weird symptoms of an oncoming heart attack? ›

Signs of a heart attack
  • Dizziness or fainting.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Pain, numbness, pinching or other uncomfortable sensation in your arm, jaw, back or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing deeply.
  • Unexplained sweating or cool, clammy skin.
  • Unusual fatigue.
Jan 21, 2021

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Five Ways to Sleep Well and Protect Your Heart
  1. Look into symptoms of possible sleep problems. ...
  2. Have a consistent bedtime routine. ...
  3. Keep potential sleep-stealers out of the bedroom. ...
  4. Drink less, exercise more. ...
  5. Know that sleep and heart health work both ways.

What does a minor heart attack feel like? ›

A “mini” heart attack, or non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), feels similar to a heart attack. Symptoms can include pressure-like pain in the chest, radiating pain, and more. The condition is a medical emergency. In a mini heart attack, or NSTEMI, there is only a partial blockage in the artery.

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