Can I take AP courses in 9th grade? – AP Students (2024)


Yes, as long as you are prepared to complete college-level work. Read more about prerequisites and other rules. AP Human Geography is a popular AP course for 9th grade, and AP Seminar, AP Computer Science Principles, AP European History, and AP World History are popular for 10th.

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Can I take AP courses in 9th grade? – AP Students (2024)


Can I take AP courses in 9th grade? – AP Students? ›

Yes, as long as you are prepared to complete college-level work. Read more about prerequisites and other rules. AP Human Geography is a popular AP course for 9th grade, and AP Seminar, AP Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science Principles is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester course in computing. Assessment for AP Computer Science Principles is divided into two parts, both an end of course exam as well as the creation of artifacts throughout the course. › AP_Computer_Science_Principles
, AP European History, and AP World History are popular for 10th.

Can you take an AP class in 9th grade? ›

Most California (and out-of-state) high schools do not offer AP courses to 9th graders and Honors courses tend to be very limited for 9th graders (UCs do not approve any Honors courses for 9th grade and only approves a very limited number of Honors courses for 10th grade; if you are attending a California high school, ...

Is it possible to take AP classes as a freshman? ›

AP isn't just for juniors and seniors. In fact, over one million 9th and 10th grade students took AP courses last year. By starting AP classes earlier you'll build important skills that will help you succeed throughout high school and beyond.

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The students who are most successful in these courses are academically prepared and highly motivated. To help students transition to high school and the AP program, there will be 9th grade sections of AP Human Geography and AP Biology available.

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Who can take AP exams? High school students worldwide have the opportunity to take AP exams. In general, it's recommended that students in 11th and 12th grade seriously consider taking these exams. However, there are cases in which students in 9th or 10th grade may choose to take AP exams.

Why can't I take AP classes in 9th grade? ›

Some high schools don't allow 9th graders to take AP classes, which the College Board fully supports. But if you're able to, and feeling up to it, take one of the easier ones. AP Psychology and AP Environmental Science are usually regarded as having lighter loads.

How many AP classes should you take in 9th grade? ›

When Should I Take AP Classes?
GradeRecommended Number of AP Classes to Take
9th Grade0
10th Grade1-3
11th Grade3-5
12th Grade3-6

Why can't freshmen take AP? ›

Taking AP classes as a freshman is definitely possible, but it depends on your school's policies and your individual academic readiness. Some high schools do offer AP courses for freshmen, while others have grade level requirements or prerequisites that need to be met before enrolling in those courses.

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Some high schools let any student enroll in an AP course as long as the student has taken the recommended prerequisite courses. Other high schools have additional rules—for example, you might have to pass a placement test to enroll in an AP course. Ask your counselor what the process is at your school.

Is 2 AP classes enough freshman year? ›

The entire decision of taking AP classes in Freshman year is on you. However, if you are, remember not to overburden yourself. Therefore, take up to two AP classes in your Freshman Year. Try to take one science and one social science subject if that interests you.

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AP® isn't just for juniors and seniors. In fact, some of the most popular courses are often taken by 9th and 10th graders.

What is the hardest AP class? ›

United States History, Biology, English Literature, Calculus BC, Physics C, and Chemistry are often named as the hardest AP classes and tests. These classes have large curriculums, tough tests, and conceptually difficult material.

Should a freshman take AP Bio? ›

Since AP Biology is conceptually complex, teachers recommend taking this course in the latter years of high school after satisfying introductory science courses. In fact, some schools require that students complete first-year courses in chemistry, biology, and physics before taking AP Biology.

Can homeschool kids take AP? ›

Yes, homeschooled students are eligible to take Advanced Placement exams. However, it is the responsibility of the homeschooling parent to coordinate with a local school.

When should kids start taking AP classes? ›

Most students have their first chance to take an AP class in their junior year. The AP curriculum, administered by the College Board, consists of standardized high school courses that are roughly equivalent to undergraduate college courses.

Should my son take AP classes? ›

If your child really wants to attend college but lacks some of the skills necessary to handle a college-level workload, the AP program offers the challenges of college academics, without the cost of college tuition. AP courses can help to instill the needed work ethic and study skills before your child attends college.

Is 9 AP classes in high school good? ›

Nine AP courses is more than enough to go anywhere assuming that you did well on the AP tests. You probably could get by with six.

What is the minimum grade for AP exam? ›

Students can score a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on the AP Exam, and a 3 is considered passing. Post-secondary institutions that offer college credit for AP Exam scores typically begin offering credit to students with a score of 3 or higher.

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The AP designation may only be applied to courses offered at or above the ninth-grade level that have received authorization through the annual AP Course Audit process. The AP label cannot be affixed to courses and transcripts earlier than ninth grade.

Can you take AP in high school? ›

What Are AP Classes? AP classes allow high school students to take more rigorous courses. Additionally, if they score well on the accompanying AP test, they can earn college credit and/or bypass some general education requirements once they enroll in college.

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