Can I Substitute Dried Beans for Canned? (2024)

"I tend to cook with dry beans, but most recipes call for canned. Is there a reliable ratio to convert between the two?"

"I see that you have a lot of recipes that involved canned beans, but I usually only have dried beans on hand. I'd love to cook them, but I'm wondering if there's a formula to help me convert from canned to dried? Does it vary by bean type?"

I have an admission: I'm a bean snob. More than anything else, that means I vastly prefer dried beans to canned ones, and I'm willing to take the time to soak and cook them for just about any recipe. Still, I understand the advantages of canned. They're almost always perfectly cooked (which, admittedly, isn't guaranteed to be the case when you start with dried), and, most importantly, they're incredibly fast and convenient. It's no surprise, then, that so many recipes call for canned—I mean, let's be honest, most people are way more likely to make a 25-minute recipe than one that takes 2 hours and 25 minutes plus an overnight soak.

But for those of us who do want to use dried beans, what do we do when a recipe calls for canned (or, in rarer cases, vice versa)? Is there any rule of thumb that holds for all types of beans?

The answer is ultimately pretty simple: once you recognize that canned beans are just cooked beans, you're really looking for a consistent, reliable ratio between dried beans and cooked ones.

"Most dried beans slightly more than double in both volumeandweight once cooked."

To work out that ratio, I started by taking six different varieties of dried beans—cannellini beans, red kidney beans, pinto beans, black beans, chickpeas, and black-eyed peas—and measured their volumes and weights both before and after cooking. (For more on how to cook dried beans, take a look at our step-by-step guide.) The good news is, while the conversions aren't perfectly consistent, they're close enough that we can come up with a handy rule of thumb: Most dried beans slightly more than double in both volume and weight once cooked.

One pound of dried cannellini beans, for instance, measured just about 3 cups; after they were cooked and drained, they weighed 2 pounds 8 ounces and measured 6 1/2 cups. That held true, give or take an ounce here or there, for red kidney beans, and pinto beans. Black beans was in line with these weight-wise, but filled 7 cups after they were cooked.

Chickpeas and black-eyed peas didn't work quite the same way. One pound of chickpeas more than tripled in weight, and had a more significant volume increase (going from a little under 3 cups dried to 7 cups once cooked). Black-eyed peas, meanwhile, went from 1 pound dried to 2 pounds 13 ounces once cooked and drained, though volume stayed consistent with the other beans, swelling from a little under 3 cups dried to 6 1/2 cups once cooked.

In practice, this means that if a recipe calls for cooked beans and you want to use dried, you should be safe using half the specified amount. You may end up with a little extra, but it's better that than to come up short (and frankly, in many recipes, you can just toss 'em in for good measure). I'd even apply that rule to the outliers like chickpeas and black-eyed peas, because heck, does it ever hurt to have extra of either?

Finally, to answer the part about the can: The most common can size for beans is about 15 ounces, which, once drained, contains approximately 1.5 cups or 9 ounces of beans (this holds across all bean types I tested). So for a recipe that calls for one 15-ounce can of beans, you can cook 3/4 cup (4.5 ounces) of the dried version and be in the ballpark. Conversely, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of dried beans, you'll need to buy two 15-ounce cans to have the 2+ cups worth of cooked beans the recipe will eventually yield.

Type of BeanWeight DriedEquivalent Cooked
Cannellini1 pound2 lb. 8 oz. (6.5 cups)
Chickpeas1 pound3 lb. 4 oz. (7 cups)
Red Kidney1 pound2 lb. 7 oz. (6.5 cups)
Pinto1 pound2 lb. 5 oz. (6.5 cups)
Black1 pound2 lb. 5 oz. (7 cups)
Black-Eyed Peas1 pound2 lb. 13 oz. (6.5 cups)

Bonus Observation: Most of my beans looked pretty similar to their canned equivalents, but I was surprised to see how different my home-cooked red kidney beans were from the canned. Sadly for a bean snob like me, my beans don't look nearly as good—and I have a lot of experience cooking beans.

Can I Substitute Dried Beans for Canned? (1)

I'm not sure what sorcery Goya used to make their canned red kidney beans retain so much beautiful color, but sorcery it was, indeed! For those of you noticing that my beans are also more broken, that's most likely because the dried beans I bought were old—the older they get, the less evenly they cook, and sometimes you have to overcook some to ensure the rest aren't still crunchy. Crunchy beans are definitely worse than overcooked beans, IMHO.

Can I Substitute Dried Beans for Canned? (2024)


How many dry beans equals a can? ›

A heaping 1/2 cup of dried beans = one 15-ounce can of beans. 1 1/2 cups of cooked beans, drained = one 15-ounce can of beans. 1 1/2 pounds dried beans = one #10 can of cooked beans (109 ounces)

How much dried beans equals one can of beans? ›

One (15 oz.) can of beans is equivalent to about 1 2/3 – 2 cups of cooked dried beans. Most recipes call for 1 (15 oz.) can of beans.

Why use dry beans instead of canned? ›

Using dried beans lets you control the sodium.

Beans are super healthy, full of vitamins and minerals, protein-packed, and fiber-rich. But canned beans can be high in sodium, which is a problem for those with high blood pressure and those who want to avoid it.

How many canned beans equal 1 pound dried? ›

If you don't have dried beans, you can substitute canned. For every pound of dried beans called for...'ll need 58 ounces of canned beans (3 or 4 cans, depending on size).

What is the equivalent of 15 oz can of beans to dry beans? ›

One 15-ounce can of drained canned beans equals 1 1/2 cups of drained cooked dried beans.

Is it cheaper to buy dried or canned beans? ›

Dry beans cost less per serving than canned beans. For example, a one pound bag of dry pinto beans costs, on average, $1.79 and will make 12-½ cup servings of cooked beans whereas a 15 oz. can of national brand pinto beans costs $1.69, a store brand can costs $1.19, and each provides 3.5-½ cup servings.

How much does 1/2 cup dried beans make cooked? ›

1/2 cup or 113.40 grams of cooked beans).

Do beans double in size when soaked? ›

Note: Make sure you use a pot large enough, since beans expand to double or triple their size when soaked and cooked. 1 CUP DRY BEANS MAKES ABOUT 3 CUPS COOKED BEANS.

How much dried beans equals 2 cups cooked? ›

Bean Counting: The Bean Yield Chart
One pound bag of dry beans=2 cups dry beans
One pound bag of dry beans=6 cups cooked beans, drained
One cup of dry beans=3 cups cooked beans, drained
½ cup cooked beans, drained=1 serving of beans
One 15-oz. can of beans=1.75 cups cooked beans, drained
1 more row

Should dry beans be rinsed before cooking? ›

Dried beans last up to two years, but are best cooked within a year of harvest. Always rinse beans before cooking, and check for stray rocks, twigs and leaves. Leave substantial time for bean soaking (either overnight or using our shortcut method) and cooking.

Do dry beans need to be rinsed? ›

Rinsing and sorting beans is the initial step in cooking dried beans. This simply involves rinsing your beans, peas or lentils in a colander or strainer to get rid of field dust and dirt, and then sorting – moving them around with your hands to remove any stray pebbles, twigs or imperfect beans.

Should you put baking soda in dried beans? ›

Your Beans Will Cook Faster

Well, creating an alkaline (or basic) environment by adding a small amount (about 1 teaspoon per cup of dry beans) of baking soda to your soaking/cooking water can actually help your beans cook faster.

How many dried beans equals 2 cans? ›

So for a recipe that calls for one 15-ounce can of beans, you can cook 3/4 cup (4.5 ounces) of the dried version and be in the ballpark. Conversely, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of dried beans, you'll need to buy two 15-ounce cans to have the 2+ cups worth of cooked beans the recipe will eventually yield.

How long to soak dried beans? ›

Soak the beans a minimum of 6 hours and any time up until 10 hours. What you are really looking for is the skin to easily slide away from the bean and to be able to squeeze the bean and have it be somewhat soft and ready to cook. This quick soaking method makes prepping dry beans a breeze.

Are canned beans or dried beans healthier? ›

Are dried beans better for you than canned beans? The short answer is yes: Dried beans are more nutritionally dense, with more protein, fiber, iron, potassium and magnesium, and less sodium than canned beans. Still, rinsed canned beans are a close second.

How much dry beans make 16 oz cooked? ›

A 16-ounce bag of dried beans yields roughly 5 or 6 cups of cooked beans, while a 15-ounce can of cooked beans yields roughly 1 1/2 cups.

How much water do I need for 16 oz dry beans? ›

16 ounces (1lb) dry beans, about 2 cups. Water. 2 teaspoons salt.

How much dry black beans equals 15 oz can? ›

One (15-ounce) can of black beans equals approximately 1 1/2 cups of cooked beans or 1/2 cup of dried beans. 1 (1-lb) bag of dried black beans (Target brand) is $0.99. One (1-lb) bag of dried black beans contains approximately 2 cups of dried beans. Once cooked, this equals approximately 6 cups of cooked black beans.

Are dry beans worth the effort? ›

If you have the time, it's really worth the effort to make your own beans at home. Not only do they taste worlds better than their canned counterparts, you also get the bonus of a potful of delicious bean broth, which you can use to add flavor to soups and stews (or, uh, just drink straight out of the ladle).

How do you prepare dry beans for cooking? ›

How to Cook Dried Beans
  1. Sort and wash the beans. Pick through the beans and discard and shriveled beans or debris you find. ...
  2. Soak the beans. ...
  3. Drain the beans and add them to a pot with aromatics. ...
  4. Simmer the beans until they're tender. ...
  5. Cool the beans and store them in their cooking liquid.

Is chili better with dried beans? ›

Soaking Beans Before Adding Them To Chili Gives The Dish A Heartier Texture. Dried beans, on the other hand, give a thicker and more flavorful chili. If you have the time, you should soak the beans overnight before adding them to the pot.

How many servings does 1 cup of dry beans make? ›

One cup dry beans = three cups cooked beans, drained. One pound dry beans = six cups cooked beans, drained One pound of dry beans makes about 9 servings of baked beans or 12 servings of bean soup. At the grocery store, what should I look for in dry beans?

What is the ratio of water to dry beans? ›

Add 3 cups clean water for every 1 cup of dry beans. Bring to a boil; turn the heat down to low and cook slowly until tenter - about 2 hours. Check the beans often to make sure there is enough water in the pot, if not add more water and continue to cook.

Is 2 cups of beans too much? ›

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommends eating about 3 cups of legumes—like pinto, kidney, or black beans—per week. If you eat about ½ cup of beans every day, you'll meet the weekly Dietary Guidelines for beans.

Why do you discard water after soaking beans? ›

Finally, soaking beans helps them to cook up in about half the time. So after the beans have soaked for a while, the soaking water now contains these elements that you are trying to eliminate by soaking the beans in the first place. And this is why the bean water is discarded.

Why do you add vinegar to beans? ›

Wait until the beans are tender but not quite done to add a splash of apple cider vinegar and a couple teaspoons of salt to the pot. The apple cider vinegar breaks down indigestible sugars to help digestion and also brightens the flavor of the beans without the need for excess salt.

Should you throw away bean soaking water? ›

Myth 2: Dry Beans Must Be Cooked in Fresh Water

Takeaway: You still don't have to soak. But if you do soak the beans, don't throw out the water. Just cook beans in their soaking liquid.

How many cups does 1 pound of dry pinto beans make? ›

How many cups of pinto beans are in a pound? There are approximately 2 cups of dry beans in a pound, but it's okay to not be exact! As long as you have enough water to cover the beans by ~1 inch, you don't have to be precise with the amount of beans you use.

What can I put in beans to prevent gas? ›

To cut down on the gassy properties, you can add a little baking soda to your recipe. The baking soda helps break down some of the beans' natural gas-making sugars.

Do you soak dry beans in hot or cold water? ›

Hot soaking is the preferred method since it reduces cooking time, helps dissolve some of the gas-causing substances in beans, and most consistently produces tender beans. Quick Soak. This is the fastest method. In a large pot, add 6 cups of water for each pound (2 cups) of dry beans.

What happens if I don't rinse my beans? ›

Not rinsing the beans first.

Not only is this liquid extra starchy, but it's also usually full of sodium. Unless a recipe specifically calls for using this liquid, it won't be a welcome addition to your dish.

Does soaking beans reduce gas? ›

While not every recipe calls for soaking beans before cooking them, if beans give you gas, soaking can help. Soaking overnight and then discarding the soaking water leaches out sugars in beans that are responsible for gas production.

Why remove broken beans? ›

In addition to the natural things found in dried beans that shouldn't be, you also need to sort beans to get out the “bad beans”. The meal you worked so hard on doesn't need any of these unsavory things in it so they must be removed.

Can you leave beans soaking too long? ›

It is possible to soak beans for too long before cooking. Beans should soak for 8 to 10 hours overnight. If they are soaked for longer than 12 hours, they can lose their familiar flavor and become overly mushy. For the best result, refrain from soaking them for too long.

What is the best seasoning for dry beans? ›

Seasoning Dried Beans

Dried beans cooked with sea salt and water are delicious, but adding an onion, garlic, or other aromatics to the pot will make them even more flavorful! These simple additions turn the starchy bean cooking liquid into a fragrant broth that's just as tasty as the beans themselves.

What happens if you put too much baking soda in beans? ›

Along with brining and soaking, baking soda can work wonders on beans, saving you up to an hour of cooking time. Just be sure not to add more than a pinch—too much and the beans can end up tasting soapy and unpleasant.

Why do people put a potato in beans? ›

She put in a whole potato in the pot as well while boiling them supposedly for the purpose of "absorbing" the gas from the beans. The result is that the beans are supposed to make you less gassy but if you eat the potato you'll get super gassy.

How many cups does 2 cups of dried pinto beans make? ›

A 1-pound bag of dried beans contains 2 cups dried beans. Dried beans triple in size when cooked, so those 2 cups of dried beans will turn into 6 cups of cooked beans. A 15-oz. can of beans contains roughly 2 cups of cooked beans.

Is it better to soak beans overnight or boil them? ›

However, beans soaked overnight cook much faster, around 35-40 minutes. Soaked beans are firmer and fewer beans will burst or split open while cooking. The dish will taste way better. And here's a fun fact - soaked beans are easier to digest!

Do you cover beans with a lid when soaking overnight? ›

Soaking beans helps to ensure tenderness and reduce the cook time. I'd recommend soaking your beans all day or overnight (you're aiming for 8-12 hours), covered, in cool water that covers them by 2 to 3 inches. Unless your kitchen is very warm or it's the thick of summer, you can do this at room temperature.

Is 6 hours enough to soak beans? ›

Most beans require several hours of soaking. See Soaking Time Chart below. Add enough cold water to cover 3 inches above the beans. Soak for 6 to 8 hours or overnight.

Can you live on beans and rice? ›

Still, if rice and beans is all you've got, it's a pretty decent choice. But "you're not going to have a complete diet," she says. The combo lacks Vitamin C and other essential nutrients. "It's extremely important that you eat meat and vegetables," Campos says.

What is the difference between canned beans and dried beans? ›

One of the bigger nutritional difference between dried beans and canned beans is that canned beans have more sodium. Draining and rinsing will remove 41% of the sodium (and make you less gassy), but there will still be more sodium than in dried beans.

Which bean is the healthiest? ›

Garbanzo Beans

Perhaps considered to be the healthiest variety of beans on the shelves of your local grocery store is the garbanzo bean. Particularly high in fiber, iron, and protein, garbanzo beans are a great bean of choice for reducing your risk of heart disease, as studies have found.

How many cups does 1 cup of dry beans make? ›

As a general rule, 1 cup dried beans makes about 3 cups cooked. Above, from left: cranberry beans, lentils, black beans, chickpeas, red kidney beans, split peas, pinto beans and cannellini beans. Adzuki: These small, scarlet beans cook quickly, with a sweet flavor.

How much is a 2 can of beans? ›

A #2 can holds 1 pound 4 ounces, or 2 ½ cups.

How many cups of cooked beans does 2 cups dry make? ›

Bean Counting: The Bean Yield Chart
One pound bag of dry beans=2 cups dry beans
One cup of dry beans=3 cups cooked beans, drained
½ cup cooked beans, drained=1 serving of beans
One 15-oz. can of beans=1.75 cups cooked beans, drained
One 15-oz. can of beans=3.5 servings of beans
1 more row

How many cups of beans do I need for 4 people? ›

One standard-sized can of beans is about two cups (or four servings), so a one-pound bag of beans will make three cans' worth, or 12 servings.

Can you use dry beans in chili? ›

If you plan to use dried beans for your chili, there are two ways to rehydrate them. The easiest is to soak the beans in room-temperature water overnight or for approximately eight hours. Be sure that the beans are completely covered by at least three to four inches of water.

Why is it called a number 10 can? ›

The term "#10" does not mean that the contents will weigh 10 pounds, the #10 refers to the type of can that is used. The actual weight and volume of the contents will vary depending on the product. On average, the #10 can will hold 109 oz. To help you visualize, your average soup can is #2 can.

How many grams dried black beans equal a 400g can? ›

If you need to use dried kidney beans instead then the rule of thumb is that dried beans roughly triple in weight when cooked. A 400g can of kidney beans yields about 240g of drained beans, so you will need to use about 80g dried beans per can (so for 4 cans use 320g dried beans).

How many cups is 1lb dry black beans? ›

Dried (raw) black beans: 1 pound = 16 ounces = scant 2 1/2 cups. 1 pound dried black beans = 6 cups cooked black beans = four 15-ounce cans of cooked black beans.

How many servings is 2 lb of dried beans? ›

A 2-pound bag of dry pinto beans is about 24 servings (½ cup) after cooking.

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