Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter? | Hill's Pet (2024)

Dogs go nuts for this treat, but can cats eat peanut butter? Like some human foods, peanut butter can be eaten safely in moderation, but the answer to the question, "Can cats have peanut butter?" is a little more complicated than "yes" or "no."

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

Although many cats love the taste of this salty and sweet spread, cat parents should avoid giving their feline friends peanut butter. It provides no nutritional value and, more importantly, certain ingredients, like fat and added artificial sweeteners, can be harmful or even toxic to cats.

Problematic Ingredients

If you choose to feed your cat peanut butter, carefully read labels and familiarize yourself with problematic ingredients.

  • Xylitol: When natural peanuts are processed into peanut butter, there are added ingredients that can be hazardous to your cat's health. One such ingredient is xylitol, an artificial sweetener that's toxic to animals. You shouldn't feed your cat products that contain xylitol. Signs of xylitol poisoning include vomiting, drooling, lethargy, balance issues and even seizures, says Xylitol pops up in other human foods, like baked goods and chewing gum, which is why reading labels is extremely important.
  • Oil and Fat: Peanuts, despite their name, aren't nuts at all; they're legumes, which are edible seeds grown in pods, like green peas (their above-ground cousin), lentils and other beans. Nutritionally, however, peanuts are considered a nut and contain high amounts of oil and fat. According to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), nuts are near the top of the list of people foods to avoid feeding your pet. Although they can be beneficial for humans, these ingredients aren't pet-friendly and can lead to gastrointestinal issues.
  • Sodium: Natural peanuts don't contain any sodium, but roasted peanuts, found in many peanut butters, are high in sodium (and oil). Avoid feeding your cat salty foods, explains the ASPCA, because when ingested in large amounts, your cat could experience vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and/or urination and even depression, seizures and other serious health problems. Much like cats eating cheese, the sodium in human foods can also contribute to heart issues.

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter? | Hill's Pet (1)When Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

Ideally, you should avoid feeding your cat peanut butter and foods containing it because it poses more health risks than health benefits. Peanut butter tends to be a fan favorite for dog parents for hiding medication or providing a fun snack, but it shouldn't be considered a go-to treat for your cat.

If peanut butter is the only way your cat will ingest their medicine, serve them a very small portion of all-natural peanut butter that doesn't contain xylitol. Portion size matters: A small portion of human food can equal an entire meal for a cat. A tablespoon of peanut butter, for example, would exceed your cat's daily caloric intake, so "stick to a lick" when feeding it to your cat.

Healthy Cat Snacking

Can cats have peanut butter? Yes, but, instead, it's a good idea to give your furry friend alternative treats like cat food with ingredients that provide balanced nutrition. You can hide pills, tablets or even liquid medicine in a ball of wet cat food, and it won't stick to the roof of your cat's mouth like peanut butter.

Sticking to food formulated specifically for your cat can ensure that they meet their proper caloric intake and stay happy and healthy for a long time.

Contributor Bio

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter? | Hill's Pet (2)

Christine O'Brien

Christine Brovelli-O'Brien, Ph.D., is an award-winning writer, long-time cat mom to four felines, and a professional member of the Cat Writers' Association (CWA). Find and follow her on Instagram @brovelliobrien or at

I'm Christine Brovelli-O'Brien, Ph.D., an award-winning writer, and a dedicated cat enthusiast with extensive knowledge in feline care and behavior. As a professional member of the Cat Writers' Association (CWA) and a long-time cat parent to four furry companions, I've immersed myself in understanding the intricacies of providing optimal care for cats.

The article you presented discusses the question, "Can cats eat peanut butter?" Let me delve into the concepts covered in the article and provide additional information:

  1. Peanut Butter and Cats:

    • The article correctly points out that while some cats may enjoy the taste of peanut butter, it is not a recommended treat for them.
  2. Nutritional Value:

    • The article highlights that peanut butter provides no nutritional value for cats. Cats have specific dietary requirements, and feeding them foods with no nutritional benefit can lead to health issues.
  3. Problematic Ingredients:

    • Xylitol: The article rightly warns about the dangers of xylitol, an artificial sweetener found in some peanut butter brands, which is toxic to cats and can lead to severe health issues.
    • Oil and Fat: It mentions the high oil and fat content in peanuts, which, while suitable for humans, can cause gastrointestinal problems in cats.
  4. Sodium Content:

    • The article discusses the high sodium content in roasted peanuts, a common ingredient in peanut butter, and warns against feeding cats salty foods due to potential health problems.
  5. Portion Control:

    • Emphasizing the importance of portion control, the article suggests that even a small amount of peanut butter can exceed a cat's daily caloric intake, highlighting the need to be cautious about the quantity fed to cats.
  6. Medication Administration:

    • The article acknowledges that some cat parents use peanut butter to administer medication. It suggests using a small portion of all-natural peanut butter without xylitol if this method is necessary.
  7. Healthy Alternatives:

    • Recommending alternative treats, the article suggests using cat food with balanced nutrition to hide medication, ensuring that cats receive the necessary caloric intake for their well-being.
  8. Contributor Bio:

    • The contributor, Christine Brovelli-O'Brien, holds a Ph.D. and is a recognized writer with a deep passion for cats. Her expertise and commitment to feline welfare are evident through her affiliation with the Cat Writers' Association.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the potential risks associated with feeding cats peanut butter, emphasizing the importance of understanding the ingredients and making informed choices for the well-being of our feline friends.

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter? | Hill's Pet (2024)
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