Can a wizard cast goodberry? - Rules & Game Mechanics - Dungeons & Dragons Discussion - D&D Beyond Forums (2024)

Can a wizard cast goodberry?

  • #1 Feb 28, 2020

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    My thoughts no. Unless given by dm for whatever reason.

    On facebook a guy is arguing thurgy but all I find for that is clerics.

    Just curious if theres an officially made way for wizard to have goodberry. Not a homebrew.

    Public Mod Note (Sedge): Moved from General

  • #2 Feb 28, 2020


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    The Magic Initiate feat allows you to choose one 1st level spell and 2 cantrips from either the bard, cleric, wizard, warlock, or druid spell list (all three from the same list). You can cast the cantrips at will as normal and the 1st level spell once per long rest. So a wizard can take magic initiate Druid, choose goodberry and also gain access the ever useful guidance cantrip (plus one other Druid cantrip of your choice).

    Last edited by Kandoruus: Feb 28, 2020

  • #3 Feb 28, 2020


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    Take the “Magic Initiate (Druid)” feat and choose Goodberry as your first level spell.

    DCI: 3319125026

  • #4 Feb 28, 2020


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    Quote from graphicnovel >>

    My thoughts no. Unless given by dm for whatever reason.

    On facebook a guy is arguing thurgy but all I find for that is clerics.

    Just curious if theres an officially made way for wizard to have goodberry. Not a homebrew.

    The theurgy wizard is a 3 year old playtest subclass that was dropped and archived because giving wizards cleric spells is unbalanced.

    So that Facebook guy is basically saying "they can if you don't follow the rule books.'

  • #5 Feb 28, 2020


    • Master Trickster
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    I feel really bad fo the parties cleric because the ranger in my group just keeps using good berry and we have no need for healing now. Good berry is game breaking if you ask me.

  • #6 Feb 28, 2020

    Goodberry is a great spell, but it's no where near as good as Cure Wounds is. It's great for bringing someone who is at 0 HP up to 1 HP so they're alive and able to fight, but one hit or failed saving throw and the person is unconscious again. Compare that to Cure Wounds cast at 3rd level.

  • #7 Feb 28, 2020


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    Quote from Tim >>

    Goodberry is a great spell, but it's no where near as good as Cure Wounds is. It's great for bringing someone who is at 0 HP up to 1 HP so they're alive and able to fight, but one hit or failed saving throw and the person is unconscious again. Compare that to Cure Wounds cast at 3rd level.

    If you're a Life Cleric with the Magic Initiate feat, Goodberry will easily outheal any other level one healing spell out of combat. :-)

    Even without the life cleric bonus, 10 HP guaranteed is still more than Cure Wounds will usually heal.

  • #8 Feb 28, 2020


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    Quote from DragonbornDM23 >>

    I feel really bad fo the parties cleric because the ranger in my group just keeps using good berry and we have no need for healing now.

    You feel bad that the Cleric is no longer the heal-botoutside of combat? Was your cleric really enjoying that duty?... it kinda seems more administrative than heroic.

    I remember being a cleric in 3.5... outside of combat we would burn through wands of Cure Light Wounds like they were batteries, but my spell slots were mainly used for buffing and in-combat use (especially those "big" healing spells).

    Last edited by MattV: Feb 28, 2020

  • #9 Feb 28, 2020


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    Quote from Naresea >>

    Quote from Tim >>

    Goodberry is a great spell, but it's no where near as good as Cure Wounds is. It's great for bringing someone who is at 0 HP up to 1 HP so they're alive and able to fight, but one hit or failed saving throw and the person is unconscious again. Compare that to Cure Wounds cast at 3rd level.

    If you're a Life Cleric with the Magic Initiate feat, Goodberry will easily outheal any other level one healing spell out of combat. :-)

    Even without the life cleric bonus, 10 HP guaranteed is still more than Cure Wounds will usually heal.

    Out of combat, yes. In combat not so much as it takes 10 actions to get all the healing plus the action for casting the spell if not cast yet.

    Personally, as a DM I'd only allow a creature to benefit from one goodberry per day - since each berry imparts an entire day's worth of nutrition, having more than that is going to start causing problems.

    I would say the additional goodberry requires a DC 10 Con Save, success means you benefit and the DC increases by 5 until you complete a long rest (this is accumulative), failure means you vomit up that goodberry (no benefit and it is wasted) and are poisoned until you next take a short or long rest. This condition bypasses any normal immunities.

  • #10 Feb 28, 2020


    • Evoker
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    Do life cleric features even effect goodberry? I’m not convinced... the features mention spells that heal, but the goodberry spell itself doesn’t heal, it conjures berries.

  • #11 Feb 28, 2020


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    Quote from SwiftSign >>

    Do life cleric features even effect goodberry? I’m not convinced... the features mention spells that heal, but the goodberry spell itself doesn’t heal, it conjures berries.

    It's confirmed in Sage Advice that Life Cleric features such as Disciple of Life work with Goodberry.

    If I’m a cleric/druid with the Disciple of Life feature, does the goodberry spell benefit from the feature?

    Yes. The Disciple of Life feature would make each berry restore 4 hit points, instead of 1, assuming you cast goodberry with a 1st-level spell slot.

  • #12 Feb 28, 2020


    • Rhymer
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    Quote from SwiftSign >>

    Do life cleric features even effect goodberry? I’m not convinced... the features mention spells that heal, but the goodberry spell itself doesn’t heal, it conjures berries.

    It’s vague enough that I think there’s a bit of room for interpretation either way. Personally my reading is inline with yours. This is especially true when the creature consuming the berry isn’t the Life cleric. The domain feature triggers when the cleric uses a spell to restore hit points. A different creature eating a berry to restore hit points is not the cleric using a spell, even if the berry was conjured by the cleric’s spell.

  • #13 Feb 28, 2020


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    Quote from Cyb3rM1nd >>

    Quote from SwiftSign >>

    Do life cleric features even effect goodberry? I’m not convinced... the features mention spells that heal, but the goodberry spell itself doesn’t heal, it conjures berries.

    It's confirmed in Sage Advice that Life Cleric features such as Disciple of Life work with Goodberry.

    If I’m a cleric/druid with the Disciple of Life feature, does the goodberry spell benefit from the feature?

    Yes. The Disciple of Life feature would make each berry restore 4 hit points, instead of 1, assuming you cast goodberry with a 1st-level spell slot.

    Ah I see. Thank you. Curious it didn’t mention blessed healer though which effectively has the same wording. Clearly it would be OP for the cleric to be able to heal 30HP from the goodberries being eaten!

  • #14 Mar 3, 2020


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    Good berry is a game breaker if you allow a character to eat one while he’s at 0 hp....which isn’t really RAW. (?) People just assume it’s legit because the healing potion works that way.

    Last edited by HeathSmith: Mar 3, 2020

  • #15 Mar 3, 2020


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    Quote from SwiftSign >>

    Quote from Cyb3rM1nd >>

    Quote from SwiftSign >>

    Do life cleric features even effect goodberry? I’m not convinced... the features mention spells that heal, but the goodberry spell itself doesn’t heal, it conjures berries.

    It's confirmed in Sage Advice that Life Cleric features such as Disciple of Life work with Goodberry.

    If I’m a cleric/druid with the Disciple of Life feature, does the goodberry spell benefit from the feature?

    Yes. The Disciple of Life feature would make each berry restore 4 hit points, instead of 1, assuming you cast goodberry with a 1st-level spell slot.

    Ah I see. Thank you. Curious it didn’t mention blessed healer though which effectively has the same wording. Clearly it would be OP for the cleric to be able to heal 30HP from the goodberries being eaten!

    It would actually be 40 hit points, and of the Sage Advise, it does allow it, for a single first level spell slot.

    I believe that some of the added spell lists from either Ravnica or Eberron add goodberry. I may be wrong, though. I'll check, just wanted to put this here.

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  • #16 Mar 4, 2020


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    The only one that I saw that added it was the Mark of Hospitality Halfling.

  • #17 Mar 4, 2020


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    Quote from HeathSmith >>

    Good berry is a game breaker if you allow a character to eat one while he’s at 0 hp....which isn’t really RAW. (?) People just assume it’s legit because the healing potion works that way.

    Indeed. The spell actually says exactly how the berries can be used: a creature can use its action to eat a berry. Eating a berry in this manner restores 1hp. It very much does not say a creature can use an action to shove a berry in the mouth of an unconscious friend, nor does it suggest that doing so would do anything useful. You'd honestly be just as likely to jam the berry in their unconscious windpipe and kill them.

    I think I will no longer allow in-combat use of a berry to heal someone else (unless maybe the feeder can pass a medicine check). But I will allow a berry to be carefully applied after combat to bring someone back up without waiting the hours normally required.

  • #18 Mar 4, 2020


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    I think not allowing feeding another creature a goodberry in combat is fine, but I really like the spell (and like RegentCorreon said, might still allow out-of-combat administering of one to get a player back to 1 hp). It is great for a 1st level slot for healing - but is best out of combat. As has been pointed out, once you start up-casting other spells,it will fall behind. But guaranteed healing is always good, and on average will do better for you than any other 1st level slot healing.

    On that note, I'm much more likely to want to use a couple of 1st level slots on healing than a 3rd or 4th that I could have spent on a spell that would prevent needing healing in a combat.

  • #19 Mar 4, 2020


    • Master Trickster
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    I’m a bit confused by the rules concerning actions with good berries. Can you feed another creature good berries/ feed them to an unconscious ally?

  • #20 Mar 4, 2020


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    Quote from DragonbornDM23 >>

    I’m a bit confused by the rules concerning actions with good berries. Can you feed another creature good berries/ feed them to an unconscious ally?

    The rules provide only for administering a potion to another creature, nothing else. A berry is not a potion (nor is water, a cracker, orange juice, honey, smelling salts, or any other mundane thing that you might want to administer to someone who is unconscious). Since the rules don't provide for it, it isn't RAW allowed, but a lenient DM may allow it anyway.

    Last edited by WolfOfTheBees: Mar 4, 2020

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