Budgeting MCQs | Examination MCQs (2024)

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All of the following are advantages of the use of budgets in a management control system except that budgets In the budgeting and planning process for a firm, which one of the following should be completed first? Each organization plans and budgets its operations for slightly different reasons. Which one of the following is not a significant reason for planning... Which one of the following best describes the role of top management in the budgeting process? Top management Which one of the following is usually not cited as being an advantage of a formal budgetary process? The major objectives of any budget system are to One of the primary advantages of budgeting is that it A budget helps a company control costs by setting cost guidelines. However, a budget also performs the function(s) of When comparing performance report information for top management with that for lower-level management, An improperly executed budget process might have the effect(s) of Ineffective budget control systems are characterized by Which of the following statements regarding budgets is false? A planning calendar in budgeting is the A budget manual, which enhances the operation of a budget system, is most likely to include Which one of the following is not an advantage of a participatory budgeting process? In developing the budget for the next year, which one of the following approaches would produce the greatest amount of positive motivation and goal co... Which one of the following statements concerning approaches for the budget development process iscorrect? Rock Industries has four divisions. In the quest to develop a more achievable budget for the coming year, the chief executive officer has elected to d... When developing a budget, an external factor to consider in the planning process is The primary role of the budget director and the budgeting department is to Which one of the following is not considered to be a benefit of participative budgeting? The budgeting technique that is most likely to motivate managers is Which one of the following is most important to a successful budgeting effort? The major disadvantage of a budget produced by means of a top-down process is All of the following are criticisms of the traditional budgeting process except that it The following sequence of steps is employed by a company to develop its annual profit plan:? Planning guidelines are disseminated downward by top ma... All of the following are advantages of top-down budgeting as opposed to participatory budgeting, except that it Marietta Thomas, Amador Corporation’s vice president of planning, has seen and heard it all. She has told the corporate controller that she is ....v... Budgeting problems where departmental managers are repeatedly achieving easy goals or failing to achieve demanding goals can be best minimized by esta... Which one of the following items would most likely cause the planning and budgeting system to fail? The lack of All of the following are disadvantages of top-down budgeting as opposed to participatory budgeting, except that it Sub optimal decision making is not likely to occur when The budgeting process should be one that motivates managers and employees to work toward organizational goals. Which one of the following is least lik... The best explanation of how the efficient allocation of organizational resources is planned during the budgeting process is that a budget A company s annual budget provides information that can impact the company s Which one of the following is an advantage of using the budgeting process to judge performance? Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a successful budget process? Which one of the following statements best describes budgetary slack? The finance department of a large company has prepared a master budget with very limited expense budgets for each department. The department managers ... Jura Corporation is developing standards for the next year. Currently XZ-26, one of the material components, is being purchased for $36.45 per unit. I... After performing a thorough study of Michigan Company s operations, an independent consultant determined that the firm s labor standards were probably... When compared with ideal standards, practical standards Diana Stinson, Cherry Valley, Inc. s factory manager, had lost her patience. Six months ago, she appointed a team from the production and service depa... All of the following statements concerning standard costs are correct except that One approach for developing standard costs incorporates communication, bargaining, and interaction among product line managers; the immediate supervis... Granger Company is reviewing its standard machine hours per unit to use in its budget for the upcoming year. The machine manufacturer s specifications... The budget that describes the long-term position and objectives of an entity within its environment is the A manufacturer makes picture frames that require one sheet of glass each. Each sheet of glass comes from one larger sheet that is cut into four pieces... All of the following are advantages of the budgeting process except that the budget Herrington Industries is able to sell up to 50,000 units of product X each month. Engineers are currently in the process of studying labor movement to... In an organization that plans by using comprehensive budgeting, the master budget is A. While an operating budget is a key element in planning and control, it is not likely to In preparing a corporate master budget, which one of the following is most likely to be prepared last? The master budget process usually begins with the All of the following are considered operating budgets except the Which one of the following items is the last schedule to be prepared in the normal budget preparation process? The master budget The preparation of a comprehensive master budget culminates with the preparation of the Wilson Company uses a comprehensive planning and budgeting system. The proper order for Wilson to prepare certain budget schedules would be Which one of the following may be considered an independent item in the preparation of the master budget? The Yummy Dog Bone Company is anticipating that a major supplier might experience a strike this year. Because of the nature of the product and emphasi... The starting point for creating a master budget for a proprietary secretarial school would be Which of the following is normally included in the financial budget of a firm? The financial budget process includes The foundation of a profit plan is the The operating budget process usually begins with the Adams Manufacturing, Inc., produces farm tractors. The details of its budgeted cost of goods manufactured schedule should come from which of the follo... In developing a comprehensive budget for a manufacturing company, which one of the following items should be done first? When budgeting, the items to be considered by a manufacturing firm in going from a sales quantity budget to a production budget would be the An advantage of participative budgeting is that it Which one of the following schedules would be the last item to be prepared in the normal budget preparation process? After the goals of the company have been established and communicated, the next step in the planning process is development of the The production budget process usually begins with the Individual budget schedules are prepared to develop an annual comprehensive or master budget. The budget schedule that would provide the necessary inp... Which one of the following items should be done first when developing a comprehensive budget for a manufacturing company? There are various budgets within the master budget cycle. One of these budgets is the production budget. Which one of the following best describes the... The budget that is usually the most difficult to forecast is the When sales volume is seasonal in nature, certain items in the budget must be coordinated. The three most significant items to coordinate in budgeting ... Maximilian Computer Company uses a comprehensive budgeting system in planning its annual operations. Which of the following best describes the informa... Which one of the combinations listed correctly depicts the chronological order of preparation for the following budgets?I. Cost of goods sold budget... Which one of the following best describes the order in which budgets should be prepared when developing the annual master operating budget? When preparing the series of annual operating budgets, management usually starts the process with the Which of the following is normally included in the operating budget? Which budget is prepared after the creation of the cash budget? Which one of the following is not an advantage of activity-based budgeting? An advantage of incremental budgeting when compared with zero-based budgeting is that incremental budgeting The major appeal of zero-based budgeting is that it A systemized approach known as zero-based budgeting (ZBB) The major feature of zero-based budgeting (ZBB) is that it A continuous profit plan A continuous (rolling) budget Zero-based budgeting forces managers to A company uses a type of budgeting that focuses on the cost of the processes required to produce and sell products and services. This type of budgetin... Blackmore, Inc., has a goal to reduce wastefulness and develop a tight, efficient budget. The management team knows that this will take time, so they ... Medico has found that its annual budgets are quickly outdated once actual data is recorded. Sometimes actual preparations have already begun for the p... The type of budget that is available on a continuous basis for a specified future period -- by adding a month, quarter, or year in the future as the m... The use of the master budget throughout the year as a constant comparison with actual results signifies that the master budget is also a Which one of the following budgeting methodologies would be most appropriate for a firm facing a significant level of uncertainty in unit sales volume... A budgeting approach that requires a manager to justify the entire budget for each budget period is known as There are many different budget techniques or processes that business organizations can employ. One of these techniques or processes is zero-based bud... FAQs


All of the following are advantages of the use of budgets in a management control system except that budgets


In the budgeting and planning process for a firm, which one of the following should be completed first?


Each organization plans and budgets its operations for slightly different reasons. Which one of the following is not a significant reason for planning...


Which one of the following best describes the role of top management in the budgeting process? Top management


Which one of the following is usually not cited as being an advantage of a formal budgetary process?


The major objectives of any budget system are to


One of the primary advantages of budgeting is that it


A budget helps a company control costs by setting cost guidelines. However, a budget also performs the function(s) of


When comparing performance report information for top management with that for lower-level management,


An improperly executed budget process might have the effect(s) of


Ineffective budget control systems are characterized by


Which of the following statements regarding budgets is false?


A planning calendar in budgeting is the


A budget manual, which enhances the operation of a budget system, is most likely to include


Which one of the following is not an advantage of a participatory budgeting process?


In developing the budget for the next year, which one of the following approaches would produce the greatest amount of positive motivation and goal co...


Which one of the following statements concerning approaches for the budget development process iscorrect?


Rock Industries has four divisions. In the quest to develop a more achievable budget for the coming year, the chief executive officer has elected to d...


When developing a budget, an external factor to consider in the planning process is


The primary role of the budget director and the budgeting department is to


Which one of the following is not considered to be a benefit of participative budgeting?


The budgeting technique that is most likely to motivate managers is


Which one of the following is most important to a successful budgeting effort?


The major disadvantage of a budget produced by means of a top-down process is


All of the following are criticisms of the traditional budgeting process except that it


The following sequence of steps is employed by a company to develop its annual profit plan:? Planning guidelines are disseminated downward by top ma...


All of the following are advantages of top-down budgeting as opposed to participatory budgeting, except that it


Marietta Thomas, Amador Corporation’s vice president of planning, has seen and heard it all. She has told the corporate controller that she is ....v...


Budgeting problems where departmental managers are repeatedly achieving easy goals or failing to achieve demanding goals can be best minimized by esta...


Which one of the following items would most likely cause the planning and budgeting system to fail? The lack of


All of the following are disadvantages of top-down budgeting as opposed to participatory budgeting, except that it


Sub optimal decision making is not likely to occur when


The budgeting process should be one that motivates managers and employees to work toward organizational goals. Which one of the following is least lik...


The best explanation of how the efficient allocation of organizational resources is planned during the budgeting process is that a budget


A company s annual budget provides information that can impact the company s


Which one of the following is an advantage of using the budgeting process to judge performance?


Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a successful budget process?


Which one of the following statements best describes budgetary slack?


The finance department of a large company has prepared a master budget with very limited expense budgets for each department. The department managers ...


Jura Corporation is developing standards for the next year. Currently XZ-26, one of the material components, is being purchased for $36.45 per unit. I...


After performing a thorough study of Michigan Company s operations, an independent consultant determined that the firm s labor standards were probably...


When compared with ideal standards, practical standards


Diana Stinson, Cherry Valley, Inc. s factory manager, had lost her patience. Six months ago, she appointed a team from the production and service depa...


All of the following statements concerning standard costs are correct except that


One approach for developing standard costs incorporates communication, bargaining, and interaction among product line managers; the immediate supervis...


Granger Company is reviewing its standard machine hours per unit to use in its budget for the upcoming year. The machine manufacturer s specifications...


The budget that describes the long-term position and objectives of an entity within its environment is the


A manufacturer makes picture frames that require one sheet of glass each. Each sheet of glass comes from one larger sheet that is cut into four pieces...


All of the following are advantages of the budgeting process except that the budget


Herrington Industries is able to sell up to 50,000 units of product X each month. Engineers are currently in the process of studying labor movement to...


In an organization that plans by using comprehensive budgeting, the master budget is A.


While an operating budget is a key element in planning and control, it is not likely to


In preparing a corporate master budget, which one of the following is most likely to be prepared last?


The master budget process usually begins with the


All of the following are considered operating budgets except the


Which one of the following items is the last schedule to be prepared in the normal budget preparation process?


The master budget


The preparation of a comprehensive master budget culminates with the preparation of the


Wilson Company uses a comprehensive planning and budgeting system. The proper order for Wilson to prepare certain budget schedules would be


Which one of the following may be considered an independent item in the preparation of the master budget?


The Yummy Dog Bone Company is anticipating that a major supplier might experience a strike this year. Because of the nature of the product and emphasi...


The starting point for creating a master budget for a proprietary secretarial school would be


Which of the following is normally included in the financial budget of a firm?


The financial budget process includes


The foundation of a profit plan is the


The operating budget process usually begins with the


Adams Manufacturing, Inc., produces farm tractors. The details of its budgeted cost of goods manufactured schedule should come from which of the follo...


In developing a comprehensive budget for a manufacturing company, which one of the following items should be done first?


When budgeting, the items to be considered by a manufacturing firm in going from a sales quantity budget to a production budget would be the


An advantage of participative budgeting is that it


Which one of the following schedules would be the last item to be prepared in the normal budget preparation process?


After the goals of the company have been established and communicated, the next step in the planning process is development of the


The production budget process usually begins with the


Individual budget schedules are prepared to develop an annual comprehensive or master budget. The budget schedule that would provide the necessary inp...


Which one of the following items should be done first when developing a comprehensive budget for a manufacturing company?


There are various budgets within the master budget cycle. One of these budgets is the production budget. Which one of the following best describes the...


The budget that is usually the most difficult to forecast is the


When sales volume is seasonal in nature, certain items in the budget must be coordinated. The three most significant items to coordinate in budgeting ...


Maximilian Computer Company uses a comprehensive budgeting system in planning its annual operations. Which of the following best describes the informa...


Which one of the combinations listed correctly depicts the chronological order of preparation for the following budgets?I. Cost of goods sold budget...


Which one of the following best describes the order in which budgets should be prepared when developing the annual master operating budget?


When preparing the series of annual operating budgets, management usually starts the process with the


Which of the following is normally included in the operating budget?


Which budget is prepared after the creation of the cash budget?


Which one of the following is not an advantage of activity-based budgeting?


An advantage of incremental budgeting when compared with zero-based budgeting is that incremental budgeting


The major appeal of zero-based budgeting is that it


A systemized approach known as zero-based budgeting (ZBB)


The major feature of zero-based budgeting (ZBB) is that it


A continuous profit plan


A continuous (rolling) budget


Zero-based budgeting forces managers to


A company uses a type of budgeting that focuses on the cost of the processes required to produce and sell products and services. This type of budgetin...


Blackmore, Inc., has a goal to reduce wastefulness and develop a tight, efficient budget. The management team knows that this will take time, so they ...


Medico has found that its annual budgets are quickly outdated once actual data is recorded. Sometimes actual preparations have already begun for the p...


The type of budget that is available on a continuous basis for a specified future period -- by adding a month, quarter, or year in the future as the m...


The use of the master budget throughout the year as a constant comparison with actual results signifies that the master budget is also a


Which one of the following budgeting methodologies would be most appropriate for a firm facing a significant level of uncertainty in unit sales volume...


A budgeting approach that requires a manager to justify the entire budget for each budget period is known as


There are many different budget techniques or processes that business organizations can employ. One of these techniques or processes is zero-based bud...

Budgeting MCQs | Examination MCQs (2024)


What is the main objective of budgeting Mcq? ›

The two main objectives of budgeting are as follows: Predicting cash flows. Measuring performance.

What is the master budget Mcq? ›

The master budget is the aggregation of all lower-level budgets produced by a company's various functional areas, and also includes budgeted financial statements, cash forecast, and a financing plan.

What is capital budgeting Mcq? ›

Capital Budgeting is the process of making financial decisions regarding investing in long-term assets for a business. It involves conducting a thorough evaluation of risks and returns before approving or rejecting a prospective investment decision. This process is also known as investment appraisal.

Is a budget a plan of action expressed in Mcqs? ›

Answer: Option C- A budget is a plan of action expressed in both financial and non-financial terms.

What are the three 3 major objectives of budgeting? ›

Planning, controlling, and evaluating performance are the three primary goals of budgeting. Planning: Budgeting is a planning tool that enables businesses to establish quantifiable financial targets for the future. They are able to prioritize tasks and allocate resources more wisely as a result.

What is the main goal of budgeting? ›

At the most basic level, a budget is a way to keep track of the money you are getting and the money you are spending. A budget is a great way to make sure that you can cover your expenses from month to month.

What is NPV used for Mcq? ›

Net present value (NPV) is a method used to determine the current value of all future cash flows generated by a project, including the initial capital investment.

What is the formula for payback period? ›

To calculate the payback period you can use the mathematical formula: Payback Period = Initial investment / Cash flow per year For example, you have invested Rs 1,00,000 with an annual payback of Rs 20,000. Payback Period = 1,00,000/20,000 = 5 years.

What is the first step in preparing a budget Mcq? ›

A cash budget is the estimation of cash inflow and outflow for a period. It is prepared when major budgets are prepared. So, the first step in the budgeting process is the preparation of the sales forecast.

What is budget MCQ? ›

The budget is the estimated statement for the expected annual expenses and income. The detail of expenditure and revenue for a financial year. According to 5-year plan, it is the complete detail of achievements received by the government.

What does the budget period depend on Mcq? ›

Answer: The budget period depends on the objective of the budget and the reliability of the data most companies budget yearly , month by month .

What is the capital budgeting? ›

Capital budgeting is the process of evaluating the best way to invest money in long-term projects that increase the value of a business, such as purchasing machinery, building facilities or investing in new product development.

What is meant by capital budgeting? ›

Capital budgeting is a method of estimating the financial viability of a capital investment over the life of the investment. Unlike some other types of investment analysis, capital budgeting focuses on cash flows rather than profits.

What is capital budgeting in short answer? ›

Capital budgeting is a process that businesses use to evaluate potential major projects or investments. Building a new plant or taking a large stake in an outside venture are examples of initiatives that typically require capital budgeting before they are approved or rejected by management.

What is a capital budget quizlet? ›

Capital budgeting is the process of planning and evaluating expenditures of assets whose cash flows are expected to extend beyond one year. Capital refers to fixed assets used in a firm's production process, and budget is the plan that details the project's cash inflows and outflows into the future.

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