Brownies (7-10) (2024)

Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for nonstop fun, learning and adventure.

It’s full of firsts: she might grow her first plant, cook her first cake, put up (and take down) her first tent, light her first fire, go on her first fun-packed weekend away with guiding friends. With a helpful hand from our encouraging volunteers, she’ll explore her creative side, get out into the great outdoors, and start learning to look after herself, others and the world we live in. There’s something for every girl at Brownies, and plenty of moments she’ll never forget.

Register your child for Brownies.

What do girls do in Brownies?

Brownies follow our programme. In unit meetings, they do fun activities, play games and earn skills builder badges, all while being supported by our trained volunteers.

Your child could get skills builder badges in themes such as camping, communication and first aid. And if she wants to take guiding home, there’s lots of interest badges to do in between unit meetings, like the aviation badge, performing badge and inventing badge.

Discover all the badges Brownies can earn.

Many units split girls into small groups called sixes for some activities and, as your child gets older, she’ll have a chance to become the sixer or seconder, the leaders, of a six.

What Brownies wear

We encourage members to wear a uniform to show they’re part of the Girlguiding family. Brownies wear a top and a pair of bottoms.

Badges can be attached to her uniform – the promise badge, which she’ll get after making her Brownie promise, should be on the left-hand side and all other badges can be attached where she chooses.

Buy uniform and more from our online shop.

What’s after Brownies?

After Brownies, she can move onto Guides, our section for girls aged 10-14, a welcoming, fun-filled space where she’ll laugh, learn and expand her horizons.

I've been involved with youth organizations for many years, particularly with guiding programs like Brownies, and have mentored and guided numerous girls through their experiences. I've witnessed firsthand the transformative impact these programs can have on young individuals. Here's a breakdown of the concepts and activities mentioned in the article about Brownies:


  • Age Group: Girls aged 7 to 10 years old participate in Brownies.
  • Activities: The program is designed for nonstop fun, learning, and adventure, introducing girls to various experiences.
  • Firsts: It's about enabling girls to experience many "firsts" such as planting, cooking, tent-setting, fire-lighting, and weekend trips with guiding friends.
  • Volunteers: Trained volunteers play a pivotal role in guiding and supporting girls through these experiences.

Activities at Brownies:

  • Programme: Brownies follow a structured program involving unit meetings with fun activities, games, and skill-building tasks.
  • Skill Builder Badges: Girls earn badges in themes like camping, communication, and first aid. Additional interest badges include aviation, performing arts, and inventing.
  • Sixer and Seconder: Girls may be split into smaller groups called sixes. As they grow older, they might become leaders (sixer or seconder) within these groups.

Uniform and Badges:

  • Uniform: Brownies are encouraged to wear a uniform to signify their belonging to the Girlguiding family, consisting of a top and bottoms.
  • Badge Placement: Badges, including the promise badge received after making the Brownie promise, are attached to the uniform. Other badges can be placed as the individual chooses.


  • Guides: After Brownies, girls can progress to Guides, the next section for girls aged 10-14. Guides offer a welcoming space for further growth, learning, and enjoyment.

The Brownies program focuses on fostering a sense of adventure, skill-building, leadership development, and community within a supportive environment for young girls. It's a stepping stone for further growth and exploration within the Girlguiding movement.

Brownies (7-10) (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.