Breast Milk Smells Like Eggs? - 1happykiddo (2024)

A pumping mom may sometimes find a weird egg-like smell in her breast milk. But don’t worry, it hasn’t gone bad. Breast milk can be affected by your diet, medication, breastmilk storage techniques, or high lipase level. However, the milk is still safe for the baby and nutritious. You just have to make sure that the milk hasn’t been spoiled because then it’s not good for the baby.

You pump your milk regularly, but for few days, you have started noticing that after few days, your breast milk smells soapy and metallic even after storing it in the freezer.

So now you’re wondering what has caused this? Is it dangerous for the baby? How can you correct it? We know no mom would want her previously collected milk to go to waste. So here we are, answering all your questions.

Why does my breast milk smell weird?

Some women find a “soapy or metallic” smell, some say it’s more like “fish or rancid,” and some say their breast milk smell like “rotten eggs.”

Breast Milk Smells Like Eggs? - 1happykiddo (1)

Nonetheless, here are several reasons for these changes:

Food and medication

Your breast milk changes its taste and color based on the meals you take. And not even food, but certain medications also tend to affect its taste.

This is why breastfed babies start solid foods and enjoy a greater variety of flavors than formula-fed babies.


Breast milk that contains high lipase and hasn’t been consumed within 24 will start to smell like eggs. But the lipase doesn’t affect the milk right away.

It means if you’re breastfeeding your little one and not pumping, then lipase will not be activated so that the milk will remain free from any weird smell. However, if you pump and give it directly to your little one, he might not even feel any difference.

It takes few hours for the lipase to get activated, mostly 12-24 hours. The longer the milk sits, whether in the refrigerator or freezer, the more pungent the smell and taste will be.

What is Lipase?

Lipase is an enzyme found naturally in breastmilk. These enzymes are very beneficial for the baby; for example…

  • It helps break down the natural fats in breastmilk to ensure the fat-soluble nutrients are available to the baby.
  • It also breaks down fatty particles in the milk, so it’s easier for your little one to digest.

However, excess of these enzymes can cause a change in your milk’s flavor and smell. When the milk is stored at a cool temperature, the lipase will break down rapidly, resulting in a pungent taste and odor.

Is the milk with a high level of Lipase safe for the baby?

Yes, even if the soapy smell is detected, the milk remains safe for the baby to consume. In addition, there has been no evidence found that milk with high lipase will cause any health issues in the baby.

Just remember, it is the same milk that your tiny one is drinking if he took it directly from the breast. It’s just the freezing that has made it smell different.

Storage techniques

How you store your breast milk can also impact its flavor and odor. For example, if you leave your milk at room temperature for some time, it will start separating into layers.

But it isn’t necessarily gone bad. You can swirl the container to see if the content is mixing back together. If yes, it is then completely safe for your baby.

Ways to treat breastmilk with high lipase

Breast Milk Smells Like Eggs? - 1happykiddo (2)

Although high lipase milk is safe for babies, many still refuse to drink it. It happens because when babies are born, they recognize the smell and taste of their mother’s breastmilk which is as same as an amniotic fluid that nourishes them in the womb.

Therefore, a slight change in it can make some of them, if not all, uncomfortable. But we have few ways through which you can eliminate pungent taste and odor caused by the lipase.

50-50 ratio

One way to minimize the flavor is by mixing the stored breastmilk with a freshly pumped one. It will again sweeten the taste.

You can also mix the stored milk with some solid food if your baby is 6 months and above. Still, there are chances that your little one will refuse to take it, and you may end up throwing it out.

Scald the milk, immediately

It is one of the greatest techniques to de-activate lipase. But before that, test if your milk is getting affected by lipase. Collect 1-2 bottles of milk and freeze it for 5 days. Now check if your little one will drink it or not.

If your baby doesn’t drink it, then scalding it right after pumping is your best bet. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Pour the milk into a clean pan and place it on a stove.
  2. Heat the milk at 180 degrees until you see bubbles around the edges. Do not exceed the temperature or boil it.
  3. Now quickly cool it down by placing the container in a bowl filled with ice.
  4. You can now store it in the freezer without having to worry about its smell or taste.

Ways to know the milk has been spoiled

Your breastmilk can easily go bad. So if you’re pumping, be vigilant so you don’t feed your baby bad milk.

Look at your breastmilk closely

Breastmilk, after being pumped, starts separating into layers. Milk rich in fat rises at the top, whereas milk rich in water falls to the bottom.

If the milk is still good, the content will immediately mix with just a gentle swirl. But the content remains chunky after re-mixing then it’s likely gone bad.

Smell your breastmilk

For the scent test, freeze a small batch of your milk for 5 days and then thaw it. If your milk has a metallic or egg-like smell then probably it is because of high lipase.

But if your milk smells like fish a few minutes after pumping then it is probably not safe for your baby’s consumption.

Taste your breastmilk

We know for many parents it isn’t easy to taste the breastmilk, but it will help you know whether it is safe for your little one or not. A fish or onion-like taste, right after pumping, may tell you that you need to throw out the breastmilk immediately.

Guidelines to follow to stop breastmilk from spoiling

To ensure your precious gold fluid doesn’t turn bad you must consider these guidelines.

Freshly expressed breastmilk

  • Last up to 4-6 hours at room temperature (60-77°F)
  • Last up to 3 days in the refrigerator (39°F or cooler)
  • Last up to 6 months in Freezer (0° F or cooler)

Thawed breastmilk

  • Last up to 2 hours at room temperature (60-77°F)
  • Last up to 24 hours in the refrigerator (39°F or cooler)
  • Cannot refreeze

Additional measures

When storing the milk in the refrigerator, place it at the back where the temperature is the coolest.

For storage, choose the container wisely. Use a hard plastic bottle or glass baby bottle and place it milk storage bag specifically made for freezing.


How do I know if my breastmilk has high lipase?

Breastmilk has a sweet taste and no odor. So to know if your milk has high lipase, you can conduct a test. Pump out your milk and store it in the fridge for 24-48 hours. Taste and smell it after every few hours, and if it starts to smell like rotten eggs or taste a bit sour, then most likely it’s due to high lipase.

How do I get my baby to take high lipase milk?

Some babies aren’t affected by high lipase but if your baby is sensitive to the smell then you can scald it immediately.
–Place the milk in a clean pan on a stove.
– Heat the milk until a bubble starts to appear.
– Quickly cool the milk and now can store it without any hesitation.

How far away can baby smell mom?

Babies have a superhuman sense of smell this is why the U.S. Department of Women’s Health says “babies turn directly to their mother when they are hungry because they are able to smell their unique scent.” This makes them able to smell their mother from as far away as 1-2 feet.


“My milk smells like eggs” is a common problem among breastfeeding moms. But let us make it clear, milk in high lipase activity doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with you or your milk.

It’s a minor hiccup that can be easily solved by masking the flavor or scalding the milk. Just know that your breastmilk is filled with numerous nutrients which will not be affected by any foul smell.

Breast Milk Smells Like Eggs? - 1happykiddo (2024)


Is it normal for breastmilk to smell like rotten eggs? ›

Very rarely, breast milk can be “spoiled” by containing an over-growth of bacteria. This milk smells rancid, or very sour. Be sure to distinguish between a soapy smell and a rancid/sour smell. Don't give baby breast milk that has a rancid smell!

What makes breast milk smell like eggs? ›

Lipase is naturally found in breast milk, and it's believed that an excess of this enzyme can cause the flavor of breast milk to change. When expressed milk is stored in cool temperatures, it's suspected that high levels of lipase make the fats in your milk break down more quickly, impacting the flavor and smell.

What does high lipase breastmilk smell like? ›

However, when lipase activity is unusually high in expressed milk, its work in breaking down the fats can result in a soapy or fishy aroma and/or taste that may be distasteful to the baby.

Can you have high lipase with one baby and not another? ›

If you have excess lipase activity, your breast milk is still safe for your baby, and many little ones will drink it without any issues. However, other babies might refuse high lipase breast milk after it has been pumped and stored, which can be incredibly frustrating to busy parents.

How do you deal with smelly breast milk? ›

3. Follow these tips to decrease odors
  1. Put coffee grounds in the patient's room. ...
  2. Wear two masks and overpower the bad smell with these tips:
  3. Carry a travel-size container of vapor rub, apply under the nose.
  4. Essential oils such as lavender or peppermint: apply to the wrist and under the nose.
  5. Wear mint flavored chapstick.
21 Mar 2018

What does smells like rotten eggs mean? ›

If you come home one day and smell rotten eggs, it's most likely hydrogen sulfide — the smell of sewer gas. If the issue isn't one of the ones mentioned above, then it's likely a sewer gas leak. Our noses tend to adjust to this smell quickly, so even if it disappears, there still could be a sewage problem.

What does healthy breast milk smell like? ›

What does it smell like? Most moms say breast milk smells like it tastes — like cows' milk, but milder and sweeter. Some say their milk sometimes has a “soapy” smell. (Fun fact: That's due to a high level of lipase, an enzyme that helps break down fats.)

How will I know if breast milk is spoiled? ›

If you taste something different (fishy, ​​sour, unpleasant smell ..), the milk may have been spoiled, and the nutrition in the milk is no longer guaranteed. Milk past the storage time After milking, there is a certain time to store breast milk depending on the conditions.

Can you develop high lipase? ›

Pancreatitis - also known as inflammation of the pancreas, can cause amylase and lipase levels to be increased up to 3 times normal. Both values should be increased, in order to carry the diagnosis of pancreatitis. Lipase may be increased in tumors of the pancreas, or stomach certain stomach conditions.

Can high lipase milk make baby sick? ›

Milk that has a high level of lipase can develop a soapy smell and taste, but is not harmful to the baby.

Can my baby drink high lipase milk? ›

Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down the fats in your milk to help baby digest it. When lipase occurs in excess, this process happens much more rapidly and can make the milk taste off or sour after a period of time. Milk with excess lipase is safe to drink, but some babies dislike the taste and refuse it.

What are the symptoms of high lipase? ›

Some symptoms include:
  • fever.
  • fatty stools.
  • nausea with or without vomiting.
  • intense pain in the upper stomach.
  • a rapid pulse.
  • weight loss.
  • a lack of appetite.
  • back pain.

What causes lipase to spike? ›

It's normal to have a small amount of lipase in your blood. But if the cells of your pancreas are damaged, they will release larger amounts of lipase. So high levels of lipase in your blood may mean you have pancreatitis, (an inflamed, swollen pancreas) or another type of pancreatic disease.

Should I be worried elevated lipase? ›

Higher than normal levels of lipase mean that you have a problem with your pancreas. If your blood has 3 to 10 times the normal level of lipase, then it's likely that you have acute pancreatitis. High lipase levels also mean you may have kidney failure, cirrhosis, or a bowel problem.

Should breastmilk have a smell? ›

Breast milk generally has very little odour. Sometimes it may smell or taste like something the mother has eaten recently, or been stored next to in the fridge, such as onion or garlic. Sometimes it is said to smell or taste sweet or soapy, metallic or even a little sour.

Is it OK for milk to smell? ›

The milk has a foul odor

Give your carton of milk the sniff test. If your milk doesn't smell like milk, it's likely expired. Milk that's gone bad exudes a foul odor — and it will be very obvious upon taking a whiff. Labuza said this is the best procedure for determining if your milk has gone bad.

What causes odor in milk? ›

Factors on the farm that could cause rancidity include air leaks in pipelines or valves, too much agitation of the milk, deficiencies in the cow's diet, or milk from late lactation cows. Oxidized flavors in milk have been described as tasting like cardboard or a metallic taste.

What bacteria smells like rotten eggs? ›

Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Bacteria in Well Water. Hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) can give water a “rotten egg” taste or odor. This gas can occur in wells anywhere and be: Naturally occurring - a result of decay and chemical reactions with soil and rocks.

What toxin smells like rotten eggs? ›

Arsine is formed when arsenic comes in contact with an acid. Arsine is similar to a gas called stibine, which is formed when the metal antimony comes in contact with an acid. Stibine has health effects similar to those of arsine, but it is not as widely available, and it has a much more noticeable “rotten-egg” odor.

What to do if it smells like rotten eggs? ›

Wherever you're smelling the rotten egg scent the strongest is the place to start. Simply run the water in the sink or the tub for ten minutes to let that p trap get some water in it. That'll block the sewer gas from getting inside again. If the problem persists, call your plumber.

How do you know if your breast milk is good quality? ›

Signs of a Good Milk Supply
  1. Consistent weight gain after the first week. ...
  2. Six or more wet diapers and two or more stools each day.
  3. Baby has a good nursing technique. ...
  4. Baby is satisfied after feedings. ...
  5. Your breasts are softer after feedings.

Can you combine breast milk from 2 different days? ›

Can I mix freshly expressed breast milk with older breast milk? Mixing freshly expressed breast milk with already cooled or frozen milk is not advised because it can rewarm the older stored milk. It is best to cool freshly expressed milk before combining it with older, previously cooled or frozen milk.

Can other babies sense your breast milk? ›

Can babies smell breast milk? The tiniest newborn babies can sniff out breast milk and even lactating women because breast milk has very specific fragrances that are extremely attractive to babies. Infants can also recognize their own mothers simply by smell.

How do I know if my breast milk is infected? ›

They may include:
  1. Breast tenderness or warmth to the touch.
  2. Breast swelling.
  3. Thickening of breast tissue, or a breast lump.
  4. Pain or a burning sensation continuously or while breast-feeding.
  5. Skin redness, often in a wedge-shaped pattern.
  6. Generally feeling ill.
  7. Fever of 101 F (38.3 C) or greater.
13 Sept 2022

Can you use spoiled breast milk for anything? ›

1) Milk baths. Breast milk baths can help with dry skin, cradle cap, rashes, eczema, the itch of bug bites, or just for general skin conditioning. 2) Breast milk lotion. It's easy to make, wonderfully soothing, and can help baby's eczema, diaper rash, baby acne, sensitive skin, even cuts and scrapes.

How quickly does breastmilk spoil? ›

At room temperature (77°F or colder) for up to 4 hours. In the refrigerator for up to 4 days. In the freezer for about 6 months is best; up to 12 months is acceptable.

What foods cause high lipase? ›

Foods to limit include:
  • red meat.
  • organ meats.
  • fried foods.
  • fries and potato chips.
  • mayonnaise.
  • margarine and butter.
  • full-fat dairy.
  • pastries and desserts with added sugars.

What causes high lipase milk? ›

It's mostly genetic and can vary from baby to baby. If you do have high lipase, it's important to inactivate the lipase IF your baby is sensitive to the smell and taste. Some babies aren't affected! If you naturally have high lipase milk, you can't prevent it from happening.

Will milk banks take high lipase milk? ›

We will happily accept your high lipase milk, as will our recipient babies. Lipase is destroyed during our pasteurization process. Just make sure not to heat your milk before donating it.

How do I know if my breastmilk is upsetting my baby's stomach? ›

11 Signs Breast Milk Is Upsetting Your Baby's Tummy
  1. Your Baby Gets Fussy After Certain Foods.
  2. Your Baby Gets Gassy.
  3. Your Baby Seems Fussy.
  4. Your Baby May Have Colic.
  5. Your Baby Has Diarrhea or Loose Stool.
  6. Your Baby Seems Uninterested in Eating.
  7. Your Baby Make Faces After Meals.
  8. Your Baby Spits up Often.
2 Feb 2022

Does freezing milk slow lipase? ›

Previous studies have indicated that only when milk is stored at temperatures below −70 °C or pasteurized before freezing will the milk lipase activity be inhibited, which delays the process of milk lipolysis [10, 11].

Is fatty breastmilk good for baby? ›

Their bodies need the energy and calories to grow, which can be provided by the fat content in your breast milk. Fats help their physical growth and the development of their brain, eyes, and nervous system.

How long does it take for lipase levels to go down? ›

When the pancreas is damaged or inflamed, it produces larger amounts of lipase. If you have acute pancreatitis, blood levels of lipase are usually highest during the first day that symptoms develop. Levels of lipase usually return to normal within 14 days.

What foods to avoid if you have high lipase? ›

Limit fats and oils, such as butter, margarine, mayonnaise, and salad dressing, to no more than 1 tablespoon a meal. Avoid high-fat foods, such as: Chocolate, whole milk, ice cream, processed cheese, and egg yolks. Fried, deep fried, or buttered foods.

What is a dangerously high lipase level? ›

A fatal outcome may be predicted by simple laboratory parameters such as a high serum creatinine and blood glucose. An APACHE II score > or = 6 and a lipase level on admission > or = 1,000 U/l indicate severe pancreatitis.

Can Covid cause high lipase? ›

Multivariable analysis demonstrated an association between elevated lipase values and mechanical ventilation (n=173; odds ratio, 2.55; 95% confidence interval, 1.6-4.08). Of the 20% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and elevated pancreatic enzymes, only 1.5% had a clinical diagnosis of AP.

When should I recheck my lipase? ›

Repeat testing is indicated only when there are signs of persistent pancreatic or peripancreatic inflammation, pancreatic duct blockage or development of a pseudocyst. Reisman A, et al. Unnecessary repeat enzyme testing in acute pancreatitis: A teachable moment.

Can liver problems cause high lipase? ›

Patients with liver cirrhosis had serum levels of amylase and lipase significantly higher than both the healthy subjects and the patients with CAH, while no significant differences were found in serum levels of these enzymes in patients with CAH as compared to the healthy subjects.

What will happen if baby drank spoiled breast milk? ›

Stomach cramps: Babies using spoiled, expired, or lumpy breast milk can cause stomach cramps, bloating, bloating, upset stomach, and fussiness. Food poisoning: Often spoiled breast milk will be contaminated, causing the infant to be infected with bacteria and have diarrhea and vomiting.

Can Breastfed babies get milk rot? ›

According to this research, a baby who is exclusively breastfed (no supplemental bottles, juice, or solids) will not have decay unless he is genetically predisposed, i.e. soft or no enamel.

Is it OK if my milk smells a little weird? ›

Give your carton of milk the sniff test. If your milk doesn't smell like milk, it's likely expired. Milk that's gone bad exudes a foul odor — and it will be very obvious upon taking a whiff. Labuza said this is the best procedure for determining if your milk has gone bad.

What should breast milk smell like? ›

What does it smell like? Most moms say breast milk smells like it tastes — like cows' milk, but milder and sweeter. Some say their milk sometimes has a “soapy” smell. (Fun fact: That's due to a high level of lipase, an enzyme that helps break down fats.)

Can a child get sick from drinking spoiled milk? ›

A small sip of spoiled milk is unlikely to cause symptoms beyond a bad taste. Drinking larger amounts of spoiled milk can cause stomach distress resulting in abdominal cramping, vomiting and diarrhea (like a food-borne illness). In most cases, symptoms caused by drinking spoiled milk resolve within 12-24 hours.

Can a baby get lead poisoning from breast milk? ›

Women who have been or are currently exposed to lead can expose their fetus or infant to lead during pregnancy and lactation through blood and breast milk, which can have long-term effects on the neurodevelopment of their child.

What is high lipase breast milk? ›

Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down the fats in your milk to help baby digest it. When lipase occurs in excess, this process happens much more rapidly and can make the milk taste off or sour after a period of time. Milk with excess lipase is safe to drink, but some babies dislike the taste and refuse it.

How do you know if breastmilk is not good anymore? ›

5 Signs Your Breast Milk Has Gone Bad
  • It Will Smell Foul. Foul-smelling breast milk can indicate that your milk has gone bad. ...
  • It Doesn't Mix When Swirled. ...
  • It Sat In The Fridge For Longer Than 4 Days. ...
  • It Wasn't Stored Properly. ...
  • It Tastes Sour.
21 Oct 2016

When should you stop breastfeeding? ›

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers feed their babies only breast milk for six months and continue breastfeeding for at least one year. After that, it really depends on how long the mother and child want to continue.

Should you wipe baby's mouth breastfeeding? ›

After teeth erupt: Wiping her gums and teeth with a piece of gauze or a damp cloth after feedings and before bedtime will help maintain good oral hygiene.

What does it mean when your breast milk smells? ›

Some moms notice that after defrosting, their milk smells unpleasant – soapy or even sour. This is normal! Breast milk contains lipase, an enzyme that is normally present in human milk and has a lot of benefits.

Why does thawed breastmilk smell funny? ›

Lipase helps to break down the fats in breast milk, making it easier for babies to digest. Women who have a lot of lipase in their milk find that it continues to break down the fats even when the milk is frozen, resulting in a soapy or rancid odor when the milk is thawed.

Can you put breast milk from fridge into freezer? ›

Can I freeze milk that's been sitting in the fridge for a few days? You can refrigerate milk for 3-5 days and move it to the freezer any time before that period is over. To preserve the most nutrients, however, it's best to freeze milk as soon as possible, ideally within the first 3 days.

What does spoiled breastmilk look like? ›

Spoiled milk appearance

Spoiled breast milk will look and act just like spoiled cow's milk. If your milk has chunks in it, it's time to throw it out. Even though pumped milk naturally separates, the fat and watery milk should mix together easily when swirled.

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