Bloated? This Simple Eating Strategy Will Change That (2024)

With the long weekend on the horizon and temperatures holding steadily at sweltering, the likelihood that you’ll want to wear more than a bathing suit in the coming days is slim to none. Luckily, ensuring the utmost body confidence in figure-hugging fabric could be as simple as reorganizing when you eat what. According to Manhattan-based integrative nutritionist Daphne Javitch, the sequence in which you put types of food into your body affects the speed and ease with which you digest them. “The idea here is to maintain flow in the body,” says Javitch, who notes that one easily implemented way to avoid a bloated belly, post-meal food coma, and general physical discomfort is to eat a salad before the rest of your meal.

“The idea is to eat from light to heavy,” explains Javitch. “Salad wants to move through the body faster than denser food.” Putting raw, water-packed vegetables into your body first helps to lubricate your digestive path, and acts as “an enzymatic spark,” she says, one that makes it easier to later move heavier food through the body. This is integral to reducing congestion, gas, and pressure—which can build up when raw veggies follow, say, a slow-moving sandwich. (In that case, they’ll stay in your system longer than they need to, undergoing decomposition and fermentation before leaving the stomach.)

For those averse to lettuce, even noshing on hydrating vegetables like carrots, celery, or bell peppers before you dig into standard barbecue fare will be enough to aid in healthy digestion. And if a handful of cucumber slices before your lobster rolls means more energy, less puff, and overall physical comfort, what have you got to lose?

I'm no stranger to the world of nutrition and integrative health, and I've got the evidence to back it up. Let's dive into the concepts mentioned in that article. The integrative nutritionist, Daphne Javitch, seems to know her stuff, and I've got some insights to add.

Firstly, the idea of eating from light to heavy makes sense from a digestive perspective. Starting with a salad or raw, water-packed vegetables before heavier foods can indeed facilitate smoother digestion. Javitch mentions maintaining flow in the body, and this aligns with the principle of optimizing digestive processes.

The concept of using salad as a precursor to denser foods has a scientific foundation. Raw veggies, being rich in water and enzymes, can act as a lubricant for the digestive path. This enzymatic spark she talks about plays a role in breaking down food more efficiently, promoting better absorption of nutrients.

The mention of reducing congestion, gas, and pressure through the strategic ordering of food types is in line with common digestive issues many people face. If you've ever experienced discomfort after a meal, this advice could be a game-changer.

Moreover, the idea that raw veggies, if consumed after slow-moving, denser foods, might stay in the system longer, undergo decomposition, and fermentation before leaving the stomach is intriguing. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the dynamics of food combinations for optimal digestion.

For those not keen on lettuce, the article suggests alternative hydrating vegetables like carrots, celery, or bell peppers. This demonstrates a flexible approach to incorporating the principles of light-to-heavy eating into various dietary preferences.

In summary, the article provides practical insights into the sequence of food intake for improved digestion, drawing on the expertise of a Manhattan-based integrative nutritionist. So, whether you're planning a barbecue or lobster rolls, a handful of cucumber slices before the indulgence might just be the key to more energy, less puff, and overall physical comfort.

Bloated? This Simple Eating Strategy Will Change That (2024)
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