Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (2024)

Breakfast | Christmas | Desserts | Yeasted Breads

ByAngelina Papanikolaou

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These homemade cinnamon rolls feature a soft, fluffy dough with a rich cinnamon-sugar filling and topped with smooth cream cheese icing. They’re easy to make and perfect for breakfast or special occasions, offering a delicious blend of warm spices and sweet flavors.

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Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (1)

This homemadecinnamon roll recipe with cream cheese icing, is a classic favorite that never fails to warm my heart. Imagine soft, fluffy rolls swirled with a rich cinnamon-sugar mixture, topped with a luscious cream cheese icing that melts in your mouth. These cinnamon rolls are perfect for a cozy breakfast, a special occasion treat, or simply as a heartwarming snack. For more delicious recipes, check out my Bulgur Breakfast Bowl or Whole Wheat Banana Bread recipes.

This is hands down the best cinnamon roll recipe! The process is simplified without the need for stand or electric mixers, making it accessible for all baking levels. The recipe leads to perfectly soft, golden-brown cinnamon rolls, infused with the delightful warmth of cinnamon and topped with a creamy, smooth icing. It’s an easy, no-fuss recipe, yet the results are bakery-worthy!

Our Favorite


  • Cinnamon Tahini Pull Apart Bread
  • Chocolate Hazelnut Rolls
  • Halloumi and Mint Bread
  • Tsoureki (Greek sweet bread)

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

  • Homemade Goodness:Nothing beats the fresh, comforting aroma of the best cinnamon rolls.
  • Best Cream Cheese Frosting:A smooth, creamy icing that complements the sweet cinnamon filling perfectly.
  • Perfect Texture:Soft, fluffy dough with a delectable cinnamon-sugar swirl.
  • Versatile for Any Occasion:Great for a weekend breakfast, Christmas morning, a holiday treat, or a special brunch.
  • Crowd Pleaser:Loved by all ages, these perfect cinnamon rolls are sure to delight any crowd.
Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (2)

Ingredient Notes


  • Milk (Warm):Activates the yeast.
  • Instant Yeast:Helps the dough rise.
  • All-Purpose Flour:Forms the base of the sponge.
  • Sugar:Feeds the yeast and adds a bit of sweetness.


  • Butter (Room Temperature):Adds richness and flavor.
  • Sugar:Sweetens the dough.
  • Salt:Enhances the overall flavor.
  • Eggs:Provide structure and richness.
  • Egg Yolk:Adds extra richness.
  • All-Purpose Flour:Main ingredient for the dough structure.
  • Flour for Dusting:Keeps the dough from sticking.
  • Heavy Cream: Added before baking for extra soft cinnamon buns.


  • Butter (Room Temperature):Spreads easily for the cinnamon-sugar mixture.
  • Brown Sugar:Offers a deep, caramel-like sweetness.
  • Cinnamon:Provides the classic cinnamon roll spice.

Cream Cheese Icing

  • Butter (Room Temperature):Base for a creamy icing.
  • Cream Cheese (Room Temperature):Adds a slight tangy flavor.
  • Powdered Sugar:Sweetens and thickens the icing.
  • Vanilla Extract or Vanilla Bean Paste:Enhances the flavor.

Be sure to check out the recipe card for the full ingredient list below

Step by Step Instructions

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (3)

Prepare Sponge:Mix warm milk, yeast, flour, and sugar in a bowl. Let it rise until doubled.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (4)

Make Dough:In the bowl of a stand mixer, cream butter, sugar, and salt. Add eggs and yolk, then the sponge. Gradually add flour, kneading with the dough hookinto a soft dough.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (5)

Chill Dough:Place dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate overnight, or place in a warm dark place until doubled in size (about 1-2 hours)

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (6)

Prepare Filling:Mix brown sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (7)

Spread Filling:The next day, roll out dough on a floured surface. Spread the top of the dough with butter, and sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar mixture. Roll up tightly, cut into pieces, and arrange in prepared baking dish. Cover with a damp towel and let rise in a prepared pan.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (8)

Shape Rolls: Roll up tightly beginning from the long end and cut into even pieces.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (9)

Second Rise:Arrange in prepared baking dish. Cover with a damp towel and let rise in a prepared pan.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (10)

Prepare for Baking: Preheat oven to 350°F. Pour warm heavy cream over the rolls.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (11)

Bake:Bake rolls until golden brown.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (12)

Make Frosting:Beat cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla until fluffy.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (13)

Frost Rolls: Spread over warm rolls.

Tip:For clean and precise cuts, use unflavored dental floss or a serrated knife. The dental floss technique involves sliding it under the rolled dough and then crossing and pulling the ends to cut through cleanly. This method is excellent for getting perfect, even slices without squashing the dough, which can sometimes happen with a knife. On the other hand, a serrated knife works well, especially if you use a gentle sawing motion. If your cinnamon roll dough becomes too soft and challenging to slice, a quick fix is to refrigerate it for 15-30 minutes. This firming up makes cutting much easier.


  • Stand Mixer
  • Mixing Bowls
  • 9×13-Inch Baking Pan
  • Parchment Paper
  • Rolling Pin
  • Sharp Knife or Dental Floss
Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (14)
Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (15)

How to Store

Properly storing your homemade cinnamon rolls is crucial for maintaining their freshness and flavor. After baking and frosting:

  • Room Temperature:If you plan on eating the cinnamon rolls within a couple of days, store them in an airtight container at room temperature. This method helps to retain their moisture and soft texture.
  • Refrigeration:For longer storage, place the cinnamon rolls in an airtight container and refrigerate them. They will stay fresh for up to a week. Before serving, let them sit at room temperature to soften, which enhances their flavor and texture.

How to Freeze

  • Freezing Baked Rolls:To freeze the baked cinnamon rolls, let them cool completely without the icing. Wrap each roll individually in plastic wrap, then place them in a freezer-safe bag or container. This method prevents freezer burn and preserves the quality of the rolls. They can be frozen for up to 3 months.
  • Thawing and Reheating:When ready to enjoy, thaw the cinnamon rolls at room temperature. You can then reheat them in the microwave or oven until warm. Apply the cream cheese icing after reheating for the best taste and texture.
  • Freezing Unbaked Rolls:You can also freeze the cinnamon roll dough. After cutting the rolls and arranging them in the baking dish, cover them with plastic wrap and freeze. When you’re ready to bake, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator, then let them rise in a warm place before baking.

How to Prepare Ahead of Time

  1. Making the Dough Ahead:You can prepare the cinnamon roll dough the night before. After kneading, place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rise overnight in the refrigerator. This slow rise enhances the flavor of the dough.
  2. Shaping Rolls in Advance:You can also shape the cinnamon rolls and place them in the baking dish, cover, and refrigerate overnight. The next morning, let them come to room temperature and complete their rise before baking.
Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (16)

expert Tips
  • Room Temperature Ingredients:Ensure butter and eggs are at room temperature for a smoother dough.
  • Don’t Over-Knead:Knead the dough just until it comes together to keep the rolls tender.
  • Even Thickness:Roll the dough evenly for uniform cinnamon rolls.
  • Warm Spot for Rising:If you are not refrigerating the dough overnight, let it rise in a warm, dark area, like inside the oven or microwave.
  • Check for Doneness:Bake until just golden brown to avoid drying out the rolls.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use active dry yeast instead of instant yeast?

Yes, you can substitute active dry yeast for instant yeast in this recipe. However, it’s important to first dissolve the active dry yeast in warm milk, ideally at a temperature of about 110°F, and let it sit until it becomes frothy. This step is essential to activate the yeast and ensure a proper rise.

How can I make these cinnamon rolls if I don’t have a stand mixer?

You can make the dough by hand. Start by mixing the ingredients in a large mixing bowl with a wooden spoon. Once the dough starts to come together, knead it on a lightly floured surface. Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic, which might take around 10-12 minutes.

How can I ensure my cinnamon rolls are soft and not hard?

To guarantee soft cinnamon rolls, pay attention to the kneading and rising times. Over-kneading can lead to tough rolls, so mix until the dough just comes together. Also, ensure that the dough is allowed to rise in a warm, draft-free spot until it doubles in size. Avoid overbaking the rolls; they should be just golden brown on the edges.

Can I add nuts or raisins to the cinnamon filling?

Absolutely! Chopped nuts like pecans or walnuts, or raisins, can be a great addition to the cinnamon-sugar filling. Sprinkle them over the buttered dough along with the cinnamon mixture before rolling up the dough. They add texture and a nuanced flavor to the cinnamon rolls.

How do I know when the cinnamon rolls are fully baked?

The cinnamon rolls are done when they turn a beautiful golden brown on the edges and the dough is set. To be extra sure, you can insert an instant-read thermometer into one of the rolls; it should read around 190°F when they are fully baked.

Can I make smaller cinnamon rolls for a larger batch?

Yes, you can divide the dough into more pieces to create smaller rolls. This will increase the number of servings and make them more suitable for gatherings where you want bite-sized treats. Just keep in mind that smaller rolls may require less baking time.

What’s the best way to reheat leftover cinnamon rolls?

For the best results, reheat the cinnamon rolls in the oven at 350°F for about 10 minutes or until they are warmed through. You can also use the microwave for a quick reheat, but be careful not to overheat as they can become too soft and gooey.

Can I freeze the cinnamon roll dough for later use?

Yes, you can freeze the dough after the first rise and shaping. Wrap the rolls tightly in plastic wrap and place them in a freezer-safe bag. When you’re ready to bake them, thaw the rolls in the refrigerator overnight, then let them come to room temperature and complete their second rise before baking.

What if my dough is too sticky to handle?

If the dough is too sticky, sprinkle a little more flour onto your work surface and your hands. However, be cautious not to add too much flour, as this can make the dough dry. The dough should be slightly tacky but not overly sticky.

Can I leave my cinnamon roll dough out overnight?

It’s not recommended to leave the dough out overnight at room temperature due to the risk of over-proofing and the growth of bacteria. Instead, for a slow rise and deeper flavor, place the dough in the refrigerator overnight. The cold environment slows down the yeast activity, allowing the flavors to develop without the dough over-rising.

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (17)

More Pastry Recipes


If you loved these easy cinnamon rolls, check out these other great recipes.

Tsoureki (Greek Easter Bread)

Halloumi and Mint Bread

Chocolate Hazelnut Rolls

If you make this recipe, take a photo and tag #bakedambrosia onInstagramandFacebookso that I can see your creations and feature them on Instagram! To stay up to date with the latest recipes, follow Baked Ambrosia onPinterest,Facebook,Instagram, andYoutube. ♡

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (21)

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing

Angelina Papanikolaou

These homemade cinnamon rolls feature a soft, fluffy dough with a rich cinnamon-sugar filling and topped with smooth cream cheese icing. They're easy to make and perfect for breakfast or special occasions, offering a delicious blend of warm spices and sweet flavors.

5 from 3 votes


Prep Time 2 hours hrs

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Rising Time 8 hours hrs

Total Time 10 hours hrs 30 minutes mins

Course Breakfast, Dessert

Cuisine American

Servings 12 cinnamon rolls

Calories 647 kcal


  • Stand mixer

  • Mixing bowls

  • 9×13-inch baking pan

  • parchment paper

  • Rolling Pin

  • Sharp Knife or Dental Floss



  • 1 cup milk warm
  • 2 ¼ tsp instant yeast 1 packet
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp sugar


  • 1 cup butter room temperature
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs room temperature
  • 1 egg yolk room temperature
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • Flour for dusting surface
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream


  • ½ cup butter room temperature
  • ¾ cup brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp cinnamon

Cream Cheese Icing

  • 6 tbsp butter room temperature
  • 4 oz cream cheese room temperature
  • 1 1/4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla or vanilla bean paste



  • Combine the milk, yeast, 2 cups flour, and 1 tbsp sugar in a bowl. Cover and allow to rise for 30-60 minutes, or until the sponge is double in size.

    1 cup milk, 2 ¼ tsp instant yeast, 2 cups all-purpose flour, 1 tbsp sugar


  • In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream butter, sugar, and salt. Mix in eggs and yolk. Add in the sponge and mix until well combined.

    1 cup butter, ½ cup sugar, 1 tsp salt, 2 eggs, 1 egg yolk

  • Switch to a hook attachment and add the remaining 2 cups of flour. Once combined, knead on medium-high speed for 3-5 minutes (the dough should not be sticking to the sides of the bowl but will still be sticking to the bottom).

    2 cups all-purpose flour

  • Transfer the dough to a lightly greased large bowl, and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Place in the refrigerator overnight (recommended) or for about 8-12 hours. Do not go over that! If you want to enjoy cinnamon rolls the same day, cover and place the dough in a warm dark area (like inside your oven or microwave) and allow the dough to double in size for about 1-2 hours.

  • Line a 9×13-inch baking pan with parchment paper.

  • In a small bowl, mix the brown sugar and cinnamon.

    ¾ cup brown sugar, 2 tbsp cinnamon

  • On a well floured surface, roll out the dough into a 16 by 24-inch rectangle. Spread the softened butter over the dough and then sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar mixture evenly over the top, pressing it lightly into the butter so it sticks.

    ½ cup butter

  • Starting at a long end, roll the dough tightly into a log. Pinch the seam gently to seal it and position the dough seam side down. Trim off about ½-1 inch of dough from the ends as this doesn’t have any filling. Use a sharp knife to cut the dough into 12-equal pieces. To make clean cuts, I like to place the rolled dough in the fridge for a few minutes to become more firm*

  • Transfer the pieces to the prepared pan and place them cut side up. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and a towel and let the dough rise for 30 minutes.

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

  • In a small saucepan over low heat or in a microwave safe bowl, heat up the cream until it is warm to the touch. Remove the plastic wrap and towel from the pan and pour the warm cream over the cinnamon rolls.

    1/2 cup heavy cream

  • Bake in your preheated oven for 30-35 minutes or until just golden brown on the edges.


  • In the mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar and vanilla extract. Beat until smooth and fluffy. Spread the frosting over the warm cinnamon rolls and serve. Enjoy!

    6 tbsp butter, 4 oz cream cheese, 1 1/4 cups powdered sugar, 1 tsp vanilla or vanilla bean paste


Storing: Room Temperature: If you plan on eating the cinnamon rolls within a couple of days, store them in an airtight container at room temperature. This method helps to retain their moisture and soft texture.Refrigeration:For longer storage, place the cinnamon rolls in an airtight container and refrigerate them. They will stay fresh for up to a week. Before serving, let them sit at room temperature to soften, which enhances their flavor and texture.


  • Freezing Baked Rolls:To freeze the baked cinnamon rolls, let them cool completely without the icing. Wrap each roll individually in plastic wrap, then place them in a freezer-safe bag or container. This method prevents freezer burn and preserves the quality of the rolls. They can be frozen for up to 3 months.
  • Thawing and Reheating:When ready to enjoy, thaw the cinnamon rolls at room temperature. You can then reheat them in the microwave or oven until warm. Apply the cream cheese icing after reheating for the best taste and texture.
  • Freezing Unbaked Rolls:You can also freeze the cinnamon roll dough. After cutting the rolls and arranging them in the baking dish, cover them with plastic wrap and freeze. When you’re ready to bake, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator, then let them rise in a warm place before baking.

Preparing Ahead of Time:

  1. Making the Dough Ahead:You can prepare the cinnamon roll dough the night before. After kneading, place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rise overnight in the refrigerator. This slow rise enhances the flavor of the dough.
  2. Shaping Rolls in Advance:You can also shape the cinnamon rolls and place them in the baking dish, cover, and refrigerate overnight. The next morning, let them come to room temperature and complete their rise before baking.


Serving: 1rollCalories: 647kcalCarbohydrates: 71gProtein: 8gFat: 38gSaturated Fat: 23gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 10gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 143mgSodium: 479mgPotassium: 163mgFiber: 2gSugar: 37gVitamin A: 1255IUVitamin C: 0.1mgCalcium: 87mgIron: 2mg

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was and tag @bakedambrosia on Instagram


Angelina Papanikolaou

Welcome to Baked Ambrosia! I'm a professionally trained pastry chef and nutritionist who loves to bake both indulgent and healthier desserts. This is a place where you will find delicious recipes, ideas, & more. Learn more about me!

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing (2024)


How long can cinnamon rolls sit out with cream cheese frosting? ›

With this in mind, I recommend storing homemade cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two days. If you plan to store them for longer than that, place them in the fridge from the start and store them for up to a week.

What is the secret ingredient in Cinnabon? ›

But what exactly is this special Makara cinnamon? Cinnabon owns the name of Makara and their exact blend is a trademarked secret, so we don't know exactly. But we do know that it's a cassia cinnamon that contains more essential oils than ceylon, producing a stronger aroma.

Is melted or softened butter better for cinnamon rolls? ›

As it turns out, when recipes for homemade cinnamon rolls call for "softened butter" in the cinnamon roll filling, it's actually very important to stick to softened butter and not use melted butter.

Do cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting need to be refrigerated? ›

Do you need to refrigerate cinnamon rolls? Unfrosted cinnamon rolls do not need to be refrigerated and will keep best at room temperature. Iced cinnamon rolls, and especially rolls with cream cheese frosting, should be stored in the fridge.

Does a cake with cream cheese frosting need to be refrigerated? ›

Food Network Kitchens: Yes, you should always refrigerate any cake or cupcake that has cream cheese frosting.

What is the most unhealthy Cinnabon? ›

Classic Cinnabon cinnamon rolls are large and dense, rich in fat and carbs and contain 880 calories each (15). But these are not even the most unhealthy item on the menu. That honor is reserved for the Caramel Pecanbon.

Is there a difference between cinnamon buns and cinnamon rolls? ›

Yes: the difference lies in how they're formed. While buns are braided and rolled to create a more traditionally bun-like result, cinnamon rolls are, as the name suggests, rolled to form a spiral that contains all the oozy butter and brown sugar filling.

Should I pour cream over cinnamon rolls before baking? ›

Heat until smooth, then pour over the cinnamon rolls before baking. (yes, over the heavy whipping cream). Follow the rest of the recipe as is! You could also sprinkles some chocolate chips on top of the rolls and let them melt if chocolate is your vice!

Do you roll cinnamon rolls tight or loose? ›

3) Don't roll the dough too tightly

It also ensures the rolls proof properly (they have enough room to expand!) and bake evenly, all the way through to the center.

Why are my cinnamon rolls not fluffy? ›

There are a lot of variables that go into the consistency of dough, even down to the weather and humidity. But the most common reason cinnamon rolls don't turn out fluffy is because the dough didn't have enough time to rise.

Is it OK to use parchment paper for cinnamon rolls? ›

Prepare 9x13in (doesn't have to be exact, just close) baking pans by lining with parchment paper. I use parchment paper just about every time I bake anything. Not only does it help keep things from sticking to the pan, it also helps keep the dough from burning. Now is a good time to start the oven preheating (350°F).

Why are my homemade cinnamon rolls tough? ›

Don't Overmix the Dough

When making cinnamon rolls, mix the dough just until the ingredients are incorporated and the dough is smooth and soft. Overmixed dough leads to tough cinnamon rolls. The dough is ready when it pulls away from the sides of the mixing bowl and feels tacky but doesn't stick to your fingers.

Why are my homemade cinnamon rolls dense? ›

Make sure you give the dough the full rise time for the ultimate soft and fluffy dough. If you try to rush the process you can end up with sad, dense rolls.

Is it OK for cream cheese frosting to sit out? ›

At room temperature, cream cheese frosting only lasts two hours, which is why it needs to be refrigerated if you don't want to waste leftovers. Cream cheese frosting will usually last in the refrigerator for up to a week, which gives you plenty of time to use it on various baked goods.

Can you eat cream cheese frosting that's been sitting out? ›

Cream cheese that has been left out for too long can be dangerous, and you run the risk of food poisoning. “While it will soften, it is not safe past the two hour mark,” Edwards says.

How long can cinnamon rolls sit out before they go bad? ›

1-3 days

How long can cinnamon rolls sit out before baking? ›

Remove the rolls from the refrigerator and let sit at room temperature 30 minutes before baking. Pick the option that works best for you, but don't chill longer than 2 days total.

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