All 216 Positive & Impactful Verbs Starting With B (With Meanings & Examples) (2024)

Bolster, bloom, brighten – the letter B, standing at the forefront of the English alphabet, signifies a series of truly positive and energizing verbs. B amplifies our actions with purpose and vitality, enriching the verbs it initiates with a sense of growth and encouragement. So, we had to ask: What are all the positive and impactful verbs starting with the letter B?

Some of the most used positive & impactful verbs that start with the letter B include blossom, boost, believe, brighten, benefit, befriend, bolster, breathe, build, and beam. There are a few hundred of these beautiful words, ranging from 2 to 12 characters in length.

Join us as we delve into the beauty and significance of these verbs, uncovering their meanings and embracing the power they hold to create a positive impact in our daily lives. We’ll then also share the most used and the most interesting words starting with B as well as ten interesting facts about and a brief history of words starting with B.

In the diverse landscape of English grammar, words are categorized into various groups based on their functions within sentences. These groups, referred to as ‘part-of-speech,’ constitute the building blocks of language, enabling you to communicate your thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively.

Verb: A verb is a word that represents an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. An example of a verb would be “blossom.” In the sentence, “Her talent has really blossomed this year,” “blossomed” is the verb, showing the action performed.

Trivia: The average word length of our list of positive & impactful verbs that start with the letter B is a medium-long 5.8 characters, with the shortest word only having 2 characters (be) and the longest words having 12 characters (e.g., bear-hugging).

VerbsDescription (with synonyms)Example sentence
BabbleTo talk rapidly and incoherently, often with excitement or enthusiasm, signifying a lively and animated conversation (chatter, prattle, gab).“She would babble on about her latest adventure, her words flowing with excitement and enthusiasm.”
BabysitTo care for and supervise a child or children in the absence of their parents or guardians, providing a safe and nurturing environment (care for, look after, supervise).“I love to babysit my niece and nephew on the weekends.”
BachelorTo complete a bachelor’s degree, signifying a significant educational achievement and a foundation for future career opportunities (graduate, obtain, achieve).“I will graduate and bachelor in computer science next year.”
BackTo return to a previous position or place, providing an opportunity to rectify or improve upon a previous situation (rectify, improve, amend).“I will back your proposal at the meeting tomorrow.”
BagTo secure or gather something, often by putting it into a bag, symbolizing organization and preparedness (gather, collect, accumulate).“I need to bag all the evidence before the police arrive.”
BailTo release or secure the release of a person from custody, often by providing a sum of money as a guarantee, demonstrating trust and support (release, free, liberate).“I will bail my best friend out of jail because I believe in his innocence.”
BaitTo entice or attract someone or something, often with the intention of luring them into a particular action or situation, demonstrating persuasive skills and strategic thinking (entice, attract, lure).“She used her wit and charm to bait the investors into funding her startup.”
BakeTo cook food by dry heat, typically in an oven or on a hot surface, resulting in a delicious and aromatic dish (create, prepare, cook).“I love to bake fresh bread every morning.”
BalanceTo maintain equilibrium or stability, ensuring equal distribution or harmony (stabilize, equalize, harmonize).“She carefully balanced the books to ensure that all expenses were accounted for.”
BallTo throw or toss an object with force and accuracy, demonstrating skill and coordination (throw, toss, hurl).“He balled the basketball into the hoop, scoring the winning point for his team.”
BallyhooTo promote or publicize something in an exaggerated or flamboyant manner, creating excitement and buzz (hype, promote, advertise).“The company ballyhooed their new product launch, creating a frenzy of anticipation among consumers.”
BandTo perform together as a group, creating harmonious music and captivating performances (play, perform, entertain).“The band played an incredible set, captivating the audience with their harmonious music.”
BandageTo cover a wound or injury with a protective material, providing support and promoting healing (protect, wrap, dress).“She bandaged the cut on her finger to prevent any further infection.”
BankTo deposit or store money in a financial institution, providing a secure place for individuals and businesses to manage their finances (deposit, store, safeguard).“I need to bank my paycheck before I can start paying my bills.”
BanterEngaging in playful and light-hearted conversation, creating a lively and enjoyable atmosphere (joking, teasing, jesting).“We bantered back and forth, making everyone in the room laugh and feel at ease.”
BaptizeTo perform a religious ritual of immersing or sprinkling water on someone’s head, symbolizing their initiation into a particular faith, and often seen as a significant and transformative event (initiate, christen, consecrate).“The priest will baptize the newborn baby, welcoming them into the church community and symbolizing their spiritual rebirth.”
BarbecueTo cook food, especially meat, over an open fire or hot coals, resulting in a smoky and flavorful dish (grill, roast, char).“Let’s barbecue some burgers and enjoy the smoky and flavorful taste.”
BargainTo negotiate the terms of a transaction in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, demonstrating the ability to find value and make advantageous deals (negotiate, haggle, barter).“I was able to bargain with the car salesman and get a great deal on my new car.”
BarnstormTo travel from place to place performing in shows or giving speeches, showcasing one’s talent and captivating audiences (performing, captivating, enthralling).“She barnstormed across the country, captivating audiences with her powerful speeches.”
BarrackTo shout loudly and persistently in order to express support or encouragement, demonstrating enthusiasm and dedication (cheer, support, champion).“The fans barracked for their team throughout the entire game, showing unwavering support and boosting their morale.”
BarrelTo move or progress rapidly and uncontrollably, demonstrating a high level of energy and excitement (zoom, hurtle, dash).“The race car barreled down the track, leaving a trail of dust in its wake.”
BarterTo exchange goods or services without using money, promoting a sense of community and resourcefulness (trade, swap, negotiate).“I decided to barter my homemade bread for fresh vegetables from my neighbor’s garden.”
BasiateTo kiss passionately, expressing deep affection and desire (kiss passionately, show love, demonstrate desire).“They basiated under the moonlight, their lips locked in a passionate embrace.”
BaskTo luxuriate in warmth or glory, signifying a state of contentment and enjoyment (enjoy, revel, delight).“She basked in the applause of the audience after her stunning performance.”
BasteTo moisten food while cooking by spooning or brushing liquid over it, enhancing the flavor and keeping it tender (moisten, brush, marinate).“I like to baste the turkey with butter and herbs to keep it moist and flavorful.”
BatTo strike or hit forcefully, demonstrating power and precision (swing, club, smack).“He batted the ball out of the park, showcasing his incredible power and precision.”
BatchTo process or group items together in a systematic way, allowing for efficient completion of tasks and increased productivity (organize, categorize, group).“I need to batch all the invoices together so that I can process them more efficiently.”
BatheTo cleanse oneself by immersing the body in water, often for the purpose of relaxation or hygiene, symbolizing self-care and rejuvenation (cleanse, soak, shower).“I love to bathe in a warm bubble bath after a long day to relax and rejuvenate.”
BattenTo secure or fasten something firmly, symbolizing strength and stability (secure, fasten, anchor).“She batten the hatches before the storm, ensuring the safety of everyone on board.”
BatterTo strike repeatedly and forcefully, often in a sports context, demonstrating skill and power (hit, strike, pummel).“He batter the ball out of the park, securing a home run for his team.”
BeaconTo serve as a guiding light or signal, symbolizing hope and direction (illuminate, guide, signal).“The lighthouse beaconed ships safely to shore during the storm.”
BeadTo string together small objects, such as beads, to create jewelry or decorative items, showcasing creativity and craftsmanship (craft, create, assemble).“She carefully beaded the necklace, creating a stunning piece of jewelry.”
BeagleTo move quickly and eagerly, symbolizing enthusiasm and energy (hustle, dash, scurry).“The children beagled towards the ice cream truck, their faces filled with excitement.”
BeamTo emit or transmit light or heat, symbolizing brightness and warmth (radiate, shine, glow).“The sun beamed down on the beach, warming the sand and creating a beautiful glow.”
BeamingRadiating a bright and joyful expression, conveying happiness and positivity (smiling, glowing, shining).“She was beaming with pride as she accepted her award.”
BearTo support the weight or carry the burden of something, symbolizing strength and resilience (support, endure, sustain).“She bears the weight of her family’s expectations with grace and determination.”
Bear-huggingTo tightly embrace someone with both arms, expressing affection and warmth (hugging, embracing, cuddling).“I was bear-hugging my best friend when I saw her after a long time apart.”
BeatTo strike repeatedly or forcefully, demonstrating strength and determination (overcome, conquer, defeat).“She beat her personal record in the race, demonstrating her strength and determination.”
BeatifyTo declare someone as blessed or holy, signifying their elevated status and spiritual significance (sanctify, exalt, glorify).“The Pope beatified the nun for her lifelong dedication to serving the poor.”
BeautifiedHaving been made more beautiful or attractive, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a place or object (enhanced, adorned, embellished).“She beautified her garden with colorful flowers and elegant sculptures.”
BeautifyTo enhance the aesthetic appeal of something, making it more visually pleasing and attractive (embellish, adorn, enhance).“She used her artistic skills to beautify the community garden, turning it into a vibrant and enchanting space.”
BeautifyingEnhancing the appearance or attractiveness of something, bringing joy and aesthetic pleasure (embellishing, adorning, enhancing).“She spent hours beautifying her garden, adding colorful flowers and decorative ornaments.”
BecalmTo make calm or still, bringing a sense of tranquility and peace (soothe, pacify, quiet).“The sound of the waves gently becalmed me, bringing a sense of tranquility and peace to my mind.”
BecameHaving undergone a transformation or change, signifying personal growth and development (evolved, transformed, matured).“She became a confident and assertive leader after years of hard work and self-reflection.”
BecharmTo enchant or captivate someone with a spellbinding charm, leaving them mesmerized and entranced (enchant, captivate, fascinate).“The magician’s performance was so captivating that it becharmed the entire audience.”
BeckonTo make a gesture with the hand or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow, indicating a warm invitation or friendly welcome (invite, gesture, signal).“She beckoned her friend to join her at the party.”
BeckonedTo make a gesture with the hand or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow, indicating a welcoming invitation (summoned, gestured, invited).“She beckoned her friend to join her at the front of the crowd.”
BeckoningTo make a gesture with the hand or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow, expressing a warm invitation and eagerness (inviting, summoning, luring).“She beckoned her friend to join her at the front of the crowd.”
BeckonsTo call or summon someone through a gesture or signal, indicating an invitation or attraction (summons, entices, lures).“The smell of freshly baked cookies beckons me into the kitchen.”
BecomeTo undergo a transformation or change, indicating personal growth and development (evolve, transform, mature).“She worked hard and became a successful entrepreneur.”
BecomingUndergoing a transformation or change, indicating personal growth and development (evolving, transforming, maturing).“She is becoming a more confident and assertive leader.”
BedTo lay down on a surface for rest or sleep, providing comfort and relaxation (rest, slumber, repose).“I bedded down on the soft, plush mattress and immediately felt a sense of relaxation wash over me.”
BedazzleTo impress or dazzle someone with brilliance or beauty, leaving them in awe and admiration (impress, dazzle, awe).“She bedazzled the audience with her stunning performance.”
BedazzlingTo impress or dazzle greatly, leaving a lasting and captivating impression (captivating, mesmerizing, enchanting).“The fireworks display at the end of the concert bedazzled the audience, leaving them in awe.”
BedeckTo adorn or decorate something, often with elaborate or showy ornaments, adding beauty and elegance to a space (embellish, ornament, garnish).“She bedecked the room with twinkling fairy lights, transforming it into a magical wonderland.”
BeeTo fly from flower to flower collecting nectar and pollen, contributing to the pollination process and the growth of plants (pollinate, contribute, assist).“The bees diligently bee, ensuring the pollination process and the growth of plants.”
BefriendTo establish a friendly relationship with someone, indicating a willingness to connect and support (make friends, bond, connect).“She decided to befriend her new neighbor and invited her over for dinner.”
BefriendingTo establish a friendly relationship with someone, indicating a willingness to connect and form bonds (making friends, forming connections, building relationships).“She took the initiative in befriending her new coworker, making them feel welcome and included in the team.”
BegTo make a request or ask for something earnestly, showing a strong desire or need (plead, implore, beseech).“I beg you to reconsider your decision.”
BegetTo bring about or produce, often used to describe the act of giving birth or creating something (generate, produce, engender).“She begets beautiful artwork with her skilled hands.”
BegildTo cover with a thin layer of gold, giving an object a luxurious and opulent appearance (gild, adorn, embellish).“She begilds the picture frame, transforming it into a stunning piece of art.”
BeginTo start or initiate an action or process, indicating the beginning of something (commence, initiate, start).“I begin my day with a cup of coffee to energize myself.”
BehaveTo act or conduct oneself in a particular way, often referring to one’s behavior in a social setting, demonstrating good manners and respect for others (polite, courteous, considerate).“She always behaves with grace and kindness, even in difficult situations.”
BeholdTo see or observe something with awe and wonder, indicating a deep appreciation for its beauty and significance (admire, gaze, marvel).“Behold the breathtaking sunset as it paints the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink.”
BeholdingTo observe or look at something with great admiration and wonder, signifying a deep appreciation for its beauty and significance (admiring, marveling, appreciating).“I stood on the mountaintop, beholding the breathtaking sunset over the horizon.”
BehooveTo be appropriate or necessary, especially for someone’s benefit or advantage, signifying the importance or advantage of a particular action or behavior (benefit, advantage, importance).“It would behoove you to study for the exam if you want to get a good grade.”
BejewelTo adorn or decorate with jewels, adding a touch of elegance and luxury (bedeck, embellish, ornament).“She decided to bejewel her wedding gown with sparkling diamonds and sapphires, creating a breathtaking and opulent look.”
BejeweledTo be adorned with jewels or precious stones, adding a touch of elegance and luxury to one’s appearance (bedecked, embellished, adorned).“She bejeweled herself with diamonds and sapphires for the red carpet event, radiating an aura of opulence and glamour.”
BelieveTo hold something as true or to have confidence in something, indicating trust and conviction (trust, have faith, be convinced).“I believe in your abilities to succeed.”
BelievingHaving a strong conviction or faith in something, demonstrating a deep sense of trust and confidence (trusting, having faith, having confidence).“I am believing in myself and my abilities to achieve my goals.”
BellTo make a clear and resonant sound, often used to indicate the start or end of an event, such as a school day or a boxing match (ring, chime, toll).“The church bells bell loudly, signaling the start of the wedding ceremony and filling the air with joy and excitement.”
BelongTo be a member or part of a particular group or organization, indicating a sense of connection and inclusion (fitting in, being a part of, joining).“I belong to a community of artists who inspire and support each other.”
BenefitTo receive advantages or positive outcomes from a particular action or situation, leading to personal growth and improvement (gain, profit, advantage).“She will benefit greatly from joining the mentorship program.”
BenefitingTo provide assistance or advantage to someone or something, resulting in positive outcomes and improved well-being (helping, aiding, supporting).“She dedicated her time and resources to benefiting underprivileged children in her community.”
BequeathTo pass down or hand over something, typically property or a personal possession, to someone else as an inheritance, ensuring the continuation of a legacy and the fulfillment of wishes (pass on, transfer, bestow).“She bequeathed her family’s antique jewelry collection to her daughter, ensuring that it would stay in the family for generations to come.”
BeribbedTo be beribbed means to be playfully teased or mocked, often in a good-natured way, bringing laughter and amusem*nt (teased, mocked, jested).“She beribbed her friend about his new haircut, causing everyone to burst into laughter.”
BeseechTo earnestly and fervently request or implore, expressing a deep desire or need (plead, entreat, implore).“I beseech you to reconsider your decision and give me another chance.”
BestTo perform at one’s highest level or to excel in a particular activity, demonstrating exceptional skill and expertise (excel, surpass, outshine).“She bested all of her competitors in the race, finishing first with a new personal record.”
BestirTo rouse oneself from a state of inactivity or laziness, demonstrating a proactive and motivated attitude (stir, energize, motivate).“She bestirs herself every morning, ready to tackle the day with enthusiasm and determination.”
BestowTo grant or give something as a gift or honor, symbolizing generosity and kindness (gift, present, confer).“The university will bestow an honorary degree upon the distinguished professor for his contributions to the field of science.”
BetrothTo formally promise to marry someone, symbolizing a deep commitment and future union (engaged, promised, affianced).“They betrothed each other in a beautiful ceremony, sealing their love and commitment for a lifetime.”
BetteredHaving improved or made something better, signifying progress and growth (enhanced, upgraded, advanced).“She bettered her skills through consistent practice and dedication.”
BewitchTo cast a spell over someone or something, captivating and enchanting with its mystical charm (captivating, enchanting, mesmerizing).“The magician’s performance bewitched the audience, leaving them in awe of his mystical abilities.”
BideTo wait patiently or endure a difficult situation, demonstrating resilience and strength (wait, tolerate, endure).“She bided her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to present itself.”
BindTo fasten or secure with a rope, cord, or chain, symbolizing a strong connection or commitment (tie, attach, connect).“They bound their hands together with a ribbon, symbolizing their unbreakable bond.”
BingeTo consume a large amount of something in a short period of time, often referring to watching multiple episodes of a TV show or eating a large quantity of food, signifying indulgence and relaxation (devour, gorge, feast).“I decided to binge-watch my favorite TV show all weekend and it was the most relaxing and indulgent experience.”
BirdTo fly freely in the sky, symbolizing freedom and gracefulness (soar, glide, hover).“The bird soared effortlessly through the clear blue sky.”
Bird-doggingTo relentlessly pursue or track down something or someone, often used in the context of investigative work or scouting talent, demonstrating determination and resourcefulness (relentlessly pursuing, tracking down, investigating).“She was bird-dogging every lead and uncovered the truth behind the corruption scandal.”
BirthTo bring forth a new life into the world, symbolizing the beginning of a new journey and the miracle of existence (give birth, deliver, bear).“She birthed a beautiful baby girl, filling their lives with joy and love.”
BiteUsing one’s teeth to grip, cut, or tear something, demonstrating strength and determination (grip, cut, tear).“She bit into the juicy apple, savoring the crispness and sweetness of each bite.”
BivouacTo set up a temporary camp, typically for military purposes, demonstrating resourcefulness and adaptability (camp, encamp, pitch).“The soldiers bivouacked in the dense forest, showcasing their resourcefulness and adaptability in finding a suitable spot for their temporary camp.”
BlanchTo briefly immerse food in boiling water or steam, often to remove the skin or prepare it for further cooking, resulting in a tender and flavorful dish (preparing food, enhancing taste, parboil, scald, scorch).“I blanch the asparagus before grilling it to bring out its vibrant green color and enhance its natural sweetness.”
BlazeTo burn fiercely and brightly, symbolizing passion and determination (ignite, kindle, flare).“She blazed through the finish line, leaving her competitors in awe of her speed and determination.”
BleachTo remove color or stains from something, indicating cleanliness and freshness (whiten, lighten, purify).“She used bleach to remove the stubborn stains from her white shirt, leaving it clean and bright.”
BlendTo mix or combine different substances or elements together, creating a harmonious and unique result (combine, merge, fuse).“She blended the colors together to create a stunning and vibrant painting.”
BlessTo confer divine favor upon someone or something, bringing about a sense of protection and happiness (bestow, grace, sanctify).“May God bless you with health and happiness.”
BlinkTo open and close the eyes quickly and involuntarily, indicating surprise or excitement (startled, astonished, amazed).“She blinked rapidly, signaling to her friend that they needed to leave the party immediately.”
BlissTo experience complete happiness and joy, bringing a sense of contentment and fulfillment (delight, ecstasy, euphoria).“She blissed out on the beach, feeling the warm sun on her skin and the sound of the waves lulling her into a state of pure bliss.”
BloomTo flourish and grow, symbolizing growth and beauty (blossom, thrive, prosper).“The garden bloomed with vibrant colors, filling the air with the sweet scent of flowers.”
BlossomTo develop and grow, symbolizing growth and transformation (flourish, bloom, thrive).“The young artist’s talent began to blossom, captivating audiences with her stunning paintings.”
BlossomingDeveloping and growing in a positive and flourishing manner, indicating progress and potential (thriving, blooming, prospering).“The young artist’s talent is blossoming, as she continues to create stunning and captivating works of art.”
BlueTo color or dye something in a shade resembling the color of the sky or sea, often used to create a calming and serene atmosphere (color, dye, tint).“She decided to blue the walls of her bedroom to create a peaceful and tranquil environment.”
BlushTo turn red in the face due to embarrassment or shyness, displaying a genuine and endearing vulnerability (flushed, crimson, rosy).“She couldn’t help but blush when he complimented her on her singing.”
BoatTo travel by boat, signifying a journey by water (sail, navigate, cruise).“We decided to boat along the coast, enjoying the breathtaking views of the ocean.”
BobTo engage in a specific action or activity, demonstrating one’s ability and willingness to participate (participate, involve, engage).“Bob volunteered to help clean up the park after the event.”
BobbleTo move or bounce up and down in a quick, jerky manner, indicating a playful and lively movement (bounce, jiggle, hop).“The children bobble with excitement as they run towards the playground.”
BodyTo physically move or transport something, demonstrating the ability to take action and accomplish tasks (move, transport, convey).“She effortlessly carried the heavy boxes up the stairs, showcasing her ability to body the task at hand.”
BodysurfTo ride a wave without a surfboard, using only one’s body, demonstrating a thrilling and exhilarating way to experience the ocean (ride, glide, coast).“I love to bodysurf at the beach, feeling the power of the waves as I glide effortlessly through the water.”
BolsterTo strengthen, support, or reinforce something, often used to describe actions or efforts that enhance or improve a situation (strengthen, support, fortify).“The new marketing campaign will bolster our sales and help us reach our targets.”
BoltTo run or move suddenly and quickly, often in order to escape or avoid danger, demonstrating agility and quick reflexes (sprint, dash, dart).“She bolted across the field, narrowly avoiding the oncoming car.”
BondTo form a close connection or emotional attachment, symbolizing a strong and lasting relationship (connect, unite, attach).“They bonded over their shared love for music and became lifelong friends.”
BoneTo remove the bones from meat or fish, enhancing the ease of consumption and presentation (debone, extract, dislodge).“I always bone the chicken before cooking it to make it easier to eat.”
BoogieTo dance energetically and rhythmically, bringing joy and excitement to the dance floor (dance, groove, shimmy).“Let’s boogie all night long and make this party unforgettable!”
BookTo arrange for someone to have a seat on a plane, train, etc., or to arrange for something to be available for use at a particular time (reserve, schedule, secure).“I need to book a table at the restaurant for our anniversary dinner.”
BoostTo increase or improve something, often by providing assistance or support, indicating a positive impact on the overall outcome (enhance, elevate, strengthen).“The new training program will boost employee productivity.”
BorrowTo take and use something temporarily with the intention of returning it, demonstrating resourcefulness and the ability to rely on others (lend, acquire, obtain).“I had to borrow my neighbor’s ladder to fix the roof, and I was grateful for their willingness to help.”
BossTo direct and supervise others in a professional setting, demonstrating leadership and organizational skills (manage, oversee, lead).“She bosses her team with confidence and efficiency, ensuring that tasks are completed on time and to a high standard.”
BottleTo seal or enclose in a bottle, preserving the contents for future use and preventing spoilage (preserve, store, contain).“I bottle my homemade tomato sauce every summer to enjoy the taste of fresh tomatoes all year round.”
BoughtHaving made a purchase, indicating the acquisition of an item or service (purchased, acquired, obtained).“I bought a new car yesterday.”
BounceTo rebound or spring back after hitting a surface, demonstrating resilience and energy (rebound, spring, ricochet).“The basketball bounced off the backboard and into the net, scoring the winning point for the team.”
BowTo lower the head or body as a sign of respect or greeting, demonstrating humility and reverence (showing deference, bending, kowtowing).“She gracefully bowed before the queen, showing her utmost respect and admiration.”
BowlTo roll a ball along a flat surface in order to knock down pins, demonstrating skill and precision (bowl, roll, toss).“She bowled a perfect game, knocking down all ten pins with ease.”
BoxTo enclose or package something securely, symbolizing organization and tidiness (box, package, wrap).“I will box up all the books and donate them to the library.”
BraceTo prepare oneself mentally or emotionally for something challenging or difficult, demonstrating resilience and strength (steel oneself, fortify, prepare).“I braced myself for the upcoming marathon, knowing it would be physically demanding but determined to push through and finish strong.”
BraidTo intertwine three or more strands of hair, fabric, or other materials, creating a woven pattern and adding texture and style (weave, plait, interlace).“She expertly braided her daughter’s hair, creating a beautiful and intricate hairstyle for the special occasion.”
BrainstormTo generate a large number of creative ideas through a group discussion, fostering innovation and collaboration (generate, create, cultivate).“Let’s brainstorm some new marketing strategies to boost our sales.”
BrakeTo slow down or stop a vehicle or machine by pressing a pedal or pulling a lever, ensuring safety and preventing accidents (slow down, halt, decelerate).“She quickly braked to avoid hitting the deer that ran across the road.”
BranchTo divide or separate into branches or subdivisions, indicating the ability to expand and diversify (branch, expand, diversify).“The company decided to branch out into new markets to increase their customer base.”
BrandTo establish and promote a unique identity and reputation, representing a distinct set of values and qualities (branding, showcasing, distinguishing).“The company worked tirelessly to brand itself as a leader in sustainability, successfully establishing a positive reputation in the market.”
BrandishTo wave or flourish (as a weapon) in a showy or threatening manner, demonstrating confidence and power (display, exhibit, flaunt).“He brandished his sword, instilling fear in his enemies.”
BrashActing in a bold and impulsive manner, demonstrating confidence and fearlessness (bold, daring, audacious).“She brashly confronted her boss about the unfair treatment of her colleagues.”
BraveTo face danger or difficulty with courage and determination, demonstrating bravery and fearlessness (courageous, valiant, intrepid).“She bravely stood up to the bully, refusing to let fear hold her back.”
BreatheTo inhale and exhale air, necessary for sustaining life, providing a sense of calm and relaxation (relax, unwind, respire).“She closed her eyes and took a moment to breathe in the fresh, crisp air of the forest.”
BreedTo raise and mate animals in order to produce offspring, contributing to the preservation of species and the improvement of genetic traits (raise, propagate, rear).“The zoo works tirelessly to breed endangered species and ensure their survival.”
BreezeTo move or progress effortlessly and smoothly, indicating a sense of ease and simplicity (glide, sail, flow).“She breezed through the interview, impressing the hiring manager with her confident and articulate responses.”
BrewTo prepare a beverage by steeping, boiling, and fermenting ingredients, resulting in a flavorful and aromatic drink, often associated with craftsmanship and creativity (craft, concoct, create).“I love to brew my own beer at home, experimenting with different flavors and ingredients to create unique and delicious brews.”
BridgeTo connect or join together, symbolizing unity and fostering communication (connect, link, unite).“The bridge between the two communities helped foster understanding and communication.”
BrightenTo make or become brighter, to bring light or cheerfulness into someone’s life (illuminate, uplift, enliven).“She always knows how to brighten my day with her infectious laughter.”
BrighteningTo make or become brighter or more radiant, bringing light and positivity into one’s life (illuminating, enlightening, uplifting).“The sun is brightening the room, filling it with warm and inviting light.”
BrimTo be filled to the point of overflowing, indicating abundance and exuberance (overflowing, abundant, exuberant).“Her eyes brimmed with tears of joy as she watched her daughter graduate.”
BringTo transport or carry something or someone to a place, often implying a sense of delivering or causing to arrive (deliver, convey, transport).“She brought the cake to the party, delighting everyone with her delicious creation.”
BriskTo move or act quickly and energetically, indicating efficiency and a sense of urgency (hurried, swift, rapid).“She briskly walked into the meeting room, ready to present her well-prepared proposal.”
BroadcastTo transmit or communicate a message or program through radio or television, reaching a wide audience and disseminating information (spread, transmit, air).“The news anchor will broadcast the breaking news to millions of viewers around the world.”
BroadenTo expand or increase in range or scope, indicating personal growth and a willingness to explore new ideas and perspectives (expand, enlarge, widen).“She decided to broaden her horizons by traveling to different countries and immersing herself in new cultures.”
BroilTo cook food by direct exposure to radiant heat, resulting in a deliciously charred and flavorful dish (grill, sear, roast).“I broiled the steak to perfection, resulting in a juicy and flavorful meal.”
BrokerTo arrange or negotiate (usually business deals) between parties, demonstrating skill in facilitating agreements and fostering successful transactions (negotiate, mediate, facilitate).“She brokered a deal between the two companies, resulting in a mutually beneficial partnership.”
BronzeTo earn a bronze medal, signifying a third-place finish, and to be recognized for their hard work and dedication (achieve, attain, accomplish).“She was thrilled to bronze in the national swimming competition.”
BroomTo sweep or clean a surface using a long-handled brush, symbolizing tidiness and cleanliness (tidy, neat, organized).“She broomed the entire house before the guests arrived.”
BrownTo turn food brown by cooking it at a high temperature, creating a rich and flavorful crust (cook, sear, caramelize).“I browned the steak to perfection, creating a deliciously caramelized crust.”
BrushTo clean or groom with a tool made of bristles or other stiff fibers, often used for hair or teeth, indicating the act of maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness (grooming, tidying, cleansing).“I brush my teeth every morning and night to keep them clean and healthy.”
BubbleTo produce bubbles or to be filled with bubbles, creating a sense of joy and playfulness (froth, fizz, effervesce).“The children giggled and squealed with delight as they watched the soap solution bubble and froth, creating a magical and playful atmosphere.”
BuckleTo fasten or secure with a buckle, symbolizing strength and reliability (secure, fasten, clasp).“She buckled her seatbelt before starting the car.”
BudTo grow or develop, indicating the potential for growth and progress (budding, developing, flourishing).“The young entrepreneur’s business began to bud, attracting investors and flourishing in the market.”
BudgeTo move or shift slightly, indicating a willingness to compromise or change one’s position, often leading to resolution (compromise, yield, adjust).“She finally budged on her stance and agreed to meet in the middle, leading to a successful negotiation.”
BuffTo polish or shine something, indicating a meticulous attention to detail and a desire for perfection (buff, polish, shine).“She buffed the silverware until it gleamed, impressing her guests with her attention to detail.”
BuildTo construct or create something, often referring to physical structures or abstract concepts, demonstrating the ability to bring ideas to life and contribute to the development of society (construct, create, establish).“She used her skills to build a school in the rural village, providing education and opportunities for the children.”
BuiltHaving constructed or created something, demonstrating skill and expertise (crafted, erected, assembled).“She built a successful business from scratch.”
BulgeTo swell or protrude outward, indicating a noticeable and prominent presence (swell, protrude, expand).“Her eyes bulged with excitement as she opened the gift.”
BulkTo increase in size or quantity, indicating growth and expansion (expand, enlarge, swell).“The company bulked its workforce to meet the increasing demand for their products.”
BunchTo gather or group together in a tight cluster, indicating a sense of unity and cohesion (bunch, gather, cluster).“The students bunched together to form a strong and united front against the proposed budget cuts.”
BundleTo gather or tie together in a compact and organized manner, creating a convenient and efficient package (bundle, consolidate, package).“I need to bundle up all the paperwork before the meeting.”
BuoyTo keep afloat or support, providing a sense of hope and encouragement (uplift, support, inspire).“The kind words from her friends buoyed her spirits during a difficult time.”
BurbleTo make a continuous murmuring sound, often in a happy or contented way, suggesting a sense of joy and contentment (gurgle, babble, murmur).“The baby burbled happily as she played with her toys.”
BurgeonTo grow or develop rapidly, indicating a flourishing and thriving state (flourish, thrive, prosper).“The tech industry continues to burgeon, creating new job opportunities and driving economic growth.”
BurnishTo polish or shine a surface, enhancing its appearance and giving it a smooth and glossy finish (polish, shine, buff).“She burnished the silverware until it gleamed in the candlelight.”
BurstTo suddenly break open or apart with a loud noise, often releasing something forcefully, demonstrating a powerful and explosive energy (explode, shatter, rupture).“The balloon burst with a loud pop, showering confetti all over the room.”
BuskTo perform music or entertainment in a public place for voluntary donations, bringing joy and entertainment to passersby (perform, entertain, serenade).“The talented musician decided to busk in the park, filling the air with beautiful melodies and bringing smiles to the faces of everyone who passed by.”
BustleTo move about in a busy and energetic manner, indicating a lively and bustling atmosphere (hustle, hurry, scurry).“The streets of New York City bustle with people rushing to work in the morning.”
BusyEngaged in activity or work, indicating productivity and a full schedule (occupied, active, bustling).“She is busy preparing for her upcoming presentation.”
ButterTo spread or coat with butter, adding richness and flavor to food (spread, coat, enrich).“I like to butter my toast in the morning for a delicious and satisfying breakfast.”
ButtonTo press or push a button, indicating an action or command (to activate, to initiate, to operate).“I always button up my coat before going outside to stay warm.”
ButtressTo provide support or reinforcement, strengthening or bolstering an argument or position (support, reinforce, fortify).“The expert’s research findings buttress the theory that exercise improves cognitive function.”
BuyTo acquire something in exchange for money or its equivalent, demonstrating the ability to fulfill one’s desires and needs (purchase, procure, obtain).“I will buy a new car next week.”
BuzzTo make a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound, often associated with the sound of bees or other insects flying (buzzing), creating a lively and energetic atmosphere (lively, energetic, vibrant).“The crowd buzzed with excitement as the band took the stage.”
BypassTo go around or avoid something, often used to describe finding an alternative route or method (circumvent, sidestep, evade).“I was able to bypass the heavy traffic by taking a back road.”

Now that we’ve covered all verbs starting with B that inherently exude positivity and impact, let’s complete the list and shift gears to another exciting set of words. These next words might not generally spell ‘positivity’ or ‘impact’ but when used thoughtfully, can surely add a positive & impactful spin to any conversation.

This next set of words exemplifies the beauty of language – their meaning is not just fixed but can be shaped by the context they are used in. So, try to use these words too, to have a bigger positive impact with your conversations.

The letter B only appears in about 1.5% of words used in the English language. Meaning that it is in the bottom half of usage in terms of letter frequency (btw, this is the full ranking, with the letters arranged from most to least frequent: etaoinshrdlcumwfgypbvkjxqz).

Yet, some verbs beginning with B are used more often than others. Below are some of the most used positive and impactful verbs that start with the letter B:

The frequency of how many times you want to use verbs that start with the letter B is entirely in your hands! We believe our list bestowed a bevy of beautiful words with B, boosting your banter brilliantly. And we bet, you found it both beneficial and bewitching to bring these words into play whenever you desired a burst of brightness or a hint of benevolence in your discourse or prose!

Bolstering our way into B, we stumble upon a banquet of words, each brimming with its unique charm. Here are ten beautiful words that start with B:

From bucolic to bravura, these words blossom into a broad range of meanings, each echoing the breadth and beauty of the English language.

Let’s take a step back and have a look at the bigger picture of our words with B. We discover an array of fascinating attributes that underscore its fundamental role within the English language.

The features of B, from its phonetic behavior to its widespread use across different fields, reveal its vital role in the English language. The journey of B from the Phoenician letter Bet to its present form underlines its enduring relevance and flexibility.

The story of B begins in ancient Egypt, where a hieroglyphic symbol representing a house was used. This symbol was adopted into the Proto-Sinaitic script, a precursor to the Phoenician alphabet, where it continued to represent a house and was called “beth,” meaning house in Phoenician.

The Phoenicians simplified the house hieroglyph into a more abstract form, which looked like a square with one corner missing. It had a consonant sound, transcribed as /b/.

The Greeks borrowed this character from the Phoenicians, maintaining the /b/ sound and renaming it “beta.” However, they modified the character’s shape into a more rounded form.

When the Etruscans, an ancient civilization in Italy, borrowed the Greek alphabet, they took the beta but flipped it, since their writing was from right to left.

The Romans inherited the alphabet from the Etruscans and flipped the letter back, as Latin was written from left to right. This is how B came to have its modern form.

In the English language, B typically represents the /b/ sound, as in “book” or “bat.” It can sometimes be silent, as in “doubt” or “subtle.”

B also has various symbolic meanings in modern contexts. In music, B is a note on the diatonic scale. In the realm of grades, B is often used to denote above average performance. In physics, B is the symbol for the magnetic field. In the digital world, ‘b’ is often used to denote bits, while ‘B’ is used for bytes.

From its ancient roots as a house symbol to its place in the modern English alphabet, the letter B offers a rich historical tapestry, reflecting the interconnectedness of human cultures and the dynamic evolution of written language systems.

Expanding your vocabulary is akin to broadening your intellectual horizons and enhancing your capacity to express your thoughts and emotions with precision. By embracing verbs like ‘blossom,’ ‘bolster,’ and ‘beacon,’ you’re not just learning new actions, but you’re also gaining refined ways to communicate growth and support. ‘Blossom’ can elevate a basic ‘grow’ into a vibrant unfolding, ‘bolster’ gives depth to mere support, and ‘beacon’ transforms ‘shine’ into a guiding light.

The more words you have at your disposal, the more accurately and vividly you can paint your thoughts into speech and writing. So, by growing your vocabulary, especially with positive and impactful words, you’re empowering yourself to engage more effectively and inspiringly with the world around you.

All 216 Positive & Impactful Verbs Starting With B (With Meanings & Examples) (2024)


What are the powerful verbs that start with B? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful verbs that start with the letter B include blossom, boost, believe, brighten, benefit, befriend, bolster, breathe, build, and beam.

What is a powerful word that starts with B? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful words that start with the letter B include brave, beautiful, beneficial, balanced, and blissful; and some of the most interesting words include bucolic, bibliophile, and bravura. There are many hundreds of these beautiful words, ranging from 2 to 20 characters in length.

What verb starts with the letter B? ›

Verbs that start with b would be bring, buy, buying, bury, burying, betting, batting, bite, biting. bat, bearing, baiting, bait, ban, battling. battle.

What are the strong positive verbs? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful verbs that start with the letter A include achieve, admire, adore, advise, amplify, appreciate, ascend, aspire, assure, and awaken. There are many dozens of these awesome words, ranging from 3 to 12 characters in length.

What are some joy words that start with B? ›

Bigger Positive Words That Start With B
benevolent (adj.)charitable; kindaltruistic, caring, generous
blessed (adj.)having had good wishesconsecrated, endowed, exalted
blissful (adj.)being happy or contentjoyful, ecstatic, delightful
blossoming (v.)growing or developingblooming, budding, flourishing
22 more rows
Jul 20, 2021

How many B verbs are there? ›

Be verbs are am, are, is, was, were, been and being. We only only use be as to be. "Be" verbs indicate a state of being.

What are good adverbs starting with B? ›

List of 20 Positive Adverbs That Start With B

What are 5 powerful verbs? ›

Strong Verbs List

What are some unique verbs? ›

Here are some examples of strange and unusual verbs:
  • Defenestrate - to throw out of a window.
  • Obfuscate - to deliberately make something unclear or confusing.
  • Bloviate - to speak or write pompously or boastfully.
  • Quixotize - to pursue lofty, romantic, or idealistic goals without regard to practicality.
Jun 12, 2023

What are the verbs for happy? ›

List of 32 Verbs That Express Joy
be gladbe rapturousenjoy
be on top of the worldcheerfeel happy
be over the mooncrowgladden
be overjoyeddelightjoy
be pleased aboutenchantjubilate
3 more rows

What are 10 strong verbs? ›

Strong Verbs List

What are B form verbs? ›

What are some examples of “be” verbs? • Present tense: am, are, is; (I am, you/they are, he/she/it is) • Past tense: was, were; (I was, you/they were, he/she/it was) • Past participle: been; (I have been; he/she/it has been, they have been)

What are the 8 B verbs? ›

It has eight different forms: be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been. The present simple and past simple tenses make more changes than those of other verbs. I am late. We are late.

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