About bread & baking - Pågen (2024)

Bread will have a taste and texture depending on which flour you use. Wheat flour generally gives lighter and more airy bread, while rye and coarse flour with wholegrain produce more moderate and compact bread.

Many people believe that whole-grain bread is always dark, but all grain has a light colour and you can make white bread using whole-grain flour. The dark colour usually comes from malt, wort or dark syrup. Spices and other ingredients such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, fennel and cardamom, give bread added flavour and character.

Wheat flour is available in many varieties and is the flour most used in Sweden. It has a high protein and gluten content, providing fluffier bread.

There are several thousand different kinds of wheat and they are divided into spring and autumn wheat depending on when they are sown. Some of the most common wheat varieties are:

Dinkel is an ancient type of wheat, also called spelt. Many people think dinkel tastes stronger than regular wheat. Some believe it is gentler for people with IBS (irritable bowl syndrome). There’s no scientific evidence for this, but dinkel has better nutritional values than common wheat flour.

Durum is also a type of wheat, often slightly yellow in colour. It contains a high content of gluten proteins and is suitable for pasta as well as bread.

These wheat varieties are not yet fully adapted to the Swedish climate. But we have been developing Swedish durum and dinkel and baked with these new cereals since 2017.
Read more about how we take part in developing Swedish agriculture>

Rye is the grain that grows best in northern Europe, which is why we often bake with rye flour here. Rye is often used in slightly coarser bread and crispbread. Rye flour is a bit sharper and breaks gluten threads easier. It doesn’t give the same airy bread as wheat flour, so people often mix the two.

The choice of flour affects the nutrient content of finished bread. For example, whole grain flour provides bread that is richer in fibre. Whole-grain flour uses all of grain: the core, shell and sprout, which retains more minerals and vitamins. You can buy finely ground flour, but you only find whole-grains in cereal products such as rye and wheat. Whole grain bread can be light or dark, rough or smooth.

More about bread, health and nutrition

Other types of flour
There are many grain products of different grinding sizes and mixtures available. Here are the most common:

Sifted flour: the outer parts of the grain are sifted away, so this flour is not whole-grain.

Graham flour: a whole grain wheat product not milled to flour but to fine grains.

Semolina: is made from the protein-rich core, which is free from whole grains. It is milled to fine grains not flour.

Bran: the shells of either wheat or oat. Buy it separately and add to your dough if you want more whole grains.

Sprouts: the inner parts of the grain without their shells. Mix these in dough or sprinkle them on top of the bread to add flavour or texture.

Our skilled millers make all the varieties of flour we use for our different breads at our own mill, Lilla Harrie Valskvarn.

About bread & baking - Pågen (2024)


About bread & baking - Pågen? ›

Welcome to Pågen

What is the theory of bread and pastry? ›

The theory of bread and pastry production involves mixing various ingredients, such as flour, milk, sugar, yeast, eggs, and butter, to make dough, which is then rolled, folded, and baked.

What is baking in bread and pastry? ›

Baking and pastry is the culinary sector that includes baked goods and desserts like breads, cakes, pies, breakfast pastries, chocolate, and other sweet and savory baked goods. It's distinct from culinary arts, which usually includes the food items on an entrée plate like proteins, vegetables, and grains.

Where does Gifflar come from? ›

Whoops – and so we'd accidentally created the cinnamon Gifflar – Sweden's most sold snack bread!

What is bakery and pastry? ›

Bakery and pastry are not the same, bakery is part of the culinary field that is into making breads, pizzas, pastries etc and is believed to have an origin from Egypt. Whereas pastries originated in France and it is used to describe grouping, processing or serving of cakes.

What is the golden rule of pastry? ›

The first golden rule of making pastry; keep the ingredients, the bowl and the hands as cool as possible. Sieve the flour to add extra air and lightness to the pastry.

What are the three 3 basic rules for pastry making? ›

General rules

Keep everything as cool as possible otherwise the fat may melt which would spoil the finished dish. Introduce as much air as possible during making. Allow to relax after making to allow the fat to harden.

What are the 5 core competencies of bread and pastry production? ›

  • Prepare and produce bakery products.
  • Prepare and produce pastry products.
  • Prepare and present gateaux, tortes and cakes.
  • Prepare and display petit* fours.
  • Present desserts.

What do you call a person who makes bread and pastries? ›

A baker is a tradesperson who bakes and sometimes sells breads and other products made of flour by using an oven or other concentrated heat source. The place where a baker works is called a bakery.

What is the summary of bread and pastry production? ›

The Bread and Pastry Production NC II is a technical-vocational program that develops the skills of students in preparing and producing bakery or pastry products, cakes and desserts.

What was cinnamon rolls original name? ›

Origins. Roman spice traders introduced the Sri Lankan cinnamon spice to Europe. The spice later began to be used in Swedish pastries, with the modern kanelbulle ( lit. ''cinnamon bun'') being created after the first world war.

What are the ingredients in gifflar? ›

Wheat flour, water, sugar, rapeseed oil, brown sugar, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats (coconut, rapeseed), apricot kernel, almonds, skimmed milk powder, egg, inverted sugar syrup, yeast, barley malt, salt, modified starch, raising agents (E450, E500), vegetable emulsifier (E471), preservatives (E200, E282), ...

Is cinnamon roll real? ›

Cinnamon rolls are commonly served in Northern European and North American cuisines. Cinnamon rolls, also known as Kanelbulle in Sweden, are trendy. On October 4th, Sweden even celebrates 'Cinnamon Roll Day. '

What is a female baker called? ›

A female baker is called a "baker" just like a male baker. There is no specific term that distinguishes a female baker from a male baker based on gender. Both men and women who professionally prepare and bake bread, pastries, cakes, and other baked goods are simply referred to as bakers.

What is the theory behind bread making? ›

The yeast cells grow, the gluten protein pieces stick together to form networks, and alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed from the breakdown of carbohydrates (starch, sugars) that are found naturally in the flour. Yeast uses sugars by breaking them down into carbon dioxide and water.

What is the psychology behind baking bread? ›

Bread is a unique therapy because of the psychological experience already explored by psychologists and psychotherapists with food preparation in general showing how consuming the labor of one's hands creates an unparalleled sense of self-esteem and confidence, and with bread in particular it unlocks in most people ...

What is the theory of puff pastry? ›

During the baking process, the water located in the dough vaporizes and generates steam which expands but cannot pass the coagulated gluten network within the dough layers [4]. This expansion of steam between the dough layers causes the rise of the puff pastry.

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