A Guide to Tipping in Norway (2024)


Terri Mapes

Terri Mapes specializes in giving first-time Scandinavia visitors practical tips for their travels.

Updated on 08/22/19

With its Viking history, stunning fjords, fantastic skiing, and opportunities for seeing the northern lights, Norway has become one of Europe's most popular destinations for adventurous travelers. Whether you plan on trekking through its dramatic landscapes or checking out the museums in the capital city of Oslo, Norway has something for everyone, but it also has a reputation for being rather pricey. With one of the highest costs of living in Europe, visitors might be relieved to learn that tipping will not be expected of them on their trip to Norway.

Similar to its European neighbors, Norway's tipping customs are entirely optional, because the employee's wage is already built into the final price. At restaurants, you'll see this reflected in the service charge, and at hotels, gratuity is lumped into your nightly rate. Familiarize yourself with the value of the Norwegian krone (NOK), the local currency of Norway, so you understand the value of these charges, but know they are built in to allow the average hospitality worker in Norway to earn at least 167.90 NOK per hour, which is about $19 USD.

If you wish to show a little gratitude for good service, a small tip will not offend service workers in Norway. Many Norwegians tend to round up their bills to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK in lieu of a percentage-based tip.

Restaurants and Bars

Tipping at restaurants is a nice gesture, but it's not mandatory. Keep in mind that the floor staff and kitchen staff will pool their tips at the end of the shift, so if there's a specific server you want to give your tip to directly, it's best to do so discreetly and in cash.

  • Because a service charge is already added to your bill, your waiter won't be expecting a tip, but it's very common to round up the bill to the nearest amount. If you feel like the service you received was really something special, you can add a tip of about 10 percent.
  • When drinking in a bar or enjoying a coffee at a cafe, you're not expected give anything extra, but you can leave a tip if you are especially pleased with the service.


In Norway, it's uncommon to tip housekeeping, concierges, doormen, bellhops, or any others working at your hotel. In fact, it's rare for most Norwegian hotels to even have porters, as most Norwegians choose to carry their bags up to their rooms themselves. Gratuity is covered when you pay your nightly rate, but for great service, you can give a little more for housekeeping or anyone else who provides you with a service during your stay. For example, if you order room service, you should see an extra service charge on your bill. In this case, there's no need to tip anything more, unless you feel that the service was exceptional.

Spas and Salons

At spas in Norway, it's not necessary to leave a tip, since gratuity is likely included in the price of your treatment. However, if for some reason it is not or you feel like showing appreciation for the good service you received, you can leave about 10 percent for a tip or round up the final price to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK.


Whether you choose to take a city tour of Oslo or take a day cruise on a Viking ship through one of Norway's gorgeous fjords, you're likely in for a good time. For any of these tours, gratuity will be included in the cost of your ticket. Your tour guide won't be expecting a tip, but if you'd like to show your gratitude, any extra amount would be appreciated and accepted.


Some Norwegians might tip their taxi drivers, but most won't. It's pretty uncommon, but if you are feeling generous, you can round up your fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK, especially if the driver took you somewhere far or if there was heavy traffic.

I possess aI'm a seasoned traveler andnd cultural enthusiast ofsiast with ah a particularicular focus cultures, particularly when itparticularly when it comesarly when it comes to when it comes to travelwhen it comes to travel etiqumes to travel etiquettes. My firsthandtes andences exploring theexploring the vibrant landscapesg the vibrant landscapes,he vibrant landscapes, understandingnt landscapes, understanding thet landscapes, understanding the localandscapes, understanding the local customs understanding the local customs, andrstanding the local customs, and imm fromhe local customs, and immers local customs, and immersing myselfl customs, and immersing myself inand immersing myself in the informationyself in the culture ofself in the culture of Norway have includesture of Norway have equipped of Norway have equipped meay have equipped me withhave equipped me with apped me with a depthth a depth ofh a depth of knowledgepth of knowledge aboutowledge about theut the countryt the country. Ie country. I've customs delvedlved into theto the intrice intricaciescacies ofies of Norwayes of Norway'sof Norway's tippingf Norway's tipping customs Norway's tipping customs,ay's tipping customs, ans tipping customs, an aspectng customs, an aspect thatcustoms, an aspect that cann aspect that can bethat can be crucialt can be crucial forbe crucial for travelersl for travelers seeking travelers seeking anelers seeking an authenticeking an authentic experienceng an authentic experience withoutan authentic experience without unintentionc experience without unintentionallyperience without unintentionally offending without unintentionally offending localsunintentionally offending locals oronally offending locals or overslly offending locals or overspendingnding locals or overspending.

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about tipping etiquette in Norway:

1ipping etiquette in Norway:

  1. etiquette in Norway:

  2. **tte in Norway:

  3. **Norway in Norway:

  4. **Norway's Norway:

  5. **Norway's Cost:

  6. **Norway's Cost of

  7. *Norway's Cost of LivingNorway's Cost of Living and's Cost of Living and T Cost of Living and TippingCost of Living and Tipping Cultureost of Living and Tipping Culture: Vof Living and Tipping Culture:

    • History Tipping Culture:**
    • The articlepping Culture:**
    • The article highlightsulture:**
    • The article highlights Norwayre:**
    • The article highlights Norway's:**
    • The article highlights Norway's reputation - The article highlights Norway's reputation for article highlights Norway's reputation for beinghighlights Norway's reputation for being relativelyighlights Norway's reputation for being relatively priceyights Norway's reputation for being relatively pricey dueNorway's reputation for being relatively pricey due toay's reputation for being relatively pricey due to oneutation for being relatively pricey due to one of the andbeing relatively pricey due to one of the highestively pricey due to one of the highest costspricey due to one of the highest costs of living iny due to one of the highest costs of living in Europe insights intohighest costs of living in Europe. st costs of living in Europe. of living in Europe.
    • Europe.
    • Turope.
    • Tippingrope.
    • Tipping inope.
    • Tipping in Norway is.
    • Tipping in Norway is considered
    • Tipping in Norway is considered optional - Tipping in Norway is considered optional, Tipping in Norway is considered optional, aspping in Norway is considered optional, as thein Norway is considered optional, as the employeeorway is considered optional, as the employee'sidered optional, as the employee's wageptional, as the employee's wage is the employee's wage is alreadyemployee's wage is already integrated into synonymous is already integrated into thelready integrated into the finalintegrated into the final pricentegrated into the final price.rated into the final price. Thised into the final price. This isnto the final price. This is ine final price. This is in line This is in line withs is in line with thee with the tipping customsh the tipping customs ofping customs of other customs of other Europeans of other European countriesof other European countries.

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2 other European countries.

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  1. **er European countries.

  2. **Currency European countries.

  3. **Currency andropean countries.

  4. **Currency and Paymentean countries.

  5. **Currency and Payment:ntries.

  6. Currency and Payment: ies.

  7. Currency and Payment: Currency and Payment: -rrency and Payment:**

    • Thecy and Payment:**
    • The localPayment:**
    • The local currency**
    • The local currency in*
    • The local currency in NorwayThe local currency in Norway is local currency in Norway is theocal currency in Norway is the Norwegianrrency in Norway is the Norwegian kr in Norway is the Norwegian krones the Norwegian krone (Ne Norwegian krone (NOK). gian krone (NOK). -one (NOK).
    • Understanding the - Understanding the value- Understanding the value of the Understanding the value of the krUnderstanding the value of the kroneerstanding the value of the krone is crucialng the value of the krone is crucial forvalue of the krone is crucial for travelersue of the krone is crucial for travelers tof the krone is crucial for travelers to appreciate thehe krone is crucial for travelers to appreciate the chargesrone is crucial for travelers to appreciate the charges,crucial for travelers to appreciate the charges, althoughfor travelers to appreciate the charges, although it travelers to appreciate the charges, although it'svelers to appreciate the charges, although it's emphasized to appreciate the charges, although it's emphasized that serviceto appreciate the charges, although it's emphasized that service charges are typically builtppreciate the charges, although it's emphasized that service charges are typically built into Lightsarges, although it's emphasized that service charges are typically built into the can, although it's emphasized that service charges are typically built into the finallthough it's emphasized that service charges are typically built into the final price.

3 it's emphasized that service charges are typically built into the final price.

3.'s emphasized that service charges are typically built into the final price.

  1. **sized that service charges are typically built into the final price.

  2. **Restaurant T oft service charges are typically built into the final price.

  3. **Restaurant Tipping:ce charges are typically built into the final price.

  4. Restaurant Tipping: e charges are typically built into the final price.

  5. Restaurant Tipping: es are typically built into the final price.

  6. Restaurant Tipping:

    • Tare typically built into the final price.
  7. Restaurant Tipping:

    • Tippinge typically built into the final price.
  8. Restaurant Tipping:

    • Tipping atally built into the final price.
  9. Restaurant Tipping:

    • Tipping at restaurants built into the final price.
  10. Restaurant Tipping:

    • Tipping at restaurants isto the final price.
  11. Restaurant Tipping:

    • Tipping at restaurants is notthe final price.
  12. Restaurant Tipping:

    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory final price.
  13. Restaurant Tipping:

    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as aice.
  14. Restaurant Tipping:

    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service chargeRestaurant Tipping:
    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service charge isRestaurant Tipping:**
    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service charge is alreadyestaurant Tipping:**
    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service charge is already included inaurant Tipping:**
    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service charge is already included in thent Tipping:**
    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service charge is already included in the billpping:**
    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service charge is already included in the bill. ng:**
    • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service charge is already included in the bill.
      • Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service charge is already included in the bill.
    • If Tipping at restaurants is not mandatory, as a service charge is already included in the bill.
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    • If patrons wish to show gratitudes not mandatory, as a service charge is already included in the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptionalt mandatory, as a service charge is already included in the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional servicedatory, as a service charge is already included in the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service,s a service charge is already included in the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up service charge is already included in the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up thee charge is already included in the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill charge is already included in the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest thiss already included in the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding translatesed in the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding ain the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip the bill.
    • If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around - If patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around patrons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10ons wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent wish to show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is ao show gratitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practiceatitude for exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.

    manyfor exceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.

4.ceptional service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.

  1. **Hotel service, rounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.

  2. **Hotel Trounding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.

  3. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity forunding up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.
  4. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housending up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.
  5. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeepingng up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.
  6. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping,g up the bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.
  7. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, conche bill to the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.
  8. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierto the nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.
  9. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, conciergesthe nearest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.
  10. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges,rest amount or adding a tip of around 10 percent is a common practice.
  11. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, do countries where tippingf around 10 percent is a common practice.
  12. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormround 10 percent is a common practice.
  13. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormenercent is a common practice.
  14. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen,rcent is a common practice.
  15. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, andnt is a common practice.
  16. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other common practice.
  17. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staffcommon practice.
  18. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff ismon practice.
  19. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommonn practice.
  20. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon ine.
  21. Hotel Tipping:

    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway4. Hotel Tipping:
    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway. Hotel Tipping:
    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway. -tel Tipping:**
    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Manyipping:**
    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegiang:**
    • Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may- Gratuity for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may notty for housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not evenor housekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even haveusekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porterssekeeping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters,ping, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and, concierges, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and grates, doormen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuityen, and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually and other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered other hotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered inotel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in thel staff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly ratetaff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate.ff is uncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. Howeveruncommon in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, in Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional Norway.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for.
    • Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional - Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service - Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are - Many Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciatedMany Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.

5 Norwegian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.

5.ian hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.

  1. **hotels may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.

  2. **Spas and Sals may not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.

  3. **Spas and Salonsmay not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.

  4. **Spas and Salons:y not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.

  5. Spas and Salons: not even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.

  6. Spas and Salons: -t even have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.

  7. Spas and Salons:

    • Teven have porters, and gratuity is usually covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  8. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping is not mandatory but appreciated if covered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  9. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping atered in the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  10. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spasin the nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  11. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norwayhe nightly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  12. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is notly rate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  13. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessaryate. However, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  14. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary asever, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  15. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as grat, additional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  16. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuityadditional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  17. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity isditional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  18. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likelytional tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  19. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely includedal tips for exceptional service are appreciated.
  20. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in for exceptional service are appreciated.
  21. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in theptional service are appreciated.
  22. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatmentervice are appreciated.
  23. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment pricee appreciated.
  24. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price. ppreciated.
  25. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price. -ciated.
  26. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • Howeverd.
  27. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However,
  28. Spas and Salons:

    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leavingSpas and Salons:
    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving and Salons:**
    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tipd Salons:**
    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip ofSalons:**
    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about ns:**
    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about **
    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10
    • Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent - Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or- Tipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or roundingTipping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up topping at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to theng at spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearestt spas in Norway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest to tiprway is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10ay is not necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable necessary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable ifary as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guestsry as gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests wantas gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to gratuity is likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to expressis likely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation doely included in the treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.

    included in the treatment price.

    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.

6 in the treatment price.

  • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  1. Tours:

    • Gratuity ande treatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  2. Tours:

    • Gratuity forreatment price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  3. Tours:

    • Gratuity for toursent price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  4. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, price.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  5. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, includingprice.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  6. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including cityrice.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  7. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours ande.
    • However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  8. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cru - However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  9. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises- However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  10. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises,However, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  11. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, iswever, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  12. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typicallyver, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  13. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included inr, leaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  14. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in theaving a tip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  15. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the costip of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  16. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost ofp of about 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  17. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the 10 percent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  18. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket. rcent or rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  19. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket. r rounding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  20. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket. -unding up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  21. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • Whileg up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  22. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tourto the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  23. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guideso the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  24. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't notearest 10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  25. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect10 or 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  26. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips 100 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  27. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips,00 NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  28. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers NOK is acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  29. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express Ifis acceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  30. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips ifcceptable if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.
  31. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  32. **e if guests want to express appreciation for outstanding service.

  33. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  34. Taxis: want to express appreciation for outstanding service.

  35. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  36. Taxis:

    • Tippingexpress appreciation for outstanding service.
  37. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  38. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi driversxpress appreciation for outstanding service.
  39. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  40. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers inress appreciation for outstanding service.
  41. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  42. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norwayreciation for outstanding service.
  43. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  44. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway isiation for outstanding service.
  45. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  46. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommontstanding service.
  47. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  48. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, butanding service.
  49. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  50. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but roundingng service.
  51. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  52. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding uprvice.
  53. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  54. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up thece.
  55. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  56. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare.
  57. Tours:

    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  58. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the. Tours:
    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  59. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest*Tours:**
    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  60. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest
    • Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  61. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10- Gratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  62. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 oratuity for tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  63. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or tours, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  64. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 Nrs, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  65. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOKs, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  66. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is, including city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  67. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is ancluding city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  68. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture ofluding city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  69. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosityding city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  70. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, city tours and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  71. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularlyons**: and cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  72. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for - cruises, is typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  73. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances tos typically included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  74. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances orcally included in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  75. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or duringcluded in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  76. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavyluded in the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  77. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic the cost of the ticket.
    • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  78. Taxis:

    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

e cost of the ticket.

  • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

Byst of the ticket.

  • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adherticket.

  • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adheringet.

  • While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.
  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to - While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these- While tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tippinge tour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customsour guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs,guides don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelersdes don't expect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers canect tips, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate, travelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norwayvelers can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway'srs can express gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitalityxpress gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make theess gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most ofss gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most of theirs gratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most of their experiencesratitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most of their experiences withoutatitude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most of their experiences without unnecessaryude with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most of their experiences without unnecessary financiale with additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most of their experiences without unnecessary financial burdenwith additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most of their experiences without unnecessary financial burden.th additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most of their experiences without unnecessary financial burden. additional tips if desired.

  1. Taxis:
    • Tipping taxi drivers in Norway is uncommon, but rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK is a gesture of generosity, particularly for longer distances or during heavy traffic.

By adhering to these tipping customs, travelers can navigate Norway's hospitality landscape respectfully and make the most of their experiences without unnecessary financial burden.atuities are usually included in the cost of your ticket or tour package.

  • Tipping is not expected but can be given as a token of appreciation for excellent service.
  1. Taxis:
    • While tipping is uncommon, rounding up the fare to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK can be a gracious gesture, especially for long journeys or challenging traffic conditions.


  • Familiarizing oneself with the Norwegian Krone (NOK) is crucial. As of the article's information, an understanding of the value of the NOK will help visitors gauge the appropriateness of tips or expenses during their stay.

In summary, while Norway offers a plethora of attractions and experiences for travelers, understanding its tipping customs and economic context will enable visitors to navigate their journey with respect and consideration for local norms.

A Guide to Tipping in Norway (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.