9 Foods To Help You Lose weight (2024)

Delicious foods that help you diet? It sounds too good to be true.

No doubt: Weight loss involves math. You have to eat fewer calories than you burn.

"Certain foods can help you shed body weight," says registered dietitian Heather Mangieri, RD, "because they help you feel full longer and help curb cravings."

Some even kick up your metabolism. So take this list when you go to the supermarket.

1. Beans

Inexpensive, filling, and versatile, beans are a great source of protein. Beans are also high in fiber and slow to digest. That means you feel full longer, which may stop you from eating more.

2. Soup

Start a meal with a cup of soup, and you may end up eating less. It doesn’t matter if the soup is chunky or pureed, as long as it's broth-based. You want to keep the soup to 100 to 150 calories a serving. So skip the dollops of cream and butter.

3. Dark Chocolate

Want to enjoy a little bit of chocolate between meals? Pick a small square or two of dark chocolate instead of the milky version. In one study, chocolate lovers who were given dark chocolate ate 15% less pizza a few hours later than those who had eaten milk chocolate.

4. Pureed Vegetables

You can add more veggies to your diet, enjoy your "cheat" foods, and cut back on the calories you’re eating, all at the same time. When Penn State researchers added pureed cauliflower and zucchini to mac and cheese, people seemed to like the dish just as much. But they ate 200 to 350 fewer calories. Those healthy vegetables added low-cal bulk to the tasty dish.

5. Yogurt with berries

A protein-rich breakfast may help you resist snack attacks throughout the day.

In a study of a group of obese young women, those who started the day with 35 grams of protein -- that’s probably way more than you’re eating -- felt fuller right away. The women ate a 350-calorie breakfast that included eggs and a beef sausage patty. The effect of the high-protein breakfast seemed to last into the evening, when the women munched less on fatty, sugary goods than the women who had cereal for breakfast.

Eggs andsausage aren’t your only options – and given their saturated fat, you might need to switch things up. Greek yogurt with berries and nuts is one option. Just pick yogurt that isn’t loaded with added sugar.

6. Nuts

For a great snack on the run, take a small handful of any nuts -- such as almonds, peanuts, walnuts, or pecans. Research shows that when people munch on nuts, they automatically eat less at later meals.

7. Apples (With the Skin On)

Skip the apple juice and the applesauce and opt instead for a crunchy apple with its skin on. Whole fruit blunts appetite in a way that fruit juices and sauces don’t.

One reason is that raw fruit has more fiber. Plus, chewing sends signals to your brain that you’ve eaten something substantial.

8. Yogurt

Whether you prefer Greek or traditional, yogurt can be good for your waistline.

A Harvard study followed more than 120,000 people for a decade or longer. Yogurt, of all the foods that were tracked, was most closely linked to weight loss.

That doesn't prove that yogurt caused weight loss, but it stood out among other foods.

9. Grapefruit

Yes, grapefruit really can help you shed pounds, especially if you are at risk for diabetes.

Researchers at Scripps Clinic in San Diego found that when obese people ate half a grapefruit before each meal, they dropped an average of 3 ½ pounds over 12 weeks. Drinking grapefruit juice had the same results.

But grapefruit juice doesn't have any proven "fat-burning" properties -- it may just have helped people feel full.

Be careful: You cannot have grapefruit or grapefruit juice if you are on certain medications, so check the label on all your prescriptions, or ask your pharmacist or doctor.

Shop Smart

Load your shopping cart with lots of lean protein, fresh veggies, fruit, and whole grains, says food scientist Joy Dubost, PhD, RD. The most important thing, when it comes to lasting weight loss, is the big picture of what you eat, not specific foods.

As a nutrition expert with a comprehensive understanding of dietary principles and weight management strategies, I'm well-versed in the concepts and scientific evidence that underpin the relationship between food choices and weight loss.

The article you provided explores various foods that aid in weight management by promoting satiety, reducing calorie intake, and potentially boosting metabolism. Let's break down the concepts and the related information from the article:

  1. Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss: The fundamental principle of weight loss is consuming fewer calories than you burn. This involves mindful eating and selecting foods that help control hunger.

  2. Foods That Promote Satiety and Control Cravings: The article suggests several food types that can help individuals feel full for longer periods, thereby curbing overeating. These include:

    • Beans: Rich in protein and fiber, beans contribute to a feeling of fullness.
    • Soup: Starting a meal with broth-based soup (around 100-150 calories) may reduce overall calorie intake.
    • Dark Chocolate: Consumption of dark chocolate may lead to reduced subsequent food intake.
    • Pureed Vegetables: Adding pureed vegetables to dishes can increase bulk without significantly raising calorie content.
    • Yogurt with Berries: A high-protein breakfast, like Greek yogurt with berries and nuts, may reduce snacking tendencies.
  3. Nutrient-Dense Snacking: Nuts, particularly almonds, peanuts, walnuts, or pecans, have been shown to reduce subsequent meal intake.

  4. Whole Foods vs. Processed Variants: Whole fruits like apples (with skin) can be more satiating than juices or sauces due to their fiber content and the act of chewing.

  5. Specific Food Effects on Weight Loss: Some foods, such as yogurt and grapefruit, have been linked to weight loss in studies. However, causation isn't always established; correlation exists between these foods and weight loss, indicating a potential association rather than a direct cause.

  6. Individual Considerations: Certain foods like grapefruit might have contraindications with medications, so individual circ*mstances and health conditions need to be considered before incorporating these into a diet.

  7. Overall Dietary Patterns: Emphasizing a balanced diet rich in lean protein, fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is essential for sustainable weight loss.

Remember, while these foods can support weight management, the overall diet's quality, portion sizes, and individual adherence to a healthy lifestyle are crucial for long-term success. The key lies in a holistic approach to nutrition rather than focusing solely on specific "miracle" foods.

9 Foods To Help You Lose weight (2024)
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