8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (2024)

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (1)

Chances areif you open any fridge in New Zealand, you’re likely to find a carrot (or ten) inside it.

Carrots are a versatile vegetable – they can be eaten cooked or raw, whole or chopped, in a soup or a salad. They’re the perfect no-prep snack, and rumour has it, they can help you see in the dark.

In fact, we love this humble vegetable so much that we have honoured it with a giant statue.

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (2)

The giant carrot statue in Ohakune, New Zealand. Image: The Travelling Pooh/Flickr

Even though we seem to really love our carrots, Kiwis throw away 2,340tonnesof carrots and 1,727 tonnes of carrot peels every year.

Why? They’re cheap and often sold in large bags so we buy more than we need, meaning that some cansit in our fridges for ages until they go limp or black.

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (3)

If your carrots have gone slimy or black the only thing they should be feeding is your compost bin, not your family. But if your carrot has gone limp, it can easily be revived by soaking it in water. Research by the University of Otago found that carrots will last 10 times longer if you store them in the fridge in an airtight container with a paper towel on the bottom.

Here’s some carrot recipes great for using up any limp or crooked carrots you might have.

Carrot and Miso Dip

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (4)

If your carrots have gone limp, why not turn them into a dip. Try this carrot and miso dip for something a bit different. If you like Mexicanflavours, make this Mexican carrot dip.

Carrot Cake

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (5)

You probably already have a favourite recipe for carrot cake, but have you ever made one with cooked carrots? This carrot cake recipe uses cooked carrots, so is perfect for when you have leftovers.

Carrot Cake Cookies

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (6)

You may have had carrot cake, but have you had carrot cake cookies? Use your limp carrots to make these chewy treats.

Carrot and Apple Salad

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (7)

Carrot salads are a staple in many New Zealand homes. We love this crunchy carrot and apple salad by Sophie Gray which is a cheap way to bulk out a meal, especially with apples coming back into season.

Pickled Carrots

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (8)

Don’t have time to cook? These pickled carrots are super quick to whip up when you need to add some zing to a meal.

Hidden Veggie Mac and Cheese

Struggling to get the kids to eat their vegetables? Carrots are the perfect vegetable to sneak into their meals, like in this hidden veggie macaroni cheese.

Golden Shepherd’s Pie

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (9)

Next time you’re mashing veges, sneak a few carrots in there, like we did in this golden shepherd’s pie.

Carrot, red lentil and coconut soup

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (10)

When the weather turns cold, chuck some carrots into the slow cooker to make this spicy soup.

Handy Hint: If you can’t get through a bag of carrots fast enough, then freeze them. It’s best to cut your carrots to size and then blanch them before popping them in the freezer.

8 Ways To Use Limp Or Crooked Carrots (2024)


Can you use a floppy carrot? ›

If you find that your carrots are soft and floppy, but show no other signs that they have gone bad, such as mold or a slimy surface, then they can be saved! Hallelujah. The floppiness is a result of the carrot being dehydrated. They're around 80-95% water after all!

Why does carrot become limp? ›

Specifically, if carrots lose too much water, they tend to turn from crisp and crunchy to limp and rubbery. This moisture loss can result from the carrot tops absorbing too much water, which leaves the root dehydrated, or simply from storing them in too dry an environment.

How long can carrots sit out? ›

You don't need to refrigerate carrots, as they last for a couple of days at room temperature. But if you need more than 4 to 5 days for carrots, or 2 days for baby carrots, refrigeration is the better option. Just by transferring your carrots into the fridge you more than double their shelf life.

Can you cook a limp carrot? ›

All root vegetables turn richer and sweeter with the heat of a good roast, so if your carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips, rutabaga, or radishes are looking a little limp, toss them in the oven with a drizzle of oil and a dash of salt and pepper.

What can I do with old limp carrots? ›

Cut a thin slice off the bottoms and submerge them in a bowl of cold clean water, which you'll place in your fridge on the coldest shelf. Sure, you can use them after about an hour of soaking, but if you ignore them until the next day you should have crisp carrots just begging to be eaten.

Can I use soft carrots in soup? ›

Make a comforting soup

If your carrots have gone soft, don't throw them away! Soft raw carrots are great for blending into a comforting soup.

Can dogs eat carrots? ›

Raw and cooked carrots are healthy options for dogs and make a nutritious add-on to meals. While carrots are generally safe, it is important to cut whole carrots and even carrot sticks into bite-size chunks before feeding them to your dog. As a result, you will prevent choking, especially in small dogs.

Can you eat old carrots? ›

Yes, but make sure they aren't spoiled first.

Feel free to crunch away on your carrots if you don't detect any slime, mold, funky smell, dark spots, or mushy texture.

Why do vegetables become limp? ›

Moisture in the fridge is what causes most fruit and veggies to lose their crisp texture and start to soften and go bad. By lining your fridge's veggie drawer, you'll absorb excess moisture and keep fresh produce crunchy for an extended period of time.

Why does carrot sink in water? ›

The carrot is more dense than fresh water so the carrot sinks in fresh water. When salt is dissolved in the water, the density of the water increases until the salt water becomes more dense than the carrot which makes the carrot float in the salt water.

What can I do with limp celery? ›

All you have to do to revive celery is "soak a limp vegetable in water for a few hours and its cells will absorb water and reinflate. Crispness can also be enhanced by making sure that the vegetable is icy cold."

Can you eat cooked carrots cold the next day? ›

You don't need to eat roasted vegetables hot. Use them as a salad or dipping agent.

Can you freeze carrots? ›

Freezing carrots is such a great way to avoid waste. It will also make cooking them a little quicker from frozen. Like most vegetables, if frozen raw, the texture, taste, colour and nutritional value of carrots deteriorates. Make sure you blanch the veg to preserve these elements.

Can you eat carrots that have mold? ›

Some moldy foods are beyond repair, but it is safe to eat some, such as carrots, after removing the area around visible mold. According to the Mayo Clinic, it is safe to eat carrots and other firm vegetables after cutting at least one inch below and around any mold spots.

What to do with limp vegetables? ›

Vegetables go limp because they're dehydrated; they lose water as time goes on and lose their turgidity and crispness. They hold up better, then, in more humid, colder environments (i.e., the refrigerator). To bring perk back to your vegetables, let them drink water. Plunk them in a bowl of ice water.

Can you soften carrots in water? ›

Cook 1 pound carrots, covered, in a small amount of boiling salted water until crisp-tender. Here's how long to cook carrots on the stove top depending on how they're cut: 7 to 9 minutes for ¼-inch slices. 4 to 6 minutes for strips.

What can I do with wilted vegetables? ›

Your options are to revive your sad produce, freeze it, or use it immediately.
  1. Saute. Saute limp spinach or braising greens with garlic as a side dish, or add them to scrambled eggs. ...
  2. Roast. Broccoli or kale that's losing its vivid color in spots, even going a bit yellow, is safe to eat. ...
  3. Incorporate. ...
  4. Soak. ...
  5. Freeze.
27 Apr 2020

How do you store carrots so they don't go limp? ›

Don't wash the vegetables before putting them into storage, but do take off the stem and leaves. Then "pack in leaves or sawdust or in a bucket of moist sand with a loose lid," they recommend. With that, you'll be able to keep your carrots fresh for months.

What can I do with limp broccoli? ›

WILTED. A quick soak in ice water for 5 to 10 minutes is often enough to reinvigorate wilted veggies. Bendy carrots will straighten right up, lettuce will crisp, and limp broccoli will find its strength again.

Can you freeze and reuse carrots? ›

Yes, you can freeze carrots that have been roasted, sautéed, mashed, or made into soups. Transfer these preparations to freezer bags or containers, leaving a couple inches of headspace to allow for expansion in the freezer.

Are soft carrots OK for juice? ›

While rubbery carrots cannot be juiced, if your carrots are a bit soft they can be revitalized a little by soaking them in a water bath for at least an hour before juicing. Cut off the top of the carrot before putting them in the water to help them absorb it better.

What does baking soda do to carrots? ›

Carrots contain pigments that are sensitive to changes in pH balance. When the shreds of carrot come into contact with the alkaline baking soda, a chemical reaction takes place that causes the pigments to change color. Ipso facto, green carrots!

Can dogs eat popcorn? ›

Plain, air-popped popcorn is safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. Buttered popcorn or popcorn with other toppings is not safe for your dog on a regular basis, although eating a few dropped pieces here and there probably won't hurt them.

Can dogs eat raw eggs? ›

Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs? Although cooked eggs can be a nutritious treat for your dog, raw eggs are dangerous. As with humans, raw eggs can expose dogs to harmful salmonella, which can then spread back to their pet parents (especially those with a compromised immune system).

Can dogs eat cucumbers? ›

Cucumbers are perfectly safe for dogs to eat, and offer a low-calorie, crunchy snack that many dogs love. Cucumbers only contain about 8 calories per one-half cup of slices, compared to the 40 calories in a single medium biscuit, and are very low in sodium and fat.

Why are my baby carrots slimy? ›

Carrot slime is caused by a build-up of bacteria on the surface of the vegetable. In short, they're starting to spoil. This can happen for a few reasons, but it's most common when carrots are stored in an airtight container without proper ventilation.

Do frozen carrots expire? ›

Once stored in the freezer your carrots will stay fresh for 10 to 12 months in the freezer, but will remain good to use beyond that time frame. So you've put your expertise on how to freeze carrots to good use and now you've found the perfect carrot-based casserole or soup recipe.

Do carrots spoil in fridge? ›

Raw carrots, when properly stored will usually stay fresh for around 3 to 4 weeks in the fridge. If your carrots are sliced or chopped, you can store them in the fridge and they'll last for about 2 to 3 weeks.

How do you store carrots? ›

Wrap the carrots in a paper towel and store in an airtight container. Keep carrots in the coolest part of your fridge, and away from fruits that product ethylene gas, such as apples, to prevent spoiling.

Is limp broccoli good? ›

Texture. Broccoli stems should be firm, and the florets should be crisp. If the stalk feels limp or soft, it's a sure sign of a bad bunch. The same goes for the florets.

How do you stop wasting vegetables? ›

  1. Select Fruits and Vegetables Wisely. Buy just what you need. ...
  2. Store Produce Properly. Store any perishable fresh produce, such as berries and leafy greens, in a clean refrigerator set to 40°F or below. ...
  3. Prepare Fruits and Vegetables Cleverly. ...
  4. Compost the Scraps.
17 Sept 2020

What is heavier than water? ›

Glycerol (or Glycerin) is more dense than water (1.26 g/cc). One could argue that glass is a very slow-moving, viscous liquid (although it has lots of properties of a solid, like rigidity). It's more dense than water. Even saltwater is more dense than water.

What happens if you put a carrot in salt water? ›

So, if a carrot is placed in very salty water, it will be less salty than the water around it. This causes the water in the carrot to move out of the carrot and into the salt water. The result is that the carrot becomes limp and tastes saltier than before.

What happens to a carrot in sugar water? ›

As solute concentration increased, so did osmotic pressure. The increased osmotic pressure in the high salt, sugar and isotonic drink solutions drew water out of the carrot, killing the carrot.

Can dogs eat celery? ›

Celery is listed among the vegetables that are safe for dogs by multiple sources, including the veterinary website Vetstreet.com, and is often recommended as a weight-loss treat. Celery is very low in fat and cholesterol and is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and K, folate, potassium, and manganese.

Can you freeze old celery? ›

Like most other fruits and vegetables, celery can be frozen. However, freezing celery may change its texture significantly, causing it to become less crisp. It may also lose some of its flavor depending on the freezing method. Fresh celery usually lasts around 2 months in the freezer.

Can you freezer celery? ›

To freeze celery, you don't have to blanch first, although blanching does result in a more flavorful outcome that lasts up to a year. If you don't blanch, plan to eat your celery within a few months. Blanch celery stalks for 3 minutes before cooling and packing into freezer bags or containers.

What should you not reheat in the microwave? ›

  1. Vegetables with High Amounts of Nitrates. If you have spinach or any green leafy vegetables, carrot, turnip or even celery, avoid reheating them in the microwave. ...
  2. Rice. You may be surprised, but rice comes under this category too. ...
  3. Eggs. ...
  4. Chicken. ...
  5. Potatoes. ...
  6. Mushroom. ...
  7. Cold Pressed Oil.
24 May 2018

Can I eat 5 day old leftovers? ›

Leftovers can be kept for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. After that, the risk of food poisoning goes up. If you don't think you'll be able to eat leftovers within four days, freeze them right away.

Which vegetables should not be refrigerated? ›

Here are all of the vegetables that don't require refrigeration before eating:
  • Garlic scapes.
  • Garlic.
  • Onions.
  • Potatoes.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Winter squash: acorn, butternut, delicata, and kabocha.
  • Fresh herbs: parsley, mint, and basil*
28 Feb 2022

Can you freeze cucumbers? ›

Dice or slice the cucumbers into even slices, about 1/4 inch thick. Lay the cucumber slices in a single layer on a parchment lined baking sheet. Set in the freezer and freeze for at least 2 hours, up to 24 hours. Transfer the frozen cucumber slices to an airtight freezer bag, then return them to the freezer.

Can I freeze onions raw? ›

There is no need to blanch onions. Freeze onions using one of the following methods: Dry Pack - Pour onions in freezer bags. Placing packages flat in the freezer helps the onions to freeze faster and makes it easier to break off sections as needed.

Can I freeze potatoes? ›

Basic methods for freezing potatoes

Lay the potato on a tray without letting them touch each other. Pop the tray into the freezer and, when frozen solid (about six to 12 hours), transfer to a resealable airtight freezer bag, remove any excess air, label and pop back into the freezer.

What should I do if I accidentally ate mold? ›

Most likely, you'll be okay.” However, in certain cases, the mold found on spoiled food could be dangerous, so if you suddenly develop symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, an elevated temperature or diarrhea, you should immediately seek medical help.

Will mold in yogurt hurt you? ›

The USDA isn't concerned about those. But the agency has a chart titled “Moldy Food: When to Use, When to Discard,” and here's what it says to do about moldy yogurt: Discard. It explains that “foods with high moisture content can be contaminated below the surface.

Does one moldy tomato ruin the rest? ›

Even if you only spot a bit of mold on the outside, there could be more mold lurking underneath the surface of your tomato, according to the USDA. If only one tomato in the bunch is moldy, compost or discard it and inspect the others for use as soon as possible.

How do you cook carrots to soften them? ›

Place carrots in a medium-sized pot and add enough water to cover the carrots. Add salt and stir the salt into the carrots. Add 1 tablespoon of butter to the carrots. Cook over medium heat for 10 to 12 minutes or until carrots are soft.

How long does it take to soften carrots in water? ›

Add sliced carrots to the pot of water and bring the water back to a boil. Boil sliced carrots for 4-5 minutes, baby carrots for 6-7 minutes and whole carrots for 10-15 minutes. This time will vary slightly depending on the thickness of the carrots. Carrots will be done boiling when they are fork tender.

How do you soften carrots without a steamer? ›

Place them in a microwave-safe bowl—covered with a plate or lid, never plastic wrap—with about 2 tablespoons of water, and microwave on high for 4 to 6 minutes. When ready, the carrots should be tender (again, test with a fork).

Will carrots soften in boiling water? ›

Carrots sliced into 1-4-inch slices take 4 to 5 minutes to cook to crisp tender. You can cook them a little longer if you prefer carrots that are even more tender. Just make sure not to boil them too long! Boil them over 10 minutes and the carrots will turn to mush.

What dishes can be made from carrots? ›

Best Carrot Recipes
  • Healthy Carrot, Olive and Almond Salad. ...
  • Ginger-Glazed Carrots with Toasted Spices. ...
  • Sweet and Spicy Carrots. ...
  • Carrot Cake Bread (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free) ...
  • Carrot Turmeric Soup. ...
  • Carrot Cake Banana Bread. ...
  • Spicy Korean Carrots. ...
  • Oatmeal Carrot Cookies.
2 Aug 2022

What does salt water do to carrots? ›

So, if a carrot is placed in very salty water, it will be less salty than the water around it. This causes the water in the carrot to move out of the carrot and into the salt water. The result is that the carrot becomes limp and tastes saltier than before.

What does putting carrots in water do? ›

Whole carrots stay nice and crunchy in their cold water bath, and this is also a great way to store packaged baby carrots. If the water starts to look cloudy, just swap it out with fresh water as needed. Stored this way, carrots have lasted weeks in my refrigerator with no ill effects, so give it a try!

Why is my carrot cake green? ›

Some pigments are sensitive to pH balances and will change colour if they are in a very acid or very alkaline environment. In the case of carrots they can change from orange to green if they are in a cake batter which is too alkaline and the alkaline in the ingredients comes from the bicarbonate of soda.

How do you soften vegetables without cooking them? ›

However, they can be softened without cooking. Vegetables can get a cooked texture, by a simple method of freezing and thawing. Freezing leads to tightening of the cell walls, and then thawing leads to their cracking, thus softening the vegetables.

Do you boil carrots in cold water? ›

Starting them in cold water brings the temp up slowly and evenly all the way through so that they cook perfectly inside and out." - Steven Satterfield.

Will carrots soften in the oven? ›

Roasted carrots cook best at 425 degrees F. This makes them soft and crispy at the same time, without burning them.

Will carrots soften in cold water? ›

Placing the food on ice or under cold water will quickly cool down the water content inside the food, quickly halting the residual cooking. With softening carrots, the goal of this is to only “cook” the carrots barely before putting them into something they can cool down quickly in.

How do you soften vegetables quickly? ›

Chop your veggies into even pieces and place in a microwave-safe dish and cover with a microwave-safe lid, plate, or plastic wrap. Add a small splash of water to the dish and microwave in 30-second increments for 90 seconds to 4 minutes, depending on size and vegetable.

Why should you not microwave carrots? ›

You don't want to put carrots in the microwave. "Arcing is sparks produced inside the microwave from the microwave's reaction with metallic materials. Carrots may contain minerals from the soil that can cause this spark," she says. And the same goes with hot dogs!

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.